WEEKLY UPDATE February 11, 2014  

In This Issue
NEMWI Hosts Annual Regional Reception
NEMWI's Great Lakes Environmental Summit Brings Together Regional Leaders and Congressional Staff to Help the Great Lakes Region
NEMWI Welcomes New Board Member Vicky A. Bailey
NEMWI's Great Lakes Hill Happenings: January 2014
House and Senate Great Lakes Task Forces Lead Efforts to Secure Funding for Great Lakes Navigation System
Mississippi River Mayors Applaud Farm Bill Passage
Registration Open for Northeast Sustainable Communities Workshop, March 5


APRIL 11, 2014:

USGS National Water Quality Assessment (NAQWA) Capitol Hill Briefing for staff, members and the public on Water Quality Trends in the Nation's Streams.

More details to come.

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NEMWI Hosts Annual
Regional Reception
On Tuesday, February 4, 2014, the NEMWI hosted its annual "Reception for the Northeast-Midwest Region" in the Capitol Visitors Center Atrium. Nearly 80 people attended, representing states, Congressional and Senate Offices, federal agencies, and regional organizations. The reception culminated a day of NEMWI Board meetings with Congressional Member offices and State offices. The meetings generated important new ideas and collaborations to help the NEMWI continue serving the region's need for unbiased, objective, and credible regional data and analysis. NEMW Coalition Co-Chairs Rep. Mike Kelly (OH), Rep. James McGovern (MA) and Sen. Sherrod Brown (OH) spoke at the reception about the important work that the Coalition achieves with research support from the Institute. NEMWI Board Vice-Chair, Hon. John Baldacci, spoke about the day's meetings and future plans to continue the work of NEMWI in support of the region. 

For more information, and to be placed on next year's invitation list, contact Hope Ratner, Administrative Manager at the Northeast-Midwest Institute.

NEMWI's Great Lakes Environmental Summit Brings Together Regional Leaders and Congressional Staff to Help the Great Lakes Region   

On Wednesday, February 5, 2014, the NEMWI's Great Lakes Washington Program hosted its annual Great Lakes Environmental Summit in the Capitol Visitors Center of the U.S. Capitol. Nearly 50 Great Lakes regional leaders, stakeholders, and Congressional staff came together to discuss federal policy initiatives for 2014. Great Lakes Task Force Members, Reps. David Joyce (OH-14) and Dan Benishek (MI-01) kicked off the morning session, noting the importance of the Great Lakes as a resource and continued support from their offices. Committee staff from the Agriculture, Appropriations (Energy and Water; Commerce, Justice, Science Subcommittees), Commerce, Science, and Transportation, and the Transportation and Infrastructure Committees informed attendees on Committee actions in the past year, and actions and legislation anticipated for 2014 relevant to the Great Lakes. The staff answered questions from the group about policy directions and specific needs of the Great Lakes region.

Great Lakes Task Force Member Rep. Brian Higgins launched the afternoon session, discussing the value of the Great Lakes in bringing back the city of Buffalo, after recognizing the Summit and the Great Lakes on the House floor earlier in the day. The Canadian Embassy provided an update on Canadian efforts to protect the Great Lakes. The remainder of the afternoon was devoted to discussion around the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, and best ways to assure its continuation. The Administration is currently drafting the FY2015-19 Action Plan, and Congressional legislation to authorize it, the Great Lakes Ecological and Economic Protection Act, has been introduced in the House and the Senate.

For more information, contact Danielle Chesky, Director, Great Lakes Washington Program at the Northeast-Midwest Institute. 


NEMWI Welcomes New Board Member Vicky A. Bailey 


On February 4, 2014, the Board of the NEMWI unanimously appointed Ms. Vicky A. Bailey as its latest member. Ms. Bailey brings over twenty years of high level, national and international, corporate executive and governmental experience in energy and regulated industries. Now an energy industry entrepreneur, Ms. Bailey has demonstrated leadership as a state and federal regulator, a public utility corporate executive and as the leading international official for the U.S. Department of Energy. In these roles she has been at the forefront and the intersection of energy and environmental policies in both the private and governmental arenas.


Most recently, in the private sector, she is a principal of BHMM Energy Services LLC, a certified minority owned energy facilities management organization, as well as the president of the Anderson Stratton International LLC management consultants in domestic and international energy industries. Ms. Bailey's executive experience includes president and board member of PSI Energy, Inc., Indiana's largest electric utility and subsidiary of the holding company Cinergy Corp., now Duke Energy.

Her knowledge, expertise and vision will be an invaluable contribution in helping the NEMWI achieve its important mission.

For more information, contact Allegra Cangelosi, President, at the Northeast-Midwest Institute. 

NEMWI's Great Lakes Hill Happenings: January 2014


The January 2014 edition of the Great Lakes Hill Happenings includes:

*       A summary of potential FY2014 Omnibus Budget impacts to the Great Lakes, including State Revolving Funds and the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative;

*       An overview of options to prevent transfer of aquatic invasive species between basins in the Great Lakes-Mississippi River Interbasin Study;

*       Links to House and Senate Letters on FY2015 funding for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program; and 

*       Upcoming Event Announcements, including the Great Lakes Congressional Breakfast on March 6, 2014.

For more information, contact Danielle Chesky, Director, Great Lakes Washington Program at the Northeast-Midwest Institute.

House and Senate Great Lakes Task Forces Lead Efforts to Secure Funding for Great Lakes Navigation System


Last week, House and Senate Great Lakes Task Force leaders and delegation members sent letters to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Assistant Secretary of Civil Works, Jo-Ellen Darcy, requesting at least $30 million in additional funding for Great Lakes Navigation System projects. The funding would help relieve the current backlog in dredging and maintenance projects, exacerbated bylow lake levels in recent years. The Senate letter, led by Great Lakes Task Force Co-Chairs, Sens. Carl Levin (MI) and Mark Kirk (IL), was co-signed by 11 additional Great Lakes Task Force and delegation members. The House letter, led by Great Lakes Task Force Co-Chair Rep. Louise Slaughter (NY-25) and delegation member Bill Huizenga (MI-02), was co-signed by the other three Great Lakes Task Force Co-Chairs, Reps. Candice Miller (MI-10), John Dingell (MI-12), and Sean Duffy (WI-07), with a total of 39 signatures.

For more information, contact Danielle Chesky, Director, Great Lakes Washington Program at the Northeast-Midwest Institute, or Sam Breene, Legislative Director at the Northeast-Midwest Congressional Coalition.

Mississippi River Mayors Applaud Farm Bill Passage,
Secure Priorities


The NEMWI Mississippi River Cities and Towns Initiative's mayors have been working with the Mississippi River Caucus toward realizing major conservation priorities to mitigate the impact of drought, decrease sedimentation, erosion, and improve water quality. Though the Sod Saver Program was not mandated nationally as the mayors had hoped, conservation performance is now tied to crop insurance premium subsidies which in turn reduce the nutrient load into the Mississippi as well as limits runoff from highly erodible land adjacent to the River. This performance requirement also works to protect wetlands - a high priority for mayors as wetlands act as natural flood barriers and water filtration systems for cities. Finally, the mayors successfully negotiated with USDA and NOAA to include directive language in the Farm Bill Managers' Report requiring the newly created Drought Resiliency Partnership to make local governments an integral part of the drought policy construction process. Congressman Enyart (IL) and Senator Harkin (IA) were critical partners in working with the mayors to achieve these policy goals.


For more information, contact Colin Wellenkamp, Director, Mississippi River Cities and Towns Initiative or Mark Gorman, Policy Analyst at the Northeast-Midwest Institute.

Registration Open for Northeast Sustainable Communities Workshop, March 5


The Brownfield Coalition of the Northeast will host the 5th annual Northeast Sustainable Communities Workshop on March 5, 2014 in Jersey City, NJ. This year's theme is "Sustainability Deconstructed: Toward a Resilient Future." The Director of the US Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Brownfields & Land Revitalization and the Executive Deputy Secretary of the PA Department of Environmental Protection will serve as keynote speakers.  

The day's panel topics will include:

*       Hardening infrastructure

*       Public-Private Partnerships

*       Energy Projects on Contaminated Sites

*       Waterfront Development in the Post-Sandy Era

*       Strategies for Creating Municipal Capacity for Development

For more information on the workshop and to register, click here.

For more information, contact Colleen Cain, Sr. Policy Analyst, at the Northeast-Midwest Institute.

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