April 6, 2017
Holy Week
Northside Drive Baptist Church
Palm Sunday
April 9, 2017 at 11:00 a.m.
NDBC Sanctuary

Maundy Thursday
April 13, 2017 at 6:45
 NDBC Chapel

Good Friday Service
April 14, 2017 Noon-2:00 pm
 NDBC Sanctuary 
"Meditations on the Seven Last Words"
Good Friday Musical Presentation
April 14, 2017 at 3:00 p.m.
 NDBC Sanctuary
"The Choral Stations of the Cross"
Presented by Our Lady of Lourdes Church Choir
"The Mother Church of African American Catholics in the Archdiocese of Atlanta"

Easter Sunday
April 16, 2017 at 11:00 a.m.
NDBC Sanctuary
(Children's Easter Egg hunt following worship)
Choral Stations of the Cross
Good Friday
April 14, 2017
3:00 PM

Easter Egg Hunt - April 16   
   It's here, it's here !! The long awaited, highly anticipated, Easter Egg Hunt is finally here! We will hunt for colorful, candy filled eggs immediately following worship on Easter. Bring your baskets and join us outside of the Narthex, in front of the church with your Children (grades 0-6th) for lots of fun and celebration.
~ Anna Kate Wilson, Director of Children's Ministries
Calling All Easter Eggs!

     It's that time of the year again!  We need to start collecting pre-filled Easter Eggs for our annual Easter Egg hunt!  Please bring a dozen or two of candy filled colorful eggs to church.  There will be bins in the Narthex that you can drop them off in.
The Season of Lent 2017
Northside Drive Baptist Church

Rogues 'Round the Cross
(Lenten Thursday Evening Reflections)
6:45 pm
NDBC Chapel

April 6 ~ The Dying Thief
The Last Minute Theologian
April 13 ~ Simon Peter
The All-Too-Human Disciple
Classes now through Easter Sunday!
Sunday School Class 
Art & Soul Classroom
9:30-10:45 AM 
All are invited! 

Lenten Studies based on the book Forgiveness A Lenten Study.

**Individuals may order the book Forgiveness A Lenten Study by Marjorie J. Thompson on Amazon or on The Thoughtful Christian website http://www.thethoughtfulchristian.com/ for about $8.00. 
Music for Holy Week and Easter
     As we all know, the Music Ministry of any church plays an important role especially during Holy Week and Easter. We have a variety of musical offerings planned taking us through the excitement of Palm Sunday, the self-reflection of Maundy Thursday, the darkness of Good Friday, and the celebration of the Resurrection on Easter Sunday.
     We will celebrate Palm Sunday with our Celestial Choir and Cherub Choir singing for morning worship. The Sanctuary Choir will offer a setting of Ubi caritas (Where charity and love are, God is there.) for Maundy Thursday. Alan Johns, Joel Stouffer, Jada Getsay, Jeff McConnaughey and I will offer musical reflections during our Good Friday Service.
     We will celebrate the Resurrection on Easter Sunday with trumpets, handbells, voices, and organ. The Sanctuary Choir will present an arrangement of "Thine is the Glory" from Handel's oratorio Judas Maccabeus accompanied by our Handbell Choir and guest trumpeters Collin McCane and Derrick Montgomery. In the NDBC tradition, our final hymn for the Easter service will be "Hallelujah" from Handel's Messiah.
     We look forward to sharing these services with you as we reflect and celebrate during this special season of our church year.
     ~Keith H. Walker, Director of Music Ministries 
Young Adults 
Growing Young Session 3 
April 9, 2017
     After two great sessions discussing the stereotypes surrounding young adults in church, we now conclude our Growing Young Workshop by discussing the final three elements. We will conclude our overall discussion and work to implement strategies the church can start immediately. All are options that we, as young people, need to think through and find ways to get the church focused on these ideas. Join us Sunday, April 9th, at 12:15 PM above the Narthex as we brainstorm ideas that we can work with the church on. If you have any questions, please contact Jeffrey Dunkerley at jeffrey@northsidedrive.org . See you there!
    ~Jeffrey Dunkerley, Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministries
Palm Sunday 
The Children's choir will be singing in  
Sunday Morning Worship!
Easter Lilies*
Easter Lily Sales now until April 9
   Our Personal and community histories have been enriched by our family and friends, both past and present. At Easter, the Flower Ministry Team provides you an opportunity to make a tangible expression of gratitude with Easter lilies on Easter Sunday. Your $20 donation, in memory or celebration of loved ones, makes this memorial possible.  Easter envelops provided in the Narthex, or send your money to Rose in the church office with your dedication information included. Please respond by Sunday, April 9.For more information see a Flower Ministry Team member.
~Virginia Gilbert, Chair
*U.S. tax regulations do not allow us to offer contribution credit for Easter plants because the plants are returned to the giver.
Opening Reception - April 8 from 4:00 to 6:00 PM  
The Art of Being Northside Drive...
Pixels and Patchwork -
Documenting a Southern Tradition
by Myrtie Cope and Marshall Dewell

Myrtie and Marshall will be e
xhibiting quilts and photos of quilts. 
Myrtie is the photographer; and Marshall is the quilter. 
The exhibit, "Pixels and Patchwork" will hang at A Novel Experience
which is a bookstore in Zebulon, Georgia, from April 3 - April 29.

A Novel Experience
426 Thomaston Street

Zebulon, Georgia 30295 
Triple E 
April 11
Transformed by Travel:
A Trip to the Holy Land
Susan Dew & Kay Braswell
     In October 2015, Susan and Kay made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land with a group from Peachtree Presbyterian Church.  Since then, several of us have heard bits and pieces about the trip.  They spoke of its incredible impact, how it has changed their view of political realities in the Middle East, and that it was an incredible spiritual experience.  Join us to hear about this special journey.
NDBC Book Club 
April 19 
Everything I Never Told You
Author:  Celeste Ng
Facilitator:  Anne Raymond
Hostess:  Pam Wamberg
Dr. Irwin Ray invites you to hear his final concert with
Friday, April 21 at 8:00 pm
Conant Performing Arts Center, Oglethorpe University
4484 Peachtree Rd., NE
Henry Purcell's
Franz Joseph Haydn's
with Guest Soloists and the Oglethorpe Chamber Orchestra
plus many of the choir's favorites from the last thirty years
Reception Following
April 23, 2017
     April 23rd's Tummy and Soul event will be the first of an annual fundraiser to benefit the work of Urban Recipe, an Atlanta non-profit that provides food for those who need it most in a way that affirms dignity and builds community.   
     For 25+ years, Urban Recipe has been doing this through its unique member-run food co-op model, by which those in need become members of a 50 family co-op, meet every other week throughout the year, and work together to distribute over a ton of food at every co-op meeting. 
     This year's inaugural Tummy and Soul has a special dual focus--to celebrate Urban Recipe's 25th anniversary and to honor the work and leadership of Founder and long-time Director, Chad Hale. 
     Tummy and Soul will be held from 4 - 7 PM on April 23rd at a beautiful gallery in Midtown Atlanta called Mason Fine Art, whose owner Mark Karelson has graciously donated the space for the evening. 
     The event will include:
  • small bites and a bar,
  • live music and a special program to honor Chad,
  • a photo series on "The People of Urban Recipe" by Atlanta photographer Johnathon Kelso,
  • paintings by the late Constance Hawkins, a folk artist and former Urban Recipe Co-op member,
  • the launching of the Chad Hale Legacy Fund, with special donations being used further the expansive vision and long-term dedication of Chad Hale.
     The link for more information and to purchase tickets is: urbanrecipe.org/tummyandsoul
Sunday, April 23, 2017 
ENCORE, April 23rd
     Sunday, April 23rd, the youth are communing together around a table at a local restaurant. In the midst of a busy school life and work, we are intentionally taking time to be in fellowship with one another. Invite your friends to join us immediately after the worship service on April 23rd. We will gather in the Narthex and ride together. If you have any questions, please contact Jeffrey Dunkerley at
jeffrey@northsidedrive.org .
NDBC Men's Ensemble to Sing 
Sunday, April 30, 2017 
     Men, do you miss singing, but are unable to make weekly choir rehearsals? We have an opportunity for you. A new men's ensemble has been created that will sing two to three times a year with 4-6 rehearsals prior. (You don't have to attend all the rehearsals.)
     We will sing during morning worship on Sunday, April 30. There will be 3 rehearsals on Sunday and 3 Thursdays so you have some flexibility.
Sunday rehearsal will be on April 9 and 23 at 10 a.m. in the choir room.
     We will devote the last 30 minutes of our Thursday choir rehearsal to this piece on April 13, April 20, and April 27. If you can come on a Thursday, please join us in the choir room at 8:30 p.m. Enter through the porte-cochere door.
Ladies, watch for our women's ensemble announcement soon.
     ~Dr. Keith H. Walker, Director of Music Ministries
Refugee Family Update 
     On Wednesday, April 5, the refugee family we are partnering with from Afghanistan was set to arrive at 8 pm. The Good Neighbor Team and additional volunteers spent the day on Wednesday moving the church's donations from NDBC to the family's apartment in Clarkston. Despite the thunderstorms and tornado warnings, these dedicated volunteers set up the apartment for the family's arrival that evening.
     Unfortunately, due to bad weather, the family's flight was delayed multiple times and they did not arrive until about 2 am. Our wonderfully dedicated pastor was there to greet them. James and the family's case worker met the family at the airport to welcome them to Atlanta. The Good Neighbor Team will visit the family at their apartment in Clarkston on Sunday after church. If you would like to join, please contact Caitlyn Furr at caitlyncookfurr@gmail.com or (757)254-1637. All are welcome!
     Thank you SO much to everyone who has been involved in this ministry. Your donations, your time, your prayers, and all of your efforts are greatly appreciated.
The Good Neighbor Team
Barbara Atchley
Kay Braswell
Nancy Davis
Susan Dew
Jeffrey Dunkerly
Caitlyn Furr
JB Gilbert
Nancy Hall
Geneva Hall-Shelton
Susan Harlan
Rhonda Harris
James Lamkin
Sue McSwain
Hal Meeks
Cathy Wooten
31st Annual Women's Retreat  
 April 28-30, 2017
Blue Boar Retreat
Robbinsville, North Carolina    
For more information:
Joyce Wilson (770) 773-3333
Virginia Gilbert (770) 333-8933
Missions Ministry

New NDBC Congregational Directory 
Coming Soon! 
  magic_stars_book.jpg      The previous one was printed in August 2016.  If your contact information (email address, cell phone, home phone, postal address, etc.) has changed since then, please notify the church office.  We will be printing the new hard copy around April 20, 2017.

Church Week
SUNDAY, April 9   
  8:30 AM - Handbell Practice
  9:30 AM - Church School
10:00 AM - Men's Ensemble Rehearsal 
10:25 AM - Children's Choir Rehearsal
11:00 AM - Morning Worship
12:15 PM - Growing Young Workshop
12:15 PM - Children's Ministry Team Meeting  
TUESDAY, April 11  
11:00 AM - Triple E 
WEDNESDAY, April 12 
10:30 AM - Pastor's Bible Study
10:30 AM - Weekday Preschool Ministry Team 
THURSDAY, April 13 
  6:45 PM - Maundy Thursday Service Chapel 
  7:30 PM - Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal
FRIDAY, April 14 
12:00 PM - Good Friday Service Sanctuary
  3:00 PM - The Lady of Lourdes Sanctuary 
Volume 9 - Issue 14
April 9, 2017 
Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29
Philippians 2:5-11
Matthew 21:1-11 
Palm Sunday
Holy Week Schedule
Choral Stations of the Cross
Easter Egg Hunt
Donations needed
Rogues 'Round the Cross
Lenten Studies
Music for Holy Week
Growing Young Series 3
Easter Lilies
Triple E
NDBC Book Club
The Oglethorpe University
Urban Recipe
Interfaith Civility Conversation
Men's Choir
Refugee Family Update
31st Annual Women's Retreat
Missions Ministry Retreat
Congregation Directory
This Week's
 (TLP List) 
The TLP is a Diaconate ministry. Each week's list contains the rotating names of three or four NDBC senior adults.

Gerry Humphries
Wilton Looney
Helen White 
If you would like
your name placed
on our rotating TLP list, please give the
church office a call.
Chance Cooper - 1
LeAnna Anantaraman - 3
Linda Long - 4
Anne Hunt - 4
Dot Clark - 5
Allen Abbott - 5
Greg Colson - 6
Kay Braswell - 6
Allison Blaisdell - 6
Jackie Hardin - 6
Letty Konenkamp - 8
Jennifer Sardone - 10
Mary Schwartz - 12
Brian Knight- 12
Robbye Taylor - 13
Suzanne Stearns - 13
Zach Stines - 13
Marjorie Rives - 14
Tim Whiffen - 14
Ken Brant - 16
Liam Collins - 16
Daniel Moore - 16
Cali Almeida - 17
Hardy Pickering - 17
Dick Houston - 17
Ryan McClure - 17
Wilton Looney - 18
Jada Getsay - 20
Theresa Goriczynski - 20
Heather Bongers - 20
Dave Wooten - 21
Patti Clark - 21
Simon Goodhead - 21
Noah Davis - 23
Gerry Humphries - 30
Namaste Y'all! Yoga is Back!
Thursday's from
5:30 - 6:30 pm
in the Fellowship Hall.

     The instructor is Shelia Cooper.  Her children are in our weekday preschool. Free childcare will be provided in the nursery area of the building. 
$10.00 per person
Retired Older Men
Eating Out 
    Every 3rd Tuesday of the month our "Retired Older Men" eat lunch together at Piccadilly Cafeteria from 12 PM-1 PM. It's a time to visit with friends, tell stories and eat good food (bring your lunch money)!

Piccadilly Cafeteria
1715 Howell Mill Rd.
Wednesday @ 10:30 AM
Conference Room

     We meet weekly from 10:30-11:30 AM, in the church's Conference Room. We study the texts selected in the Revised Common Lectionary for the next Sunday. Large print editions are available each week and for the upcoming Sunday. Discussion is deep and wide and lively. All are invited.
  led by Susan Harlan
Every 1st & 3rd Thursday at 7:00 PM

      Come join us on the first and third Thursday of each month, at 7:00 PM, in Room 207, the Parlor, to knit or crochet a prayer shawl. If you are not sure how, no problem, there will be plenty of people to help you get started. This group is open to anyone who would like to join! For more information call Susan Harlan at 770-377-3869.
Follow us on Twitter
Find us on Facebook
Northside Drive Baptist Church is affiliated with
the Alliance of Baptists and the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. 
Northside Drive Baptist Church | 3100 Northside Dr NW | Atlanta GA | 30305
404-237-8621 | northsidedrive.org