About His Work with Janet            October 2020  

Our God Always Wins!

It's countdown week to what some have called the most important election in the history of America. Some of you may have already cast your vote and others like hubby and I will walk into our local polling place on November 3 and mark our ballots personally.

Regardless of how or when you voted, there's a good chance we will not know the final winner until days or weeks later. That will be disappointing. We've always enjoyed staying up until the wee hours of the morning until one of the presidential candidates was declared Commander and Chief for the next four years.

I think I inherited that election night ritual from my grandmother who was staying with my family during the 1960 presidential election held on Tuesday, November 8, 1960. In a closely contested election, Democrat United States Senator John F. Kennedy defeated incumbent Vice President Richard Nixon, the Republican Party nominee. I was only thirteen-years-old, but as I sat up with her on election night, I still remember my grandmother's passion and concern for Nixon to win and her serious disappointment when he lost.

I voted for the first time as a college student in 1968. It was quite memorable, as I drove myself bent over in excruciating pain to the voting polls determined to vote. Then I drove directly to the college medical center where I had emergency surgery for what they thought was appendicitis but turned out to be a ruptured ovarian cyst.

I slept through election night, but the first thing I asked when I opened my eyes the next morning was, "Who won?" The nurses turned on the TV and announced, "Richard Nixon!"

Not all election nights since have been quite as dramatic or memorable for me. But I was praying hard four years ago during election night for an outsider to win and jumping for joy, and yes praising God, when he beat Hillary Clinton. Like my grandmother, I'm still a proud Republican and I'll be praying just as hard on November 3, 2020.

But I think it's important for us all to keep in mind that regardless if our candidate for President, or any of the other congressional and local offices, wins or loses, God will not be surprised or any less sovereign. Our God rules. Our God reigns. Our God wins!

I have to wonder how many more people would be in heaven if we campaigned, prayed, and fasted just as hard for those who don't know that God is the King of the Universe as we do for someone to be President of the United States!

Whoever is in the White House, Jesus is in our house! He places us in families, neighborhoods, cities, counties, states, and countries where we can personally enhance democracy and kingdom values. Ask Jesus what role He wants you to play and don't be surprised at how he answers you.

Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest! Luke 19:38

About His Work,
PSS: When you can restart your Woman to Woman Mentoring now is the time to order your Mentor and Mentee Handbooks and any other resources. 
PSSS: If you're ready to start a Mentoring Ministry ALL Woman to Woman Mentoring Resources are available only at our website shop. 
PSSSS: Please share with us a story from your mentoring ministry to encourage other churches.
PSSSSS: Read the Author Interview with Ginny Dent Brant about her book Unleash Your God-Given Healing and a chance to win a free copy.

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October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month! I encourage each of you to get your annual mammogram. Mammograms saved my life three times! Don't let COVID prevent you from having all your checkups.

Sadly, we all know someone with breast cancer. I wrote this book to walk alongside her as a Breast Cancer Sister and provide comfort that with God she's never alone.

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 about your event to discuss availability.

Share Your Story

God has been nudging me to write a book on loneliness and now I know why! If you have a story of times you've felt alone, or are feeling alone now, or ideas you have to help someone experiencing loneliness, please contact me and we can discuss further.

Turn to me and have mercy, for I am alone and in deep distress. Psalm 25:16 NLT

             Mentoring Tip            
Find a civic project to work on together as M&M's.
   Woman To Woman Mentoring
Share Your Story


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*All Woman to Woman Mentoring Resources are available on my website and I sign each one.

   "GRAMMIE'S CORNER"       

I received a text from my fifteen-year-old granddaughter (wrapped in the blanket in the picture above) asking Grampa and me to pray for her friend's brother. He was in the hospital in ICU. My heart was so touched that Katelyn knew that her grandparents are prayer warriors. It's not the first time she's asked us to pray over something.

The legacy I pray we leave with our grandchildren is that when someone is struggling, they know their grandparents can be counted on to pray. And that they always appreciate the power of prayer in their own lives.

I smiled when her first text said that she "didn't have permission to ask for prayer." But then, her second text said she had permission and her friend said the more prayer the better. We've tried to instill in our grandchildren that on sensitive issues be sure you have permission to share about it.

The pictures above are of our three local grandchildren on Grampa's birthday. Sienna, the twelve-year-old holding their dog, made Grampa a delicious pie. What a special gift to him!

Children's children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children. Proverbs 17:6

Meet An Author

Unleash Your God-Given Healing
Eight Steps to Prevent and Survive Cancer
By Ginny Dent Brant

Talk about how long you have battled cancer, and how your initial diagnosis affected you emotionally and spiritually.

I was diagnosed just four months after my mom died from breast cancer. After going through the horrors of it with her, my initial response was shock, denial, and fear. I struggled spiritually with my diagnosis because I was a health nut. In desperation, I made an appointment with the hospital chaplain. He encouraged me to see my cancer as a gift from God to help other people. He suggested I write a book since I was an author and speaker. My response, "No thanks. I don't want the gift!" I didn't want to talk about cancer publicly and I was concerned what this cancer journey would do to my husband. My treatments included five surgeries, a year of chemotherapy infusions, and five years of chemotherapy by mouth. So technically, six years of treatments.

You implemented some specific changes to your lifestyle in addition to taking chemo. How did your doctors react to that?

My doctors were amazed when my blood work six weeks after chemotherapy showed that my red and white blood cells and platelets were all within normal ranges. They called me their "Rock Star" Cancer Patient because this usually takes two to five years.
We often go to the doctor wanting them to cure our ails with a pill, surgery, etc. We need to be asking, "What can I do to help my doctor improve my health status?" My book's foreword and commentary is written by an oncologist and medical researcher who runs a breast cancer center who agrees with my lifestyle changes and approach.
Are there specific things people can do to boost their immune system that might help with viruses such as COVID-19?

The same eight steps I explain in my book keep our immune system armed and ready for battle. For example, if you are properly hydrating, exercising regularly, eating nutritious foods that build the immune system and nourish your gut, your susceptibility for COVID-19 or any virus or flu will be less. And if you do get it, your symptoms will be less. I believe this COVID-19 is a wakeup call for us to realize we need to take better care of our bodies.
How has your cancer journey affected your faith?

I thank God for each day. I'm grateful for how He has created the body to heal and repair itself. I'm grateful for the gifts of nature He's provided for our healing. It's all a part of his miraculous design. But we must do our part. We must care for our body as the Bible instructs us. We can either enhance the wonderful immune system God has blessed us with by our lifestyle or we can suppress it. 

My journey has given me a new purpose in life--to educate and inform other people, help others to prevent cancer, and help those who are currently battling cancer. It's not something I would have chosen, but God is opening the doors and I'm excited about this new direction. Although those with my diagnosis who go through the treatments as I did are not promised tomorrow, my new philosophy is "Everyday is a gift." I plan to serve Him faithfully until He takes me home.

About the Author:
Ginny Dent Brant is a speaker and writer who grew up in the halls of power of Washington D.C. She has served as a counselor, educator, wellness advocate, and adjunct professor. She served as a trustee of the Baptist International Mission Board for eight years, and she and her husband participated in mission work in Yemen, Gaza, the Czech Republic, Russia, China, and Romania. Brant's award-winning book, "Finding True Freedom: From the White House to the World," was endorsed by the late Chuck Colson. 

To sign up for her cancer prevention blog and more please visit her website.

For your chance to win a free copy of Unleash Your God-Given Healing please contact Janet.   
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AHW Ministries 
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