June 2018
Pistorio Foundation Newsletter
  • 513 Students have attained a Professional School Degree
  • Over 45 Infrastructure Projects have been completed
  • Over 32 Village Communities have benefitted
  • For every 1$ donation, 1$ is devolved to projects benefitting children in need
In This Issue
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Dear Friends,

We are delighted to present you the 2017 Annual Activities Report of the Foundation, including our latest developments, project updates for 2017 and some testimonials from our

Her e's a first glance on our key results:
- 1.253 Students on Scholarship
- 38 Students completed Professional School
2 Investments:
- 2017 Investments Budget: 174.174 €
- 2017 Overhead Costs: 19.257 € (11% of Total Budget)


Pistorio Fioundation

News from Milan headquarters
Sadly, Giovanna Bottani has recently left her role as Director of the Foundation to pursue new assignments in the nonprofit sector. We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to Giovanna for her exemplary professionalism and dedication. As Director, Giovanna steered the Foundation through a transition involving the relocation of our Headquarters from Geneva to Milan. Giovanna navigated operations smoothly, seamlessly and in a timely fashion, without impacting the successful running of our projects worldwide, but rather enforcing our presence in the countries we operate in and bringing added value to our mission and projects. Giovanna is succeeded by Lucia Coletti, who has assumed office since April 2018 and whose competence and experience will undoubtedly prove to be an asset for the Foundation's activities as we move forwards.

Lucia Coletti
Lucia has developed deep knowledge from both the point of view of decision makers and local communities with experience with IIOO (European Commission and UN) as well as small organisations, where she learned to respect and gain trust of the different cultures she had to interact with. Based on her studies and professional experiences focused on the triple bottom line of social and sustainable development, Lucia will bring to the Foundation her expertise on European funds, as a means for pursuing social development and sustainability.

News from Thailand
Congratulations to our newly graduated professional school students in March 2018!
Throughout 2017 the Foundation had 1.160 students on scholarship from 12 villages, catered to also by the infrastructures that we have contributed to build along the years such as primary and secondary schools, kindergartens, nurseries, teacher accommodations, libraries, computer rooms and sanitation facilities, etc.
In March 2018, 22 students graduated from professional school and received a diploma from Viroon Business Administration and Technological College (VBAC), Chiang Rai Vocational College, Chiang Rai Technical College and Chiang Mai Technical College. They have graduated in the following subjects: Tourism and Hotel Management, Accounting, Mechanics, Marketing and Home Economics.
Most of these students have been on Pistorio Foundation Scholarship for a number of years, and many since primary school. The Foundation has been able to guarantee their full education and a long-term preparation to break their families' intergenerational cycle of poverty, ensuring them the acquisition of skills, knowledge, and a degree that will allow them to compete for decent and well-paid employment in the job market.
As part of the Scholarship Program, the Foundation ensures that Professional School students are able to pursue and succeed in their studies, and depending on the needs, provides for housing, food, uniforms, school supplies, and school fees.
Graduation of the class at VBAC in March 2018

Graduation of the class at VBAC in March 2018

Students graduated in Mechanics from CRI Technical College

From our Beneficiaries
Yohun Lae Cher "Yo"'s story

After Yohun finished his secondary level, he decided to continue with vocational programme at VBAC (Viroon Business Administration and Technological College), where students can be enrolled into the scholarship programme provided by the Pistorio Foundation, covering accommodation, full-boarding and tuition fee if the Grade Point Average is not less than 2.50. Yohun chose to study Tourism and Hotel Management due to his interest in English Language and Hospitality.
Yohun newly graduated and received his diploma, he plans to take some English Courses in Yangon where his uncle is an English Tutor.
His dream is to become an international businessman one day.
"I am so thankful for the continued support from Pistorio Foundation" Yohun says. My family and I truely appreciate the contribution you have kept for those years along my journey and I have learnt the meaning of discipline and living in harmony among others who may be different from us." I do believe that education is not only a ladder of opportunity, but it is also an investment of our future".
Yohun Lae Cher ,"Yo"

Please donate your 5x1000
To all our friends and supporters in Italy, you can provide an important contribution to our work by choosing the Foundation as your charity of choice for the 5x1000 when compiling your tax returns.
Simply provide our Fiscal Number 94036370131

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"On the way to school, on the way to life"