MARC celebrates BCA Month!

Click Here to See MARC on the Patch!

Vending for Change Logo

Vending for Change is getting a NEW logo! Vending For Change, “Your Change Supports Change”, is owned and operated by the reMARCable people with disabilities from MARC, Inc. of Manchester. We're asking for your help in choosing the new logo created by the

talented Ron Melnick from RDesigns.

Click Here to Cast Your Vote!

Amazon Smile

When you shop on, you can direct corporate dollars to MARC, Inc. of Manchester simply by logging into to get started.

Go to and select Marc Inc of Manchester as your charity of choice. Then shop! 

Respite & Recreational Services

Click Here to Visit the Respite Page!

MARC has a new respite set up on our website! Our respite page can be accessed on our site under the services tab. You can sign up for all the current events on Eventbrite which is linked on the respite page.

Contact Respite & Recreation Coordinator, Lucas Veo, via email or call 860-646-5718 x187.

Drive-In Movie Night This Thursday, 10/20

MARC can only fit 35 cars max for the Drive-In Movie Night. Registration for this event is now closed.

Halloween Dance 10/27

Click Here to RSVP!

Evening of Gratitude

RSVP Here!

MARC Moments :)

Make Your MARC

'Making Your MARC' means that you have made a positive impact in the world. Whether that be through painting, drawing, photography, storytelling, etc. By 'Making Your MARC', you inspire others to be creative and passionate about the things they love. View our MARC family's beautiful showcase at:

If you want to be a part of Make Your MARC, send whatever you would like to be featured on our website to!

Contributing to The MARC Family

Would you like to contribute to MARC Inc. and be a part of the MARC Family?

If so, you can donate here!

Donating to MARC makes a difference in the lives of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Help make our programs and services even stronger!

If you have questions, concerns, or suggestions, please contact us at
860-646-5718 or
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