March 23, 2021
Volume 3 | Issue 12
Your Weekly Community College Update
Community colleges play an important role in educating and training current and future generations of workers,
in addition to providing affordable and responsive higher education to thousands of Pennsylvanians every year.
SB 83 Supports Training for Firefighter and EMS Volunteers
Today at 11:00 a.m., the Senate Education Committee will consider Senate Bill 83, which establishes a pilot program for training firefighter and emergency services volunteers. Community colleges have provided training for Pennsylvania’s firefighters and emergency services personnel for decades, including programs for secondary school students in partnership with local school districts.
Manufacturing Workforce Pipeline Continues Despite Pandemic
About a year ago, the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) highlighted how Northampton Community College was supporting the local manufacturing industry through a Micro-credentials in Manufacturing program. The college has been able to continue training workers for careers in the manufacturing industry during the pandemic, thanks in part to support from DCED.
Community College Nursing Students Use Skills to Give Back
Nearly a year after Butler County Community College donated personal protective equipment to healthcare workers at the outset of the global pandemic, its registered nursing students are serving as volunteers at the Butler Memorial Hospital COVID-19 vaccination clinic, helping to inoculate up to 1,200 visitors a day.
Continuing Coverage
PA Community Colleges Respond to COVID-19 as Situation Evolves
Pennsylvania community colleges continue to evaluate their response to COVID-19. As guidance changes, the most up-to-date information from each community college is available through the Commission's website.
Birthdays & Milestones
Happy (belated) Birthday to Rep. Joe Webster, Rep. Stephanie BorowiczRep. Mike Driscoll and Rep. Lou Schmitt. May you enjoy a happy and healthy year!

Did we miss someone? 
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