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Happy New Year from Your Synod Staff

This week in the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin-ELCA

Week of December 29, 2013
Editor's note: I have enjoyed posting the "faces" of our synod during this anniversary year. My sincere thanks to those of you who posed and to Greg Kaufmann, our extraordinary photographer. Without him, this would not have been possible. I hope these last shots put a smile on your face as we face the new year together!


We are a church that believes God is calling us into the world -- together.

We don't have to do it alone, and we don't have to do everything. Each of us has a unique story, and we are part of a larger story that makes up the ELCA. We work through our congregations, synods and partners, and the churchwide organization. Together, we achieve things on a scale and scope that we could never do otherwise.

We Walk Together

This week the synod staff prays for the leaders of our church--rostered and lay--that they may be given the wisdom, courage and strength needed to lead into the future.

Reminders from Bishop Hoyme

2014 is here (well, almost here)! If you are covered by the Portico Benefits health plan, it's time to complete your health assessment. Not only does it provide you with important health information, you are also rewarded with dollars that will reduce your medical costs AND every congregation and organization in our synod saves 2% on the cost of insurance premiums if we meet the completion goal. Please don't put it off. Visit the Portico Benefits website and click on Mayo Clinic Embody Health.


A few important financial details need your attention. Our fiscal year ends January 31 so please check with your congregation's treasurer to make sure you are current with your 2013 giving. If you have not completed your 2014 Statement of Intent, please send it in right away. It is essential information that we need to plan for the coming year.


Join me in welcoming the Rev. Laurie Skow-Anderson, who will begin serving as our Assistant to the Bishop and Director for Evangelical Mission January 9. It will be great to be fully staffed again!


The Winter Theological Event is scheduled for February 9-10 at the Metropolis Resort in Eau Claire. Don't miss this opportunity to hear Mary Sue Drier, Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary, South Carolina. Visit our website to learn more about it and register.


Continue to watch for upcoming installations of pastors and attend if you can. Your support means a lot to your colleagues who are moving into new settings. 


May you continue to be blessed to be a blessing during 2014.

Bishop, Northwest Synod of Wisconsin 

Pastor David Anderson (left) and Pastor Dave Whelan (right)



Pastor David Anderson Retires

Immanuel Lutheran Church, Eau Claire, will have a new interim pastor in the pulpit next Sunday, but they won't have any trouble remembering his name--it's David. Pastor Dave Whelan will serve as the interim pastor during the call process. 


Blessings to the Rev. David Anderson and Joyce, his wife, as they explore the next chapter of life. 

Adam, Anita, Aaron and Larry Sturgis




Aaron Sturgis follows in his father's footsteps

Surrounded by family and friends, Aaron Sturgis was ordained Saturday, December 28, at Central Lutheran in Chippewa Falls, where he has been called to serve. 

His father, the Rev. Larry Sturgis, has been a pastor in the Bruce/Exeland area for many years. 

His family shares a Christmas celebration with Pastor Rexford Brandt



Pastor Rexford Brandt celebrates 25th anniversary


Members of West Immanuel Lutheran, Osceola, presented a plaque to Pastor Rexford Brandt to show their gratitude and appreciation for his ministry. They surprised Pastor Brandt at the conclusion of the 4 p.m. Christmas Eve service, exactly 25 years after his first worship service at the church December 24, 1988.


Meet our new Director for Evangelical Mission
Rev. Laurie Skow-Anderson has accepted a call to serve our synod as the Director for Evangelical Mission and Assistant to the Bishop. She will begin January 9, 2014.
Laurie describes herself as "a farmer's daughter from southwest Minnesota who loves to dig in the dirt." She graduated from Jackson High School "before girls could participate in sports." She earned a Bachelors degree from Moorhead State University, an Masters of Divinity from Luther Northwestern Seminary, and Doctor of Ministry from Luther Seminary. Her most recent call was as Pastor of Trinity Lutheran, Pelican Rapids, MN.
Laurie and her husband Randy Skow-Anderson, who is also an ELCA pastor, have three adult children.

Global Relationships


We are Currently Seeking Teaching Pastors for 2014 Pastors' Academy in Malawi July 14-28.  

Possible departure on July 13, returning July 29. Cost will be approximately $2500. We need two folks who have a love for adventure, companionship ministry and teaching. More details are available on our website


If you have questions, contact John Sutherland.

ELCA News 

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

I received an email from my friend and colleague, the Rev. Daniel Rift, director of the ELCA World Hunger and Disaster Appeal. Earlier this week he announced an additional $50,000 in matching funds for ELCA World Hunger, thanks to a generous group of ELCA members. Today is the last day to participate and also make a tax-deductible gift to a program that brings help and hope to our neighbors in need in nearly 60 countries around the world.  Please join me with a gift today!

Blessings to you in the new year,

Elizabeth Eaton
Presiding Bishop
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America


Bulletin Board


Pastor Yvonne Marshall will be installed by the Rev. Greg Kaufmann at Our Savior's in Whitehall this Sunday, January 5 at 1:30 p.m. 


New Hope Lutheran, Sand Creek, Seeking Director of Music

Learn more about the openings for organist and choir director.


Benefit Concert at Luther College

Luther's Office for College Ministries will host Lespwa f� nou viv/Hope Makes Us Live, Saturday, January 11, 2014, 7:00 PM in the Center for Faith and Life at Luther College as a benefit concert for Haiti, celebrating the legacy of Luther College alumnus Ben Splichal Larson, who was one of the many casualties of the Haiti earthquake on January 12, 2010. View details.


Light fixtures for sale 

The Building and Grounds crew just completed replacing the lights in the entrance and overflow area  at Our Savior's Lutheran Church, 1310 Main Street, Eau Claire, WI  54701. They replaced a total of 9 light fixtures. We will be selling the old light fixtures for $40 each.  If you are interested in purchasing one or more of these fixtures, please contact Mike Hallquist at 715-579-2080. View photo.


Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd in Duluth, MN seeks a full-time (M-F) Office Manager. This person plays a significant role in the mission of the church by welcoming, coordinating and managing office functions. Continue reading . . . 


LSTC receives Lilly Endowment Grant to examine pathways to lower

seminarian debt

The Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago (LSTC) has received a $250,000 grant from Indianapolis-based Lilly Endowment Inc. to do research on three pathways to reduce seminary student debt. The grant builds on initiatives and methods used by LSTC that led to a reduction of overall student borrowing by 15% during each of the past two years. LSTC's study will explore the practices of low debt load students, identify and test approaches to financial aid counseling, and examine ways to develop stronger support by congregations for students. 



Building Men for Christ, a workshop sponsored by Lutheran Men in Mission will be held at St. John's Lutheran, Eau Claire, Janaury 25. This is a one-day workshop to help church leaders develop a life-changing men's ministry in their congregations. Don't miss this opportunity to revitalize your men's ministry! Learn more about it . . . .


Wartburg Theological Seminary's Rural Ministry Conference - Save the Dates!

March 2-4, 2014
Wartburg Seminary's Rural Ministry Conference is where leaders in rural communities and congregations gather to gain insight and inspiration, to network and neighbor that their ministries might be empowered. This ecumenical conference includes worship, keynote speakers, workshops, and Bible study, and offers participants a unique opportunity to network with others who are active in and concerned about rural ministry. Additional information, including ways to register, will be available soon.
Our Mission Statement


Walking together for the sake of mission in God's world

You can learn more about the events listed in this section by clicking on the underlined event title.
Send your information about upcoming events to [email protected].   

January 8

Faith Family Ministry of St. John's Lutheran, Eau Claire, presents a FEAST Meal and presentation by Lutheran Planned Giving of Wisconsin, a partnership of ELCA Ministries Serving Wisconsin. 5:30PM -7:30PM (FEAST Meal and Presentation)


January 10-11

Lay School of Ministry at Our Saviour's, Chippewa Falls.


January 11

Imagine Together: Going Public, Jeremy Myers, Augsburg College, at Our Saviour's, Chippewa Falls.

 January 21

Interim Pastor's Network at the synod office. Pastor John Mann will be leading a discussion using two of our own interim sites as case studies. Snacks at 9:30 a.m., meeting 10 a.m. - noon.


January 25

Building Men for Christ workshop at St. John's Lutheran, Eau Claire, 8:30 a.m.- 5 p.m. Sponsored by Lutheran Men in Mission. 


February 9-10

Winter Theological Event at Metropolis Resort and Conference Center, Eau Claire.

 Quick Links

Looking for something that appeared in a previous issue of Eclipse? You can access the last four issues on our website: www.nwswi.org/news_and_events.
Visit our website:  www.nwswi.org


Global Links

Contact Information: Merry Soyck-Doring, Synod Communicator, 715-859-6810