Dental Education News:
June 2017
For Victor Lee '17, Columbia Was Worth the Wait
"If things come too easy, you won't appreciate them and you won't work as hard," said Lee, who graduates this year from CDM and from Teacher's College with a degree in dental education. "Had I come in earlier, I wouldn't have become as involved a student, and the project I joined wouldn't have been ready."
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NYU Dentistry Urgent Care Unit featured in NYT Article on Access to Care Titled "Our Teeth Are Making Us Sick"
The left side of Jacquelyn Garcia's face throbbed fiercely. She had tried taking Tylenol and Excedrin for the pain, but threw them up. On a Monday morning straight after working the night shift as a custodian, she rushed to the N.Y.U. emergency dental clinic. Here a student delivered the verdict: decay so deep it had reached the nerve. The tooth needed to be pulled.
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Christa Gianfrancesco (Columbia '17): Improving Population Health, Starting from the Mouth
Christina ("Christa") Gianfrancesco '17 never expected that a college sociology class would set her on a path to dentistry, but that's exactly what happened.
NYU Dentistry's 2017 Graduation Celebrates Academic Achievement and Service to Others
On May 24, 2017, the Class of 2017, including more than 400 candidates for the Doctor of Dental Surgery degree, AAS and BS degrees in dental hygiene, MS degrees in biomaterials and in clinical research, and Advanced Education Program certificates, saw their dreams come true as they received their degrees and certificates before an audience of over 4,500 people in The Theater at Madison Square Garden.
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NYU Dentistry Professor Paul A. Rosenberg, DDS, Receives I.B. Bender Lifetime Educator Award as NYU Faculty and Students Win Additional Awards at AAE17
Columbia University: Recreational Cannabis, Used Often, Increases Gum Disease Risk
Columbia University dental researchers have found that frequent recreational use of cannabis-including marijuana, hashish, and hash oil-increases the risk of gum disease.
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Plans for a Future Community Clinic at Touro College of Dental Medicine
Site manager Jerome D'Imperio and Senior Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs Dr. Edward Farkas review construction plans for the future community clinic at Touro College of Dental Medicine at New York Medical College.
Scheduled to open in December, the 132-chair, state-of-the-art facility will offer adults and children comprehensive oral healthcare from TouroCDM's experienced faculty and dentists-in-training.
Scientists Want To Make Root Canals Less Unpleasant
Dental researchers are looking to take a bite out of the notorious unpleasantries of root canals. Dentists doing a root canal will take out the infected part of a tooth, fill it with synthetic material, and then cap it with a crown. That saves the tooth, but effectively kills its blood and nerve supply, leaving teeth vulnerable to fractures or other dental troubles. Now, restorative dentistry researchers are working to create artificial blood vessels that can be used to bring a dead tooth back to life. Read more
Dental Work Is So Expensive In The US That Thousands Of Americans Are Going To Mexico To Get It Done
Trump's anti-Mexican rhetoric doesn't worry the 600 dentists in Los Algodones or the US "dental refugees" they treat, many of whom voted for Trump. "We're helping the United States take care of the people they are not able to."
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