Maine AFP PineCones E-Newsletter
2017 October

MAF COD Delegates Reflect On COD:
"True story: As a hunter was walking through the Alaskan woods, he was charged by a bear. She quickly overtook him and knocked him flat on his back. She stood over him, with her large paw firmly restraining him. She didn't hurt him, but he didn't dare to move. The bear sto od there with her paw on his chest, pinning him to the ground, looking proudly at her cubs, as they walked by.   As soon as they passed, she lifted her paw and walked off after them."

In his campaign speech, our newly selected President-elect, John Cullen of Alaska, used the allegory of that she bear to represent his image of our Academy: determined, firm, but gentle. Other officers elected by your 2017 Congress of Delegates included Alan Schwarzstein of Wisconsin as Speaker, Russell Kohl of Oklahoma replacing Alan as Vice Speaker, and three members of the Board of Directors, Sterling Ransone of Virginia, Windel Stracener of Indiana and Erica Swegler of Texas. There is currently no one from New England serving of the AAFP Board; the opportunity to serve is open to any member.
(MAFPs 2017 Delegation: Ron Blum, Elisabeth Mock, Jessica Richmond, Dieter Kreckel, Pat Connolly)
58 resolutions were presented and thoroughly vetted at five Reference Committees before being considered by the Congress as a whole.   Also a Special Hearing was held to consider options for changes in how the Congress does the business of selecting your Board representatives and officers.  Currently the nominees are put forward by state chapters. There is consideration of replacing that process with a Nominating Committee or selection by the Board.

Here are some issues that seemed to command the most interest. Recognition of health, versus health care, as a human right commanded a lot of discussion, and was ultimately passed, after some word smithing on the floor of the Congress. Resolutions in support of single payer/universal health insurance, repealing the Hyde amendment, and "medical aid-in-dying" were controversial and ultimately referred to the AAFP Board for further consideration, as was one encouraging address of burnout and resiliency as a points-earning component of Maintenance of Certification. For a detailed review of the Resolutions and their disposition, you may go to   (Ronald Blum MD, MAFP Delegate) 
Views From the 2017 COD & Family Medicine Experience (FMX) 
Thousands of enthusiastic family physicians, their guests and others flocked to San Antonio for the 2017 Congress of Delegates and Family Medicine Experience Sept. 11-16.  
Join the AAFP in the "Pursuit of Health - for All" AAFP Announces "The EveryONE Project" 
The AAFP and its Center for Diversity and Health Equity are taking a leadership role in addressing diversity and social determinants of health as they impact individuals, families, and communities.
Family Docs helping Family Docs -  
Hurricane Maria Generator Project:
MAFP is proud to be part of this - donating to purchase 1 generator to help Family Physicians in Puerto Rico be able to begin to get their offices and clinics open and treating their patients again! If you want to part of this effort - visit the Indiana AFP's website here:
Puerto Rico AFP Family Docs receiving donated generators:

As of 10/11/17 $64,455 has been donated - 51 generators have been provided - all monies above and beyond amounts to purchase generators is going to purchase clinic supplies, water, food, etc as needed.
Volunteer & Donate to help those affected:
If you want to volunteer to help - information:   join "Medical Disaster Response Network" Facebook group-HERE:    

The AAFP Foundation partners with Heart To Heart International (HHI) & International Medical Corps (IMC) - they have been on the ground since these hurricanes struck.    Donations to the AAFP Foundation designated for "Disaster Relief: 2017 Hurricane Season" will be distributed between these two organizations where the need is greatest.  More information and to DONATE HERE
Learn how MIPS payment adjustments will affect employed physicians, and use the AAFP checklist to assess your group's data capture and reporting efforts.LEARN MORE HERE 
Mark Your Calendars and Save the Date!

Connect with the MAFP:
Telephone:  207-938-5005
Like us on Facebook
In This Issue
Views from COD & FMX
the "Everyone Project"
Hurricane Generator Project
MACRA for Employed Docs
2018 MAFP Update
Pediatric Survey
ZIKA Virus Alerts
Opioids In Maine
Brief Survey for Pediatric, Family Providers
survey line

request from the American Academy of Pediatrics Maine Chapter:
We have a brief survey that measures how family physicians and medical and surgical specialists are managing this. There is a tsunami of kids with intellectual and other developmental disabilities aging out of pediatric care and we like to be sure we have a reasonable system of care to help with the transition. Please take this short survey to help us learn about protocols you may have, if you are aware of any best practices, what your understanding is of the need, etc.
Thank you in advance for taking this short survey to help us, help children!!

ZIKA Virus Alerts Available through Maine CDC Health Alert Network System (HAN)
Zika virus is primarily transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected mosquito (Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus). Zika virus can also be passed sexually and from a pregnant woman to her fetus. Since we are still learning about this virus and recommendations will likely continue to change, it is important that all physicians sign up for the Maine Health Alert Network (HAN) HERE to receive urgent updates regarding Zika. 
(Maine Health Alert Network (HAN) is a secure web-based communication system used by the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention and its partners to exchange information with and between their respective agencies.)

Opioids in Maine

Visit MAFPs Resource Page for updates on the new law, training's, as well as physician and patient resources

Be a champion for Family Medicine!  

Host a Student for a Shadowing Experience

Help promote our specialty to students at the high school and college level.  If you would be interested in being included on a list of physicians willing to host a student for a shadowing experience, please let us know! 

Vicki Hayes, MD. FMIG Faculty Advisor, MMC Dept. of Family