November 6, 2018
2018 MEMSPA Annual Conference | December 5-7, 2018
Keynotes from Sean Covey , Kim Campbell & Jimmy Casas !
November Update
Micki Berg, President
Good Morning!  I hope this newsletter finds you moving into November briskly, with Halloween 2018 in the books!

Reflecting on my 10 years of being an administrators I have realized how much of an island the principalship can be sometimes.  It was difficult my first years, as I was a stand alone principal in my district and within the first 3 weeks of being “on the job,” I had to face: drug sniffing dogs in for my 6th graders, an armed robbery at the establishment down the road (with us having to go into full lockdown for 3 hours) and a hostile parent situation resulting in another lockdown.  I can remember calling my old principal and saying, “You didn’t teach me anything like this during my internship!” Going through some of these early career experiences allowed me to further develop relationships with principals from the neighboring districts which were cemented at my first MEMSPA State Conference in December. I encourage your to reach out to your Region representatives for support, laughter and friendship.  If you aren’t sure who might be from your region, no worries, I have pictures from our first MEMSPA Board Meeting (and please note, these are NOT all of your representatives from your Region and two regions left before I took pictures). If you still feel awkward reaching out to them, please let me know and allow me to introduce you, because our organization is a wonderful avenue of support. I can be reached at: 517-581-2553 or [email protected] .

Green Meadow Elementary’s journey to become Leader In Me, Lighthouse School has been about building student leadership and ownership in our school and learning
IHSIP Grant Year 2 School Report - Susan Caswell
Green Meadow Elementary’s journey to become a Leader In Me Lighthouse School has been about building student leadership and ownership in our school and learning. Students have a voice in school decisions, parent’s support our Parent Lighthouse Team and the staff collaboration contributes to a culture where student leadership is the focus. 

Green Meadow provides an environment through the implementation of our school mission: Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow, Colts Forever. We implemented the "Leader in Me" initiative to enable our students to further focus on the development of life-long leadership skills. This initiative is embedded in all that we do. Evidence can be seen in the roles and responsibilities that students play within our school. Staff and students utilize, incorporate, and model this language daily throughout the school. Daily lessons reinforce and focus on our leadership endeavor.

Green Meadow Elementary Student Lighthouse Team has an important role at our school. Members help share their peers’ ideas, interests, and concerns with faculty. They also help with school wide projects, assisting the teacher Lighthouse Team and building community relations. At Green Meadow Elementary, the education of our students is first and foremost before all things. This endeavor is comprised of the school, our families, our community, and our business partners.
Students and Staff at Jack P. Haas Elementary are Getting Positive with P2!
IHSIP Grant Year 2 School Report - Bethany Zito
Jack P. Haas Elementary School in the Genesee School District is a 2018-2019 Positivity Project Partner School! With the support of MEMSPA, IHSIP Grant, and the Positivity Project (P2) organization, all staff members received training and the necessary resources to teach K-6 students the 24 character strengths that embody positive psychology.

Positive psychology teaches us that positive relationships are a key component of good health. Everyday, during morning classroom meetings, and through student-led video announcements, students are learning how to develop these character strengths in themselves in an effort to improve their relationships with others. This daily ritual provides students with voice and safety to explore aspects of their personality to strengthen their social and emotional learning.

Students and staff alike have wholeheartedly adopted the mantra “other people matter” as we embark on our journey toward stronger relationships and better health. #WeAreGenesee!
Partner Spotlight
Join Us for a Breakfast Workshop
Strategies for Facilitating Rich Conversations in the Discourse-Driven Mathematics Classroom|

Discourse-driven classrooms become a reality when all students are enabled to think critically, collaborate to solve problems, critique the reasoning of others, and ultimately, own their learning with a growth mindset. This session will focus on strategies for facilitating and enhancing mathematical discussions in the classroom that will encourage students to own their learning, build a growth mindset, and develop deeper conceptual understanding.