renewable · sustainable · community-based
Pacific Biodiesel Newsletter
Big Island Facilty aerial
Equipment and facility upgrades at both Hawaii Island and Oahu locations were aided by our second Manufacturing Assistance Program Grant from the Hawaii Technology Development Corporation. The Keaau operation, shown above, includes the biodiesel refinery, crushing mill, offices and tanker base yard.

August 2018

In This Issue
  • Hurricane Lane Update
  • Pacific Biodiesel
    Receives 2nd HTDC Manufacturing Assistance Program Grant
  • Pacific Biodiesel Wins Top Honors in "Commitment to Green" Category
  • Pacific Biodiesel Donates to Kilauea Evacuees
  • Pacific Biodiesel's Hawaii Island Team Welcomes Hawaii Leaders 
  • Updates from Maiden Hawaii Naturals
  • Company Employee of the Quarter Named
  • Industry Updates
  • Kelly King Kicks Off Re-Election Campaign
  • Around Town
  • Upcoming Events

Editor: Joy Galatro, Marketing Director 
Staff Writer & Layout: Beth Mathias, Marketing Associate
For more information
about Pacific Biodiesel visit or contact
Beth Mathias at

Our Mission:
To promote a clean, sustainable energy future through the community-based production of renewable fuels. 
BioWille Logo-png

On Earth Day 2016, the Pacific Biodiesel refinery on Hawaii Island became the first biodiesel facility in the world to earn certification by the Sustainable Biodiesel Alliance for showcasing sustainable biodiesel production and distribution practices.   

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Pacific Biodiesel 














Hurricane Lane Update
Pacific Biodiesel unscathed by storm    
Pacific Biodiesel fared well during Hurricane Lane. While some of our operations scaled down as a safeguard during the onset of the storm, all operations are now back to normal.  
     Our collection operations on all islands were hampered by the many business, county, road and landfill closures. When Hilo was experiencing record rains, "the biodiesel plant in Keaau was shut down," noted President Bob King, "partly because of too much water and partly due to the inter-island shipping coming to a halt with no incoming or outgoing tankers." With the ports back open the plant is now up and running at capacity.  
     Overall, Maui and Oahu experienced less wind and rain than anticipated with minimal impact to operations. 
     "We are grateful for all the good wishes from across the country," said King, "and happy to get back to the work of providing our premium renewable fuel to our communities." 

Pacific Biodiesel Receives 2nd HTDC Manufacturing Assistance Program Grant       
Funding helps support new equipment purchases
The Hawaii Technology Development Corporation (HTDC) recently awarded Pacific Biodiesel one of its Manufacturing Assistance Program (MAP) grants. Of the 29 Hawaii-based manufacturing companies awarded funding, only 6, including Pacific Biodiesel, were repeat recipients of the MAP grant funds.
   "It's great to be able to offer financial support to local manufacturers, knowing that the funding is used to improve the businesses," said Robbie Melton, executive director and CEO of HTDC. "The grant helps companies expand their production, resulting in more jobs in Hawaii and contributing to the state's economy overall."
     The grant provides up to 20 percent reimbursement on qualified expenses, which totaled more than $6 million by the companies that received funding this year.  
     Pacific Biodiesel received reimbursement for expenses related to facility upgrades, including wastewater pre-treatment equipment and a centrifuge system designed to increase the recovery of yellow and brown grease from trap waste at the company's Oahu facility. 
     " This grant is a great help as it allows us to invest in new equipment to make our fuel production and oil collection more efficient," said Operations Director Jenna Long.
     In addition to helping Hawaii manufacturers become globally competitive, HTDC's MAP grant gives local manufacturers a chance for expansion and to become more energy efficient. The MAP grant is administered by HTDC's INNOVATE Hawaii, a national program funded by the U.S. Department of Commerce National Institute of Standards and Technology, which provides assistance to Hawaii manufacturers to grow and expand their business. Additional information about the MAP grant and INNOVATE Hawaii can be found at   

Pacific Biodiesel Wins Top Honors in "Commitment to Green" Category
Pacific Edge Magazine also names Kuleana as finalist in PEM's Business Excellence Awards
Pacific Edge Magazine honored Pacific Biodiesel with its "Commitment to Green" Award during the 8th Annual Business Achievement Awards. This award recognizes an individual or business that demonstrates a steadfast commitment to sustainability.
     Pacific Biodiesel was among winners in 11 different categories, announced during the red-carpet awards gala on August 9 at The Kahala Hotel & Resort on Oahu. Vice President Kelly King accepted the award on behalf of the company. 
     Kuleana, the company's new natural beauty brand made in Hawaii, received recognition as a finalist in the "Best New Business" category. Read about Pacific Biodiesel and the other 2018 winners here.  
Pacific Biodiesel Vice President Kelly King, fifth from left, joined other top winners at Pacific Edge Magazine's Business Achievement Awards. Photo: Pacific Edge Magazine
Pacific Biodiesel Donates to Kilauea Evacuees
Big Island team members deliver much needed fuel and supplies
We have all heard about the devastation on Hawaii Island from the Kilauea eruptions with lava flows displacing countless families, farms and businesses. None are more aware than our Pacific Biodiesel team in Keaau, located in the eastern part of the Island in the Puna District just 17 miles from the affected areas.
    When President Bob King asked Hawaii Island employees how our company could assist in the relief efforts, Supply Chain Manager Kealii Kahaapea mentioned that his brother Kaleo's non-profit agency, Hawaii Unlimited Athletics, was looking for partnerships to assist residents in need. Kaleo's organization provides necessary health and fitness clinics for underprivileged youth in the community, many of whom were affected by the lava flows. 
     It was a perfect partnership. While many in the community were donating food, clothing and basic supplies, several needs were still unmet at the community-funded Puʻuhonua O Puna Info and Supply Hub. Pacific Biodiesel donated a tote of 250 gallons of biodiesel with fuel pump to power The Hub's skid steer forklift and lighting generator. The company also donated 1000 lbs of macadamia nut meal, a by-product of our crushing mill operation, as welcome livestock feed for pigs displaced by the lava. According to MHN Operations Manager Chris Long, who was a member of the delivery team, "by the time our team left, half the pallet load of meal was already gone." Fleet Mechanic Ethan Jackson, and Supply Chain Manager Kealii Kahaapea helped make the deliveries.
     Other Pacific Biodiesel donations included much needed wooden pallets and our house-made liquid hand soap, both which appeared on the "Hub's" needed items list.
     "It was gratifying to provide our renewable fuel and other locally made products that other companies aren't able to offer," reported Kealii Kahaapea. "We were all proud to deliver our company's contributions to the relief efforts."
     " With more than 50 employees at our refinery, we feel fortunate that our team and facility remain safe and we have great empathy for those who have been severely impacted by the volcanic activity," King said. "We are so fortunate to be able to help our neighbors in need, in a meaningful way."
     While the lava flows may have slowed for the time being, residents are still displaced and in need of assistance. For information on how you can help the effort go to the Puʻuhonua O Puna Facebook page. There you will find the latest updates on the community's need and links to various donation registries.   
Puu O honua Lava
Fleet Mechanic Ethan Jackson, Kaleo Kaahapea, Supply Chain Coordinator Kealii Kahaapea and MHN Operations Manager Chris Long with donations  
from Pacific Biodiesel.
Puu O Honua Lava
Kealii Kahaapea readies to offload Pacific Biodiesel's renewable fuel and Macadamia nut meal at The Hub.
Pacific Biodiesel's Hawaii Island Team Welcomes Hawaii Leaders
Hawaii Electric Light and Maui Electric Company representatives and US Congresswoman tour Keaau facility 
The Pacific Biodiesel team on Hawaii Island hosted our energy partners from Maui Electric and Hawaii Electric Light Company earlier this month for a tour of the Keaau biodiesel refinery and crushing mill operation.
     Maui Electric has been using biodiesel fuel at the Maalaea Power Plant for more than a decade. The company also uses our locally produced renewable fuel in some of their fleet vehicles. Hawaii Electric Light has fueled their fleet vehicles with locally produced biodiesel since 2012.
     Last year, representatives from the Hawaiian Electric companies toured Pacific Biodiesel's Central Maui biofuel crop farm which overlooks the Maalaea Power Plant.
     During her August visit to the Big Island before the primary election, US Representative Tulsi Gabbard also stopped by the Pacific Biodiesel facility in Keaau to hear about our newest ventures and learn how she can best support the company's initiatives.
     Gabbard, who earlier this year introduced bill HR 3671, the "OFF Act" (Off Fossil Fuels for a Better Future Act) is a long-time advocate of renewable fuels. As she stated in her February press release, "For too long, our nation has failed to take action on climate change, putting the future of our people and our planet in danger. This inaction has led to record-breaking sea levels that are eroding our infrastructure, rising ocean temperatures that are dramatically altering marine life and destroying our coral reefs, and exacerbating natural disasters. All people deserve to breathe clean air, drink clean water, and believe in the promise of a bright future. We must build upon the momentum growing at the federal, state, and local levels, and pass the OFF Act to end our addiction to fossil fuels and transition the country to a 100% clean energy economy by 2035. This bill lays the foundation for a just and economic pathway toward a cleaner, more secure future for all."
     Director of Operations Jenna Long and Plant Manager Tony Pastrama toured Congresswoman Gabbard through the refinery and adjacent crushing mill. Watch the Congresswoman's video of the tour here.
Director of Operations Jenna Long and President Bob King hosted Hawaii Electric Light and Maui Electric representatives for a tour of the Keaau biodiesel facility.

Tulsi at plant 2018
US Representative Tulsi Gabbard visited Pacific Biodiesel's refinery and crushing mill during her stop in Keaau where she received a guided tour by Operations Director Jenna Long and Plant Manager Tony Pastrama.

Updates from Maiden Hawaii Naturals    
Mac Nut oil with team
MHN Operations Manager Chris Long, Ag Operations Assistant Shiryl Arizumi and Crushing Mill Operator Scott McLean prepare totes of our company's Hawaiian Macadamia nut cosmetic-grade oil destined for a mainland customer.
  • Macadamia Nut Oil Heads to Mainland
Last month, the Maiden Hawaii Naturals production team loaded up the largest order of the year with cosmetic-grade Macadamia nut oil headed for a natural ingredients supplier on the mainland. Several 250-gallon totes of our premium oil were loaded onto a flatbed to be transferred to a container then onto a barge for their mainland destination.  Hawaiian macadamia nut oil is highly regarded by cosmetic manufacturers who have previously had to source the ingredient from international suppliers in Africa, Australia and Central America. 
     We are finding that manufacturers, who in the past had been purchasing large bulk quantities of crude Macadamia nut oil from international sources, are placing high value on working with a US company," reported Sales Manager Josh Circle-Woodburn. "They appreciate the added sense of security and quicker transit times we are able to provide. Also, they are very excited to have a new local source for high quality Macadamia nut oil."  
  • MHN at Made in Hawaii Festival 
Pacific Biodiesel's Kuleana® natural beauty products secured a coveted spot this year at the 24th Annual Made In Hawaii Festival. The 3-day event, held at Honolulu's Neal Blaisdell Center from August 17-19, showcased food products, books, gifts, apparel and jewelry, arts and crafts, and many more locally made products from around the 50th State.
     Event organizers were so excited about Pacific Biodiesel's sustainable farm and fuel model that they prominently
Made in Hawaii Festival Logo  
featured the company in a Honolulu Star Advertiser feature article about the festival and invited Marketing Director Joy Galatro to be interviewed live on Friday morning's Wake Up 2Day show on KHON-TV.           
     Many people searched out the Kuleana booth to learn more about our "farm to face" beauty brand after seeing the TV spot or reading about these new products in the paper. With over 45,000 attendees over the three-day Festival, the marketing team of Joy Galatro, Sales Manager Josh Circle-Woodburn and Marketing Associate Beth Mathias introduced many new customers to the benefits of the natural beauty line and announcing the company's soon-to-be released reef-safe sunscreen. The show's biggest seller in the Kuleana line was Rejuve for maturing skin that includes green coffee oil and avocado oil blended with Macadamia nut oil - all made by our company with locally grown ingredients. Check out the KHON-TV interview here 
     The Festival also included daily cooking demonstrations by celebrity chefs. Circle-Woodburn met with each of these renowned chefs and they were thrilled to receive samples of our newly released Hawaiian Macadamia Nut and Maui Sunflower premium culinary oils.
Sales Manager Josh Circle-Woodburn and Marketing Director Joy Galatro present a sample of our new reef-safe Kuleana Sunscreen during the Made in Hawaii Festival.
J ohn Veneri and Chef Sam Choy, co-hosts of the KHON2 cooking show "Sam Choy's In The Kitchen", received a sample of our Hawaiian Macadamia Nut cooking oil from Josh Circle-Woodburn following their cooking demonstration at the Festival.
On hand to greet attendees at the Made in Hawaii Kuleana booth were Joy Galatro, Beth Mathias, Josh Circle-Woodburn and event volunteer Eleni Demko. 
  • New Culinary Oils Get Rave Reviews from Local Chefs
With "farm to table" dining all the rage, Hawaii chefs are excited to incorporate
Mac and Sun Gals
MHN premium culinary oils are currently offered to local chefs in gallon or larger volumes.
Maiden Hawaii Naturals' locally produced premium culinary oils into their menus. Currently, our Hawaiian Macadamia nut and Maui Sunflower culinary oils are being sold in commercial volumes to local chefs.
     "It never gets old having my first meeting with local chefs. I love introducing them to our new cooking oils, especially when they are unfamiliar with our products," reported Sales Manager Josh Circle-Woodburn. "From either being awestruck at what we are making to extremely eager to taste them, their reactions are those of unanimous support.  Without a doubt, we have a product that is in high demand and a perfect fit for Hawaii gourmets."
     Here's what some of the chefs are saying:
"The sunflower oil is so diverse.  Not only is it produced locally in our own back yard, but the nuttiness and floral notes allow us to use it both in raw applications and for cooking.  At The Mill House our goal is to use it as our primary oil."  Chef Jeff Scheer, The Mill House Restaurant, Maui
"The sunflower oil taste is sweet, light, and grapeseed-ish with a lingering flavor that includes herbal, seed, and pollen notes." Chef Allen Hess, Mai Grille, Hawai'i Island
"The macadamia nut oil is delightfully complex. Medium viscosity, fresh aroma of coffee and cacao mixed with the essence of a blonde raw nut. When it cooks it deepens in flavor as a macadamia nut would, becoming nuttier, more roasty." Chef Lee Anne Wong of Koko Head Café, Oahu and Executive Chef with Hawaiian Airlines.
"The sunflower oil has a clean taste, subtle sunflower seed scent and flavor; the Macadamia Nut oil has a more viscous, umami scent and flavor profile." Chef Jana McMahon, Maui
Edible Hawaii Cover
Edible Hawaiian Islands magazine featured Pacific Biodiesel and its new locally made culinary oils in its Summer Issue.
"The macadamia nut oil is crazy flavorful. It does to macadamia nuts whatsesame oil does to sesame seeds. Neat toasted nutty cacao flavor really comes through." Chef Ron Miller, Hukilau Lanai, Kauai
     The summer edition of Edible Hawaiian Islands includes a 15 page spread "Sunflower Power" about Pacific Biodiesel's sustainable agricultural efforts highlighting our culinary oils. The article includes recipes and tips from some of the local chefs quoted above. See the full article beginning on page 46 here.
     "Although currently only available for restaurants, we are exploring the possibilities of offering our culinary oils as retail products for home cooks to enjoy as well," said Marketing Director Joy Galatro. 
  • In the News
In addition to the article in Edible Hawaiian Islands Magazine, our products have been featured in numerous media outlets.
  • Lollie Shopping - Kuleana is featured in Beauty Products for Women Over 35.
  • Hawaii Magazine - Hawaiʻi Magazine mentions our sunflower fields and exclusive sunflower oil used at ʻAwili Spa at Andaz Maui.   
  • Christie Moeller Blog - Fashion stylist Christie Moeller features Kuleana on her beauty blog.    
  • Day Spa - Soothe beauty oil is included on page 44 in DAYSPA Magazine's feature on oil treatments.   
  • LA Times - LA Times covers the sunflower field that gives rise to beauty products and cooking oil.  
  • Home Business Magazine - Kuleana is included in Home Business Magazine's list of Top Mother's Day Beauty Gifts. 
  • Modern Luxury - Modern Luxury Hawaii picks Kuleana on page 30 in its top 5 for 'sustainable-savvy skincare' aficionados. 
  • Kuleana Beauty Products Now at Many Island Locations 
  • 808 Wellness - Kihei, Maui
  • Accents - St. Regis, Princeville, Kauai
  • Alive & Well - Kahului
  • ʻAwili Spa - Andaz Maui Resort, Wailea
  • Blue Hawaii Lifestyle - Waikiki
  • Down To Earth - Kahului, Maui
  • Four Seasons Hualalai -  Hawaii Island
  • Gottling Home Store - Wailea, Maui


Company Employee of the Quarter Named
Ferdinand Ballesteros earns "Top Shaka" award for the 2nd Quarter of 2018
Pacific Biodiesel Dispatch Coordinator Ferdinand Ballesteros was recently named Employee of the Quarter. Marketing Director Joy Galatro nominated the 8-year veteran employee in June of this year for a "Shaka Shoutout".
     "Ferd shows genuine interest in learning about our new products and understanding important issues like proposed fuel tax increases that will help him better respond to customer questions and provide accurate
Jason_Ferd Shakas
Maui County Operations Manager Jason Imamura congratulates 2nd Quarter "Top Shaka" winner Dispatch Coordinator Ferd Ballesteros.
information. He is always customer-focused," Galatro explained.
     "We also appreciate Ferd's support with our company's community outreach events where we discuss Pacific Biodiesel's mission and many sustainability initiatives. Recently, we had several requests for tours of our Maui biofuel crop farm from school groups. Ferd was eager to assist the Marketing team, quickly learned the talking points and participated with us in giving farm tours to 29 teenagers participating in the Maui Police Department's Summer Leadership Program as well as with the visiting students from the Atlanta's Westminster High School. The students were very engaged and interested as he explained how we collect used cooking oil and grease trap waste to produce our renewable fuel."
     Ballesteros joined Pacific Biodiesel in July of 2010 as a part-time driver on Maui, servicing grease traps and collecting used cooking oil from foodservice facilities across the island. After becoming full-time, he took on the added responsibility as Maui's fuel truck driver. Reports of the excellent customer service he provided followed each step of his employment. He was promoted to Dispatch Coordinator in 2015 and continues to serve in that capacity, working with our collection teams on all three islands.
Employees of the Quarter are eligible for the company's prestigious Employee of the Year honor.

Industry Updates
Helping to keep you informed    
  • California has already reached the 1990 GHG emission levels as reported in Biodiesel Magazine. Click here to read the full article.
  • Biodiesel producers ask the EPA to raise RFS volumes and ensure they are met. Read the National Biodiesel Board press release here.
  • Producers and marketers unify in support of biodiesel tax credit. Biodiesel Magazine's article outlines the appeal to maintain and extend the current biodiesel blenders tax credit. Read it here.
Kelly King Kicks Off Re-Election Campaign
Supporters gather at Maui Tropical Plantation 
A cross section of Maui's community members and candidates came out in support of Pacific Biodiesel Vice President Kelly King as she launched her reelection campaign to represent South Maui in the County Council.
MTP Kelly Kickoff
Community members gathered at the Maui Tropical Plantation to show support for Kelly King's reelection to the Maui County Council. 
The event, hosted at Maui Tropical Plantation, took place in the Chef's Table Pavilion at The Mill House.
     Following a pule performed by Kimokeo Kapahulehua, attendees enjoyed heavy pupu prepared by Chef Jeff Scheer and team, while 4-time Grammy Award-winning performer George Kahumoku Jr. provided musical entertainment.
     The highlight of the evening was the reason everyone was there. Kelly King addressed the crowd of more than 100, outlining her goals for Maui the next two years, in keeping with her campaign slogan "Cultivating Good Government." As King outlined her key initiatives, attendees were directed to six wall posters, each titled with one of her areas of focus: Affordable Housing & Homelessness, Environment, Economic Development, Water Resources & Agriculture, Governance, Cultural Awareness. She encouraged everyone to write down their concerns and suggestions, noting that good government requires listening to what the community has to say.
     "If there's one thing I've learned from 24 years of helping to run a community-based renewable fuel company, it's that if you are determined in your mission, you can make it through anything!" said King following the event. "Mahalo to all who came out to support my service-focused candidacy - it was a diverse crowd of supporters, and the evening could not have gone better. Good food, good setting, great people!"
George Kahumoku
Grammy Award winning George Kahumoku, Jr. provided music for the evening's celebration.
Kimokeo Kapahulehua presented King with a maile lei and blessing at the campaign event.
Kelly King joined hands with attendees for a moving rendition of "Hawaii Aloha" as the campaign kick-off came to a close.
Around Town
Pacific Biodiesel's Hawaii Outreach
East-West Center's Changing Faces Presentation & Tour - May 12 
Vice President Kelly King and Marketing Director Joy Galatro hosted 16 international women entrepreneurs participating in the 2018 Changing Faces Women's Leadership Seminar. They visited Maui to learn about Pacific Biodiesel and its sustainable model of agriculture for food and fuel. After a presentation at MEDB's Malcolm Center, the group visited the biofuel crop farm.  

Ka Ipu Kukui Farm Tour - May 17
The 2018 Ka Ipu Kukui Fellows visited Maui's biofuel crop farm for an informative presentation about Pacific Biodiesel's sustainable initiatives for farming for food and fuel. The Ka Ipu Kukui Fellowship is designed to develop new leaders through a community-based program designed to address planning for Maui County's future.  
MPD Summer Leadership Program Farm Tour - June 6
As the season's last blooming crop of sunflowers was nearing its end, twenty-nine teens from Maui schools visited our farm site as participants of the 2018 MPD Summer Leadership program. Led by Police Officer Marjie Kahookele-Pea of the Community Relations Section, students were taken on educational journey about sustainability. Maui Dispatch Coordinator Ferd Ballesteros spoke about the origin of Pacific Biodiesel and our recycling of used cooking oil and grease trap waste into the best biodiesel in the country.
Kelly Chg Faces 05-2018
Kelly King poses for a selfie with the women of the East-West Center's Changing Faces Leadership Seminar.
Ka Ipu Kukui 05-2018
As the Ka Ipu Kukui Fellows look on, Marketing Director Joy Galatro explains Pacific Biodiesel's sustainable farm and fuel initiatives.
MPD Leadership group
An educational visit to Pacific Biodiesel's central Maui farm by the Maui Police Department Summer Leadership participants culminated with a celebratory group shot.
Hawaii Restaurant Association Golf Tournament - June 7 
Account Executives Dana Shinsato and Rob Robinson played in the Hawaii Restaurant Association's annual golf tournament at the Hawaii Prince Golf Club in Ewa Beach, where they networked with current and prospective customers.
Global Wellness Day - June 9  
Pacific Biodiesel's Kuleana team was invited to participate in Global Wellness Day at the Four Seasons Resort Maui. Celebrated by Four Seasons properties across the globe, the event in Wailea included include yoga, meditation and wellness workshops, as well as demonstrations of our Kuleana skincare line and tasting of our new culinary oils.
Kaulana O Na Wai Eha - June 23
A community event to honor the streams and agriculture of central Maui, Kaulana O Na Wai Eha was a free event for the public. Pacific Biodiesel's booth featured information about our locally produced fuel and other sustainable and recycling initiatives as well our Kuleana beauty products and culinary oils. 
Hawaii Lodging, Hospitality & Foodservice Expo - July 11-12  
Account Executives Dana Shinsato and Rob Robinson were joined this year by MHN Sales Manager Josh Circle-Woodburn at the 2018 Hawaii Lodging, Hospitality and Foodservice Expo in Honolulu. In addition to showcasing our restaurant and hotel recycling services, Woodburn was able to introduce our newly offered MHN culinary oils to the many chefs and restaurateurs attending the annual event sponsored by the Hawaii Food Industry Association. The Expo is Hawaii's largest annual business-to-business trade event and provides Hawaii's hotels, resorts, restaurants and foodservice establishments with immediate and direct access to more than 350 vendors.
Huliau Food and Film Festival - July 28  
For the second consecutive year, Pacific Biodiesel sponsored the Huliau Food and Film Festival at Sugar Beach Events in Kihei, Maui. Featuring student produced films about sustainability and the environment, the event raised needed funds for the non-profit organization that promotes environmental literacy and leadership among Maui's youth.
Na Wai Eha Booth
The Pacific Biodiesel tent was visited by residents and visitors alike during the Kaulana O Na Wai Eha  environmental awareness event at Maui Tropical Plantation.
Account Executive Rob Robinson and Sales Manager Josh Circle-Woodburn readied to greet attendees at the Hawaii Lodging, Hospitality and Foodservice Expo.

Upcoming Events  
Some of the places we'll be in the coming months  

September 8 - Sierra Club of Hawaii 50th Anniversary, Kualoa Ranch, Oahu   



Pacific Biodiesel is proud to be a sponsor for the Sierra Club of Hawaii's 50th Anniversary celebration. Vice President Kelly King has been invited to speak at the event where local chefs will be preparing farm-to-table menus featuring our locally produced culinary oils. Click here for ticket information:  
October 10-11 - Future Focus Conference, Hawaii Convention Center  
President Bob King is a guest speaker at the University of Hawaii's 2018 conference, "The Hawaii Innovation Initiatives Forum on Sustainable Agriculture, Food Security, Cybersecurity & More." King will participate in an opening day roundtable session " Hawaii Agriculture Envisioned into the Future ". For information go to: 
October 17-19 - IPS Connect - Ka'anapali Beach Hotel, Maui
The afternoon Entrepreneurial Innovation segment of the Australia-based conference will feature Bob King on the topic "Sustainable Biodiesel". Isolated Power System Connect provides a unique opportunity for industry, academia and international experts working in the field of remote area power supply and isolated power systems to connect, discuss and share their ideas, present results, reflect on past experiences and discuss future projects.
November 2 & 3 - Made in Maui County Festival
Kuleana Beauty will be front and center at the 5th Annual Made in Maui County Festival, our second year in attendance. In addition to our line of beauty oils and cleansers, we will be offering our new reef-safe sunscreen to buyers from Hawaii and the Mainland. The island's largest product show features over 140 vendors, product demonstrations and fashion shows. Click here for event and ticket info.  

Founded in 1995, Pacific Biodiesel is the nation's longest operating and most experienced biodiesel producer, and the only commercial liquid biofuel producer in the state. A Maui-based company with nearly 100 employees statewide, we established the very first retail biodiesel pump in America and for two decades we've been an innovative leader in the renewable energy industry. With a nameplate production capacity of 5.5 million gallons annually, our Big Island refinery utilizes advanced distillation technology to produce the highest-quality biodiesel in the country and in 2016 became the first facility in the world to be certified by the Sustainable Biodiesel Alliance. Our company has always focused on recycling with a zero waste philosophy that incorporates development of value-added co-products. Today, our collaborative, community-based "agriculture and energy" production model demonstrates a full-circle sustainability system designed to fight climate change and help Hawaii achieve a clean, sustainable energy future.
For more information please visit our website at:
or contact Beth Mathias at:
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