December 6
Count Your Kid In Preschool Screening Clinic,
December 11-13
BOGO Book Fair,
December 11
4th Grade Nutcracker Ballet, Century II Concert Hall, 9:15-11:30am
December 17
Kindergarten Music Program, (Woodard, Sahlfeld, Loux),
MSE Cafeteria,
December 18
Kindergarten Music Program, (Woody & Wohler),
MSE Cafeteria, 3:00-3:20pm
December 21
End of Term
December 24-January 3
K-12, Winter Break
January 4
K-12, Teacher Work Day
January 7
School Resumes,
January 18
Count Your Kid In Preschool Screnning Clinic,
January 21
K-12, Professional Development Day
January 24
with Dad
(A-M), Cafeteria,
January 25
with Dad,
Dental Screenings
January 29
Lifetouch Casual and Classroom Group Portraits
February 14
K-5 Valentine Parties,
February 15
K-12, Professional Development Day
February 19
SITE Council Meeting, 6:00pm
February 28
3rd Grade Music Program,
MHS Auditorium, 7:45pm
March 7
Chick-fil-A Spirit Night, 4:00-8:00pm
March 8
End of Term
March 11-15
Spring Break
April 1
1st Grade Music Program,
MHS Auditorium, 7:15pm
April 16
4th Grade Music Program, MSHS Auditorium, 6:30pm
5th Grade Music Program, MSHS Auditorium, 7:30pm
April 17
Parent/Teacher Conferences, 4:00-8:00pm
April 18
No School,
K-12, Parent/Teacher Conferences, 12:00-8:00pm
April 19
No School,
K-12, Conference Comp Day
May 8
Kindergarten Adventure, 4:00-8:00pm
May 10
No School,
K-12, Professional Development Day
Kindergarten Adventure
Pt. 2,
May 13
Band Concert, MSHS Auditorium, 7:00pm
May 14
Orchestra Concert,
MHS Auditorium, 7:00pm
May 17
K-5 Spring Parties,
May 22
Last Day of School
End of Term
Giving to others who are in need...
sharing what you have with others...
being kind and unselfish...
thinking of others before yourself.
MSES can NOT accept deliveries of flowers, balloons, candy, cookies, etc. This is per USD 266 District Policy. We appreciate your cooperation.
Party invitations CANNOT be distributed at school. We ask that you mail invitations for personal events or parties directly to the home of the student(s) you are inviting.
Parents and guardians may opt to include
your address, primary phone number, email addresses, student's school and student's grade level in the Skyward Family Access Student Directory so that other families with login rights to Family Access can view your contact information.
Please remember the use of cell phones by students
Maize South Elementary Express
3404 N. Maize Rd.
Wichita, KS 67205
316.462.8300 December
Dear Parents,
Thank you for making our Mad about Science Night a huge success! We had over 500 people in attendance that evening and it appeared to be a great night for everyone. Thanks to all our teachers and staff who planned and came out to supervise the event. Thanks, also, to the many groups who brought in science experiments and set up stations for our students. We all had a great time and might have even learned a little!
Students are still in the voting process for our MSES mascot. The final three nominees were wolves, phoenixes and tigers. We will finish up our voting this week, ask for board approval for our final
mascot selection and then reveal the winning mascot before winter break.
Be sure to keep your eye on the events/dates listed to the left. It's going to be a busy month!
Meg Thimmesch
MSE Principal
WHO: Parents, Students and Friends of MSE
WHAT: BOGO Book Fair, that's right BUY ONE GET ONE FREE
WHEN: Noon to 4:15 Tuesday, Dec. 11 -thru Thursday, Dec. 13
WHERE: MSE Media Center
WHY: Save money buying books for yourself or gifts!!
HOW: Reps from Scholastic will man the cash registers and run the book fair, which will allow us to have classes as usual.
For the 5th year in a row MSE will be able to donate blankets, hats, bracelets, pot holders and other gifts to both Ronald McDonald Houses and the Wichita Children's Home. Due to the generous giving of our MSE students and parents we have purchased many yards of fleece as well as beads, paper for origami, pot holder loops and gloves to decorate for those with Alzheimers. Be sure to ask your elves what project they worked on!
In compliance with Kansas State Statutes, district students will soon receive a dental screening unless a parent does not want their child to participate. This screening will be provided at your child's school and will be at no charge. If your child is already under regular dental or orthodontic care and you wish to opt out, please email Stephany, School Nurse,at
If you have already returned the opt-out form you do not need to email. A screening in no way replaces comprehensive clinical examinations. All children should be seen regularly by a professional. Screenings are Friday, January 25th.
A concern has been brought to our attention regarding parent pick-up. Some drivers are leaving spaces in the line while waiting for dismissal. Other drivers are then filling the open spaces in front of cars already in line. Please be sure to pull up and fill gaps between cars when in the pick-up lane. The only area which should be left open while waiting for dismissal is the drive to the east of our building. Leaving this area open allows staff who park on the east side a way to exit. Once movement in the line begins cars may pull up into the intersection. We would like to also remind everyone that children should load and unload only in front of the sidewalk. Thank you for helping us create a safe orderly dismissal for all by following these procedures.
- Stop for pedestrians
- Drive slow
- Refrain from using electronic devices
- Do not park in handicap parking unless you have an issued permit
- Please do not park in our reserved itinerant teacher parking
- Please keep the no parking area open when there is no movement in line.
Three reasons to take the wheel with Maize USD 266
In addition to competitive pay, our drivers receive a monthly $50.00 bonus for perfect attendance.
Our typical bus driver schedule is 6:00-9:00am and 2:00-5:00pm on school days, convenient for small business owners, college students and those who want to be off when Maize USD 266 students are off. No evenings, weekends or holidays.
Fall Bread, Winter Break and Spring Break off.
Retirement earnings through KPERS (Kansas Public Employees Retirement System), nine paid sick days a year and $250.00 each month paid toward your health insurance.
Please sign up for Watch D.O.G.S.!
Dads can now sign-up for a total of TWO days.
Here's how it works in 3 easy steps:
2. Enter your email address: (You will NOT need to register an account on
3. Sign up! Choose your spots - will send you an automated confirmation and reminders.
Please remember to complete a volunteer background check on our school website at least a week before volunteering. Also please remember that we are unable to debit your child's lunch account for your lunch. You are welcome to bring cash or bring
a lunch from home.
We are looking forward to seeing you!
School begins at 8:30am and we dismiss at 3:40pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Students should arrive at school at 8:20am and should be picked up at 3:40pm.
Every Wednesday school will dismiss at 3:05pm and students must be picked up at that time.
We do not provide supervision for students before 8:10am or after 3:40pm. On Wednesdays, we do not provide supervision for students after 3:05pm.
We want all of our students, staff and family to be safe at all times at Maize South Elementary. If you are picking up or dropping off your child at MSE, please follow these guidelines.
- Please enter from the southeast entrance of the parking lot, follow the arrows around the new parking lot, and exit from the southwest.
- Please pull up to the farthest possible drop off or pick up point.
- Students should exit and enter from the passenger side of the car directly to the sidewalk.
- Students should be ready to exit the vehicle quickly.
- Stop for pedestrians in the crosswalk.
- Please do not block the crosswalk with your vehicle or step out of your car in the parent pick-up lane.
- There should only be one lane of traffic in the loading zone.
- When waiting to pick up, if vehicles in front of you have left, please carefully move your vehicle up in the line to allow more vehicles to get in the line.
- Adults must walk all students through the parking lot and across the school crossing for safety reasons.
- Parent may park and come up to the school building to collect their child at dismissal. Please do not enter the building. Use the sidewalk in front of the cafeteria and you may collect your child from the east cafeteria doors.
- Keep your child with you in the crosswalk and all the way to your vehicle. Students must be escorted by you when using the crosswalk. Students will not be allowed to use the crosswalk by themselves.
- Students must walk their bikes on the sidewalk in front of the school.
- Please remember to drive slow and watch for children who might be using the crosswalk. We do have students who walk or ride their bicycles to school.
- Please refrain from using electronic devices when dropping off or picking up to ensure all attention is on the safety of the students.
Students are asked to walk on the sidewalk closest to the grass. Please remind your child to walk at all times during drop off or dismissal.
Please send a note signed by the parent or guardian if there will be a change in plans on how your child will be getting home after school. Your child will be expected to ride the bus if that is the normal way of transportation without a signed note. This is the PREFERRED method of communication.
If you are unable or forgot to send a note and you wish to pick up your child, you may email the teacher before 12:00pm . Please copy the secretaries to help ensure your child will receive the message. Teachers have been instructed to reply to your email. If you don't receive a response, the teacher likely did not receive the message in time.
In the case of an emergency and you were unable to send a note or email the classroom teacher, you may call the office before 2:30pm (2:00pm on Wednesdays). Please consider this method a last resort If the office is NOT notified before the 2:30pm (2:00pm on Wednesdays) deadline, your child will be expected to follow normal procedures and ride their bus.
Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Unexcused Absences:
If a child is absent from school, parents are to notify the office. If the office is not notified, the school will call the home to verify the reason for the absence. If there is not an answer or response as to why the student is absent, the absence will be marked unexcused. Three consecutive unexcused absences from school or five or more unexcused absences in a semester will be brought to the attention of the building principal and the State Department of DCF. The principal or the designated representative has the discretion to determine if an absence is excused or unexcused. An attendance letter, regardless of excused or unexcused absences, will be sent to parents after eight accumulated absences. Subsequent letters will be sent if Absenteeism continues to be a concern
Tardies/Half Day Attendance:
Students not in their assigned classrooms at the set beginning school time will be counted as tardy if they report to class without a school-related excuse. Students with three consecutive or five total tardies in a single grading period will be brought to the attention of the building principal. A student will be considered tardy up and until an hour after school begins. After that time, a student will be considered absent ½ or one full day. Teachers will take attendance when class begins and again after their assigned lunch periods. If a student leaves an hour before school is out, the student will be considered absent for a ½ day in the afternoon. Students not present for one of these periods will be counted ½ day absent in the morning or afternoon.
When your child is absent from school and you wish to pick up homework you must request it before 10:00am. All assignments and necessary textbooks will be available in the office after 2:00pm. Thank you.
MSE students will be dismissed at 3:05 p.m. every Wednesday in order for teachers to have time to meet in their Professional Learning Communities (PLC's). During PLC time, teachers participate in discussing curriculum, instructional strategies, data review, state standards and more.
Students will be transported home as soon as school is dismissed at 3:05pm. Please plan accordingly for supervision of students who will arrive home earlier on Wednesdays.
The parent and student are responsible for ensuring that the student is in compliance with all aspects of the policy during the time the student is at school or participating in school-related activities. Failure by the student to correct dress code violations may result in disciplinary action. Building administrators are the final authority as to whether clothing is or is not in compliance with dress code policy.
The guidelines for appropriate attire are:
- Pants, capris, shorts and skirts must be worn properly and not sag.
- Shirts should be modest and appropriate for school. Straps must cover undergarments and midriff. No halter tops are allowed.
- Shoes must be worn at all times.
- Hats are not to be worn except on special days as approved by the administration.
Any item that advocates or advertises tobacco, alcoholic beverages, drugs, illegal substances, violence, racist organizations/symbols, gangs, obscenities, or nudity are not allowed.
- Complete a request for Administration of Medication form.
- The medication must be in the original container.
- The medication must be current. Expired medication will not be administered.
- The medication must be age appropriate. Any medication for a person older than the child will require a signed form from the doctor.
- All prescription medications require a signed form from the doctor.
- All prescription medications must have the pharmacy label with the student's name on the bottle box.
- Students may not self administer medications in the elementary schools.
Student Handbook |
Maize USD 266 is extremely thankful for the many volunteers who selflessly give of their time in our classrooms. Our schools are stronger thanks to the help and support of our community members, and our students benefit from this relationship.
Safety is a top priority for the district, which since 2008 has conducted background checks of potential volunteers.
According to Maize Board of Education policy, "volunteers who work in a classroom on a regular basis, supervise students during a field trip when a staff member is not present, or work with students away from the supervision of a classroom teacher are required to have a background check."
This extra step helps ensure that we are keeping our students safe.
Thanks to all parents and volunteers for continued support of our students and district!
Background checks are conducted on an ANNUAL BASIS. If you have any questions about the background check process, contact Meg Thimmesch at 316-462-8300.
Making a difference,
Striving for experience, Empowering young minds. |
Principal Assistant Principal Meg Thimmesch Carrie Thrash |