About His Work with Janet April 2013
The Bible Came Alive For Me!
I hope you had the opportunity to watch The Bible television mini-series. If not, it's now available on DVD and I highly recommend it. Yes, it includes Hollywood theatrics and they had to combine various events and not show others or the series would have been a year long, instead of five weeks. But what The Bible series did do was get people talking about God's Word, the Bible!
I wrote a blog post about the media coverage The Bible received on programs like Entertainment Tonight, where they talked about Jesus as a real person and made no apologies about discussing the importance of His life and the value in watching the "epic series". The couple behind The Bible, Mark Burnett and his wife Roma Downey, received interviews and publicity on all the TV morning programs, Dr. Oz, Oprah, and numerous media outlets, that wouldn't normally even mention "Jesus" or the Bible. On the Dr. Oz show, they devoted part of the program to discussing the healthy diet Jesus probably ate.
For the month of March, The Bible was the buzzword and you couldn't turn on TV without hearing about it. There were undoubtedly numerous water cooler and coffee shop discussions going on around the world with the millions and millions of viewers.
I also heard criticism and skepticism, and honestly, it made me think of the Pharisees. Here we have a TV series devoted to bringing the Bible to life, and instead of celebrating that amazing event and using it as a means to evangelize and talk about Jesus while every talk show host and newscaster was talking about Him...some chose to pick the series apart. If you hear the hearts of Mark and Roma and the way God spoke to them to do this series, I think you have to reconsider denouncing it.
I've enjoyed visualizing the movie scenes as I read the Bible: the excellent portrayal of Paul persecuting Christians prior to meeting Jesus on the road to Damascus or the very real portrayal of the anguish of the crucifixion.
As I've been preparing to speak twice this month on "The Team That Jesus Built," I read the Book of Mark, which my book The Team That Jesus Built: How to Develop, Equip, and Commission a Women's Ministry Team is based on. Picturing Jesus training and preparing His disciples for His departure came alive to me in a fresh and new way that will help me bring it alive to my audiences as I train them in ministry team building Jesus-style.
I hope I've sparked your interest to see The Bible if you haven't seen it yet. If you were not pleased with it, perhaps you can look now at a different aspect and application. If you enjoyed The Bible as I did, you will keep the momentum of this epic series going by making the Good News of the Bible come alive in your life and the lives you touch every day. I know that's my purpose and my plan. How about you?
About His Work,
PS: Read "Meet an Author" with Elaine W. Miller for a chance to win a copy of Elaine's book We All Married Idiots: Three Things You Will Never Change About Your Marriage and Ten Things You Can. Send us a short comment on how this book will bless you to win a free copy of We All Married Idiots.
PSS: We are rescheduling Southwest Idaho Christian Women's Leadership Training Conference in Boise, to the fall. I'll let you know when I have a definite date.
PSSS: Still time to register to join me at LifeWay YouLead in Eugene, Oregon.
PSSSS: My stay-at-home man gave his testimony at the Easter Cowboy Breakfast.
PSSSSS: Do you struggle with unforgiveness. Read what I learned about forgiveness from Pastor Rick Warren.
Dear God, He's Home!
Includes discussion questions for support groups and book clubs.
Book Special $10.99 in our website shop
or for your Kindle from Amazon - $2.99 for a limited time!
Look Inside! | Dear God, He's Home! Trailer
| Would you like to do a book review or interview on your blog? Let's talk! What Readers Are Saying: I READ Dear God, He's Home LAST WEEKEND; COULDN'T PUT IT DOWN. It's a wonderful book! It's obvious that your passion is to "mentor." You have done that throughout the book (well, all your books that I've read). Your gift of writing is touching many, many women (and men) across the country and around the world with whom you will never ever come in personal contact with. That's HUGE!...read more
An Opportunity to Share Your Story in My Next Book!
It's official! My next book is one that I've been wanting to write for several years:
How Good Is God? I Can't Remember... 10 Ways to Remember God's Faithfulness
My dear friend Les Barnhart suggested the title during a discussion of how often we chastise the Israelites for repeatedly forgetting God's faithfulness, while doing the same thing ourselves. If you have a story of forgetting how faithful God has been to you in the past (and don't we all have them) and/or a story of ways that help you remember God's faithfulness, please contact me for guidelines.
Do You Need A Speaker?
To contact Janet
about your event call or email to discuss availability.
Two About His Work
Woman to Woman Mentoring
WTWM DVD Leader Resources
Everything you need for starting your Women's Mentoring Ministry
We have had a Mentoring Ministry for 7 years, this is my second year to lead it. Dell Coutant and Nita Boring began the ministry and had a great first year but knew they needed guidance. They purchased your Woman To Woman Mentoring DVD Leader's Kit and we have followed it ever since! I'm not sure if Dell went to a conference and heard about the success of your ministry or if she just began looking and found your literature.
My goal has been to involve more young women to keep it fresh and growing. And to keep the older women excited about sharing their lives with other women. We were able to add several younger women last year and it looks very hopeful that we will have even more this year.
We had a "Mentoring Game Night" a few weeks ago; about half of the women were there to hear more! The purpose was to keep in touch with those who had been involved and to invite new women who might be interested.
We are in the process of making a promotional video to use in our worship services two weeks before our coffee,which is May 5.
Thank you and may God continue to bless you and your ministry,
Cynthia Sublett FBC Tulsa, OK
Encouraging M&M story:
Hi Janet,
About 15 years ago I attended a Woman-to-Woman mentoring coffee @ Saddleback church and was matched with Ellie Swain. I just wanted you to know what a blessing that was. I moved to Arizona, and Ellie moved to Arkansas, but we visit each other and talk on the phone nearly every week to encourage each other in our walk with Jesus.
You made a difference in our lives. Thank you Janet.
Katie Keller
I'll Be Training Ministry Leaders and Teams on Mentoring and Team Building
- How about getting churches together in your area and bring Janet in for a training!
Please contact me for more information about training opportunities.
I know I have sung the praises of AWANA'S before, but I continue to be so impressed with everything my grandchildren are learning from this ministry! Here they are receiving their achievement awards for completing this year's assignments. Brandon can recite the 23rd Psalm without hesitating and he matter-of-factly reminded his family: "Easter is not about the candy you know. It's about hope!"
Doesn't that just melt your heart!
My prayer for all my grandchildren is that they each have a personal relationship with the author of Hope, Jesus Christ. Thanks to AWANA'S, these two are well on their way to making that life changing decision.
Mentoring Moment
"The key to understanding the Bible is to see Jesus on every page."
Warren Wiersbe
Meet An Author
We All Married Idiots:
Three Things You Will Never Change About Your Marriage and Ten Things You Can
by Elaine W. Miller
We All Married Idiots teaches husbands and wives to stop concentrating on the three things you will never change in your marriage and begin focusing on the ten things you can. Then, you will esteem your mate as a gift to treasure, not as an idiot to tolerate.
Interview with the author, Elaine W. Miller below:
Did we ALL marry idiots? What caused you to name a book, We All Married Idiots: Three Things You Will Never Change About Your Marriage and Ten Things You Can. Years ago during an argument with my husband I thought, I must have been an idiot to marry this idiot! Then I burst out laughing realizing that makes me an idiot too! Later I learned the word "idiot" is derived from the Greek word "common man." Well, aren't we all common man? In fact there was only one uncommon man-Jesus Christ. When we look to our spouses to fulfill needs that only Christ can fulfill, then husbands and wives become dissatisfied with their marriages. So yes, we all did marry idiots; and so did our spouses.
What is the purpose of We All Married Idiots?
With the divorce rate around 50% for Christians and non-Christians, my heart is broken for marriages. Too many couples give up too soon for too little reason. They enter a second marriage only to realize, Ugh, this person is an idiot too! My purpose is to change that divorce statistic. We All Married Idiots will help couples enjoy marriage as God intended. One where their mate is esteemed as a gift to treasure not as an idiot to tolerate.
Tell us about your marriage?
Dan and I have been married 41 years. Our first years of marriage were rough. I packed his bags numerous times because I was looking to him to fulfill needs that only Jesus could fulfill. I wasn't happy, so I thought (as many unhappily married people think), perhaps I married the wrong person. I shudder thinking what my life would have been like had I successfully thrown away this wonderful man who I love with all of my heart.
Why did you write We All Married Idiots?
I tried to give up on my marriage, but I was married to a man determined to hold on and to glorify God. He was committed to me for a lifetime. What a great guy and an amazing man of God! I can't imagine my life without him. Realizing what my life would have been had I divorced him makes me shudder. I wrote We All Married Idiots to save marriages from the pain I inflicted on myself and on Dan. I wrote to glorify God and to change that awful 50% divorce rate.
We All Married Idiots is a great tool for individual study or couples to study together. I'd love to see it used in small-group home meetings where you invite your neighbors to study it with you. Think about it. Fifty percent of our neighbors are headed for divorce. We could change that statistic by reaching out to them with a We All Married Idiots small group. The questions at the end of each chapter are not threatening and do not require a theological degree to understand. As one reviewer said, "This is the most accessible Christian book I have ever read."
Elaine W. Miller is also the author of Splashes of Serenity: Bathtime Reflections for Drained Moms
and Splashes of Serenity: Bathtime Reflections for Drained Wives. We All Married Idiots is available online as a print or ebook and at your local bookstore. Autographed copies available on Elaine's website or you can email her.
Contact us to enter drawing for a free book.
Janet's Publications
Featured Article
Speaking 2013
April 19-20
"61st CMTA IMPACT Convention - Pasadena Convention Center, Pasadena, CA
May 11
"Mother's Day Tea"
Journey Church, Idaho Falls, ID
Janet and daughter Kim will be speaking on "Are You the Woman Today You Want Your Daughter to Become?"
Conatact: Carmen Peters, email: shifli03@gmail.com
June 22
June 22 6:00 PM
Foothills Christian Church
Boise, ID
Contact: Valerie Biderman
Foothills Women's Ministry
Plan to Attend a LifeWay
YOU Lead - Training Women in Ministry Conference
I'll teach on "Mentoring" and "The Team That Jesus Built"
is a 2-day
Women's Leadership Training event preceding
Living Proof Live
with Beth Moore. Attend both and get a discount. ********************
Do you have a story on:
1. Forgetting how good God has been in your life?
2. Ways you remember how good God has been.
3. Life is hard
4. Being a mentor or mentee
5. The value of mentoring in your life
Please email me with your story or questions.
Do you have a Blog?
If you have a blog, I'd love to do a blog interview with you and do a book give away.
Or, if you would like to have a contest with a book give away, or need a guest article, let me know.
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Coaching and Consulting Services
Let Janet help you:
- Build a new ministry team
- Rebuild a current team,
- Take your team to the next level.