Dental Education News: 
June 2019
Touro College of Dental Medicine at New York Medical College Takes Aim to Reduce Addiction to Controlled Substances Through Proactive Clinical Policy

Touro Dental Health, the 81-chair dental teaching practice of Touro College of Dental Medicine (TCDM) located on the New York Medical College campus, announced a new policy that dictates how controlled substances will be prescribed to patients to reduce addiction.   Read more.
University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine Helps Bring Dental Care to Hundreds of Underserved Children in Niagara County

Hundreds of Western New York school children received free dental screenings and education this month through the Colgate Bright Smiles, Bright Futures program, which strives to bring dental care to underserved rural and urban communities. With the support of nine University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine students and staff, the program screened more than 800 elementary students from six schools in Niagara County.  Read more.
Education & Training
NYU College of Dentistry: Nursing, Dental, and Medical Students at NYU Train Together to Improve Kids' Oral Health

Nursing, medical, and dental students can work as a team to improve their knowledge of pediatric oral health-and how to work with their fellow health professionals, finds new research led by NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing. The study appears in the Journal of Dental Education.   Read more.
Columbia University College of Dental Medicine: Class of 2019: Who They are, What They Learned

Columbia's newest crop of dentists went through their final rites of passage on May 22-23, 2019, and became doctors of dental surgery. Although the Class of 2019 excelled as a whole, matching in nearly every specialty at the highest rates in the nation, each student's path to dentistry was uniqueRead more.
NYU College of Dentistry: Students and Faculty from NYU Dentistry Bring Dental Public Health Solutions to Communities Across the Globe

Before Anthony Lee '19, and a team of students, faculty, and staff from NYU's College of Dentistry traveled to Phnom Penh, Cambodia, last year to carry out a weeklong pediatric oral health program, they discussed in advance some of the barriers to health they might encounter, including a so-called "snack alley" behind the school they would be visiting where vendors peddle sweet fares to children.   Read more.
University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine: Drug-Resistant Infections: If you Can't Beat 'em, Starve 'em, Scientists Find

How do you fight a fungal infection that is becoming increasingly resistant to medicine? By starving it, found a team of University at Buffalo and Temple University researchers. To treat Candida albicans, a common yeast that can cause illness in those with weakened immune systems, researchers limited the fungus' access to iron, an element crucial to the organism's survival.   Read more.
Stony Brook School of Dental Medicine: 2019 Leo and Mickey Sreebny Lectureship and School of Dental Medicine Research Symposium

Stony Brook School of Dental Medicine's annual day of research, the Leo and Mickey Sreebny Lectureship and School of Dental Medicine Research Symposium, highlights research advancements in the field of oral health completed by members of the School of Dental Medicine (SDM) community.   Read more.
Eastman Institute For Oral Health, University of Rochester: Experts in IDD Gather to Learn From Each Other

We're doing much better, but there's still a long way to go.  That was the general sentiment among all the experts who spoke at the One Voice Oral Health Pre Conference, hosted by UR Medicine's Eastman Institute for Oral Health. Each shared ideas and stories from their own experiences .   Read more.
Faculty News
Touro College of Dental Medicine at New York Medical College Dean Ronnie Myers, D.D.S., is Honored by Alma Mater for Achievements in Academic Dentistry

On May 3, Columbia University College of Dental Medicine honored Ronnie Myers, D.D.S., Dean of Touro College of Dental Medicine, with its Distinguished Alumni Award for Notable Achievement in Academic Dentistry. The award was presented by Richard Lichtenthal, D.D.S., Associate Professor of Dental Medicine, Division of Operative Dentistry at Columbia, in front of family and friends, peers and former colleagues.   Read more.
Eastman Institute For Oral Health, University of Rochester: This Department's First Nurse Manager Brings Perfect Skill Set

While dentists, hygienists and dental assistants comprise a typical dental office, sometimes nurses are part of the provider team. In fact, five registered nurses, four dental assistants and three surgical technicians are among the team alongside oral and maxillofacial surgeons who perform more complex dental procedures, and other procedures done under deep sedation.   Read more.

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