Technology Newsfeed
Monarch Automation is a high technology distributor serving the factory and process automation industries. 

Stainless Steel Body Cylinders 
Clean design with high corrosion and acid resistance
The CRDSNU Series clean design cylinder is corrosion-resistant and withstands even aggressive cleaning media. Thanks to the self-adjusting pneumatic end-position cushioning system PPS, the cylinder is always correctly set.

In addition to its “Clean Design”, the CRDSNU is based on the ISO 6432 standard, with suitable variants and mounting options for almost every application. They are Ideal for use under harsh environmental conditions or in applications with stringent demands for ease of cleaning

ELECYLINDER Belt Driven Actuators
2-Position actuator with simple wireless operation
The Belt Driven EleCylinder is the latest generation of electric actuators for simple, fast and cost-effective transition to pneumatic-free manufacturing. With only two end positions, these high-speed long-stroke actuators exceed scope of performance as pneumatic actuators.

Thanks to the built-in controller, these actuators can be programmed very easily and also perform  slow uniform speeds  over the entire travel path. Even  soft starting  or  braking  are no longer a problem here.

In combination with the EleCylinder series the touch panel "TB-03" can communicate wirelessly with the new electrical actuators. 
  • Max Stroke: 2600mm
  • Max speed: 1600mm/s
  • Max Load: 20kg
more EleCylinder Belt Actuator information ........................................... Watch the Belt Actuator Video 
Flexible Protection Solutions for the Fight
Ready-to-install personal protection equipment
Monarch Automation can design and install customizable sneeze guards and partitions with permanent or temporary mounting options that can be used on a desk, counter, or table area to provide physical separation and help maintain social distancing.

To support facilities, we offer ready-to-install Privacy Screen and Room Divider Panels to support fast setups. Our vast profile inventory enables fast delivery. Our shields / panels limit airborne droplets resulting from coughing, sneezing or speaking from reaching a nearby person, therefore helping to mitigate possible COVOD 19 infection.


  • Increased Protection
  • Easy Cleaning
  • Temporary or permanent mounting
  • Indoor or outdoor use
  • Access areas to pass goods and payments between customer and employee
  • Customizable size to fit any application

Contact us to discuss your protection requirements TODAY! (513) 874-6566
Schmalz Buddy Lifting Solution
The lifting help you need while social distancing
While following safer workplace social distancing, two people lifting heavier objects is no longer a safe option. Vacuum lifters provide a safer and ergonomic working environment. They help prevent health problems caused by lifting and moving heavy loads while maintaining social distances. 

Schmalz vacuum tube lifters jumbo move goods weighing up to 300 kg quickly and easily.

Cardboard boxes, bags, barrels, wooden boards and a variety of other applications – the vacuum tube lifter Jumbo tackles big jobs in the shortest amount of time. The intuitive operation allows you to move loads quickly, precisely and always ergonomically. It is the ideal aid for machine loading, for shipping and picking areas and for many other lifting applications.

Rethink Robotics - Sawyer
Cobot programming in under a minute!
Many vendors call their robots easy to use, but Rethink Robotics’ Intera software platform has a graphical user interface that lets users train the robot, even if they have never written a line of code or programmed a robot before. Using the industry leading train-by-demonstration capabilities of Intera, anyone can interact directly with the robot’s arm to easily train new tasks.

The robot can be trained by simply demonstrating the procedure moving its arm. The robot is up and running to perform a task within a matter of minutes and easy to use. That’s the Rethink difference – Intera makes Sawyer fast and easy to deploy.
Watch the video demonstrating Sawyer robot being taught in under 1 minute.
Contact Us 513-874-6566