In this Issue



Dave Hickerson 


Alison Klock

Assistant Principal   A - L


Dave Nash

Assistant Principal M - Z 


Curtis Klein

MSHS Athletic/Activities Director


Administrative Office Staff  


Brenda Block

Attendance Secretary 


Cassie Tholen



Jayne Young

Accounting Secretary


If you would like to speak with someone in the main office during the school day, you may call 316-462-8000.   



Lyndsey Brown

P - Z  Counselor

Adam Melichar

A - F Counselor 


Coree Mueller

G - O Counselor


Tiffany Riedel



Tamara Luce

Counseling Secretary


If you would like to speak with someone in the counseling office during the school day, you may call 316-462-8003.  




Curtis Klein

MSHS Athletic/Activities Director


Jayne Young

Athletic/Activities Secretary

If you would like to speak with someone in the athletic office during the school day, you may call 316-729-4191.  

October 15
No School, Prof. Dev. Day

November 19-23
No School, Fall Break

December 24-31
No School, Winter Break

January 1-3
No School, Winter Break

January 4
No School, Teacher Work Day

January 21
No School, MLK Jr. Day



Be sure to check for daily updates about what's happening at MSHS. If you're interested in supporting the Bullseye newsmagazine in print or online, email Aliyah or Riley
District Communications Policy 
Please visit bulletinboard

to access the Maize USD 266 Online Bulletin Board for complete and timely information about upcoming events and activities sponsored by Maize Schools and partner agencies.  


Mav Head 3  


Parent Newsletter

October 2018  

From Mr. Hickerson                           

Hello Maize South,                                         

We are entering the last few weeks of our first term. I'm not sure where the first term went. As we enter October the calendar is full of activities and opportunities for our student body. The end of term one is Friday, October 12. School will not be in session on Monday, October 15 as teachers will be involved in professional development activities.

Last Tuesday, October 2nd, ACT cancelled the ACT test we had planned for our seniors. We have rescheduled the test for Tuesday, October 16. Seniors will take the test from 8am-noon and then follow a regular 3rd and 4th block schedule.. Grades 9-11 will follow a regular schedule all day.

We had a very successful homecoming week with all kinds of activities and events capped off with our annual homecoming parade and a pep rally at the stadium. Thank you to all of the parents that helped drive vehicles during the parade.

We are having a great deal of success in fall sports and activities. Boys soccer and volleyball are ranked in Class 5A. KSHSAA classifications came out recently and Maize South is planted firmly in Class 5A with 1,022 students. Our enrollment is as high as it's ever been in our 10 years of being open.

Thank you to all of the parents that came to parent-teachers conferences. It was good to see both students and parents in attendance.

We have implemented the Capturing Kids Hearts program at MSHS. Teachers were involved in a two day training in early August and a group of ten staff members recently met with CKH staff for additional training called Process Champions. If you would like to know more about CKH you can visit

The vocal music department will hold their first concert of the year on October 25th. Come out and check out the talented group of Mavericks as the perform in their fall festival concert at 7:30pm in the MSHS auditorium.

The MSHS marching band has been busy preparing for performances at homecoming games as well as the upcoming competition season. The Mavs hit the road to Lee's Summit, Missouri this past weekend and had to battle some inclement weather. Results were not released immediately but Mr. Whitcomb reports the Mavericks had and outstanding showing. Way to go Mavs!

We hope to see you at an athletic event or activity in the very near future. You can stay up to date with events and activities by going  to

Have a great month of October Maize South community!

Go Mavs!

Dave Hickerson


From the Counselor

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
~Oscar Wilde

For Timely Information
  • The Counselor's Corner: Use specific grade-level content boxes (ex: Senior Mavs) and "This Week's Important Announcements"
  • Twitter: @MavCounseling
  • Weekly emails from the MSHS Counseling Department

Upcoming Events
  • Oct. 8-15:  Future's Fair sign up for Juniors in the counseling office
  • Oct. 8-19:  ASVAB test registration in counseling office, free to students
  • Oct. 8:  College Monday - all students and staff wear college gear!
  • Oct. 15, 6:00p: Term 2 Driver's Education Enrollment Meeting in the Maize High School's lecture hall.  Students and parents MUST be present.
  • Oct. 10, 7:45a-12:00p:  PSAT assessment in the MSHS Lecture Hall
  • Oct. 16, 7:45a-12:00p: District-wide SENIOR ACT (traditional day of school for all other students)
  • Oct. 16, 9:15a-11:15a: Future's Fair for JUNIORS at Koch Arena (MSHS will transport students who sign-up, see sign up dates above)
  • Oct. 16 Deadline to apply for Maize Education Foundation Student Enrichment Grant- available to students grades 7-11
  • Oct. 22, 7:40a-11a: ASVAB testing, Lecture Hall
  • Oct. 26, 7:00a-8:00a: Coffee With The Counselors in commons area - For freshmen, sophomore and junior parents - topic:  "Is My Student On Track?"
  • Oct. 27, 7:30a-12p: ACT test, MSHS C Hall
  • Oct 31, All Day:  Group College Visit to KU or Butler CC, juniors and seniors, students will receive an email when sign up begins.
  • Nov. 1, Encor & Lunch, 7:00p-8:30p: Senior Announcement Orders, Commons
  • Nov. 2, 7:15-7:45a: Senior Announcement Orders, Commons
  • Nov. 2, All Day: Last day to register for the December 9th ACT
  • Nov. 5, All Day:  College Monday - all students and staff wear college gear!
  • Nov. 14, All Day:  Group College Visit to WSU, juniors and seniors, students will receive an email when sign up begins.

MavTime College Visits to MSHS
  • Oct. 8 - University of Kansas Honors Program
  • Oct. 9 - Newman University
  • Oct. 11 - United States Navy
  • Oct. 17 - Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design
  • Oct. 24 - Kansas State University
  • Oct. 30 - Wichita State University
  • Nov. 6 - Pittsburg State University

  • The district ACT has been rescheduled for October 16. Seniors will have a traditional school day after the test administration.
  • To celebrate National Anti-Bullying Week, October 8-12 will be Connect Week! Each day students will have a task to promote making new connections and spreading kindness and positivity across our campus! Daily tasks will be written on the windows in the Commons.  Students need to make sure they add their affirmations to our windows of excellence! Pictures of completed daily tasks will be spread by using #mavsconnect2018 and tagging @MavCounseling on Twitter.
  • College applications and scholarships deadlines are approaching.  If still undecided, take time to schedule those final college visitations.  It is advised that students apply for admission to at least three different colleges of interest.  Students can not apply for or accept any institutional scholarships (scholarships given by the college) until they are admitted to the school.  Many state colleges have a firm deadline of November 1 for institutional scholarships (ex: Fairchild at KSU or the Chancellor at KU).
  • Follow the MSHS counselors on Twitter @MavCounseling or utilize the Counselor's Corner website for the most up-to-date scholarship opportunities, planning tools, assessment sign-up, MCLS sign-up, important dates/deadlines, etc.
  • ACT information sheets with our school CEEB code and practice booklets are available in the counseling office on the south wall bookshelf.  ACT registration and payment is all done through  Remember that Maize South High School is in Wichita when registering for a testing center.  Students can, however, take the test at any available site.
  • Need a transcript sent to a college?  The Maize school district uses the digital service  If you have any questions, feel free to contact the counseling office at 462.8003 or refer to our website, the Counselor's Corner, where you can find PDF instructions.
  • We will be giving the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) at MSHS on October 22.  There is NO CHARGE for this test and students can sign up in the counseling office from October 8 - October 19.

  • To celebrate National Anti-Bullying Week, October 8-12 will be Connect Week! Each day students will have a task to promote making new connections and spreading kindness and positivity across our campus! Daily tasks will be written on the windows in the Commons.  Students need to make sure they add their affirmations to our windows of excellence! Pictures of completed daily tasks will be spread by using #mavsconnect2018 and tagging @MavCounseling on Twitter.
  • Follow the MSHS counselors on Twitter @MavCounseling or utilize the Counselor's Corner website for the most up-to-date scholarship opportunities, planning tools, assessment sign-up, MCLS sign-up, important dates/deadlines, etc.
  • Individual conferences with each student's counselor will begin soon.  Juniors will be review their transcripts, Individual Plans of Study, academic portfolios, graduation requirements, the ACT and suggestions for senior coursework.  Questions from students are highly encouraged.
  • Sign-up for the PSAT on October 10 is now closed. Students who are signed-up, spend some time reviewing the test materials on Khan Academy.  The Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) is a program cosponsored by the College Board and National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC).  Students working towards National Merit recognition must take the PSAT in their junior year.
  • We will be giving the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) at MSHS on October 22.  There is NO CHARGE for this test and students can sign up in the counseling office from October 8 - October 19.

  • To celebrate National Anti-Bullying Week, October 8-12 will be Connect Week! Each day students will have a task to promote making new connections and spreading kindness and positivity across our campus! Daily tasks will be written on the windows in the Commons.  Students need to make sure they add their affirmations to our windows of excellence! Pictures of completed daily tasks will be spread by using #mavsconnect2018 and tagging @MavCounseling on Twitter.
  • Follow the MSHS counselors on Twitter @MavCounseling or utilize the Counselor's Corner website for the most up-to-date scholarship opportunities, planning tools, assessment sign-up, MCLS sign-up, important dates/deadlines, etc.
  • Sophomores will be working on Career Cruising with counselors, soon.  If your student would like to get a head-start on their Individual Plan of Study (IPS), please direct them to the instructions found on our Counselor's Corner website.
  • We will be giving the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) at MSHS on October 22.  There is NO CHARGE for this test and students can sign up in the counseling office from October 8 - October 19.

  • To celebrate National Anti-Bullying Week, October 8-12 will be Connect Week! Each day students will have a task to promote making new connections and spreading kindness and positivity across our campus! Daily tasks will be written on the windows in the Commons. Students need to make sure they add their affirmations to our windows of excellence! Pictures of completed daily tasks will be spread by using #mavsconnect2018 and tagging @MavCounseling on Twitter.
  • Follow the MSHS counselors on Twitter @MavCounseling or utilize the Counselor's Corner website for the most up-to-date scholarship opportunities, planning tools, assessment sign-up, MCLS sign-up, important dates/deadlines, etc.
  • Freshmen will be working on Career Cruising
  • with counselors, soon.  If your student would like to get a head-start on their Individual Plan of Study (IPS), please direct them to the instructions found on our Counselor's Corner website.


Driver Education 2018-2019

Driver Education USD 266 Maize offers Online Driver Education during the school year (Term 1; Term 2; Term 3; Term 4). The online driver education program strives to prepare students to become knowledgeable and respectful of the law; to learn basic driving skills; and to develop a responsible attitude toward driving. The instructors will provide critical experience to students; involve parents in the process, and foster cooperative interaction with others in the driving environment. Students should be studying their Kansas Driver Handbook and be ready to take a handbook test at the start of the course. More detailed information on Online Driver Education can be found on the high school web site under the counselor's corner. 

Online Driver Education: 2018-2019 Enrollment Nights (enrollment packets may be picked up in the counselor's office or online under the counselor's corner)

Term 2: October 15, 2018; 6:00pm; Maize High School Lecture Hall 

Term 3: January 7, 2019; 6:00pm; Maize High School Lecture Hall 

Term 4: March 4, 2019; 6:00pm; Maize High School Lecture Hall 

**Students and Parents both need to attend the enrollment meeting. Please bring your enrollment packet, a writing pen and any type of Kansas Permit or License you already have to the Enrollment Meeting**


Science Department
Fowler, Herrington, Fowler - heat transfer lab - Teaching students the transfer of thermal energy from one object to another.  Thermal equilibrium 

McHugh - Carbon Dioxide Exercise Lab - students did various activities in hallway and classroom.  The students then blew into straws to show differences in carbon dioxide between resting and non-resting.

Shelter - physics and essentials - ballon car racing. Purpose is to observe law of motion in real life situations.  And to practice problem solving and communication skills. 


Smith - light years and HR diagrams- students are learning to organize stars by the stage of life they are in.  Earth Science                          

Morrison - students did a lab where they made slime.  It taught them about taking monomers and changing them into polymers.  Also taught them the different chemical reactions.                          


From the College & Career Advocate

October is a very busy month in the College and Career office. We will host our Apply KS event, three different college tours are set up, and students will be able to attend the Future's Fair.  
  • October 8th is our Apply KS Event  
    • Seniors at MSHS will have the opportunity to apply to the college of their choice on Monday morning the 8th.  Seniors will be able to come down 1st or 2nd blocks, during Mav time or during lunch. We will take pictures of the students who apply to post on social media and celebrate this special time with them.  
      • Students who participate in this event will need a credit card to pay the application fee and their social security number.  
    • On Monday, October 8th, from 6-7:30,  Maize USD 266 will give both students and parents the chance to come to the Maize Career Academy and fill out their FAFSA.  The Maize Career Academy will be open from 6-7:30 pm and parents will be able to receive assistance from local college financial aid representatives as they walk through the FAFSA process.  
  • October 10th KSTATE visit.    Over 70 students signed up to visit KSTATE with us on Wednesday,October 10th.  We are very pleased with this response and are looking forward to wearing our purple and touring KSTATE in Manhattan KS.  
  • October 31st students can tour either KU or BCC.  Students will have the opportunity to visit either KU (the University of KS), or BCC (Butler Community College) on Wednesday, October 31st.   We will take one (1) bus to each of these schools and so the sign-up is on a first come, first serve basis. Sign up for both of theses college trips will begin on October 10th.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about college and career.  I am happy to help you or refer you to someone who can help. Please email me at or call at 316.462.8012.  


Pink Out Night 

The Maverick Football team is excited to host a Pink Out night for our fellow Maverick, Madalyn Rodell on Oct.12.  We are keeping her and her family in our thoughts and prayers each week as a team and look forward to honoring her battle on Friday night.


Glow Run

About three dozen MSHS student volunteers worked as course monitors and support staff at the first-ever Glow Run 5K for CURED on the Maize South campus on Saturday, September 15, 2018. This event raised funds for the Campaign Urging Research for Eosinophilic Disease, a non-profit foundation. It was organized by MSHS paraprofessional educator Linda Hoshaw. Pictured: CACOW volunteer club leaders Krystal Le, Nikkolas Vichith, CACOW sponsor Mark Bradshaw, Payton Crimi, Skylar Goering, and Kael Kordonowy; all five students are MSHS seniors.


Girls Tennis

The Varsity girls Tennis team compete at League tennis. 

The tournament took place at Valley Center. Sophomore Maddie Wilkinson went in as the 6 seed and came out with a record of 3-1 on the day to give her a 3rd place finish. Sophomore Sydney Rich went 1-2 on the day and took 10th. The Sophomore duo of Morgan O'Brien and Lauryn Sellens went in the day as the 7 seed and came out with a 4th place finish with a record of 2-2. The other combination of doubles, Juniors Calissa Brown, and Kaylee Wagers went 1-2 on the day and finish the day with 13th. The Lady Mavericks finished with a 5th place team finish. The Lady Mavericks are now preparing for Regionals that will take place at Garden Eisenhower.



Mav Head 3 USD 266 Mission Statement  

Maize USD 266 exists to inspire students to discover their potential through connecting, learning and leading.