May 28, 2019
Volume 1 | Issue 21
Your Weekly Commission Update
Community colleges play an important role in educating and training current and future generations of workers,
in addition to providing affordable and responsive higher education to thousands of Pennsylvanians every year.
Nursing Student Is Grateful for Community College Instructors
Every year, Lehigh Carbon Community College helps thousands of students pursue higher education. For nursing assistant student Erick Castillo, the college stepped up to help him fulfill his dreams just when he thought he had to let them go.
Students Seek Solution for Fellow Students Facing Food Insecurity
After learning that many students at Northampton Community College are struggling with food insecurity, members of the Nursing Student Organization worked for more than a year to establish an on-campus food pantry, which is open to anyone with a valid student ID.
Community College Interns Get Real Job Experience
The new Westmoreland County Visitor Center hopes to drive tourism and repeat trips. It will have one full-time staffer. Two part-timer workers will be supplemented with interns from Westmoreland County Community College's hospitality program, giving these students hands-on experience in the hospitality industry.
PA Community Colleges to Offer 70 New Programs
Pennsylvania’s 14 community colleges will offer 70 new programs in wide-ranging and in-demand careers for the 2019-20 academic year. The in-person and distance education opportunities include programs in STEM, hydroponic agriculture and substance abuse treatment.

The decision to create new programs is a multi-step process that accounts for local labor market data; demand in high-priority occupations; student interest; and the needs of local employers. 
Birthdays & Milestones
Hope you Enjoy a Fabulous Year!
Happy (belated) birthday to U.S. Congressman Rep. Scott Perry Rep. Stephen Barrar , Rep. Matt Bradford and Rep. Karen Boback .

Did we miss someone? Birthday submissions are welcomed to .