Dental Education News: July 2021
University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine Accepts First Class to Pipeline Program Designed to Increase Diversity in Dentistry
The University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine welcomed the first cohort of 24 students to the Destination Dental School program, a new initiative that aims to remove barriers to careers in dentistry for underrepresented students. The free, eight-week program, which is open to underrepresented undergraduate and post-baccalaureate students nationwide, drew participants from 14 states, stretching from New York to Florida to California. Read more.
Touro College of Dental Medicine at New York Medical College Launches "Smiles United Project" for Caregivers and Patients With IDD
The Touro College of Dental Medicine Smiles United project is an innovative virtual model of care designed to work safely and effectively to provide patients with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) with the oral health resources they need. Launched in October 2020 through a grant from the New York State Developmental Disabilities Planning Council, the project aims to diminish the barriers to treatment individuals with IDD face in their access to care by virtually connecting group homes and caregivers with a team of compassionate oral health care providers, as well as resources including a series of instructional videos. Read more.
Eastman Institute For Oral Health, University of Rochester Class of '21 Represents 29 Countries
In addition to each member of the Eastman Institute for Oral Health Class of 2021 crossing the stage to mark their many accomplishments during the recent graduation ceremony, there was much more to celebrate. After a long and challenging year, the group of 79 graduates was able to enjoy the ceremony together in person, unlike the previous year when graduation fell amidst the peak of the Covid pandemic. Read more.
Touro College of Dental Medicine at New York Medical College Welcomes Class of 2023 to Clinical Practice With White Coat Ceremony
On Sunday, June 6, the Touro College of Dental Medicine (TCDM) Class of 2023 received their white coats, pledging to uphold the values of TCDM by providing service to the community and diverse patient populations as they enter the next phase of their education. “Today marks an incredible milestone in the development of you, the students of TCDM. This milestone, this donning of the white coat, this one giant leap, of going from library, simulation lab recluse to clinical oral health care provider, will be remembered throughout your entire professional career,” said Ronnie Myers, D.D.S., Dean of TCDM. Read more.
Eastman Institute For Oral Health, University of Rochester: EIOH Resident Dr. Kakkar Recognized With Future Leader Award by AADMD
Eastman Institute for Oral Health resident Dr. Mayank Kakkar (GenDen ’22) was recently awarded the Future Leader Baton Award by the American Academy of Developmental Medicine and Dentistry (AADMD) during its annual conference. This award recognizes a student member of AADMD who has contributed to the organization’s national efforts. Dr. Kakkar has been serving as a Young Dental Professional Chair for the National AADMD Student/Resident Committee. Read more.
NYU College of Dentistry Dental Hygiene Program Offering Continuing Education Courses
The NYU Dental Hygiene Program Continuing Education courses focus on the professional success of dental professionals and improving their patient care by providing accessible, innovative and quality education to diverse learners locally, nationally and globally in pursuit of lifelong learning, training, and career advancement. Read more.
Touro College of Dental Medicine Hosts Online Seminar to Understand the Impact of Microaggressions in Education
The disease of microaggressions impacts us all. It has origins in psychology and connects in our everyday life, including education settings. Touro College of Dental Medicine is hosting an informative live online seminar with a distinguished panel of experts to discuss the impact of microaggressions on the professional student. Read more.
University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine Providing Dental Care to WNY Patients With Disabilities Through Early July
To deliver crucial dental treatment to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, many of whom face immense barriers to oral health care, the University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine has partnered with Arc of Genesee Orleans to provide care to patients with disabilities in Western New York throughout the summer. Read more.
Stony Brook School of Dental Medicine Doctors Help Kenyan Teen Begin a New Life
Saline Atieno developed a dangerous and disfiguring bacterial necrosis called Noma as a young child in Kenya. Though the disease has a 90 percent mortality rate, Saline somehow survived, only to face an extremely difficult future in her village on the outskirts of Nairobi. Now, after a fascinating eight-year journey that brought her to Stony Brook, Saline has not only survived, but returned home a transformed 19-year-old woman with a new face — and a bright new future. Read more.
Columbia University College of Dental Medicine: A Clumping Protein Lets Common Oral Bacteria Shift From Harmless to Dangerous
The oral bacterium Fusobacterium nucleatum is widespread and, though usually harmless, has been linked to a variety of health problems, including cancer, periodontal disease, and pregnancy complications. New research from Columbia University suggests that an amyloid-like form of the protein FadA is a crucial player in F. nucleatum’s transformation from innocuous to pathogenic. Read more.
NYU College of Dentistry: AAPD Names NYU Dentistry's Dr. Amr M. Moursi President-Elect
The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD), the leading authority on children's oral health, inducted the new president and other officers and trustees for the new AAPD board of trustees on May 30, 2021. Read more.
NYU College of Dentistry: In The Lancet, A Call for “Bold Action” for the WHO’s Global Oral Health Strategy
Oral health has long been neglected on the global health agenda — but in 2021, that may begin to change. In January, the World Health Organization (WHO) adopted a resolution on oral health calling for the development of a global strategy, action plan, and monitoring framework, and the "historic" resolution was approved by the Ministers of Health from the 194 member states of the WHO during the World Health Assembly in May. Read more.
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