OM FoundationSummer 2013 eNewsletter

A Note from Bonner...


Hello Friends & Family of OMF!


Much has transpired since 2004 when I first began serving on the Board of a local Orange County early learning center.  It was one of the trigger points that propelled my very personal restless drive to inspire, achieve, and raise funds for the sole purpose of benefiting children with disabilities and their families. 


Seeing these kids provided the inspiration to become the first person with CP to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in 2008 unassisted, and subsequently the release of the award winning documentary "Beyond Limits" -


Many successful projects, big and small have followed in the spirit of Beyond Limits with donations from incredible supporters, participants and donors like you. Humble thanks.


The formation of the OM Foundation in 2009 ( was designed to steer and deliver my single vision - to empower children with disabilities and their families to live life beyond limits and a mission to raise awareness and support centers that provide services to empower children with disabilities.


I am humbled by the members of the OMF Board.  Each one of them has dedicated themselves to join me in looking beyond our own personal limits and to bring their diversity of business excellence, ideas and energy forward in achieving OMF's goals.  Without them and you, none of this would be possible, and I thank you.


Together with your participation, the Board will bring forth great things that will facilitate reaching our lofty goals, serving to empower children with disabilities.


With sincere gratitude, I thank you for graciously supporting these efforts.



A Perspective from the Board Room

Building an Emotional Connection

Chris Underwood, CEO Young's Market Company


The employees at Young's Market Company are inspired by all that Bonner Paddock has accomplished in his young life while overcoming hurdles with Cerebral Palsy (CP).  The pinnacle of these accomplishments was the Ironman World Championship in 2012.  Young's Market Company watched as more than 50 employees from all over the West Coast arrived in Kona to cheer Bonner on for this momentous endeavor. 


Young's has just concluded our "2012 Best in the West" sales award shows throughout the 10 Western states.  Bonner was able to attend and present an update at many of these award shows including Arizona, Hawaii, Washington, Oregon, Northern California and Southern California.  We invited all employees, from all departments to these awards shows... drivers, warehouse, purchasing, IT, etc.  This was, for most employees, the first time seeing Bonner since his heroic feat of completing the Ironman.  It was amazing to see the emotional connection that so many of our employees have developed with Bonner.   I watched employees who made excuses reflect on Bonner and what he had overcome in his life to achieve excellence... it immediately changed their attitude.  Our employees especially love that he is a very successful co-worker at the same time. 


Some of our customers, suppliers, and business partners have seen Bonner's amazing connection within Young's Market Company and they can't help but get involved.  Because last year was such a success, Constellation Wines will be running another Hogue Winery program in Oregon and Washington, donating $6 per case to OM Foundation on all cases Young's sells in the month of August.  Many retailers love this local concept and are promoting and displaying Hogue in their stores.  Bonner supports these programs by doing in-store bottle signings and personally thanking the store managers. 


Bank of America, Young's Market Company's  lead bank, is making a large contribution to OMF and Young's partnered with one of our top suppliers, William Grant,  to host a VIP scotch tasting dinner for some of Bank of America's top business partners in Orange County. Other customers, like Safeway, have asked Bonner to address their Western Management Team. 


As I led the 125 year old Young's Market Company through a culture change several years ago, employees naturally gravitated towards Bonner and his message.  Bonner's personality, determination, and passion are infectious.  He has personally overcome so many obstacles in his life.  We at Young's Market Company are forever grateful for Bonner's personal contributions and positive influences on all of us.  He is an inspiration.


Board Highlights

Following are the highlights of accomplishments and activities of the Board of Directors since you last heard from us. The OMF Board of Directors has formed sub-committees to focus and develop the vision, mission and goals of the Foundation in four primary areas:

  1. Early Learning Centers - OMF will support and/or develop an Early Learning Center in Orange County that serves as a demonstration/model site for other Early Learning Centers around the country.
  2. Support of Other Charitable Foundations - OMF will identify and support other charitable foundations that provide critical therapeutic services to children with disabilities and their families.  
  3. Donor Relations, Awareness and Increase Acceptance of Individuals with Disabilities - OMF will develop, inform and cultivate donors, expand public awareness and foster increased acceptance of individuals with disabilities through education and advocacy.
  4. Build Financial Resources - OMF will expand funding for the development of early learning centers, support of other foundations and for activities that raise awareness and increase acceptance of those with disabilities.
Walking Like a Pro
Juliana's Story Continues...
Juliana's Story Continues...
Here is an update from a dear friend of OM Foundation who visited Juliana in Tanzania! See her progress in the attached video! 
"Jambo to all of you who have followed Juliana's story over the last many months.  During this time we watched the transformation of Juliana as she blossomed into a beautiful young girl with a promising life ahead of her.  In February of this year, I visited Light in Africa and spent time with Juliana and Mama Lynn.  An occupational therapist was at LIA for three weeks in February and a general practitioner was there for three months --  and will continue to work with Juliana.  The story continues.  This is truly answered prayers."

Going to Print

Bonner recently began working with a New York Times bestselling author and together they are writing a book about his life.  The project will take most of this year, then editing, sign-off and production. The book launch is scheduled for Autumn 2014. Stay tuned for excerpts from the book.

Signature Oakley Eyewear Concert
"Rock On!"
OMF Limited Edition Eyewear


The sold out event held at Oakley Headquarters included a rare and amazing live acoustic performance by Scott Russo of Unwritten Law. The evening was a huge success, raising $30,000 for OM Foundation while celebrating and commemorating Bonner's record setting climb of Mt. Kilimanjaro and Ironman World Championship finish in Kona in 2012.


A few pair of the very popular Limited Edition Oakley sunglasses are available for purchase with 100% of the sales going toward OM Foundation. (Click Here to Purchase!)  Special recognition and thanks goes to Tanja Norris, Oakley eyeglass designer and to Dane Howell, Sales Manager/Military Division of Oakley and Board member of OMF.

About Us
OM Foundation (OMF) was started in 2009 by Bonner Paddock, who was born with Cerebral Palsy.  OMF is committed to raising money to build early learning centers that provide various types of therapies for children with disabilities.  Through therapy, these children are provided with increased well-being and inclusion into society.  For more information about OM Foundation, click here.
In This Issue
Chris Underwood, CEO Young's Market Co.
OMF Board Highlights
Juliana's Story Continues
Bonner's Memoir "Going to Print"
OMF Oakley Launch Party
Get Involved - TEAM JAKE
LOCALE Magazine Luau - July 5th!



Team Jake was formed by Steven Robert and his wife, Alison, after Jake's passing to celebrate his life. It's a group of runners, walkers, fans, and volunteers of any kind who would like to raise funds in the memory of young Jake Ryan and help support special needs children and their families.


Participate in a local triathlon, marathon, 5k or create your own "Team Jake" fundraising event (I.e., Recycling Day, Baked Goods Sale, Participate in a School Contest). Put a team together, create a fundraising goal, and register with OM Foundation. Each fundraising team raising a minimum of $1,000 will receive 10 t-shirts in support of your team. All the funds you raise will go towards "Team Jake" at OM Foundation and help special needs children. Contact [email protected] to get started!  


Click Here to Learn More About Team Jake and Get Involved! 


Support OM Foundation:
"Like" Us on Facebook, and $1 will be donated to the OM Foundation on Your Behalf!

Like us on Facebook   Follow us on Twitter   View our profile on LinkedIn   View our videos on YouTube   

Beyond Limits DVD's are still available. Click Here to Purchase Yours!

Inspire your team by having Bonner speak at your event. For information
Alex Alton
IMG Speakers
212-774-6735 [email protected]

Prints & Greeting cards of Beyond Limits photo available here.   Artist Robert Foss is donating all proceeds to OM Foundation.

Event Update:


Over the last few months Bonner has been invited by several prominent organizations to speak at their regional and national meetings/conferences. These include Young's Market Company, Safeway (Seattle), Constellation Wines, Imperial Capital Consumer Summit, New York Life, Regional Center of Orange County, Paciolan and Evanta.  On May 20th, Bonner also spoke to the students of Aliso Viejo Middle School during their "Ability Awareness Day".  


Next Up!
Aug 14th - New York Life
Sep 12th - Global CIO Summit, Aspen
Oct 23rd - Evanta, Denver
Oct 29th - Evanta, LA




LOCALE Magazine's 
4th Annual Summer Party -- 
Red, White & Luau"
Friday, July 5th, 6-9PM
Newport Dunes
LOCALE will be selling raffle tickets at the event to benefit OMF.  Someone at the party will win a JACOB LEINENKUGEL BREWING CO. PADDLE BOARD!  In addition, 100% of the donations received at the door will be donated to OM Foundation!  Hope to see you there!  Purchase Tickets Here!

Bud Kuhl Wood Bat Invitational
November 2013
(More details to follow soon!)