WEEKLY UPDATE May 12, 2014  

In This Issue
NEMW Coalition Members Lead Effort to Preserve and Improve the Delaware River Watershed
Happening in Congress this Week: Energy, Water, and Transportation
Webinar: "Leverage Transportation Investments to Support Fair and Inclusive Access to Jobs"
New Resource Available on Redeveloping Commercial Vacant Properties

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NEMW Coalition Members Lead Effort to Preserve and Improve the Delaware River Watershed  


NEMW Coalition Member Senator Tom Carper (DE) and six of his Senate colleagues introduced legislation that would improve and preserve the overall wellness of the Delaware River watershed. The Delaware River Basin Conservation Act of 2014, co-sponsored by NEMW Coalition members Sens. Robert Menendez (NJ), Chuck Schumer (NY), and Robert Casey (PA), and NEMW Delegation members Sens. Chris Coons (DE), Cory Booker (NJ) and Kirsten Gillibrand (NY), strengthens the environmental health of the watershed while also spurring the Delaware River watershed region's economy. The Delaware River Basin Conservation Act of 2014 would establish the Delaware River Basin Restoration Program within the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The program would implement a coordinated approach, requiring the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service director to adopt a basin-wide plan that sustains and enhances the Delaware River basin restoration and protection efforts. The program would support projects from federal, state, and local governments and stakeholders, ensuring that existing successful restoration plans are leveraged. "By investing in our watershed, we are investing in a resource that not only powers our environment and our local communities, but also fuels our economy," Sen. Carper said. "The Delaware River watershed supports jobs at ports and in marine transportation, jobs in agriculture, hunting and fishing, jobs in recreation and parks and tourism, and jobs for folks who work every day to safeguard our water quality and water supply. This partnership supports our local economy by keeping our air, water and land clean, and protecting the overall health of this vital resource." The bill is similar to legislation H.R. 644 introduced by Representative John Carney (DE) in 2013, which has 21 co-sponsors (11R, 10D). NEMWI has helped coordinate numerous Congressional briefings around this legislation, and conducted research to document ecosystem goods and services unique to each Congressional District in the Delaware River Basin.

For more information, contact Erik Hagen, Sr. Policy Analyst at the Northeast-Midwest Institute.   

Happening in Congress this Week: Energy, Water, and Transportation


The House is on recess but the Senate is still in session and expected to be busy with an energy efficiency bill, co-sponsored by NEMW Coalition Member Jeanne Shaheen (NH) and Delegation Member Rob Portman (OH). The bill focuses on improving building codes, private-public partnerships, and reducing energy consumption by the federal government.  Consideration of the bill is squarely in the debate over approval of the Keystone XL Pipeline and the export of natural gas, which could derail its ability to move through the Senate. On the transportation front, supporters welcomed last week's news that lead negotiators on the Water Resources Reform and Development Act reached an agreement and would release language soon. The bill, in conference negotiations since Fall 2013, would be the first such bill since 2007 and would update provisions of the Army Corps' funding and authorized projects. NEMWI prepared a side-by-side of the two Chambers' bills, available here. Lastly, the Surface Transportation MAP-21 is set to expire in September 2014. Sen. Barbara Boxer announced language would be released as early as this week with rumors of potential consideration of the bill later in the week. Recently, the main focus in surface transportation has been the viability of the Highway Trust Fund, which provides funds to states to repair highways and bridges. The Fund is set to go into the red later this summer. In addition, Sen. Boxer's committee, the Environment and Public Works Committee, is scheduled to hold a Water and Wildlife Subcommittee hearing on Tuesday at 3 pm, entitled "Solving the Problem of Polluted Transportation Infrastructure Stormwater Runoff."  


For more information, contact Danielle Chesky, Director, Great Lakes Washington Program at the Northeast-Midwest Institute.


Webinar: "Leverage Transportation Investments to Support Fair and Inclusive Access to Jobs," May 13  


In honor of 2014 Infrastructure Week, the Transportation Equity Caucus will host a webinar on Tuesday, May 13 from 1-2pm (ET) on workforce inclusion in the transportation sector. Equity leaders across the country will describe their efforts to develop and implement strategies that connect disadvantaged workers to quality jobs in the transportation sector, and the impact that these decisions have on creating healthy, sustainable communities of opportunity.  Register here.

For more information, contact Colleen Cain, Sr. Policy Analyst at the Northeast-Midwest Institute. 


New Resource Available on Redeveloping Commercial Vacant Properties  


The Greater Ohio Policy Center, in partnership with the German Marshall Fund of the U.S. and with support from the Center for Community Progress, released a new how-to manual for communities and local leaders: Redeveloping Commercial Vacant Properties in Legacy Cities: A Guidebook for Linking Property Reuse and Economic Growth. The guidebook focuses on practices and policies that leverage the link between available commercial properties and needed economic regrowth in Legacy Cities. Local practitioners can use the guidebook's tools at every stage of commercial redevelopment, from data gathering and planning to real estate acquisition and redevelopment, tenant attraction and support, and business district management.

For more information, contact Colleen Cain, Sr. Policy Analyst at the Northeast-Midwest Institute. 

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