NYCPM Class of 2023 Receives White Coats
In a ceremony filled with anticipation and joy, members of the Class of 2023 donned their new white coats in front of proud families and friends at the New York Academy of Medicine on August 21st. The 95 first-year students (the Class of 2023 actually numbers 103 students, including students who started in January) had been welcomed with a Hudson River cruise on the previous Saturday, went through orientation, and then slipped into the most tangible and visible symbols of the ... Read more
Get to Know ...
NYCPM Faculty
Reem Sheikh, DPM
Instructor, Department of Surgery
Nearly everyone's made a journey of some kind, but by almost any measure, Dr. Reem Sheikh's journey to podiatry, to the classrooms of NYCPM and the patients of FCNY, is extraordinary - she has physically traversed an ocean and a continent with stops in between and spiritually traveled just as far.
Born in the Middle East, Dr. Sheikh immigrated with her family to St. Mary's, Alaska at the age of 12. St. Mary's is a beautiful Yup'ik Eskimo village with a population of about 500, ... Read more
Podologists from Spain Complete Studies at NYCPM Twenty-four podologists from Spain studied cadaver surgery in the College's Bako Anatomy Lab at NYCPM for a week in midsummer, directed by Professors Ricardo Becerro de Bengoa Vallejo, DPM ('95), PhD, DHL; Marta Elena Losa Iglesias, PhD, DHL; and Juan Carlos Carrera Merino, BS Podiatry, with Michael J. Trepal, DPM ('81), NYCPM's Vice President of Academic Affairs and Dean. Among the subjects studied were anatomical dissection, surgical skills, and lower extremity cadaver dissection.
Eighteen of the 24 podologists posed together. From left to right: Joel Sturm, COO; podologists Inés Valls Nicolau; Resham Dipu Dadlani; Juan Palencia Arroyo; Paola del Mar Buitrago Prieto; Esperanza M. Nieto Basaran; Ana Sans Castellvi; Alvaro Furquet Hernández; Victoriano Rafael Perea Arroyo; Héctor Pereiro Buceta; Iván Folgueiras Rodríguez; Louis L. Levine, President and CEO; Manuel Marco Legua; Alejandra Castaño Umaña; Bernabé Samper Sánchez; Mónica Lora Tejera; Egia Gómez Roldan; Sara Nofuentes Solano; Joao Miguel Costa Martiniano; Almudena Lucas Contreras; Juan Carlos Carrera Merino, BS Podiatry (obscured); Ricardo Becerro de Bengoa Vallejo, DPM, PhD, DHL; Michael J. Trepal, DPM, FACFAS, VP of Academic Affairs and Academic Dean.
Dr. Marta Elena Losa Iglesias (third from left), holds a gift of appreciation from NYCPM. Joining her were, from left to right, Joel Sturm, COO; Dr. Michael Trepal, Academic Dean; and Dr. Ricardo Becerro de Bengoa Vallejo.
Left to right: Joel Sturm, COO and Dr. Michael J. Trepal, Academic Dean receive a plaque that celebrates the affiliation between NYCPM and the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos from podologist María Dolores Jiménez Cristino.
Aprajita Nakra, DPM ('97) Dies
Arthur Gudeon, DPM ('60), reports that Aprajita Nakra, DPM ('97), one of his "Podiakids," passed away from cancer. She practiced in Arizona.
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Clinical/didactic instructor - NYCPM
Clinical and didactic instructor/podiatric medicine: Department of Surgery. Bronx and Manhattan. Teach students and residents to diagnose foot diseases and ailments, and to perform foot & ankle surgeries at the NY College of Podiatric Medicine and two NYC Health and Hospital facilities. With students present, in clinical settings, perform extensive hands-on patient care, treatment, and surgical procedures. DPM degree. Completion of 3-year residency in Podiatric medicine and surgery with Reconstructive Rear foot/Ankle Surgery required. Qualify for NYS license, board eligible ABFAS. Mail CV and cover letter to New York College of Podiatric Medicine, 53 East 124th St., NY, NY 10035 Attn: Joel Sturm, COO & VP for Administration, or JSTURM@NYCPM.EDU.
Donations to NYCPM Support Biomechanics Seminar and Gait Studies
For the seventh year in a row, a grateful celebrity patient of Joseph C. D'Amico, DPM has contributed a sizable donation to support NYCPM's Annual Richard O. Schuster Memorial Biomechanics Seminar, as well as an additional substantial donation to fund biomechanics research at NYCPM's Richard O. Schuster gait laboratory. The appreciative patient was cured of tenacious long-term heel pain by Dr. D'Amico.
Dr. Michael J. Trepal, VP of Academic Affairs and Academic Dean, accepts a significant check from Dr. Joseph C. D'Amico to support biomechanics at NYCPM.
The 2019 Schuster Seminar, November 9th and 10th, will again gather top experts in the field from across the U.S. Dr. D'Amico, an NYCPM alumnus, is the scientific chair of the Seminar and is Professor and Past Chair, Department of Orthopedic Sciences at NYCPM.
NYCPM is PRESENT at Superbones
At Superbones Superwounds East Conference 2019 organized by PRESENT e-Learning Systems and held at Glenpointe, Teaneck, NJ, Joseph S. Fox, DPM ('74), left, and Arthur Gudeon, DPM ('60) anchored the NYCPM table for visiting alumni. Practicing podiatrists and residents from across the nation gather at the conference for hands-on workshops and lectures.
Gudeon's 9-11 Mementos on View
Eighteen years ago, after the attacks of September 11, 2001, Arthur Gudeon, DPM ('60) joined other podiatrists from NYCPM and elsewhere who treated the feet of the first responders at St. Paul's Church near the World Trade Center site. His cap and credentials from those awful and hectic days are included in a new 9-11 Memorial Museum installation and will be on view for this year's anniversary ceremonies.
NYCPM Participates in SUNY Optometry Health Expo
On Saturday August 3, 27 NYCPM students provided foot screenings and distributed information at the SUNY College of Optometry University Eye Center Health and Wellness Expo 2019. The fair was busy - 130 people attended, and each could choose to receive different health screenings, visit a large number of exhibitors, and/or participate in a variety of activities. Anthony R. Iorio, DPM ('81), MPH, supervised the students, while Monique Young, administrative assistant of the FCNY, distributed and disseminated lots of information to the attendees: handed out FCNY literature, invited attendees to a foot screening (which she hoped would give attendees a preview of the skill of our students), and explained insurances accepted.

Alex Krichevsky (2021) left, and Julius Nadarajah (2022), right, above, screen an attendee at the University Eye Center Health and Wellness Expo. Yasamin Daneshvar (2022) screens another attendee, below.