PTK Scholar Shares Story of Trials and Triumph at Capitol
Community College of Allegheny County student
Nicole Russellspoke on behalf of community college students at a recent press conference. “If we want Pennsylvania to be a great state, we must invest in young Pennsylvanians—we are the future of this Commonwealth and country. An investment in our youth starts with an investment in community colleges,” she said.
New Resource Center Offers Collaborative Learning Space
Community College of Beaver Countyrecently unveiled its newly renovated, state-of-the-art
Learning Resources Center. The renovations make the space more collaborative and technologically relevant. It is the first upgrade to the building since it was built in 1996.
Higher Education Shouldn't be a Luxury:
Penn Capital-Star Reports on Community College Lobby Day
Last week at the Capitol, employers, students and college presidents and trustees rallied for an increased funding level in the 2019-20 fiscal year budget. The proposed budget does not provide an operating or capital funding increase for the colleges, despite being the largest provider of public postsecondary education in the Commonwealth and a sector that plays a significant role in the state’s education and workforce development systems. The Penn Capital-Star recapped the event.
Birthdays & Milestones
Hope you Enjoy a Fabulous Year!
Happy (belated) birthday to Rep. Dave Zimmerman, Rep. Justin Walsh, Rep. Dan Frankel and Majority Policy Committee Chair Rep. Donna Oberlander!
Did we miss someone? Birthday submissions are welcomed to [email protected].