May 2016
In This Issue
Quick Links
at 7AM

Birds & History
at Noon

at 1PM

at 2PM

THU, MAY 12 
at 10AM

Innovators in Medicine
SAT, MAY 14 
at 1PM

SUN, MAY 15 
at 1PM

FRI, MAY 20 
at 7AM


Good Bugs for Bad Bugs
SUN, MAY 22 
at 1PM

WED, MAY 25 
at 5:30 PM

THU, MAY 26 
at Noon

SUN, MAY 29 

at 8AM

at 7AM

at 1PM

at 1PM

at 8AM

at 10AM
Service of Commemoration   
Wednesday, May 25th at 5:30PM

We invite you to join us for our annual Service of Commemoration. Words and music will help us to remember those who have gone before us during this Memorial Day service on Bigelow Chapel Lawn.  
Register today!


Warbler Watercolor by Wenfei Tong

Warblers by Wenfei Tong
Birds & Birding: A Timetable of May Migration at Mount Auburn 

May is when the peak abundance of migrant birds is found here at the Cemetery. Early morning is the optimal time of day with many birds singing in the areas around Halcyon and Auburn lakes, as well as Willow Pond. Meanwhile the Consecration Dell area becomes active. ..  more

Respecting Birds, People, and History at Mount Auburn 
Friday, May 6th at Noon

Join us to learn about some of the changes made over the past two decades to improve wildlife habitat value while also preserving the historic character and respecting ... read more!

Artist-In-Residence Roberto Mighty leads student workshop

On a recent spring afternoon, about 15 local students gathered to meet with our artist-in-residence Roberto Mighty. The  students were all participants in Cambridge Community Television's Youth Media Program.   Read more...

Announcing New Composer Residency: Mary Bichner

Mount Auburn Cemetery is pleased to announce a new two-year residency by composer and musician Mary Bichner.

During her residency, Mary will compose new works inspired by Mount Auburn incorporating her sound­-to­-color synesthesia... 
learn more

Horticultural Highlight: 
Azaleas, Rhododendron sp.

One of the most widely grown of our flowering shrubs, Azaleas  are commonly known to be deciduous, however, there are evergreen species as well. Today all azaleas are within the sizable genus Rhododendron, which worldwide comprises...  more


Fleming Monument
Person of the Month:  Williamina Fleming (1857-1911)

When a male assistant proved inept, Edward C. Pickering, an astronomer at Harvard College stated that his Scottish maid could do better, offering Williamina Fleming a position.

Fleming indexed the photographic plates used to record astronomical research and went on to discover ten novas, over 200 variable stars, and most notably...  more

Eternally Green: Green Burials at the ICCFA Convention

Ten years ago, the Green Burial Council (GBC) was founded.  The GBC certifies cemeteries, funeral homes and products ensuring that when you read about or purchase a product that is GBC-certified, you can be assured that... learn more

Tree Peony
Early Risers Horticulture Club
Fridays, 5/6 & 5/20 at 7AM

Join us for this free morning excursion to discover what's in bloom and any other items of horticultural interest. From early bulbs to magnificent flowering trees, we will try to catch them all.    

History Highlight: The Story Chapel Sundial

WITH WARNING HAND I MARK TIME'S RAPID FLIGHT,  FROM LIFE'S GLAD MORNING TO ITS SOLEMN NIGHT...  Whittier inscription under the sundial on Story Chapel...  read more

Julia Ward Howe Monument
Memories of Mothers 
Sunday, May 8th at 2PM

Join us for this Mother's Day stroll with 
Volunteer Docents Nancy Callan and Susan Zawalich to explore the symbols of motherhood found on monuments while visiting the graves of some notable mothers now buried here.  

We will include a visit to the grave of Julia Ward Howe, founder of...   Register today!

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Beyond Our Gates: Events of Interest to the Community

Planting in a Post-Wild World with Author Claudia West
Wednesday, May 4th at 7PM 
Cambridge Public Library
449 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 


Taking place on Sunday, May 8th from 1:30 to 5PM 
at Gardens and Yards in Watertown


Watercolors by Julie Zickefoose
April 30-September 18, 2016
Museum of American Bird Art at Mass Audubon
963 Washington St, Canton, MA 02021


The National Park Service turns 100 this year! 
Celebrate by visiting  
National Historic Site which opens at the end of May

Longfellow House-Washington's Headquarters is a seasonal site 
the open season runs roughly from Memorial Day through Labor Day 
during which a regular schedule of tours, events, and programs are offered.

giving common
Friends of Mount Auburn Cemetery
tel: 617-547-7105 

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