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28 May 2023 Vol 1, Issue 6 Memorial Day Special

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Hello PHS Alumni

Peoria High School was established in 1856. The many graduates of PHS have gone on to serve society in many different ways. This edition is dedicated to all of those who have served in defense of this great nation. Memorial Day was established as “Decoration Day” after the Civil War. A war in which Peoria High School Alumni fought in to preserve the Union and defeat slavery. If you were observant as a student at PHS you would see all the plaques dedicated to those who served and all who gave the ultimate sacrifice for their country. Please take a moment to remember those who have served and sacrificed. The Alumni Association wishes you a peaceful Memorial Day.

On May 5th, 1868, Fellow Illinoisan and Commander of the Grand Army of the Republic, General John A. Logan, issued his General Order Number 11 proclaiming that...

"The 30th of May, 1868 is designated for the purpose of strewing with flowers or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country during the late rebellion and whose bodies now lie in almost every city, village and hamlet churchyard in the land"

Although written in 1868 as part of the first official observances of what we now know as Memorial Day, Logan's words are just as relevant today.

Dean of Girls in 1940

Peoria High School

World War Two Remembrance

Miss Eleanor B Watson

Dean of Girls, Peoria High School

On a mission:

Remembering Those Who Served

By Bill Robertson, Class of '78

Editor's Note- The following two short stories are from speeches that were given in 2000 in Peoria for Memorial Day.

I remember well heading over to Peoria High School in 2000 to do research for a few speeches I was going to give to my fellow Peorian's attending Memorial Day ceremonies. There are two parts to this article. The first one is Eleanor B Watson, Dean of Girls at PHS during World War II and then Peoria High Graduate Jack Koch, who was killed in the cleanup operations during the Battle of the Bulge. I've cut and pasted excerpts from the speeches below.

"The ultimate defining moment on my search came when Jo Grewell, the Peoria High Librarian, showed me a book that had been assembled during and after World War II. Not only did I get a little emotional but it showed me how much a person can care about others. 

Eleanor B. Watson was Dean of Girls at Peoria High from 1927 to 1948. During World War II she took it upon herself to assemble the name of every Peoria High Student that served in World War Two and the branch of service they were drafted or enlisted. It also listed the street address of where that individual grew up, status of that individual after the war. It also listed KIA for Killed In Action, POW for Prisoner of War and for some the medals or decorations given to them for a service or act. It affected me deeply.

 I grew up on the West Bluff in the Uplands. Many names and families were right from the area I grew up in. I began to think of sacrifice in a different way. It was becoming very personal.  By looking at the past and the sacrifices these young men and woman made I gained a deeper understanding of what it takes to make our country and yes, Peoria a better place to live. 

To maintain the freedom that we all enjoy today. These “Students” sacrificed themselves for their country so that we would not live under the oppression of the Axis during World War II. The book left a deep impression on me. As for Eleanor B. Watson, the Dean of Girls, she did us all a huge favor by taking the time to remember all of those students who served from Peoria High School. She took it upon herself to make sure that all the veterans were remembered and their service recorded so that others may understand just by looking at the book that our freedom isn’t free. It comes at a price. Sometimes the ultimate price----your life. They gave selflessly to the nation in a true time of need. Common people in an uncommon desperate struggle. 

Miss Watson kept a tally at the end of her book. 2233 Peoria High Students in service. 88 killed in action. 1 still missing. An incredible accounting of the service of the graduates from Peoria High School. She cared enough and felt personally responsible to remember. She knew the consequences of defeat should they fail in their mission. We should all remember the consequences if our armed forces fail in their mission. We should all take a moment everyday to thank those veterans past and present for their service. We enjoy freedoms not found anywhere else on this planet. As for the future defenders of freedom... Everyday they need to prepare to uphold, defend and sacrifice for what this great nation stands for. We need to follow the Eleanor B. Watson example and remember those warriors who have served when the nation called. They built our freedom and liberty on the foundation and principles of honor, courage and sacrifice. Americans have fought and died for principles of freedom and democracy in every corner of the world. These Americans exemplify the concept of service before self. We must never forget—and always preserve—the ideals they fought and died for.

Part Two- Memorial Day Remembrance- Jack Koch

Just a quick note- I was able to locate one of Jack's friends and talk with him about Jack at Peoria High before I gave the speech. A real joy to have that kind of insight into a Peoria High Alumnus. Also the Freedom Wall most of us remember in the front hallway on the main floor was taken down a few years back for reasons unknown.

This is an excerpt from a speech I gave in 2000 at Memorial Day in Peoria:

"The past is full of examples of courage and sacrifice. As I said earlier in my opening I was looking for some examples or meanings or why we should remember. I thought back to my high school days at Peoria High School. I remember walking through the halls. If you have not walked through the halls, you need to. Not only will you find all the iron ever mined around here went into the awards, titles and trophies won by the school but you will get a history lesson. In the front hallway there is the Freedom Shrine. It meant something to me then and it means a whole lot more to me now. Did you know 118 Peoria High graduates fought in the Spanish-American War? There is a plaque there honoring those fallen soldiers. There are many other important replica documents defining great moments in this country’s history. Two in particular are the surrender of Japan and Germany. They define the end of some of the most awful wars this country has had to endure. Sacrifice by every American.  I have seen the memorials on the schools walls honoring those that served. The history is rich and full of sacrifice and heroism. Peorian’s from all the schools in the area that answered their call to duty. Some of you may be in the audience. As I searched I came across an award given to students for outstanding leadership and athletics. It is the Jack Koch (“Cook”) award. It is still given to this day at Peoria High. Jack Koch was a student and enlisted in 1944. He was the class president. He gave the ultimate sacrifice. Let me read to you an excerpt from his final actions. 


Jack was assigned to the Combat Command B (CCB), 8th Armored Division, 137th Regimental Combat Team. The Battle of the Bulge had just been repulsed and the remnants of that battle were being mopped up. He was participating in Operation Grenade: The Ninth Army offensive from the Roer River to the Rhine River. Dates of this battle were Feb 23- March 11, 1945. On March 6, 1945 Task Force Murray with the 137th Infantry and “what remained” of the 8th Armored Combat Command B started north from Rheinberg to Wesel but German Defense again was fierce as German Forces struggled to cover their retreat and protect the Wesel Bridges. Jack was killed in this action. Small arms and mortar fire was intense. Jack belonged to an armored infantry unit and would normally have been protected by an armored personnel carrier (half-track). He was dismounted at the time. Perhaps as a result of half-track losses from the previous day or perhaps looking for mines along the road. Whatever the cause of his fatal wound, Jack managed to crawl into a nearby ditch where a medic found him. Jack’s assessment was that his wound was not as serious as others nearby and urged the medic to treat a nearby officer first. For this action, Jack was awarded the Silver Star medal (Posthumously) for gallantry in action. A young life given towards our freedom and liberty.


It was a selfless act of sacrifice for his country.


A Peoria High Graduate, a Peorian killed in action. He embodies the character of the people this great city produces."

THE JACK KOCH AWARD that is given each year at PHS:

Members of the 1944 PHS Baseball team initiated this award in memory of Jack Koch, who was the team’s Student Manager, and president of his senior class. This young man died in World War II, while serving in the United States Army. This award exemplifies leadership, dedication, character, and athletic excellence. 


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Bill Robertson, Class of '78

President, Peoria High Alumni Association

Scheduled for 2023:

Upcoming Reunions:

The Peoria High Alumni Association is here to help. Upcoming reunions can be a busy time. The Association can help provide some of your classmates with information for the reunions. If you have listing of members of your class, the Alumni Association would be honored to take those names and load them into our database so we can reach out to them with school news and updates during the year.

Class of 1963


25-26 Aug 2023

LaVerne Wilson



Class of 1964


8-9 Sep 2023

Mike Lawless


Class of 1968


19 Aug 2023

Alexander's Street Steakhouse

Jackie Voorhees


Class of 1973


12 Aug 2023

Bill Wingfield


Class of 1978


Class of '78 Reunion Website/Info Here!

15-17 Sep 2023

Julie Slane-Gott


Class of 1983


Class of '83 Facebook

9-10 Jun 2023

Mary Khoury Harvey


Class of 1993


Class of '93 Facebook

24-25 Jun 2023

Amanda Decker Fitts


Class of 2003


Oct 20-21, 2023


Class of 2013




Scheduled 2024 Reunions

Class of 1999


PHS Class of '99 Reunion

10-15 Jun 2024

DaVatrice Lindsey


Learn More

Class of 1983 Reunion Coming Up Soon - June 9-10, 2023

40 years goes by quick! We wish the Class of 1983 congratulations on your reunion after 40 Years! Your POC is:

Mary Khoury Harvey


Facebook Reunion Link '83

1983 PHS Football Team

Class of 1993 Reunion- 24-25 June 2023

Congratulations to the Class of 1993! 30 years! We hope you are attending and renewing old friendships. Your POC is:

Amanda Decker-Fitts


Facebook Reunion Link '93

Peoria High School

Keep the Legacy Alive through

your Alumni Association!

Looking for Current Events and Happenings at PHS?

Check out this link to see the latest for PHS Athletics and events. Be sure to go to the calendar tab and see the entire month. Get the scores and info! Go Lions!

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Are you still a Lion? Stay in Touch!

We would love to hear Alumni stories from your class! If you have a great story to tell about your teachers, experiences, athletics, coaches, love story, etc....please send them to the Alumni Office. We can also post short articles on your reunion. We would love to include them in the Lion's Pride and possibly print them here within our Quarterly Emails.

PHS Gear is OPEN!

Support your school! Show your true school loyalty by purchasing an official Peoria High School Alumni sportswear. Just follow this link to the web store and make your purchase! Proceeds will help the Alumni Association.

The web store when activated will remain open for a limited period.

So get your gear for that upcoming reunion! Follow the links. The store "Fully Promoted" is located local in Peoria!

More PHS Gear!

In Memoriam

Please visit our website to view those Peoria High Alumni who have recently departed plus a cumulative listing in the newsletter. If you know of an Alumni that has passed away please let the Alumni Office know. You are the only way we have visibility on those Alumni who have passed. The following are those whose families have notified us since the last Lion's Pride Newsletter. In addition to this list you can check the Lion's Pride Newsletter located in the "Media" folder at www.peoriahighalumni.org. If we have made an error please let the Alumni office know.

The Alumni Office was recently notified of these Alumni who have passed this year. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends of all our fellow Lion's.


Dick Carver



John Huber



Larry H. Wood



Esther Swedell Stone


In Memoriam

Contact Us

For More Information:

​LaVerne Wilson

Administrator Alumni Office


1615 N. North St.

Peoria IL 61604


Questions? Contact Our Office