MTM-CNM Family Conference 2013
July 2012Newsletter
MTM-CNM Family Conference
Greetings from the Planning Team
Shannon, Chrissie, Erin, and Marie
It's been a year since our last MTM-CNM Family Conference and we are well into the preparations for next year's family conference. For families who are new to the MTM or CNM diagnosis, we encourage you to keep abreast of the ongoing developments regarding the conference by joining our mailing list and our official conference Facebook page. And if you know a family who is not receiving our updates or part of the Facebook group, please feel free to forward this message or add them to the conference page.

We're very much looking forward to hearing from you and to seeing you next year!


Location and Dates
We are in the process of finalizing some of the logistics, so we will provide the information about the venue and specific dates of the conference very soon. Traveling with MTM-CNM individuals and their families can be a daunting task, and we know that you will need ample time to prepare. One very important thing to keep in mind is that you are not alone! Many of us have gone and will be going through the same process, and we can offer plenty of tips and pointers about traveling, whether by driving or by flying. Be confident in the knowledge that we are 100% committed to helping our families get to the conference!
About MTM-CNM Family Conference
For newcomers to our MTM-CNM family, the first family conference took place in Houston, TX in July 2009 and the second took place in Minneapolis, MN in July 2011. While the two year pace appears to be about the right fit for our community for the conference, we also love to see families strengthen the connections formed at the conference through regional get-togethers and fun outings!
Our main goals are to promote networking and bonding among the families affected by MTM-CNM and to educate our community through the expertise of the brilliant doctors and researchers who study this disease, as well as the awesome and indispensable "parent-experts" who are a fantastic resource about the ins and outs of daily life with MTM-CNM. 

For more information, check out our webpage at
Warmest regards,
Your MTM-CNM Conference Planning Team!

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