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KEEN Greater DC

On the Move!

News, Inspiring Stories and Information from KEEN Greater DC


In This Issue

New VA Bowling

thank you

 Autism Speaks

KEEN is excited to share that its newest free-of-charge program, KEEN Bowling for teens and young adults, opened in January. The program, which is funded in part through a grant from Autism Speaks, takes place twice a month at Bowl America in Falls Church, VA.  At KEEN Bowling athletes put on their bowling shoes, get their ball and enjoy exercise and camaraderie with their peers.  KEEN volunteer coaches are paired one-to-one with the athletes to assist, as needed, with getting ready to play, scoring and expanding social skills.  Thank you Autism Speaks for making this new program possible!


What Makes KEEN Unique?

Programs are:
  • Free of charge
  • Non-competitive
  • Open to children with any type or severity of disability
  • Run by volunteers
  • Funded by the community  

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On the Move!  

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GOLF Classic, May 4, 2015

Join us for the 2015 KEEN Golf Classic on Monday, May 4 at beautiful Woodmont Country Club.  

Golf Logo The tournament will feature a round of golf,  games and contests, great auction items, lunch, cocktails and dinner. You do not want to miss this exciting event! Foursomes are $2,000 and single golfers are $500. 


Visit our golf classic registration webpage for further details.

Bullis Gives Back 5K Buddy Walk

The Bullis School community in Potomac, Maryland is inviting all our KEEN athletes to participate in their annual Bullis Gives Back 5K Buddy Walk event. KEEN athletes will have the opportunity to be paired with Bullis students for the buddy walk and other fun activities including a moon bounce obstacle course, pony rides, face painting and many other attractions. If you would like to participate, please register HERE.

We are very grateful to the Bullis community for again choosing KEEN Greater DC as one of the beneficiaries of this event. Their financial support, raised and received through the fundraising side of this event, helps us to keep all KEEN programs free of charge for all of our athletes and families.

Note: the event is free of charge ONLY for KEEN athletes and their families.
Volunteer Leaders: We Want You!
Coaches 1

Do you have leadership skills you would like to develop or put to good use? Are you interested in getting more involved with KEEN and meeting community oriented peers? Join KEEN's Coaches Committee Volunteers and become part of a dedicated group of volunteers ensuring that all of KEEN's weekend programs are a success.

The Coaches Committee members need help to share the responsibilities and fun of running our weekend programs. Some of the responsibilities includes:
*help with the on-site volunteer and athlete registartion
*providing orientation to new coaches before each session
*matching athletes with a volunteer at each session
*being on site at each program to oversee activities and make sure everyone has fun!

Interested? Not sure?  Questions? Email Beata  

Save the Dates in 2015!

May 3rd-Bullis School 5K Buddy Walk

May 4th-KEEN Golf Classic @ Woodmont Country Club

June 7th-KEEN Sports Festival for All Families Volunteers at the Avenel Park in Potomac, MD

November 7th-KEENFest, Dinner Auction

We Want to Hear From You 

You can make KEEN On the Move! as informative as possible. Please let us know what YOU want to read about.  Know an athlete, volunteer, business or donor who is creating acceptance and opportunities through KEEN Greater DC?  Send your ideas to


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