Pure Energy Coach LLC

Coaching the future of America's home improvement industry with our grassroots approach to no-holds-barred audits, quality assurance inspections, home energy retrofits, and coaching, training and mentoring programs

In This Issue
A. Tamasin Sterner:
A Dream
Featured Service: Pure Energy Homes
Free Whitepaper: Safe Air at Home
Energy Auditing Just for Women course postponed
Updated Whitepaper: Rigid and Spray Foam Products
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We'd like to share some exciting news with you about what's happening at Pure Energy and The Pure Energy Center.  

A Note from A. Tamasin Sterner

A Dream

A. Tamasin SternerHaving just attended two great conferences (The National Healthy Homes Conference in Denver and the National Energy and Utility Affordability Conference in Fort Lauderdale), I'm energized and full of ideas! I've also observed something I felt compelled to share - with the hope that others will join in and share their thoughts.


What I noticed at both conferences is  Read on ...


Featured Service: Pure Energy Homes Offers Home Energy Audits, Safe Air at Home, Aging in Place ... and more 

Empowering People to Live in Healthier and More Affordable Homes, Forever

Aging in Place

Making your home energy efficient is a great first step. It is also a necessary step before considering renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind. Becoming energy "lean and mean" can also help you stay in your home longer.
Most important to you and your family is to make, and keep, your home safe and healthy. There are many things that can cause your indoor environment to become unbalanced. This includes the modifications that may be made to make your home energy efficient. It is critical that your project be managed by someone who knows how to check your house for contaminants before and after improvements to be sure it is left in a safe and healthy condition.  Learn more ... 

Free Whitepaper - Safe Air at Home: A Case Study

Safe Air at Home WhitepaperThe National Healthy Homes Conference in Denver was fantastic! The Exhibitor's booths were full of free and excellent educational materials; networking gatherings were plentiful; and the conference organizers arranged for good and fun snacks! For us, the conference was a huge success.
My role this year was to present a session called Aging in Place: Links between Energy, Housing, Health, and Safety as we Age. The primary purpose of my session was to share case studies about the impact of unbalanced room pressures on health and safety with the audience.  For more information, download this resource now.


The Pure Energy Center's Women's Energy Auditing Course Rescheduled
Women's Energy Auditing course

As in many places in the U.S., Montana has had a rough spring! In late May a large storm system sat on top of the region dumping more than 6 inches of rain in a week - in an area that typically gets less than 12 inches of precipitation annually. The ground became saturated, streams and rivers swelled, and nearby towns such as Roundup flooded.
Chief Coach and Pure Energy Coach President, A. Tamasin Sterner said, "The women's course is way too important to cancel! We will hold the course in October. This part of Montana in October is beautiful, and the women who take this course will have a wonderful time at The Pure Energy Center". 
Learn more ...


Updated Whitepaper - Air Sealing and Insulating Using Rigid or Spray Foam Products
Foam Products Whitepaper - UpdatedWhen some building and retrofit materials burn, they can release potent fumes that can make people ill. That is one reason codes require ignition or thermal barriers over some products and in some building locations and applications. These barriers protect people in the case of a fire.

For the latest information on safe and proper use of rigid and spray foam products, download our updated whitepaper and related resources.


If you have any questions about Pure Energy or are interested in any of our courses, please call us at 717-293-8990 or e-mail us at info@PureEnergyCoach.com.




A. Tamasin Sterner, Chief Coach
A. Tamasin Sterner, President and Chief Coach
Pure Energy Coach LLC