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February 5, 2012


Have a great week!
Hopkins Hillel


Shabbat + Tel-Aviv UniversityHillelStaff
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Friday Night:  

Orthodox services 5pm (Hillel, MPR)

Conservative/Egalitarian Services 5pm (Hillel, Beit Midrash)
Dinner 6pm (Hillel)


Services 9am
Lunch 12pm

Smokler Center for Jewish Life:  

3109 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218 


SupHillelSuperbowl at Hillel
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Come watch the Superbowl at Hillel! Delicious snacks will be provided. Kick-off is at 6:30 PM. We will also being showing Animal Planet's Puppy Bowl on the big screen, beginning at 3 PM.


 For more information check out this event on Facebook 


Tu B'shvat Seeding and Eating! Tubshvatseeding transparent logo


Tu B'shvat is this coming Wednesday February 8th, and, in case you don't already know, this is considered by Jewish law to be a new year for the trees. What better way to celebrate this holiday than by planting some seeds at Hillel! Also, as is customary on Tu B'shvat, we will chow down on some of the 7 species of plants that grow in Israel as well as other usual Tu B'shvat snacks such as nuts and dried fruits.

So come to Hillel at 4:30pm on Wednesday, February 8th to plant some seeds, eat some tasty treats, and do a short text study to give some meaning to the day!

For more information check out the facebook event.



SNLSNL (Saturday Night Lights) Ice Skating
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Come join Hillel Saturday February 11th for ice skating in Patterson Park! Free transportation will be provided. We'll be meeting at Hillel at 6:30pm and returning around 9pm. Cost is only $6!





Hillel ASB in Jamaica!!Jama
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What are you doing over spring break? Interested in going to Jamaica? Come to an information session at Hillel Thursday, February 9 at 4:30pm to learn about Jamaica Shalom - Tikkun Olam. You'll learn about the Jewish history of Jamaica while having fun in the sun and doing meaningful community service work with the elderly and homeless. The trip is $1200 all inclusive! Contact Julie at for more information! 


JNF Alternative Spring BreakJNF
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Go to Israel with Hopkins Hillel and JNF on Alternative Spring Break, March 17-24, 2012. Join other Hopkins students and young adults for a week of community service benefiting JNF's Operation Carmel Renewal to help rebuild Northern Israel from the devastating fire of December 2010. The trip is free, paid for by generous JNF donors, but participants are responsible for raising a minimum of $1100. Register under the Hopkins Hillel team and check out our Facebook page. Any questions please contact Julie at

JLIC: Jewish Learning Initiative on CampusJLIC
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We will be sad to see the Magence family move back to Israel this summer and we will have several opportunities to celebrate them and wish them well.  Rabbi Ilan Haber from the Orthodox Union is coming to Hopkins on Monday to talk to us about the process of engaging our next JLIC rabbi.  Any student who is interested in being a part of this process is welcome to attend a meeting with Rabbi Haber on Monday, February 6, 2012 at 4 PM in the library at Hillel.  If you have questions about the process or JLIC at Hopkins, please contact Debbie.



Volunteer Opportunitiesvolunteer
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Join other Hopkins students and volunteer at the Baltimore Child Abuse Center. Help facilitate educational and creative activities (reading, writing, and arts & crafts) for children any day Monday-Friday from 4:30-7:30pm, weekly, biweekly, or whenever your schedule allows! The Center is located at 2300 N. Charles Street, very close to Hopkins! If interested contact Julie at for details and the volunteer form.



Help serve breakfast to those in need at the Manna House, 8-10am any day of the week. Transportation is provided. Contact Julie at for more information. 

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Meal Plan MealPlan
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As the spring semester is about to begin make sure to sign up for your Shabbat and Holiday meal plans. We have New Shabbat dinner prices for this academic year. We lowered the cost of Shabbat dinner this year from $17 to $12 to welcome more students into the Hillel family. Please sign-up for this wonderful new meal plan today. For students who show up at the door on Friday night for dinner without signing up in advance, the price of dinner is $15.


*New: Book of 5 Lunches  $50.00

*New: Book of 5 Dinners  $60.00


Taglit-Birthright Israel TaglitIsrael
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Are you interested in going to Israel this June with Taglit-Birthright Israel? Spend 10 days with other Hopkins students traveling all across Israel, learning about Jewish and Israeli culture through the places, the people, the food, and more. Registration for Summer 2012 trips opens February 15 at 10:00am, if you applied in the past you can register early on February 14 at 12:00pm. Any questions? Email Julie at, who will also be in Gilman on February 15 to help with registration.




Join the Jewish-Christian Coalition  JewishChristian

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Interested in hearing a new perspective on some old texts? Join the Jewish-Christian Coalition! This semester, we will be having guest speakers as well as monthly text studies. Email Bernie Hodkin at for more information.