July 2020 

Exclusively Serving the Sonoran Resorts  

Buy & Sell Direct and SAVE!

19+ Years Experience on Sandy Beach

Four Fully Completed Beachfront Resorts

We Have Earned Our Stellar Reputation

Your Only Logical Choice when Buying 
or Selling a Sonoran Resorts Condo!


Welcome to July! Things are looking up. The weather has been great, and visitors have been enjoying our little paradise by the sea again. No, things are not back to "normal" just yet, but they have much improved since my last email only one month ago. With luck - and cooperation from those coming to town - we hope to continue to bring back all the activities that you have loved about Rocky Point for so many years. But, be patient. It's coming and we're worth the wait.

Today is a special day for me as I celebrate my 10 year anniversary with the Sonoran Resorts! Actually, yesterday was my birthday as well, but I won't go there, as I try to avoid those if at all possible. Hasn't worked well all these years, but I'll keep trying, and being young in heart and mind is more important anyway, right? I am blessed to be happy and healthy and, aside from the current situation affecting us all, life is very, very good. 

For the past 10 years, my birthday has entailed working on my newsletter and trying to get it finished up in time to have dinner with the family and maybe grab a couple beers with friends. For the past 8 years, it has included working on my newsletter and continuing final preparations for our annual Las Vegas Night for Charity. Unfortunately, this year, the latter part is not happening. But, it will be back next year and my annual routine will be restored. 

Back to Puerto Penasco. Since tourists have been allowed to return to town, restrictions have slowly eased a bit by making more activities available. Safety and hygiene protocols are still in place, but since the first announcement of which activities were open, many more have been added. You can now use the resort pools and enjoy the beach directly in front of the resorts. Fishing charters are available and sunset cruises are available again. The Malecon recently reopened to the public, and more restaurants have begun inside dining. If all goes well, July 15th will mark the next scheduled upgrade in public policy regarding the virus. So, please behave yourselves and don't endanger yourself and others. Not to mention, you could ruin it for everyone else by going against safety rules and regulations. 

The beaches and ocean are still closed and you are not allowed beyond the area just outside of the resorts on Sandy Beach, so if jumping in the ocean is your main reason for visiting, you will have to wait just a little longer. If you're OK without putting your toes in the ocean for now, but you're worried about going through the checkpoint just outside of town, don't be. There have been countless reports of how smoothly and professionally it has gone and how small of a sacrifice it was to ensure the health and safety of those in town. Just make sure that you have a reservation at least 24 hours in advance and make sure that everyone who will travel with you is included in that reservation. You should be through the checkpoint and enjoying your stay here quickly and easily. 

Myself, my sales team, and the entire crew at the Sonoran Resorts wish you the best though these trying times. I hope that you and your loved ones are safe and healthy, and that this time of our lives passes quickly and without incident. If there is anything that we can do to help, please don't hesitate to ask. Take care - and please be nice to each other. 

Enjoy this beautiful month, come to Rocky Point if you can, and if you need anything don't hesitate to ask. Let me put my experience and expertise to work for you, and re member, as always, I've been here full-time for 13 years and I am more than happy to help you with whatever you need, whether Sonoran Resorts related or not.
Just give me a call or send me an email any time and I will do my very best to help you. If I can't help you myself, I'm sure that I can point you in the right direction and help find you someone who can. 

 Please check out some of our condos for sale along the right column.
You can see all of our listings by going to our website:
Besides our website, you can also see our listings at the following:
AMPI Puerto Penasco MLS
Point 2 Agent Multinational MLS
Tucson Association of Realtors MLS
Phoenix Association of Realtors MLS
Prescott Association of Realtors MLS
Northern Arizona Association of Realtors MLS
Pick up a handout at any of our Sonoran Resorts
Barrett Jackson Show - Scottsdale and Las Vegas
Various Real Estate and Trade shows in AZ, NV, and CA

Our listings are also shared with the following:


IMPORTANT: Some email providers cut this newsletter off before it's finished. If that happens on yours, please scroll to the bottom of this email and click "View Entire Message" to see the entire newsletter.


Jim Ringquist

Broker/Sales Director
Sonoran Resorts   Spa - Sea - Sun - Sky

Tourist Assistance Unit Advisory Committee (Tourist Police)

I hope that you enjoy my newsletter and continue to recommend it to your friends. Please feel free to give me thoughts, suggestions, or ideas for future newsletters. Puerto Peñasco is my home and I love to share the news and goings-on with you.

I do get email requests each month asking me to add someone to my list. While I certainly don't mind doing so, all you really need to do is click Join Newsletter Mailing List , add the email address, and it will happen automatically. Not to worry - I will not spam you or share your email address, and you will only receive one email-newsletter each month on the 1st.
Visitors Welcome in Rocky Point - What to Expect When you Arrive

Rocky Point is open to tourists again, albeit under new rules and strict health guidelines which will be strictly enforced to ensure the safety of both visitors and local residents. Please visit, but please play by the rules. 

Beaches of course are one big reason for coming to town. Staying at an ocean front Resort allows you to access the part of the beach that the Resort has a concession for. This is the portion where the Resort meets the sand and typically will include the areas with the shade palapas, volleyball nets, etc.
Unfortunately, most of the beach will remain closed at this time. Going into the ocean is also off limits for now. You are allowed to enjoy the resort pools and common areas. Some of the sunset cruise boats have been certified and are running regular schedules again. Alcohol will not be served on the cruises until a later date. Approved fishing charter boats can also take you out sport fishing if you'd like.
Entering Puerto Penasco:  
       1. Make sure to check the list of properties certified by the City as published on the official Puerto Peñasco City page: https://puertopenasco.gob.mx/  as well as on the Puerto Peñasco Convention and Visitors Bureau site: www.cometorockypoint.com  You will need to make your reservation through one of the certified properties in order to be allowed past the checkpoint on the outskirts of the city.
       2. Crossing the US/Mexico border should be business as usual. There are currently no restrictions entering Mexico and US Citizens can reenter the USA without a problem. When you near Rocky Point, you will come upon the "sanitary checkpoint" where you will be stopped to determine if you are on the approved list to continue on into town.

       3. At this check point you will provide your reservation confirmation letter which should include the names of everyone traveling in your car. Everyone will be required to show IDs.
       4. Officials will request identification from all passengers and check to see that the names and date of entry coincides with the reservation. They will have a list of approved reservations with all of the names and the people coming must be the same people who appear on their list. Upon verifying that all information is in order, guests will pass to the next step.
       5. Personnel from the Navy and National Guard will record license number of your vehicle and check the temperatures of all passengers with a thermal camera. If everyone has a body temperature less than 37.5ºC (normal body temperature), they will be allowed entry.
       6. If one or more of the passengers have a high temperature, a second test will be done with a digital thermometer. If the person has a temperature less than 37.5ºC (normal body temperature), they will all be given entry to the city.
       7. In case this second test indicates a high temperature, the individual will be given the option to take a rapid test for Covid-19, giving results in 15 minutes. If the passenger does not accept, entry into the city will be denied to all passengers. If the passenger takes the test and it comes back negative for the virus, entry will be allowed. If it comes back positive, everyone in the vehicle will be denied entry to town.
What to Expect at the Resort
Each certified resort and rental company is authorized and trained in the procedures and guidelines required by the City. They must be strict for the safety of all parties and if violations are found, they can lose their approval to receive guests completely. Therefore expect a zero tolerance approach from the Resort employees and Rental Company staff.
At the Entrance to the resort and or rental office, your temperature will be taken.

At the entrance of restaurants, offices, and front desks you will be asked to clean your shoes using the trays with disinfectant solution.

You will be asked to wear a facemask and use disinfectant gel during your visit before entering any office or establishment.

Please avoid congregating in groups. 

Maintain a healthy distance of a minimum of 5 feet at all places that you go, including the beach and pool areas.

Look for signage and indications from the staff on the use of the elevators, pool and beach areas.

You will be allowed to use only the beach area which is part of the resort concession, this does not include entering the water of the Sea of Cortez.

Room service will not be offered.

Club houses and gyms will be closed
What to Expect in Town
All businesses are closed by or before 10 pm to comply with the current curfew.

The Malecon area is  to the public, however restrictions apply. See more later.

Only certified businesses and restaurants are open in town.

-All Restaurants are open at 40% capacity.
-Remember to wear your facemask at all times in public places.
-Be aware there are other restrictions at local establishments such as convenience stores, which do not allow the elderly person or children under 12 to enter.
Sport fishing ALLOWED (70% capacity, incl. crew)

Sunset cruises ALLOWED (50% capacity, incl. crew)

10 PM to 6 AM Curfew in place.
Masks are still MANDATORY in all public places.
Limit on two people per vehicle has been lifted - Goal is to allow families on outings for essential services. Have face coverings/masks readily available as they are still required in all public spaces. 
Recommended not travel with minors under 12, or adults over 65. Some stores (supermarkets) do not allow entry for children under 12.

Use of ATVS (max 1 person), and RZRs (max 2 people) is permitted, including rentals under strict health protocols.

Rental companies must sign a Letter of Commitment with the city. Helmets required. Not to be used on main boulevards or beach, on dunes (regular ATV routes) permitted.

Many of these rules may seem overly restrictive, but they are necessary in order to keep this town operating with the very low incidence of the virus that has been accomplished up to this point. You can still enjoy many wonderful things that Rocky Point has to offer while protecting yourself and others by adhering to all regulations that are in place. Come on down and have fun. Many visitors have enjoyed their vacations here since the city approved restricted tourism to begin. The vast majority of them have reported how easy the checkpoint experience was and how much fun they had while in town. 

Peñasco Reopens its Doors to National and Foreign Tourism, Reactivating the Economy

On Wednesday, June 24, access to the Malecon was opened to residents and visitors, implementing specific hygienic and sanitary protocols approved by members of the Municipal Health and Safety Council.

The Mayor of Puerto Peñasco explained that, on June 16, Puerto Penasco opened its doors to national and foreign visitors, achieving the reactivation of approximately 10,000 direct jobs, according to statistics from the Directorate of Economic Development.

During the first weekend, 4,317 visitors arrived, according to data from the Peñasco Convention and Visitors Office (OCV). All had been required to make advance reservations at one of the authorized lodging operators, which have all the protocols and hygienic and safety measures in place to mitigate the spread of Covid-19.

Mayor Kiko Munro also announced that on Wednesday, June 24, the access to the Malecon was also opened to residents and visitors with all the hygienic and sanitary protocols approved by members of the Municipal Health and Safety Council as part of phase IV of the Plan " Rocky Point Reactivated".

By reactivating the Malecon, the local economy see the restoration of over 800 direct jobs for workers in restaurants, seafood sales, and handicrafts and curios sales. "The economic reactivation plan is still ongoing, opening popular area for our visiors, and an area that both tourists and local residents identify as an iconic part of Peñasco, "said Mayor Kiko Munro.

On the Malecon, 20 restaurants (with 40% of their capacity), 57 retail locations offering handicrafts and curios, 15 vendors in the Seafood Market, and 40 permit holders for street vendors have reopened their doors to the resident and visitors after approximately 3 months of being closed due to restrictions by the implementation of the mandatory state and federal Stay at Home program.

The Mayor of Puerto Peñasco reported that all the people who reactivate their businesses and economic activities have had to go through courses and training to learn to help mitigate the spread of Covid-19, signing of commitment letters in addition to applying specific health and safety protocols for customer service. such as the use of face masks, application of antibacterial gel, sanitizations and thorough cleaning of places, healthy distance, as well as respecting the established schedule from 8 in the morning to 9 at night.

Another recommendation is to avoid going out with children under 12 or over 65. This rule is not enforced by fines, but is highly recommended. Consuming alcoholic beverages is also prohibited in the Malecon area, meaning no ice chests or drinks carried out of restaurants. Loud music from vehicles or portable systems is not allowed, and live music is restricted as well. However, even with the restrictions, the response to the reopening of the Malecon has been very positive and Rocky Point is getting back on track, one small step at a time.

Malecon Opens to the Public with Safety Restrictions in Place

Common areas of the Malecon reopened to the general public on Wednesday, June 24th. There will be special restrictions in place to help protect from the transmission of the virus. The area will be open to the public from 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM, each day. You can now take a stroll along the boardwalk, catch some fresh air, look at our beautiful Sea of Cortez, do some shopping and have a bite to eat and a cold beverage (restaurants have been open).

- Open 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM daily

- Masks are mandatory in public spaces

- Practice Social Distancing

- No alcohol or coolers

- No music

- Parking meters are working so take pesos

- Avoid crowding

- Curio shops open

- City recommends children 12 and under and adults 65 and over do not visit. This is only a recommendation and you will not be fined.

- Possible sanitation tunnel as you enter.

(There is a Zero Tolerance Policy so please follow guidelines as the city is handing out fines.)

Puerto Penasco has Lost a Hero


The Puerto Peñasco Fire Department regrets to report the death of the Coordinator of Civil Protection and Fire Department, Dr. Francisco Javier Carrillo Ruiz. Dr. Carrillo passed away in the city of Hermosillo.
We send our sincere condolences to his family in Guadalajara, his family here in Puerto Peñasco, his many friends, coworkers, acquaintances and everyone who knew and respected him over the years.
Doctor Carrillo was a friend to everyone, a wonderful person, a skilled doctor, and was always looking to help a neighbor. He carried this positive attitude with him always, and during recent days he was at the forefront of the efforts to fight the virus that is affecting us all and that, apparently, finally took his life.
Fly High Doctor! Go there and keep fighting for all of us, so that here we can continue your fight and your legacy!
Rest in Peace Dr. Carrillo!

In April and May, 164 Businesses a Day Shut Down by Coronavirus

The coronavirus crisis forced the permanent closure of an average of 164 businesses per day in April and May.
Data from the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) shows that a total of 9,984 formal sector businesses shut down for good in the two-month period - 6,689 in April and 3,295 in May. The combined figure is equivalent to 42% of all new businesses that opened in 2019.
The total number of formal businesses in Mexico at the end of May was 997,767, according to IMSS.
Experts say that the coronavirus-induced economic slowdown and the lack of financial support from the government were the main factors that caused the closure of almost 10,000 businesses in just two months. Mexico shed about 900,000 formal sector jobs in the same period.
Jesús Rubio, a public policy researcher at the College of the Northern Border in Monterrey, said that a lot of businesses, especially small and medium-sized ones, simply didn't have enough cash flow to meet their fixed expenses and as a result were forced to close.
He predicted that the economic recovery will be slow and that more businesses - restaurants and entertainment venues, in particular - will close due to lower demand for their goods and services.
The government is offering loans of 25,000 pesos (US $1,120) to help businesses weather the coronavirus storm but has acknowledged that many small business owners haven't even applied because the amount is too small. It has rejected calls for businesses to be allowed to defer their tax obligations until the worst of the economic crisis is over.
Armando Guajardo Torres, president of the Mexican Employers Federation's labor commission, said that more government support is needed if further business closures and job losses are to be avoided.  
He said that it would likely be two years before the total number of formal businesses in Mexico returned to the level seen at the start of 2020.
José Luis de la Cruz Gallegos, general director of the Institute for Industrial Development and Economic Growth, a think tank, said that once IMSS publishes information that indicates the sectors in which the shuttered businesses operated, the government will be able to better target financial support.
But even though the economy is predicted to contract by about 8% this year, President López Obrador has ruled out increasing public debt to support the private sector, stressing that he wants to keep the nation's finances healthy.

Potpourri - Short Shorts of All Sorts!
Sometimes so much is going on in our little slice of paradise by the sea that we can't address the many short subjects with proper attention. To handle the hodgepodge of dangling subject matter, we invented the Potpourri Page. Here are a few "short shorts" to keep you up to date.

This month, instead of the usual "potpourri" of subjects and information in this section, I would like to dedicate Potpourri July to the hard working, resourceful, and resilient entrepreneurs of Puerto Penasco. Penasco Strong is a phrase that has been going around since the current virus situation hit us and restrictions have taken hold of this town. Some of our citizens are living proof that the slogan is very true. Despite the drop in tourism in a town which heavily relies on revenue from visitors, and despite some businesses closing the doors for good, there are a few enterprising individuals are actually opening businesses and starting new business ventures. This month, I will devote this section to them, and to everyone who helps make Penasco Strong. 

Assisted Living Facility in Rocky Point Now Open
This pandemic has made a big impact in our daily lives. Despite the fears and opinions each one has, the need for elder care remains, and possibly increases because finding a safe environment for our aging loved ones is more important than ever.

Demand in the US for assisted living services has never been higher with over 600,000 new seniors looking for an assisted living community as recently as two months ago. With the struggles the economy is now facing, people will need to look for more accessible and affordable options to ensure that the senior's needs are covered. Cost has become an important part of selecting a facility, and the trend has been moving towards searching medium to small towns instead of big cities.

Puerto Penasco is back in business welcoming visitors and tourism and, little by little, things are opening up again. Maybe it's time to take a look at Rocky Point as the perfect retirement destination. 

Contact: lmolinacoronado@gmail.com or  (from US add::011-52) 638-116-1253


Water Storage Tank Cleaning and Sanitizing

For most who own a place in Rocky Point outside of the condo towers on Sandy Beach, one or more water storage tanks with a pressurized pump system is used to deliver a steady flow of the water when you need it.  With stored water, of course, can come sanitation issues. The tanks are large and difficult to clean, so most people just put it off again and again. Along comes All Aqua Services to address the issue. 

Water tanks, known as Tinacos or Rotoplas, are made of plastic and may be located underground or on the roof. It is very important to clean them at least twice a year to avoid water contamination, which could cause skin irritation or gastrointestinal problems. Beyond cleaning and sanitization All Aqua will evaluate your system to make sure that it is sealed and not being contaminated by something outside in the environment. Mario has horror stories of seeing tanks contaminated with pet's feces, hair, insects, or any number of things that don't belong in your water. He recommends that the first thing you do is make sure that your tank is sealed and top closed securely as exposure to the sun can cause mold in the tank. Here's a list of the services provided by All Aqua.

  • 25 years of experience in professional cistern and tinaco cleaning. Contact for free assessment.
  • professional equipment
  • submersible pumps
  • high pressure washing
  • disinfection
  • monitoring
  • Contact Mario at allaquaservices1@gmail.com or (USA add 001-52) 638-114-1621

    Personal Fitness and Self Defense Training Classes Available

    After gaining some weight due to quarantines and gym closures, surely it's time to get back in shape. Rocky Point has a new solution to fix the problem. Personal Training and Women's evasive self-defense classes are now available from a true professional with 35 years experience as a Master Trainer, not to mention a former USA boxing coach, and Executive Protection Agent. Start your program with a free fitness assessment and a written individual program for every client. You will also get free access to an exclusive FB fit family page with over 70 unique strength, cardio or pilates classes adaptable for all levels - beginner to advanced. If you prefer Self defense classes, they are available as well and can be taken separately or combined with fitness training. Classes for all age groups. Learn simple moves, self awareness, identifying markers, and how to get away from a dangerous situation. If you have a group who want to train together, there is a sliding scale fee available for small to large groups. 

    Contact Terry: terrytumminia@gmail.com or terrytumminia on Instagram and Facebook

    Live Virtual Spanish Lessons by Rocky Point Local Resident

    How many people have longed to learn Spanish, only to sign up for some online course that turned out to be generic and boring? Or, maybe you thought that you were learning Mexican Spanish, only to find out that it was Castilian Spanish and much of it didn't work well in Mexico? Yes, it happens all the time, and if you really want to learn Spanish, you need someone who is totally fluent in Mexican Spanish and in English. Here's your chance to work live with a dual Citizen of Mexico/USA who has lived in both countries and understands all of the little idiosyncrasies of each language. And, she lives in Puerto Penasco, so you can even learn some local slang and customs. 

    Estefany was born in California, but raised in Rocky Point until the age of 16 when she moved back to USA to learn English. At the time, she only spoke Spanish.  Now fluent in English, she moved back to Penasco a couple years ago and began teaching English to local residents at her church as a community service in order to help them find better employment opportunities in this tourist town. Over time, she became more proficient and started teaching through ICATSON, a government program to help teach English to citizens. Now, she will take her mastery of both languages, and her acquired teaching abilities, and use it to help you learn Spanish.
    Classes will be online and conducted in a live group setting so that anyone in the group can ask questions and hear questions from others in the group. She will keep the groups small so that everyone involved gets personal attention. The initial classes will be on Saturdays and Sundays from 7:00 to 9:00, but more will be added as things move forward. Since most inquiries have been for beginner Spanish, that will be the level taught during this first phase If you need different hours or need a more advanced level, contact Estafany to see if she can work it out. Any questions should be directed to: oneworldwithoutborders@gmail.com or find her on Facebook at OneWorldWithoutBorders.

    Mermaid's Market Online Shopping and Business Directory   

    Everyone involved with the Mermaid's Market was disappointed when we had to cancel our last two events of the season due to health concerns regarding the Covid19. Those events would have been on March 21st and finally our huge season finale, the Pirate and Mermaid Extravaganza on April 4th.

    For many of us, this city-wide lockdown also meant closing our storefront shops for months. Others, who normally walk the beach as vendors, were barred from all the beaches. Much of Spring Break - and then the Semana Santa holiday - were also closed to all visitors/tourists. As small business owners and artists, many of us traditionally have depended on these springtime events for a huge portion of our income!

    We are therefore putting together a Mermaid's Market SHOP along with an Artist Directory. For these summer months, we hope this will prove to be a way for you to stay connected (or re-connect) with your favorite individual artists and vendors from the Mermaid's Market. If you are coming to town anytime, we encourage you to reach out! Contact the Mermaid's Market artists, crafters and artisans. . . we are all waiting for you!

    We encourage you to check out the Shop on Facebook: Mermaid's Market "Shop" Tab  
    We also have added an Artist Directory Page on the Mermaid's Market website:  www.mermaidsmarket.com    

    And, we hope to see you next season at the Mermaid's Market! 

    Summer Fashion Fiesta Comes Together as an Unexpected Inspiration

    After almost 90 days of #quedateencasa (stay at home) Naomi Black was inspired by a YouTube video that she saw (CR Runway by amfAR) to launch a local virtual summer fashion show. After putting out a call for models on May 23rd, she received videos from 38 models; some were her clients while others were local friends and business people. The videos came in from Arizona, Texas and as far away as Germany. Naomi says she was overwhelmed by the response. In a time where so many local people are working hard to support various charities and stressed out by the news and uncertainties, this seems to have been a welcome distraction... She nicknamed the video "Diversion in a Time of Quarantine." This video was published on June 11th, just in time for summer!

    Humble Anonymous Volunteers and Generous Givers ARE Appreciated

    As a final note to this section, I wanted to ask for your help in identifying the small army of Rocky Point residents and visitors who have done so much for those with so little. The vast majority of these people are not looking for recognition, and their privacy should be respected if they prefer it that way. But, an anonymous friend, has an anonymous friend who wants to donate a nice dinner to all of those who have gone over and above to help the people who have needed help during this very trying time in Puerto Penasco. 

    If you know someone who has stepped up to do something to make life a little better for those needing a hand recently, please let me know who they are. I promise that I won't publish a list of names or disclose their identities to anyone but the friend who wants to do something nice, just to let them know that what they do is appreciated. Send me an email at rockypointjim@gmail.com or call my office at the Sonoran Sky at 602-476-7511. Thank you and God Bless! 

    Mexico Wins Seat on UN Security Council

    Mexico will represent Latin America and the Caribbean for the 2021-22 sitting period
    Mexico was elected unopposed as the representative for Latin America and the Caribbean for the council's 2021-22 sitting period. It will be the first time that Mexico has had a seat on the 15-member Security Council since the 2009-10 period.
    Mask-wearing diplomats representing the UN member countries cast secret ballots at allotted times on Wednesday in the General Assembly hall in New York. A total of 187 member countries supported Mexico's candidacy to be a non-permanent Security Council member while five nations abstained from the vote.
    Even if a country faces no competition for the seat it is contesting, it must still be supported by more than two-thirds of the General Assembly in order to be elected.
    Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard welcomed Mexico's election in a post to Twitter.
    "I have the honor to report that Mexico has been elected with 187 votes to be a member of the United Nations Security Council. Great recognition for our country in the whole world. Congratulations!!!!"
    The UN announced that India, Ireland and Norway had also been elected as non-permanent council members for two-year terms. India was elected unopposed for the Asian seat while the two European nations beat out Canada for the two western seats that were up for grabs.
    A second round of voting will be held Thursday to fill the last vacant seat, with Kenya and Djibouti vying to be the Security Council's newest African representative.
    The council, the United Nations' most powerful body, is charged with upholding international peace and security. It has five permanent members - the United States, Russia, China, the United Kingdom and France - and 10 non-permanent members elected by the UN General Assembly for two-year terms.
    A seat at the council table gives countries a strong voice on a range of security issues such as international conflicts, terrorism and the threat of nuclear warfare. The council is the only UN body that can make legally binding decisions such as imposing sanctions on countries and authorizing the use of force.
    It will be the fifth time that Mexico has had a seat on the council after serving in 1946, 1980-81, 2001-02 and 2009-10.

    Cuts to CONANP Threaten Conservation in Sonora

    At the Northern tip of the Sea of Cortez, the world's most threatened marine mammal, a small porpoise called a vaquita marina, is on the brink of extinction. And, with an unprecedented 75% budget cut for Mexico's park service, the National Commission for Protected Areas (CONANP), it could further threaten the already complicated conservation efforts in the region.
    "Any kind of budget cut in the environmental area is going to affect the vaquita in one way or another," said JP Geoffroy, campaign manager for the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society's Operation Miracle, which removes illegal nets from the vaquita's habitat, one of the 182 protected natural areas in Mexico.
    Poachers use large illegal nets in this area to catch a huge, endangered fish called totoaba because its swim bladder is valuable on the black market in China. In turn, Sea Shepherd's activist teams work with Mexico's environmental agencies to patrol the area and remove the nets before they also catch and kill the few remaining vaquitas.
    The urgency of the vaquita's plight has sparked international protests, including a US embargo of shellfish from the region in response to Mexico's inability to stop poaching without restrictions. But pre-budget cuts to the park service under the current administration have already eliminated a program that paid legal fishermen not to use nets in the vaquita habitat, prompting many to start fishing again last year. Now, Geoffroy said, the latest blow could leave the government officials that Sea Shepherd depends on without a job.
    "It is very important to have their presence and all the contributions they can provide as well," he said, adding that Sea Shepherd has been working with CONANP to protect the vaquita since 2014. "They join us most of the time, they know the area, and they are working in an official capacity, so they are in charge of the protected areas. "
    There has been a huge outcry across Mexico since CONANP's budget was cut as part of a presidential decree in late April. Current and former agency employees, conservation experts, and citizens are using the hashtag #SalvemosCONANP, or Let's Save CONANP, to pressure the government to reconsider the cuts.
    A CONANP official from Sonora declined to be interviewed, citing time constraints. But many see the austerity measures as evidence that President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has turned his back on environmental protections.
    "The Mexican federal government, instead of strengthening its protection of these areas, has now cut funding for this agency on an unprecedented scale," said Juan Carlos Bravo, director of Mexico and border programs for the non-profit Wildlands Network based in Salt Lake City.
    He said that environmental agencies in Mexico had been underfunded, long before the new administration took office in 2018. But the latest cuts to CONANP and other national environmental protection agencies could be the last straw. "It will be the last budget cuts which make agencies totally irrelevant," he said.
    CONANP establishes, administers and defends 182 protected natural areas throughout Mexico, which cover approximately 12% of the country's land area and 22% of its oceans, as well as more than 300 additional voluntarily protected areas. In Sonora, protected areas include the vaquita habitat, the impressive El Pinacate Biosphere Reserve, the Great Altar Desert and parts of the enormously biodiverse Islas del Cielo region, which extends on both sides of the border between the United States and Mexico.
    Having already been assigned the lowest budget in years, Bravo says the 75 percent reduction will mean losing park rangers, closing offices, and leaving the remaining staff unable to do fieldwork, legal advocacy or species recovery, let alone designate new protected areas to meet international commitments facing climate change and global extinctions. And that should matter to Arizonans.
    "There are many species such as coyotes, deer, mountain lions, javelin, turtles, jaguars, bears and ocelots, which constantly move from one side of the border to the other," said Paulo Quadri, conservation manager for the non-profit organization, Sky Island Alliance, and former CONANP employee. "If you lose that interconnection, that's it. It's over

    Mayor Kiko Munro Delivers Machinery for Remediation and Expansion of Sanitary Landfill

    Mayor Kiko Munro delivered machinery and equipment for the remediation and expansion of the Puerto Peñasco sanitary landfill with the initial investment cost of 5.5 million pesos of a total expected amount of 20 million pesos.

    The Mayor of Puerto Peñasco specified that progress is being made in one of the less noticed, but highly important issues of the City Council, which consists of remediating the long standing problem of trash removal in this city.

    "It has been very complicated, yes, but like everything we have faced, we provide solutions, first with the water delivery issues, then with the insufficient and poor quality public lighting, and now we are doing the same with the sanitary landfill problems," he said.

    The Mayor explained that, with the initial installment, he was able to provide a dump truck, a tank truck and a backhoe which were acquired. In addition, in the very near future, bulldozer will also be purchased and delivered.

    This new machinery is already in operation, he said, and will allow more effective work to be done in the final disposal of garbage, thereby helping to prevent the garbage fires that have happened in the past, bad odors, harmful fauna (such as flies and insects), as well as other problems that affect both Puerto Penasco residents and visitors.

    "We are going to have enough equipment to create the conditions for the sanitary landfill to operate as it should, and as it should have worked from the beginning to no. Penasco will no longer be exposed to the historical landfill problems that has so affected the public image and people's health ", he stressed.

    He pointed out that this is another commitment of the municipal administration that has been fulfilled. In addition to the new machinery, electricity was added to the landfill in order to operate the new technology that will be applied. He said that the construction and installation of the electricity was carried out with the placement of 3 concrete posts 12 meters high along with all the necessary equipment needed to operate under the best conditions. This investment had a cost of 98,000 pesos.

    The Mayor also announced that 10 million pesos are being negotiated with the North American Development Bank (Nad Bank) to continue with the investment in improving the storage cells of the sanitary landfill so that there are no leaks into the subsoil in order to continue complying with the current environmental standards.

    He stressed that this investment in the municipal service is derived from the resources obtained from the restructuring of the public debt, which includes 20 million pesos labeled for productive public investment, which was to address the serious garbage situation that Puerto Peñasco has had.

    The Mayor reiterated that in addition to the resources already available for the debt restructuring, he will continue to insist with State Government authorities to reiterate the need and urgency that Puerto Peñasco has to access resources for 17 million pesos which had been designated specifically for a landfill in the 2020 state budget.

    "At no time have we stopped. Peñasco is always going forward and that is the message. Peñasco will always go in the direction of seeking to solve underlying problems, with forward vision and actions, always seeking to improve the quality of life for our people ", said Munro.

    Brewing Beer is OK but Exercise Isn't? Gyms Challenge Virus Closure

    But the coronavirus czar isn't buying it, points to risks for contagion
    Sports clubs and gyms across Mexico have taken an economic punch to the gut since they were forced to close due to coronavirus restrictions, and owners and managers are asking the government to reclassify them as essential businesses and allow them to reopen.
    If the same concession was awarded to the beer industry, why not allow exercise to resume as well, argues Alfredo Jiménez de Sandi, president of the Sports Club Managers and Administrators Association, which represents 72 gyms and sports clubs across Mexico.
    Many began closing their doors three months ago on March 17, and under the current "stoplight" system they will be one of the last businesses allowed to reopen, along with bars and nightclubs, when states reach a green light or low risk level on the federal government's chart, something that is unlikely to happen before September.  
    Jiménez de Sandi is hopeful that the government will reconsider and allow gyms to reopen at a reduced capacity of around 25 to 30%.
    In the meantime, many gyms are optimistically preparing for the day they can once again open their doors to customers and are training employees in hygiene measures and rearranging equipment, entrances and exits to avoid crowding, as well as investing in thermal imaging cameras in order to monitor the temperatures of staff and clients.
    Gyms are also readying discounts and other financial incentives to get people back in their establishments and working out again.
    The economic outlook for this sector of the economy is decidedly bleak. According to Rodrigo Chávez, president of the Mexican Association of Gyms and Clubs the coronavirus has caused losses of up to 6 billion pesos (US $269 million) and put nearly 100,000 jobs at risk.
    Mexico's coronavirus czar, Hugo López-Gatell, is so far not budging on reclassifying and/or reopening exercise clubs any time soon.  
    "Although relatively small, the risk lies in physical contact, proximity, contact through inert surfaces and, in addition, a physiological condition which is accelerated breathing, which would lead to a greater probability of contagion between people," the deputy health minister said.
    Dogs Sniff out Coronavirus 'Far Better than Machines or Tests'

    Can man's historic best friend help in the fight against man's current greatest enemy? Research teams around the world are taking advantage of dogs' remarkable sense of smell to train them to detect the presence of the coronavirus.
    At the University of Helsinki, researchers believe that the sniffer dogs Kössi and Lucky may prove to be faster and more accurate detectors of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, than any other currently available method.
    Using urine samples collected from patients across Finland, the research team has trained the dogs to differentiate between positive and negative samples. More encouragingly, the dogs also appear to be able to detect the presence of COVID-19 before patients display any signs of illness.
    Anna Hielm-Björkman, an associate professor of animal clinical research at the university, said that her team has collected urine samples from family members of COVID patients that had not yet been tested or had previously tested negative. In many cases, the dogs picked up on the presence of the disease and when researchers then asked those family members to submit to traditional tests, they were confirmed as positive.  
    "We found that the dogs could see that a person was getting sick about four to five days before they got the disease. That was really encouraging because it means that the sensitivity of the dogs is better than the tests," Hielm-Björkman said.
    Current testing for COVID-19 typically gives results in two to three days, but the dogs are able to provide instant results. This is part of the reason that similar research projects are underway in the United States, France, Germany, Switzerland and Japan. The United Kingdom government recently announced a US$549,000 grant to fund a study on COVID-sniffing dogs by Durham University, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and the charity Medical Detection Dogs.
    A research project at the University of Pennsylvania's School of Veterinary Medicine (Penn Vet) that is training dogs to detect COVID-19 positive saliva and urine is expected to begin preliminary screening on live human subjects as early as July.  
    The reason the dogs are so good at sniffing out the presence of the virus is, of course, their remarkable sense of smell. While dogs' habit of sniffing everything they pass can be maddening to the humans accompanying them on their walks, this processing of "reading their pee-mails," as Hielm-Björkman put it, yields all sorts of information and allows them to identify certain smells. Detection dogs can be trained to sniff out anything from mold to illicit drugs or missing persons. With the right training, they can also detect the presence of the source of the greatest pandemic in living history.
    "The sense of smell that dogs have is millions or even billions times better than the machines that are used to look for molecules. The dogs can find molecules in very, very small concentration. For example if you had a glass of water containing between one and 100 molecules of whatever you're looking for, a dog could find it, whereas the best types of machine detection systems would need 18 million molecules," Hielm-Björkman said.
    Hielm-Björkman stressed that additional research needs to confirm whether the dogs are specifically detecting SARS-CoV-2 rather than the presence of another virus, but said preliminary results are very promising. In recent days, her team presented urine samples from patients who had non-coronavirus related illnesses like asthma and bronchitis and the dogs did not react. This leads her to believe that after additional testing, the specificity question will soon be settled.
    The Helsinki dogs used in the COVID detection program were selected from a roster of cancer detection dogs that Hielm-Björkman's team has been working with for the past four to five years. Because of the novelty of the coronavirus, they did not want to put dogs or their handlers into any kind of unnecessary danger. Lucky and Kössi were selected because they are the dogs of a member of the research team. In Kössi's case, an exhibited talent for sniffing out illness was also a decisive factor. Originally found abandoned in a cardboard box along the highway in Malaga, Spain, Kössi was taken to a shelter and eventually adopted and brought home to Finland. As a puppy, the Galgo mix showed an unusual interest in the mouths of a dog and cat he lived with, leading his handler to have them checked for cancer. Both were positive.
    While Kössi's journey is a remarkable one, Hielm-Björkman said that "any dog in any country could be trained to do the same thing." Provided that they're motivated to work for treats, that is.
    Her team in Helsinki has been in close contact with their counterparts in Pennsylvania and the UK and she said everyone involved in this research sees amazing potential for using dogs to help in the fight against COVID-19 and future pandemics. Of the 500 or so professional detection dogs in Finland, she estimates that around 50 could be working as COVID sniffers by the fall, looking for the presence of coronavirus at border crossings and in concentrated living facilities like nursing homes. Because dogs can provide nearly instant results, they could also keep essential workers out of unnecessary quarantines.
    Somewhat surprisingly, Hielm-Björkman pointed to financial savings as one of the main reasons to use detection dogs.
    "When you think about how much money each and every country has now used to combat and control COVID, it's crazy to think how different the world would look if we would have had those dogs. But it's never too late to start a good thing, so I just hope that governmental bodies and funders can see the potential in this," she said, adding that a comprehensive dog detection training program could cost as little as US$1.1 million.
    "I think that when we get the first published, peer-reviewed data that shows that this really works and that dogs are actually far better than the machines and tests that are currently available, then I think that governments will start getting interested," she added.

    AMLO Confirms Washington Meeting with US President Trump

    President López Obrador announced Wednesday that he will travel to Washington "very soon" to meet with U.S. President Donald Trump.
    At his daily press briefing, López Obrador said the meeting would celebrate the July 1 entry into force of the new trade treaty between Mexico, the United States and Canada.
    "It will be soon, we are just waiting to define the character of the meeting. We want the prime minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, to participate as well," López Obrador added.
    This will be the first trip that López Obrador has made abroad since he assumed the presidency in December 2018.
    The visit to Washington, D.C., will most likely take place shortly after July 1, when the Mexican president will hold a ceremony to commemorate the two-year anniversary of his victory in the 2018 presidential election.
    López Obrador indicated that the exact date will be confirmed later this week.
    At a press conference in Yuma, Arizona, Tuesday, Trump commented that illegal migration has decreased 84% over last year and illegal crossings of Central Americans have dropped 97%. The president thanked López Obrador for his efforts.
    "If you look at so many of the different crimes that come through the border, they're stopped. We've implemented groundbreaking agreements with Mexico. I want to thank the president of Mexico. He's really a great guy," Trump said. "I think he'll be coming into Washington pretty soon, to the White House."
    Critics of López Obrador are skeptical that the meeting will be beneficial for Mexico, where Trump is not generally well-liked, and did not mince words.
    In a post to Twitter, the former Mexican ambassador to the United States, Arturo Sarukhán, called the potential visit "a big blunder and a mistake," saying that Trump would only use the Mexican president as an electoral prop.
    In an interview earlier this month Sarukhán called such a visit "suicidal for Mexico's long-term and strategic relationship with the United States."
    He told journalist León Krauze that López Obrador runs the risk of being perceived as a Trump ally.
    Former foreign minister Jorge Castañeda told Reuters he thought a visit was "a dumb idea" considering it is an election year in the United States.

    Fusion Food: Enchiladas Married with Pizza in Querétaro

    For indecisive diners in search of the ultimate comfort food, a restaurant in Querétaro city has you covered with a creation some may see as odd whereas others may call it a product of divine inspiration: behold the enchilada pizza.
    Images of the cheese pizza topped with eight chicken enchiladas in green sauce have made the rounds on social media where the unusual Mexican-Italian fusion is being well-received by the internet's hungry denizens, although some users have mistaken the photo of the dish for a meme.
    The restaurant behind this culinary achievement is Vete a la Burger, a hamburger, hot dog and pizza joint where one can purchase the 41-centimeter enchilada pizza (although at Vete a la Burger they call it picsa) for just 289 pesos, around US $12.80  
    Its creators said the combination of the two dishes seemed logical.
    "Really, we don't know anyone who doesn't like green enchiladas," they say, and being able to eat both enchiladas and pizza at the same time is, for them and their customers, a "fantasy come true."

    Green Chili and Chicken Enchiladas

    These green chile chicken enchiladas are made with shredded chicken and plenty of cheese, all rolled up in corn tortillas and smothered with green chile sauce.
    Making enchiladas at home is actually quite easy to do! These green chicken enchiladas taste like they came from a restaurant and are the perfect way to use up leftover chicken.
    How To Make Green Chili Enchiladas

    These green enchiladas start with cooked, shredded chicken. You can use leftover chicken, a rotisserie chicken, or cook up some fresh chicken breasts. One great way is to put chicken breasts in the slow cooker with a cup of green salsa, then cook on low for 6 hours and shred the meat.
    The chicken is combined with green chiles, spices and cheese, then rolled up with a little sour cream into the tortillas. Corn tortillas are more traditional, but you can absolutely substitute flour tortillas if you prefer.
    The tortillas need to be softened before you roll them up, otherwise they'll break or crack. Some people dip their tortillas in hot oil to soften, but the easiest way to do this is to give the tortillas a good steam in the microwave.
    After the enchiladas are rolled up, they're coated in sauce and topped with cheese before they go into the oven. It's fine to use store-bought green enchilada sauce if you don't want to make it yourself.
    You can make these enchiladas as mild or as spicy as you like by selecting a sauce and can of chiles with the heat content that you're looking for. If you're unsure, use mild sauce and mild chiles and then those who want some heat can add additional hot sauce or chilis.
    After the enchiladas take a trip through the oven, top them with some diced tomatos and cilantro for added flavor and appeal. And, of course, these will go great on pizza, as mentioned in the story above.
    Prep Time 20 minutes
    Cook Time 25 minutes
    Total Time 45 minutes
    Servings 6

    4 cups cooked shredded chicken
    1 4 ounce can diced green chiles drained
    1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
    1/2 teaspoon cumin
    1/4 teaspoon onion powder
    3 cups shredded monterey jack cheese divided use
    1 cup shredded cheddar cheese divided use
    14 corn tortillas
    2 10 ounce cans mild green enchilada sauce
    1 cup sour cream
    salt and pepper to taste
    Optional: chopped fresh cilantro, diced tomatoes
    cooking spray

    Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Coat a 9"x13" pan with cooking spray.

    In a medium bowl, mix together the monterey jack and cheddar cheeses.

    In a large bowl, mix together the chicken, 1/2 of the cheese, green chilies, garlic powder, cumin, onion powder and salt and pepper to taste.

    Stack the tortillas on a plate and wrap with a damp paper towel. Microwave for 1 minute until tortillas are warm and pliable.

    Lay one of the tortillas on a flat surface and spread approximately 2 teaspoons of sour cream down the center of each tortilla. Add approximately 1/3 cup of the chicken mixture, then tightly roll up the tortilla and place it seam side down in the pan.

    Repeat the process with the remaining tortillas.

    Pour the enchilada sauce over the top of the pan, the top the enchiladas with the remaining cheese.

    Bake for 20 minutes or until cheese is melted. Serve, topped with chopped cilantro and tomatoes if desired.

    Mexico's Curandero Healers Keeping Indigenous Culture Alive

    Curandero healers can be found across the entirety of Latin America and the US, operating under various titles such as native healer, witch doctor, or shaman. However, Mexico, in particular, has a rich and fascinating history of curandero healers, who employ herbs and an impressive amount of optimism in their work.

    The history of Mexico's curanderos dates back to the pre-Hispanic period, making it one of the country's most authentic and long-standing practices, with a firm root in indigenous culture. It's notably also one of the many practices that the Spanish made an effort to stamp out, although many curanderos are actually practicing Catholics nowadays.
    Despite having a high social standing within their community, the believed-to-be supernatural powers of the curanderos are typically assumed to be an illnesses or a curse from a higher being. Alternatively, it's thought that abilities are inherited and passed down through families.
    Nowadays, the lower classes are the principal users of curanderos, either due to rural locations and lack of access to modern medicine, or because of the low price charged by most spiritual shamans. In fact, many accept no cash payment at all, instead many preferring offerings of whatever someone is able to provide. In the US, it's often the language barrier that drives Latin Americans to seek out the services of a traditional curandero.
    The life's purpose of a curandero is to resolve ailments through natural means, taking on the role of what we would consider 'doctor', and sometimes 'psychiatrist', for the community to which they belong. In fact, most of the ailments cured by curanderos are spiritual or emotional in nature (such as, for example, the 'evil eye' ailment, or susto 'shock' and empacho 'indigestion'). They often solve these maladies through the careful use of spiritual cleansings, essential oils, herbs, incense, eggs, and even just good old-fashioned prayer. While few people visit curanderos for illnesses such as diabetes or cancer, those who do will be gently reminded to visit a Western doctor.
    It is possible to be a 'specialist', even within the field of curanderismo, with many healers (known as peyoteros) specifically working with the spiritual hallucinogen peyote, and therefore, falling under the branch of yerberos (healers who are herbalists first and foremost). There are also rezanderos/oracionistas who rely mainly on prayer and candles and work primarily in sacred spots, such as in front of altars and inside caves. Meanwhile, there are also parteras, which can best be translated as 'midwife'. However, this is by no means an extensive introduction to the various subsets of Mexican healers, boundaries which are blurred by some multi-talented chamanes.  
    Throughout Mexico, there are several well-known and famed curanderos, with the most internationally recognized arguably being the Oaxacan María Sabina. This famed curandera deals in the healing properties of hallucinogenic mushrooms which has attracted a great amount of attention to her town, Huautla de Jiménez. Another well-known Oaxacan shaman is Don Iván Ramón, who practices in Mexico City. He uses a trance-like state to cure his patients and is also a skilled exorcist.  
    However, Doña Pachita in Mexico City is surely the best-known chaman. Principally enacting 'surgical miracles' on her patients without even touching them, little is really known about her mysterious practice, but she has a wealth of satisfied patients. Moving further south, in Morelos, you can find Don Lucio, who descends from a long line of curanderos known as the graniceros. Some say he can control the weather, helping to avoid natural disasters. Another famed curandero is Don Fidencio, who despite being deceased for some time, still maintains a loyal following of fidencistas to this day.

    Let me know if you would like links to any of the earlier ones. (Almost 10 years worth)
    Sonoran Sky Resort

    Sonoran Sun Resort

    Sonoran Sea Resort

    Sonoran Spa Resort

    Just for the fun of it...


    Sonoran Sky 410   
    4 Bedroom Luxury End Unit     
    These end units have a wonderful terrace that wraps all the way around the front and side of the condo allowing beachfront views as well as views all the way down the beach from Old Port to Cholla Bay. The condo is imaculate and decorated beautifully with a fun beachfront theme. Pride of ownership is very obvious in this fantastic condo. If there ever was a condo that you had to see in person, this is the one. Don't wait to come see it. Call or stop by the Sky Sales Office soon and ask one of our agents for a tour. 
    You'll be glad you did!       

     Call Today: 602-476-7511

    Sonoran Sea W610
    1 Bedroom West Building 

     Link to Listing    
    Beautiful condo and priced to sell quickly. Add Seller financing to that, and you've got a sure winner here. This condo has the very best beachfront views and the extended pations of the Sonoran Sea give you an even larger area for entertaining or to enjoy all by yourself. This condo can provide an excellent rental income and would be a fantastic investment - or just keep it all for your own personal use. Either way, you can't go wrong on this one. Call or stop by and talk with one of our Sales Representatives today! You'll be glad you did.

    Call Today: 602-476-7511

    Sonoran Sun E705
    2 Bedroom East Building 


    This condo is ready to go and has views that will be the envy of all your friends. Check out this beautiful, fully furnished, two bedroom oceanfront condo at the Sonoran Sun Resort. Seventh floor location gives fantastic views down the beach and plenty of privacy. Easy access to beach, pools, Jacuzzis, store, restaurant, etc. Condo is in terrific condition. You may want to keep this beautiful condo all for  yourself, but it could be a great vacation rental as well. The price is right and you need to see this beauty.  
    Call or stop by our Sonoran Sun Sales Office today! 

    This condo must be seen to be appreciated.

    Call Today: 602-476-7511

    Sonoran Spa N202
    1 Bedroom, 1 Bath


    Check out this beautiful, fully furnished, one bedroom condo at the Sonoran Spa Resort. Center location gives best ocean views and 2nd floor makes it an easy walk-up when the elevators are busy. Condo is in terrific condition and fully remodeled in a modern style. Stainless appliances and turn-key ready to go. You may want to keep this beautiful condo all for  yourself, but it could be a great vacation rental as well. The price is right and you need to see this beauty. 

    Call Today: 602-476-7511

    Sonoran Sun E409
    3 Bedroom Custom Design
    $600,000 - New More  Aggressive  Price!


    Stop by to check out this fantastic listing at the Sonoran Sun Resort. This condo has been completely remodeled and uniquely upgraded from the ground up and it is absolutely beautiful. There is no other condo like it and you are sure to be impressed by the beauty of the condo as well as the breathtaking beachfront views. The owner spared no expense to make this condo fabulous. Come see this one before it's too late. You will be glad that you did. 
    Fully furnished and turn-key ready to go. This condo has not been used as a rental but would make a terrific rental investment - or simply keep it all to yourselves. Call or visit to receive more information and to tour this beautiful condo.

    CALL TODAY: 602-476-7511
    Sonoran Sky 1109
    3 Bedroom, 3 Bath Luxury Condo

           TRUE LUXURY 3 BEDROOM - 3 BATH! 

    Beautifully furnished luxury 3 bedroom beachfront condo at the Sonoran Sky Resort. Fully furnished and turnkey ready to go. Assumable developer financing available. Never used as a rental. This one is  getting alot of attention so act quickly and don't miss out on this fantastic bargain.

    Call Today: 602-476-7511

    Sonoran Sun W801  
    3BR End Unit   

    This condo must be seen to be appriciated. Beachfront views are spectacular. Very nicely furnished, turnkey ready to go. This end unit condo has the wrap around terrace, giving much more room to enjoy and adding to the views.
    Energy saving window tinting, upgraded window coverings, stainless appliances, and more. Too many upgrades to list. Lots of interest in this condo already so don't wait too long. Give us a call or stop by the on-site sales office today! 

    Call Today: 602-476-7511

    Sonoran Sun E514  
    1 Bedroom with Wrap Arount Patio
    1/4 Fractional Ownership


    How often do you visit Rocky Point? Once per month? Once every two months? This fractional ownership gives you one rotating week every month along with true ownership rights - this is NOT a timeshare. Use your time as you wish or put it in the rental pool for some income if you or your friends/family can't come that month. This is your perfect opportunity to obtain 25% ownership of a fantastic 1 bedroom end unit condo at the beautiful Sonoran Sun Resort for an unbelievable price. This condo  has updated stainless appliances, stackable sliding doors leading to the beachfront terrace, a tastefully upgraded and
     decorated interior, and it has a GREAT outdoor space with a wrap around patio. 
    Partnership agreement is in place and bank trust is already in AZ LLC. 

    Call Today: 602-476-7511

    Sonoran Sky 609 
    3 Bedroom 3 Bath Luxury 

     This condo is beautifully furnished and total luxury combined with a great price makes this one a must-see condo. Ready to go for your family or for a great rental income. An aggressive price and motivated Sellers make this one a sure bet. Contact one of our Agents for more details. Come see this one today! 

     Call Today for Information or to Schedule a Tour


    Sonoran Sun W410  
    1 Bedroom West Building   

    Fantastic beachfront views are just the beginning for this fabulous condo. Unbelievable rental income and luxury, beautiful furnishings make it a sure win. This condo is ready to go and owners have even decided to offer seller financing. Keep it as a rental for income or just keep it for yourself and your family. Either way, you can't go wrong with this beauty. 

    Call Today: 602-476-7511

    Sonoran Sun E304 
    2 Bedroom, 2 Bath 

    This is a very special two bedroom condo at the Sonoran Sun and won't last long. If you're looking for great rental income, this is a must-see condo for you. And, the owners keep it in top shape, earning loyalty and many return visits from renters. Positioned perfectly for fantastic beach front views right at palm tree height. If you are looking for a truly turn-key beauty, this is it.  Great price. Great views. Seller financing available. Ready to go. This condo is a home run. Come take a look!

    Call Today: 602-476-7511

    Sonoran Sea E904  
    2 Bedroom, 2 Bath, East Building


    Views, Views, Views. Fantastic price for this 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo at the Sea. Fully furnished and ready to go. Seller will offer attractive financing with a price of $319,900. Don't let this one pass you by. Call today.

    Call Today: 602-476-7511

    Sonoran Spa N701  
    1 Bedroom End Unit 

    Not many condos like this one come available these days, especially at this price. Being an end unit means an extra side door with double the fantastic views. This condo is super nice and is very nicely decorated and turn-key ready to go. You can't go wrong with this one. Don't wait. See this one today. 
    Call Today: 602-476-7511

    Sonoran Sky 103 
    2 Bedroom Ground Floor  
    This is an opportunity that just doesn't come around very often. A fantastic, ground-floor two bedroom at the Sonoran Sky Resort for $469,000. Really? What's the catch? No catch, just hurry on over to take a look. This condo rents as well as any that we have seen and it is a money making rental machine. Also, fully furnished luxury and priced to sell quickly. 
    What are you waiting for?

    You need to check this one out soon. Call or visit for more details.

    Call Today: 602-476-7511

    Sonoran Spa E210 
    3 Bedroom East Building 


      This condo truly has it all. Great beachfront views, beautifully furnished, upgrades throughout, turn-key ready to move in. This would make an excellent rental, with people requesting it again and again. Or, keep it as a non-rental and enjoy the beautiful condo all to yourselves. The choice is yours but you'll need to act quickly. It has already been very popular with our salespeople.

    Call Today: 602-476-7511

    Sonoran Sky 1403
    2 Bedroom Beachfront Luxury


    If you're looking for a model-perfect, beach-front, turn-key, total luxury condo at the Sonoran Sky for a great price, look no further. This condo is absolutely amazing and you really need to come and take a look for yourself if you're considering investing in a wonderful vacation/investment property. Views go on forever and this would make an excellent rental as well. Don't wait.

    Call Today: 602-476-7511

    Sonoran Sun E801
    3 Bedroom with Wraparound Terrace


    This is an unbelievable listing with a great price, many upgrades, and absolutely unbelievable views from the huge wraparound terrace. This fantastic 3 bedroom, 2 bath end-unit condo boasts many upgrades, updated furniture and appliances, and a wraparound terrace with beach and ocean views forever. Excellent rental history. You need to see this one for yourself. Call for details or to schedule a tour. You need to act fast on this special deal.

    Come see for yourself.

    Call Today: 602-476-7511

    Sonoran Sea E710  
    1 Bedroom Top Floor  


    Great top-floor beauty with possible financing available. Panoramic views down the beach in both directions. Fully furnished and ready to enjoy. This could be a great rental - perfect for your family.  Call our office for more details. This condo can be your dream come true. Come take a look for yourself.

    Call Today: 602-476-7511

    Sonoran Sea E410
    1 Bedroom, East Building


    This is a great price on a fantastic condo at the Sea. The views from this condo are nothing short of spectacular. Completely furnished and turn-key ready to go. Nicely decorated and shows very well. Great rental income potential and priced to sell quickly. 
    Come and see this one today before it's too late.

    Call Today: 602-476-7511

    Sonoran Spa W708
    2 Bedroom, 2 Bath, Huge Terrace 

    This is one of those condos that just don't come on the market very often. There are only two at the resort with this floorplan and this one has been renovated and upgraded to look like new. Just imagine what you could do with the huge terrace, overlooking the beach and the Sea of Cortez. There is also an outside BBQ area, which is a treat in itself as very few condos are allowed to have them. Click the link to see more photos and then come on down to see this one. Once it's gone, it's gone, and there is no telling when or even if another like it will come up for sale. 

    Call Today: 602-476-7511

    Sonoran Sky 806
    1 B R Luxury Condo



    Absolute luxury at the prestigious Sonoran Sky Resort. the Nautical theme in this condo is as unique as it is beautiful and it is an absolute one of a kind original. This is the ONLY one bedroom condo for sale at the Sky and it will make a great rental, or keep it all for yourselves. Really is a must see to appreciate beauty.This condo is ready to go and it can be yours. Contact one of our Agents for more information.

    Call Today: 602-476-7511

    Sonoran Sea E302
    2 Bedroom, 2 Bath


    Beautiful fully furnished condo for sale with very good terms available. This condo has been a good rental property and it is turn-key ready to go. The beachfront views are exceptional and it is priced to sell. Come see this great condo today! 

    Call Today: 602-476-7511 

    Sonoran Sales Group - The OFFICIAL sales team for Sonoran Resorts! 

    We are Rocky Point's one and only exclusive and dedicated team who have always, and will always, sell Sonoran Resorts and ONLY Sonoran Resorts!
    If you are looking for a team of  real professionals who specialize in Puerto Penasco's best family of "True Beachfront" resorts, you've found us, and we are here to serve you.

    Whether Buying or Selling, no one can serve you better when it comes to the Sonoran Resorts. We have been here since the beginning, and we will be here for you when you need us.

    Our In-House closing team will make things happen quickly and professionally and we will save you money. Our attorneys are on salary and no additional attorney fees are charged to our clients. Loyalty to the Sonoran Resorts Sales Team is both appreciated and rewarded! 

    We don't just sell the Sonoran Resorts, we ARE the Sonoran Resorts. We work directly with the Developers, the HOAs, and the Rental companies.

    We really can help you in ways that no one else can.






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    Jim Ringquist
    Sonoran Sales Group