Community College Alumna Is Headed to the Ivy League
Congratulations to Montgomery County Community College alumna Blessing Osazuwa on being accepted into Columbia University as a music major in the School of General Studies! Ms. Osazuwa is a member of the 26th Annual All-PA Academic Team sponsored by Phi Theta Kappa.
Five Reasons Community Colleges Are Key to COVID-19 Recovery
"COVID-19 has made abundantly clear how important health care workers and first responders are to the well-being of our nation. Many who serve on the front lines of the pandemic received their education and training at community colleges," said a recent article published by JFF. Read all five reasons why community colleges are key to Pennsylvania's economic recovery.
Continuing Coverage
PA Community Colleges Respond to COVID-19 as Situation Evolves
Happy (belated) Birthday to Sen. Judy Schwank, Sen. John Blake, Rep. Curt Sonney, Rep. Dan Deasy, Rep. Jerry Knowles, Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta, Rep. Patty Kim, Rep. Wendy Ullman, and Rep. Perry Warren!
Congratulations and thank you to Bucks County Community College President Dr. Stephanie H. Shanblatt, who recently announced her pending retirement. Dr. Shanblatt will leave the college next year after a nationwide search for a replacement.