Reaching out to the world around us and sharing the everlasting love of Jesus Christ.
In this issue...
See what God is doing through Hope's mission teams.
Learn more about how you can get involved with the ongoing needs of local organizations.
Be inspired by Hope stories from others who have made a difference, locally and globally.

Summer of Missions

Before and after weekend services, June 20-21, Aug. 1-2 & 15-16
Stop by tables in the Atrium before and after weekend services and visit with our local mission partners throughout the summer! This is a great opportunity to hear from our partners and all they are doing in our community, as well as ways you can help!

Be a Weekend Host Home for Wildwood Hills Staff

Wildwood Hills Ranch is looking for "host homes" for summer staffers who work at Wildwood Hills, a nonprofit Christian organization that serves abused and neglected kids. Serve, bless and encourage summer staffers by opening your home for a ranch staffer from Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon through June and July. Host homes give staff an environment where they can rest, rejuvenate and refocus so they can serve at full capacity during the week. To offer a home for a staffer please email Genelle.  


2 015 Mission Trips
There are six mission trips and more than 100 people taking trips in June, so please keep all of these covered in your prayers. And prayerfully consider signing up for a fall mission trip! Scholarships may be available for anyone who's never been on a mission trip before. For more information email the Missions Team.
  • Navajo (Adult): Sept. 12-18
  • Ghana: Sept. 22 - Oct. 3
  • Appalachia (ASP): Oct. 3-10
  • Uganda: Oct. 24 - Nov. 7

Don't miss these opportunities...they will be a great time!


Get Connected on Facebook 
Keep up with Missions and all those traveling across the globe in Jesus' name by finding them on Facebook. This is a great way to communicate, find out what's happening while teams are on location and share photos. You can view Facebook pages by clicking below:

Freedom for Youth - Special Event  

Teen Arts Fest - Saturday, June 13, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

Freedom for Youth Center, 2301 Hickman Road, Des Moines

Program participants will display and sell items they made in classes. Items may include: painting, pottery, woodwork, welding, etc. There will also be food, dance and Freedom Blend coffee. You're invited to come bless and support the youth of your community and do some shopping at Freedom for Youth!  

10th Annual Score for the Kids Golf Tournament
Monday, June 15

Proceeds from the golf tournament go to the all-day programming during summer breaks. Children and Family Urban Movement has extended its summer program from five to eight weeks, so more funding is needed.


Life Coaches Needed for Youth

Life coaches and individuals are needed to volunteer through CFUM's Whyld Girls and Backyard Boyz programs. For descriptions, please click here.  

Lutheran Services in Iowa - Farmers Market   

Global Greens Farmers Market

Every Saturday 9:30 am - 2:30 pm, June-October

3200 University Ave., Des Moines (LSI parking lot)

The market vendors are former refugees reconnecting with the land through LSI's Global Greens agricultural programs. Your purchases help support their small businesses as they build new lives in Iowa. The market features Certified Naturally Grown produce, a "Kids' Korner" with hands-on activities and cultural entertainment and food demonstrations.


World Refugee Day, Saturday, June 20  

Join LSI and its partners for special performances and food in recognition of World Refugee Day.  


Volunteer with Kids' Corner   

LSI is looking for volunteers to help with set up, tear down, and staff the Kids' Corner during the Farmer's Market.

  • Set up & Kids' Corner: 8:30-11:30 am
  • Kids' Corner & tear down: 11:30 am - 3:00 pm
  • Volunteers are also needed to help transport produce to the market from 7:30-10:00 am

Family Promise of Greater Des Moines (FPGD) - Donate Appetizers

Friday, June 26

Family Promise of Greater Des Moines is looking for appetizer donations for its Summer Celebration and Silent Auction fundraiser. Donations will help keep the cost of the event low so dollars raised can directly support of the mission of FPGD. Its mission is to provide food, shelter and hospitality to homeless children and their families. The event will be at the Willis Auto Campus Infiniti Room. To donate appetizers, email fpgarden2015@gmail.com or call Ann Blaser at 515-577-0933. Purchase tickets here.


Freedom for Youth is on a Mission
by Megan Kassmeier, Freedom for Youth  
Freedom for Youth Ministries is on a mission to reach lost and hurting youth across Iowa with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It offers after school and summer programs for Kindergarten through 12 th-grade students and residential and non-residential programs for young adults ages 18-22. Each week more than 400 youth come to the Freedom for Youth centers in Des Moines, Johnston, Perry, Stuart, Mitchellville and Winterset!

Volunteer and Hope member Jim Bergeson says, "every one of the youth I have worked with have been wonderful human beings that are in need of direction." Young people participate in Bible studies and times of worship in addition to receiving help with homework and a warm meal at Freedom Centers. Faithful and dedicated volunteers help children and young adults discover their God-given talents and gifts through teaching classes such as art, woodworking, cooking, welding, auto body repair, music and so much more. The organization is also planning to offer additional employment training in the construction field and in the Freedom Blend Coffee Cabin once it opens in the fall.


Members of Hope and longtime volunteers Steve and Sue Taylor are involved in the mission. "Each day we arrive to find many children filled with energy and seeking attention that is often missing from their lives. There is a great need for these children to have stable, trustworthy relationships with adults who want to share with them the love of Jesus and help them become responsible members of their school and community," said Sue.   


As more and more young people come to Freedom for Youth Centers, there are plentiful opportunities to help those seeking love and desiring to know more about Jesus. Staff and volunteers at Freedom for Youth believe God is calling his people to reach out to a lost world. Individuals who volunteer are invaluable in transforming this community. Many of the young people at Freedom for Youth are battling choices that could impact the rest of their lives - drugs, alcohol, gangs, criminal behavior - while others are recovering from horrific abuse or trauma.  


There are many ways to get involved - through prayer, serving meals, leading small groups, financial donations, helping students with homework, teaching classes and more! Prayerfully consider if God may be calling you to serve or give. Check the website Freedom for Youth or call 515-282-4822 for more information on how God is reaching a lost generation of young people through individuals like you!