January 26, 2024 / Shevat 16, 5784

Shabbat Begins 4:41 p.m.  Shabbat Ends: 5:51 p.m.  


The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas has sparked global protests and demonstrations, with efforts to broker a truce and secure the release of the hostages. On January 21st, King David proudly led the weekly Sunday rally supporting Israel.

The program began with Grade 12 students Aidan Ariel, Leo Kallner, and Arel Steen welcoming everyone and expressing their solidarity with Israel. Everyone was united in their call for the immediate release of the hostages held by Hamas, emphasizing the value of life and hope for their safe return.

The rally included speeches from King David parent, Rutie Mizrahi, alumnus Erica Forman (Class of 2022) and her brother, current Grade 12 student Max Forman, and Head of School, Russ Klein. Students and staff also led the crowd in song with musical performances of "Habaita" and "Am Israel Chai." 

Rutie shared that two family members had been taken hostage on October 7 and while her cousin, Yocheved was one of the first hostages released, her husband, Oded, is still being held. She highlighted the importance of sending her four children to King David so that they were prepared for the antisemitism we are experiencing today.

Max and Erica spoke eloquently, expressing their concerns about the global lack of education on Jewish matters and the rise of antisemitism. Max expressed his belief in the resilience of their community to combat antisemitism, "At King David, our strong sense of community was tested when we learned of the tragic killing of alumnus Ben Mizrachiz'l on Oct 7. Nevertheless, our unwavering togetherness has helped us navigate through these tough times...we strongly believe that our education and our community are strong enough to help us rise up and face the antisemitism that we are facing head-on."

Erica concluded by sharing how our Jewish values can guide us through adversity, "In times like these, I believe our core values of community are the only way forward. We cannot combat hate with hate; instead, we must respond with love, compassion, and understanding."

Russ thanked the alumni, students and Rutie for their contributions to the rally and extended his gratitude to Daphna Kedem and Ezra Shanken for facilitating the Sunday rallies.

He went on to share that standing united calling for the release of the hostage and praying for the safety of the IDF soldiers and hostages is a daily action at King David and said, "As I spend every day with our students, I can honestly say they give me hope."

The event concluded with the singing of "O Canada" and "Hatikvah," by Ilana Guez (Class of 2021) accompanied on the violin by Luca Jeffrey, Grade 12. The rally carried a positive message of unity and resilience.

After the rally, Leo and Aidan shared that,"It was such a great opportunity for us as a school and community to come together, during such difficult times. We also understand the importance of representing King David students at the rally, as we are the future of the community and need to stay united and together as we always do."


Thursday on Tu B’Shevat, we learned about the connection of Tu B’Shvat and the land of Israel, we enjoyed some dried fruit and the great cookies that were made for us by our Foods students. Thank you for the amazing almond cookies!

A group of Grade 11 students went to the L’Chaim Senior Program at the JCC to visit, share their cookies, and play a Tu B’Shevat trivia game with the seniors. A fun time was had by everyone!


Thursday night marked an exhilarating chapter in our community's sports history as the Vancouver Talmud Torah (VTT), King David High School (KDHS), and West Vancouver Secondary School communities converged for a spirited evening of basketball in the VTT Gym. The event drew in over 180 fans and added another layer to our school experiences.

Our heartfelt appreciation goes to the Student Leadership Team for their extensive planning and unwavering dedication, ensuring a seamless and fun experience for all. Their commitment to fostering community spirit was palpable, evident in the lively atmosphere they created. With an abundance of ruach, they enhanced the game experience, and the school store, set up for the event, offered refreshments to all attendees. Special thanks to Romy Alterman, Isabelle Levsky, and Noam Knurik for leading the charge and Max Forman, Ido Berger and Tamir Gini for fulfilling their roles perfectly. 

The game itself unfolded as an exciting contest, with the Lions starting strong and securing a commanding 7-point lead. Things heated up during an excellent halftime game and a fire alarm went off delaying the second half. Arel Steen and Paul Zychlinski stayed warm in the second half. Arel carried the squad with strong inside scoring and Paul led the line late getting to the hoop for some important late baskets. 

A special thanks to VTT for generously hosting the event, and providing a welcoming space for our communities to come together. Thank you to everyone involved—our spirited student leaders, VTT, West Vancouver Secondary School, and United Jewish Shield—for contributing to a night of community and basketball that will be remembered fondly.


Whether it’s a product, service, gift card, or a unique experience, your contribution will play a crucial role in helping us achieve our fundraising goals. Thank you for supporting King David’s Gala through your generous donation!

Date: Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Venue: Congregation Beth Israel


Contact Justine Folk

Development Assistant



Science & the Jews

Sunday, January 28

7:30 p.m

Location: Schara Tzedeck

Click image for more information

Medical Ethics Rounds

Thursday, February 1

7:30 p.m

Location: Beth Israel

Click image for more information


Sunday, Feebruary 4

4:00 p.m.

Location: temple Sholom

Click image for more information

The Legality of Combatting


Thursday, February 15

8:30 a.m - 4:30 p.m.

Location: Beth Israel

Click image for more information

The History of Israel

and its People

March 10, 11 & 12

7:30 p.m

Location: Beth Israel

Click image for more information

Mission to Israel

JNF Canada, Beth Israel,

and Hare El

April 1-8, 2024

 Click image for more information


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