Dental Education News: 
May 2020
Columbia University College of Dental Medicine: Adapting to COVID-19 Pandemic, CDM Shifts to Remote Learning

As a safety measure to limit the spread of COVID-19, the Columbia University College of Dental Medicine (CDM) began conducting all instruction online as of March 11. In line with a University-wide mandate, CDM will teach courses remotely through the end of the spring semester. According to Dana Wolf, DMD, Associate Dean for Predoctoral Academic Affairs, the transition to online learning has been smooth for didactic courses: Course directors adapted quickly and have been developing strategies to make online sessions interactive and engaging.   Read more.
Eastman Institute For Oral Health, University of Rochester: Dental Care and Oral Health Under the Cloud of COVID-19: EIOH Experts Weigh In

JDR Clinical & Translational Research has published an invited commentary by researchers at the University of Rochester, Eastman Institute for Dr. YanFang RenOral Health, N.Y., USA on dental care and the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), including the provision of dental care and protecting patients and staff during the pandemic. The authors are Dr. YanFang Ren, Dr. Linda Rasubala, Dr. Hans Malmstrom, and Dr. Eli Eliav.   Read more.
Oral Health Care Access
Eastman Institute For Oral Health, University of Rochester: Patient with Special Needs Gets Emergency Treatment During COVID 19

There are not too many people who write thank you notes to their dentist. JanelleBut Janelle Wolff does. The 26-year-old has a special relationship with her dentist. Janelle has Dubowitz Syndrome, a rare genetic condition that involves intellectual and developmental disabilities, several medical issues, and a very small jaw, creating numerous oral health challenges like crowded teeth and periodontal disease. Having had failed experiences with other dentists, she was eventually referred to Dr. Wayne Lipschitz at UR Medicine's Eastman Institute for Oral Health.   Read more.
Touro College of Dental Medicine at New York Medical College: Autism: A Humanistic Approach to Dentistry

Dr. Susan Disenso-Browne and Dr. Golda Erdfarb have collaborated to publish an informative article in Dentistry Today during National Autism Awareness Month entitled, Autism: A Humanistic Approach to Dentistry.   Read more.
Eastman Institute For Oral Health, University of Rochester: Drive By Dentistry During COVID 19 Helps Infant

For babies like Elijah who are born with cleft lip and palate, there is a small window of time shortly after the baby's birth before corrective surgery, when parents can work with experts using a nasoalveolar molding device-or NAM-to help shape the baby's gum lip, and nose. Each week, Elijah's parents David and Anna drive two hours one way from the Syracuse area to receive this treatment from the experts at Eastman Dental, part of the University of Rochester Medical Center.  Read more.
NYU Dentistry's Yi Ye Awarded $2.2 Million NIH Grant to Investigate How Oral Cancer Causes Pain

The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR), part of the National Institutes of Health, has awarded NYU College of Dentistry's Yi Ye, PhD, a $2.2 million, five-year grant to study the role of Schwann cells, the most prevalent type of cell supporting neurons in the peripheral nervous system, in oral cancer progression and pain.   Read more.
University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine: Light has the Power to Heal, but the Wrong Type or Dosage can be Dangerous, Warns UB Light Therapy Expert

Ultraviolet (UV) light has the ability to improve immune responses and promote health, but don't rush out to sunbathe or purchase UV lamps, warns UB light therapy expert Praveen Arany. A powerful form of radiation, UV light is capable of use as a disinfectant to kill bacteria, viruses and other pathogens. However, prolonged exposure is linked to an increased risk of skin cancer.   Read more.
NYU College of Dentistry: Teeth Serve as an "Archive of Life,"new NYU Research Finds

Teeth constitute a permanent and faithful biological archive of the entirety of the individual's life, from tooth formation to death, a team of researchers has found. Its work provides new evidence of the impact that events, such as reproduction and imprisonment, have on an organism.   Read more.
Student News
Stony Brook School of Dental Medicine: Joseph Manzella Elected to National Position for American Student Dental Association

The Stony Brook University School of Dental Medicine chapter of the American Student Dental Association (ASDA) headed to St. Louis, MO for the organization's Annual Session. The Annual Session is the official meeting of ASDA's House of Delegates, bringing together over 400 dental students and professionals from throughout the United States to debate issues, set policy, and elect the new ASDA National Officers. The event ends with a celebration at the themed gala.   Read more.
Touro College of Dental Medicine at New York Medical College: Beloved Maintenance Man at LCM Receives Life-Changing Dental Treatment

Fourth-year student, Ariel Steinberger, discusses an unforgettable experience where he helped a beloved maintenance man from Lander College for Men receive life-changing dental treatment.  Read more.
Stony Brook School of Dental Medicine: Dr. Saro Atam Receives Awards for Clinical Excellence, Research in Orthodontics

Stony Brook University School of Dental Medicine is proud to announce Dr. Saro Atam as the recipient of two prestigious awards in recognition of his outstanding work within the field of orthodontics. Dr. Atam, an orthodontic resident in the Advanced Education Program in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, first received the Journal of Clinical Orthodontics (JCO) Eugene L. Gottlieb student of the Year Award, presented by American Orthodontics.  Read more.
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