Our Delegates have Returned!
After two long years, we were finally able to send delegates abroad. We sent a smaller-than-usual group due to some delegates "aging out" during the pandemic, coupled with some countries being unable to host. However, Operation Friendship perseveres through its dedicated volunteers. Special thanks go to Karen Canning of Palmer, MA and Kendall Thiele of Bloomington, IN for making all the travel arrangements!
Hungary July 12-29
Being able to visit Hungary was an amazing opportunity. It is a country that not many people plan to travel to just because there are so many amazing places in the world to see, but we fell in love with the country. It had beautiful scenery and wonderful people. Everyone should add it to their travel list!

We visited so many historical places from castles to museums to the beautiful city of Budapest. There was always an opportunity to learn about and appreciate the history and the beautiful sights of this country. 

The bonds that we built during this trip were the best part. We entered the homes of these families as strangers and left them as a member of their family. It is unbelievable to experience and watch relationships grow as fast as they do in an Operation Friendship exchange. We will be forever grateful for the experiences and friendships gained through Operation Friendship.
~Tori Edwards, Delegate and Palmer Youth Representative
France: July 12-31
This photo summarizes the group dynamic that we had very well. Everyone in the group had their own personality, obviously, but each individual played off of everyone else in a fun way.
~Ryan Dafforn, Delegate and Indy North Youth Representative
With our new friends, we experienced many famous and lessor places that helped us learn more about France and their lifestyle. We also learned new games, cooked with a French Chef, went camping, took a river tour, went biking, swimming, shopping, museums, and so much more. Our hosts spoke English very well and helped us with our French -regardless of how little we actually knew. It was a very welcoming and heartwarming experience. 
~Mark Unland, Travel Advisor
Bavaria (Germany) July 29-August 16
Operation friendship is the experience of a lifetime. You’ll never experience anything like this at such a young age. Operation friendship taught me that we are really all alike all across the globe even if you may not think so. When you meet people from different countries and cultures a small part of them stays with you forever. This trip offers moments and people you will never forget, all you need to travel with is an open mind.
~Chris Dafforn, Delegate, Indy North Chapter

O.F. is Recruiting for the next Two-year Cycle!
  • October 2022: New cycle begins! There will be new opportunities to support and to participate.
  • October 28-30, 2022: O.F.A. Annual Membership meeting hosted in Grafton, MA. RSVP to join in person or virtually (meeting itself is on the 29th)
  • April 16-20, 2023: Annual International Meeting to be hosted in Gothenburg, Sweden
  • Summer 2023: U.S.A. hosts O.F. Young Adult (ages 21-30). Details forthcoming.
  • August 2023: O.F. Senior (anyone over 30) in Sweden. Dates T.B.D.
In search of new board members
Each year, some positions come open on the national board. This year, the following positions are up for grabs:
  • Youth Representatives from all four chapters: Bloomington, Indianapolis, Grafton, and Palmer (annual positions)
  • Midwest Representative (2 years)
  • Grafton Representative (2 years)
  • Palmer Representative (2 years)

If you are interested or want to nominate someone, please let us know. You need not have a child involved to be involved!
Sharing is Caring!
Share, share, share! Feel free to forward our newsletter to anyone you know who may be interested in our program. We'd love to welcome new delegates!
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Operation Friendship America | 317-294-2315 (Kristina Riley, Chair) | |