June 2020 

Exclusively Serving the Sonoran Resorts  

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19+ Years Experience on Sandy Beach

Four Fully Completed Beachfront Resorts

We Have Earned Our Stellar Reputation

Your Only Logical Choice when Buying 
or Selling a Sonoran Resorts Condo!


Welcome to June - or should I say the final episode of the Twilight Zone? Super crazy times we're going through right now. But, the good news is that we will make it through and come out just fine on the other side very soon. We're definitely on the downhill side of things and a good portion of the USA seems to be getting back to business. By the looks of things, the areas that have opened up have not seen a higher rate of serious cases, so the end of this mess is surely near. Rocky Point is moving along the same path, but we're just a bit behind you folks up there. So, please be patient with us. It's well worth the wait. 

Things are still changing every day, but currently, we are still on the right path here and today marks the beginning of Phase II of the plan to put Puerto Penasco back to normal. And, yes, we will be back to normal. Maybe a "new normal" for awhile, but I have little doubt that things will settle down and it will be OK to shake hands and attend large gatherings again sooner than later. Based on the number of emails that I have received over the past month, I am pretty sure that when this town opens up again (presumably on June 16th), we will see a surge of tourism for quite a while. Works for me. It is sad seeing the empty beaches and the condos along Sandy Beach sitting primarily vacant.

I have sad news to deliver today too, but it's probably not something that will come as a surprise. Our 9th Annual Sonoran Resorts Las Vegas Night for Charity must be cancelled for this year. This breaks our 8 years in a row tradition, but it can't be helped. It is just too soon after reopening the town and I'm positive that there will still be restrictions in place regarding large groups of people. So, we'll just look forward to next year and we will make it bigger and better than ever to make up for the missed year. By the way, if anyone has a certificate for a free beachfront condo stay that they won during the past event that you were not able to use because of the travel restrictions, let me know. We will still honor it when things open up again.

Today marks the day that more businesses can open, albeit under strict guidelines and occupancy limits. Some businesses will remain closed a bit longer by choice, and unfortunately, others will never open again because the down time and lack of income has forced them to close for good. I do want to announce that La Cantina Sports Bar and Cielito Lindo Restaurant will open on June 4th. The ever popular beachfront Tiki Bar is being completely remodeled and will open soon after. All three are located at the Sonoran Sky Resort. The company and the managers have gone to great lengths to provide a safe atmosphere, and every guideline by the local, state, and federal governments will be met or exceeded. We want you to enjoy the food, drinks, and the experience, but first of all, we want to make sure that you are safe. 

When you come to town, please, please frequent local businesses. They all need your support to keep the doors open. Several haven't made it, and more still are on the verge of collapse. Shop local businesses and markets, and eat out often. If you're not comfortable eating out yet, then order delivery or to go. The Walmarts and Amazons and OXXOs will survive (and actually thrive) through all of this, but the little guys are struggling. Do what you can to make a difference, however small. And, come as often as you can. Certainly, you missed a couple of the best weather months, but you can make up for it through the rest of the year. If you missed two regular trips because of the restrictions, then add two trips to the rest of your regularly scheduled visits. Besides being a fantastic place to visit (or live), you will help bring this town back to life sooner. 

We are very near the end of the entry restriction, but the town is not open yet. If you've thought of coming down before the restrictions are lifted, don't. You may get across the border. I have heard varying reports of people who could or could not cross into Mexico. But, even if you cross the border, you will not get into Rocky Point. The checkpoint outside of town is still restricting entry of everyone with the exception of essential business or emergencies. Currently, the restriction is scheduled to end on June 15th, but that could change at any time. If you are a full-time resident of Rocky Point who is stuck out of town, you may be allowed to reenter. See the story below for details. 

Stay safe and take care. We're almost there.

If you need anything, give me a call or send me an email any time and I will do my very best to help you. If I can't help you myself, I'm sure that I can point you in the right direction and help find you someone who can. 
 Please check out some of our condos for sale along the right column.
You can see all of our listings by going to our website:
Besides our website, you can also see our listings at the following:
AMPI Puerto Penasco MLS
Point 2 Agent Multinational MLS
Tucson Association of Realtors MLS
Phoenix Association of Realtors MLS
Prescott Association of Realtors MLS
Northern Arizona Association of Realtors MLS
Pick up a handout at any of our Sonoran Resorts
Barrett Jackson Show - Scottsdale and Las Vegas
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Jim Ringquist

Broker/Sales Director
Sonoran Resorts   Spa - Sea - Sun - Sky

Tourist Assistance Unit Advisory Committee (Tourist Police)

I hope that you enjoy my newsletter and continue to recommend it to your friends. Please feel free to give me thoughts, suggestions, or ideas for future newsletters. Puerto Peñasco is my home and I love to share the news and goings-on with you.

I do get email requests each month asking me to add someone to my list. While I certainly don't mind doing so, all you really need to do is click Join Newsletter Mailing List , add the email address, and it will happen automatically. Not to worry - I will not spam you or share your email address, and you will only receive one email-newsletter each month on the 1st.
Mayor's Three Phase Plan for Reopening Rocky Point Going as Scheduled

 As the pandemic begins to fade around the world, each area needs to evaluate the best way to begin to open businesses and get people back out in the fastest possible way, while implementing plans to maintain safety and minimize the risk for citizens. 

In Mexico, and if Rocky Point, the government has begun a three phase plan to begin the road back to normal life. Our local plan began on May 18th, and the Mayor recently announced that things are still on schedule to stick with the dates originally announced for the plan. Here is a brief summary of the reopening process:

The process will consist of three phases, the current sanitary filter at the entrance of Rocky Point will remain with some adjustments,  the 10:00 pm curfew will remain, and current business hours will remain in place during the three phases. The dates mentioned below will be subject to change if necessary.  The Beach access will remain closed until the federal government instructs otherwise.  
Phase I started on May 18th until May 31st, 2020 during this period is only local activities no visitors will be allowed into town.
  • Any business that can operate with previous appointments, and attend one person at the time such are beauty salons, barbershops, spas, mechanics, sewing workshops, A/C service providers, printers, and any that apply.
  • Businesses that can deliver their products or take out, or establishments that can provide services without having customers enter the establishment for example Restaurants, florists, beauty supply distributors, coffee shops, small convenience stores, fumigators, shoe stores, jewelry, food street vendors, Craftmanship stores except for beach vendors or Malecon area. Furniture stores (only for the sale of air conditioners, fans, refrigerators), and others that may apply.
  • The sports unit La Milla will be open for certain hours limiting 50 persons at the time per hour, maintaining proper distance and wearing mask. 
  • Construction projects with 1 worker per every 50 square meters of construction, no dining area, transportation for workers limited to 9 persons. 
  • By opening, businesses does not means they can go out of town to acquire supplies. 
Phase II will start on June 1st until June 15th, 2020 after successfully concluding with Phase I, during this period is only local activities no visitors will be allowed into town.
  • Restaurants, coffee shops, taco places, pizza establishments, fruit drink/smoothie sale points, furniture stores, distributors, gyms, and others that may apply will operate at 40%.
  • Places of worship may reopen under recommended prevention measures including 6 ft. distance between families, use of every other pew or chairs, ongoing sanitizing of chairs, pews, entries, and exits after each service
  • Opening of Public Spaces, with social distancing of 6 ft between people or stands: street vendors (does NOT apply to beach or Malecon), ecotourism, golf, sports fishing, water activities, ATV rentals for Rocky Point residents only.
  • By opening, businesses do not mean they can go out of town to acquire supplies. 
Phase III will start on June 15th after successfully concluding with phase II.  During this period visitors will be allowed following the proper protocols.
  • General reopening of additional local businesses, under strict health criteria, to be determined as appropriate.
  • Visitors will be received in town. 
  • Video Cameras and thermographic cameras to measure body temperature installation at the sanitary filter from the entrance to Rocky Point.
  • Each person will go through the sanitary filter and will be taken their temperature if the camera detects an anomaly, then a quick test will be done for covid-19. 
  • If this is positive then the person will be asked to return to their place of origin and recommendations will be provided to avoid the contagion with anyone else on their way to a health center.  
Complete opening of economic activities: Phase 3 will remain in effect until there are no new outbreaks.

*** Update:

The following information was just shared by Rocky Point Times Newspaper: 

Rocky Point Times Newspaper

We have some very exciting news today!! Thanks to the efforts of Ing. Miguel Guevara and Mary Snyder of Encantame Towers, the Rocky Point Times Newspaper and Rocky Point 360 were invited to attend a video conference this morning with Puerto Peñasco Mayor Kiko Munro, where he answered our questions about the city's current Phase II and what we can expect in Phase III, which will be activated on June 16th. We all continually strive to bring you the latest and most accurate information and this opportunity gave us an open door to our Mayor. As you can imagine, he is extremely busy these days.
June 16th - PHASE III
* Beaches open
* Pools open
* 3 Incoming lanes at Sanitary Fence
* 1 Outgoing lane at Sanitary Fence
* Spray Booth eliminated
* Complimentary masks handed out at Sanitary Fence (must be worn in common areas like Malecon)
* Thermal Camera scans all occupants with no need to exit the vehicle
* If all occupants are within normal temperature range you proceed into the city
* Infrared thermometer available if the camera shows high temp.
* COVID Rapid Tests available at no charge
* No vehicle restrictions (i.e.: 2 persons per vehicle)
* Most restaurants and businesses open
The plan is for restaurants, businesses, and beaches to be open on June 16th and Mayor Kiko Munro said that we will all know, well in advance, specific details as to what to expect going into Phase III. For example, the sanitary fence will still be in place, but entry will be expanded to 3 lanes, instead of 1, the sanitation spray booth will most likely be eliminated, and the thermal camera will be used to scan everyone in your vehicle - fast and simple. The city will be releasing a Phase II graph on Monday, June 1st, which will detail businesses that can open and in what capacity as well as other anticipated information. In the meantime, below are some things we know you all are very interested in knowing about June 16th, so, if you haven't made your reservation for June 16th...do so now!!
Before we jump ahead to June 16th, I want to clear up some confusion and questions about our current Phase. Until June 7th, full-time residents are being allowed to return to their homes in Rocky Point. This does NOT include property owners who just want to come and check their property or hang out. A lot of people are being turned back for not being full-time residents and/or not having the proper documentation proving that they are full-time residents. So, if you do not live here full-time - as in you have NO other residence - please do not come down until June 16th. I know this is a bummer, but trust me, it will be well worth it come June 16th when everyone can come down!
During this current Phase II, detailed personal information is being collected when residents are entering town, and decals are being affixed to their vehicles, so this is why the lines have been long. The city is also using this time to learn what to do and what not to do - what problems/complications to expect - and what can be avoided or sped up when June 16th rolls around. Everyone should thank the full-time residents for being so patient! This time is also being used to educate everyone from the city itself to the Army, Police, Red Cross, Military, etc. Remember, they have lots of questions themselves as this is a NEW experience for everyone and EVERYONE is looking to the city for answers, as are we. We know that you all are very eager to get to Rocky Point, but please, please, wait until June 16th to give everyone time to make your next trip to Rocky Point a breeze, and please bring your patience with you.
City Mayor, Kiko Munro was very candid saying that, "Puerto Peñasco will get COVID cases no matter what", so the city is taking great measures to make it as safe as possible for all of us. He absolutely does not want our medical system overwhelmed so going through these phases gives them more time. In addition, businesses are being asked to adapt to a "new normal", for now, and individuals are asked to follow certain protocols, which the city will make available soon. In the case of face masks, which is a hot topic, as of June 16th, the general public will still need to wear them in common areas such as the Malecon and Rodeo Drive, but not the beach areas. You will most likely have to wear one entering a restaurant, but not in the restaurant as they are following "social distancing" guidelines. Restaurant staff and other personnel will be required by the city to wear masks. Complimentary masks will be handed out at the Sanitary Filter and you need to grab one if you didn't bring your own as some businesses may require them to be worn inside their place of business. I know this irks some of you, but you can decide whether or not to patronize that business or go into common areas. I am not a big fan of masks either, but keep in mind that everyone has their own opinions, reasons, fears, logic and it really is just a minor inconvenience for a brief amount of time. And don't be surprised if you are asked to go through sanitation tunnels and to use hand sanitizer when entering businesses.
Our Mayor also said in the meeting this morning that the only thing that will prohibit us from opening up on June 16th, "is if there is an outbreak of COVID cases that we can't control", which the city does not expect and is why they took, and are taking, extreme measures during Phase I and II.
There are State and Federal Guidelines that have been published, but I am just focusing on what I know our readers are most interested in hearing. Rocky Point 360° will most likely go in-depth about these so check them out if you are interested. There has much chatter about the Federal "Stoplight" Map and a proposed Health Card, but I don't want to expound on either of these items since the Health Card is just a "future idea" and the Map just causes confusion - at least for me, it does. Yes, there are Federal guidelines, but we are mostly concerned with what our Mayor does and what is relevant to our city and all of this "information" takes away from what we all really want to know, which is when can we come down, what can we expect, what rules do we need to follow...and when will the beaches be open??!!! Of course, we are always happy to answer any questions you have about information at the Federal and State levels, just email, phone, or DM us.
The majority of our wonderful readers and followers (and newbies) will be coming down on or after June 16th and here are some highlights of what you can expect. As I said, the city will make details available well in advance of the 16th and as of now, this is the plan.
What can you expect on June 16th?
As you enter Rocky Point, on or after June 16th, your vehicle will be scanned by a thermal camera. If anyone's temperature reads high (above 37.5°C/99.5F), they will be asked to exit the vehicle and then scanned with an infrared thermometer. If the thermometer also shows high temperature, the person will then have the option to take the COVID Rapid Test, at no charge, or return to their point of origin. If the Rapid Test comes back positive for COVID-19, then they will be asked to return to where they came from. This will apply to EVERYONE in the vehicle as you may have all been exposed. I stress this because you will be ruining the vacation for everyone if you are feeling ill and come down anyway.
If you do show a high temperature via both the thermal camera and infrared thermometer, but your Rapid Test comes back negative, you will be asked to visit a healthcare provider to figure out why you are showing a high temperature - there very well may be something medically wrong with you.
If everyone in your vehicle shows a normal temperature range (below 37.5°C/99.5F) you will be permitted entrance to the city and no one will need to exit the vehicle to take a 2nd test. You will be on your way to the beach and lots of fun!!
The only other missing piece to getting "back to normal" will be lifting the border travel restrictions, which have been slated for June 22nd by the U.S. As far as coming into Mexico, Kiko stated that he is working very closely with the person in charge in Sonoyta and expects no problems with visitors entering Mexico on, and after June 16th. The border hours, to enter Mexico at Sonoyta, are currently 6:00 AM to 8:00 PM and 6:00 AM to 8:00 PM to re-enter the United States at Lukeville. For now, we are going with these hours and will update them as soon as we hear they have changed. (Our normal border hours are 6:00 AM to midnight.)
Mayor Kiko Munro stressed that he is being very cautious, and the city is taking every precaution so that we experience no relapse or setback of any kind. Many of us are desperately awaiting your return so we do not want to do anything to screw up our goal of opening on June 16th. I know some of you like to be rebels, as do I, but I am begging you to just hang in there and wait until June 16th to come down unless, of course, you are a full-time resident.
On June 16th you can most likely expect to have your temperature taken at some businesses around town like restaurants and when you check into your condo or hotel. I know it does seem redundant, after having gone through the Sanitary Filter, but it is just an added level of protection for everyone because we DO NOT want to go backward and have to shut everything down again. I, for one, do not want to go another 3 months not being able to visit my beaches and favorite establishments. So, please, please be patient and understanding and remember that these minor inconveniences will be totally worth it once you sink your toes in the sand and hit your favorite haunts.

Gobierno de Puerto Peñasco

Use of Thermal Cameras will Provide 10-Day Period for Entry of Peñasco Residents

Puerto Peñasco Mayor Ernesto Kiko Munro announced the installation of thermal cameras at the health filter checkpoint into town provides the possibility solely for Puerto Peñasco residents to enter the city as part of Phase 1 of the overall "Peñasco Activates" plan to gradually revive the local economy.
The mayor detailed as of May 27th, a large tent and cutting-edge technology (of the company TotalPlayEmpresarial) have been set up at the health barrier installed along the Peñasco - Sonoyta highway, in order to further guarantee controls and prevent any local outbreaks of the coronavirus.
Munro explained for only the next 10 days, entry to the city will be permitted for residents who for whatever circumstance were not in Peñasco prior to the shelter in place and roadblock restrictions. These individuals must accredit they are full-time residents in the municipality (photo ID with proof of residence), sign a Letter of Commitment to self-isolate for 14 days, and will be given an identification sticker for their vehicle. These individuals must also follow the presently established health guidelines in the city (use of masks, curfew, only essential outings, only two per car (with one person in back seat/both with masks), among others).
"Those wanting to enter must comply with these protocols, which while bothersome are necessary; they are cumbersome and affect our everyday life yet have been proposed given the low statistics of Covid-19 in Puerto Peñasco. It is the guarantee we have to ensure the reopening phases of our Activate Peñasco plan," indicated the mayor.
"The fact this will allow entry to Puerto Peñasco does not mean this also gives permission to go to beaches (which are closed), have parties, or for tourism activities in general, as social distancing continues with the same restrictions for all," emphasized the mayor.
The mayor underscored authorities will be relentless in ensuring compliance with health and safety measures and apply sanctions respectively.
The mayor reaffirmed the first phase of the city's reopening plan, from May 18th - 31st;if all outlined goals are met, Phase II will be from June 1st - 15th, followed by Phase III tentatively set for June 16th, which would allow for the entry of visitors.

Mexico-US Land Border Restrictions Extended Again - Until June 23

The Mexico-US land border will remain closed to all but "essential crossings" until at least June 23. This article lists the definitions of essential and non-essential crossings
The land border restrictions announced on on March 20, 2020 due to the Covid-19 event have been extended again.  The restriction order was initially extended from April 20 to May 20, and on May 19 it was extended again-until at least June 23.
The Mexico-US land border is closed to all but "essential crossings."  Non-essential crossings are prohibited until at least June 23, 2020.
What is defined as an "Essential Crossing"

According to the latest version of the legal document published as a Notice on the US Federal Register, "essential travel" (permitted crossings) are defined as:
U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents returning to the United States;

Individuals traveling for medical purposes (e.g., to receive medical treatment in the United States);

Individuals traveling to attend educational institutions;

Individuals traveling to work in the United States (e.g., individuals working in the farming or agriculture industry who must travel between the United States and Mexico in furtherance of such work);

Individuals traveling for emergency response and public health purposes (e.g., government officials or emergency responders entering the United States to support Federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial government efforts to respond to COVID-19 or other emergencies);

Individuals engaged in lawful cross-border trade (e.g., truck drivers supporting the movement of cargo between the United States and Mexico);

Individuals engaged in official government travel or diplomatic travel;

Members of the U.S. Armed Forces, and the spouses and children of members of the U.S.

Armed Forces, returning to the United States; and
Individuals engaged in military-related travel or operations.

What crossings are prohibited now:

According to the Notice, the following activities do not fall under the definition of "essential travel" and are prohibited:
Individuals traveling for tourism purposes (e.g., sightseeing, recreation, gambling, or attending cultural events);

It has also been stated that shopping trips and routine family visits are prohibited;

Mexicans and other foreign nationals with US tourist visas are not permitted to enter the United States by land, rail or sea ferry unless they can prove their trip falls under the definition of "essential travel" as described above.

Flights not affected, but...

According to the official Notice, the land border restrictions do not affect flights to and from Mexico "at this time," but you should check with the airline you intend to travel with as restrictions may be in place depending on your destination(s).  Countries in Europe and elsewhere are beginning to introduce quarantine periods for arriving passengers, including their own citizens/residents.
Freight rail and sea travel is not affected, but passenger rail and sea ferries between Mexico and the US are affected by these restrictions.
US and Canadian citizens returning home

US citizens and lawful permanent residents of the US returning home to the United States are not affected by these restrictions.
Canadian citizens who wish to drive home are probably able to cross into the US for onward passage to Canada, but it is recommended that you contact the Canadian or US Consulate for advice.
Traveling to Mexico from the United States

Mexico has not imposed any legal restrictions on passengers or vehicles entering Mexico by land from the United States; however we understand that tourists may be turned away and that several towns near the US land border have set-up road blocks to demand ID from people arriving; people are being turned back at these road blocks if they cannot prove they live locally.
If you're a Mexican citizen, or you have a legal residency permit for Mexico (Residente Temporal or Residente Permanente), you can cross the border by road to Mexico.
The Circus Mexicus ¡Cyber-Celebración! Livestream

While COVID-19 has suspended Roger Clyne & The Peacemakers' 20 year streak of performing Circus Mexicus live in Puerto Penasco, Mexico, the band is keeping the spirit alive by hosting a cyber Circus Mexicus livestream broadcast Saturday June 6th, 2020 at www.rogerclyneandthepeacemakersLIVE.com .  
RCPM Live: The Circus Mexicus ¡Cyber-Celebración! Livestream  will bring the Circus Mexicus party direct to you in HD June 6th at 8:00pm Pacific/AZ and rock TWO 75 minute live sets from RCPM with The Jons on horns and percussion.  Revel and dance with friends while live chatting with amigos from around the world celebrating classics and rarities from both RCPM & The Refreshments catalogs.  The stream will be available on Smart TVs, computers or cell phones with internet connection at www.rogerclyneandthepeacemakersLIVE.com .
Expanded audio/video production as well as flavors from Puerto Penasco will be featured throughout the performance.  All hands are on deck to make sure this is the best broadcast to date!  Get your tequila and tacos ready, update your browser, (Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Safari work best), clear your cache on your device and we'll see you for the RCPM Live: The Circus Mexicus ¡Cyber-Celebración! Livestream June 6th at  www.rogerclyneandthepeacemakersLIVE.com  .  Tickets are on sale now!
Does the 8:00pm Pacific/AZ start time not work for you or in your part of the world?  No problem.  Each ticket purchased will allow viewing the show either live or archived through June 13th, 2020.
In keeping with RCPM's longstanding commitment to the people of Puerto Penasco, it will be supporting Steps of Love at www.stepsoflove.org/rcpm with your help.  They are dedicated to creating paths out of poverty through education as well as feeding families through the COVID-19 crisis. Please check them out!
For more information, please contact circusmexicus@gmail.com .

Mayor Forms New Units to Address Family Violence and Ecological Concerns

Mayor Kiko Munro announced the start of operations of the Family Violence Attention Patrol and Ecological Attention Patrol units, reinforcing the commitment in the prevention and security in these areas in Puerto Peñasco.

The Mayor of Puerto Peñasco reported that these special units, the family violence unit in pink, and the ecological unit in green, will work in coordination with the State Government and various municipal agencies in attending to reports related to these issues which are significant for any population.

He clarified that these patrols had not been put into operation specifically due to the Covid-19 health emergency, but had been part of previous planning, and when the city began to reactivate with the Peñasco three phase plan, it was determined time to streamline the plan, which will undoubtedly have a positive impact the entire community.

Because the crime of family violence is common in Puerto Peñasco, he explained, it was decided to create the specialized unit to deal directly with the problem. The unit will work jointly with the Municipal Institute for Women.

The Ecology Unit, he said, will focus on generating information and creating a culture to teach citizens not to litter public roads, or beaches, and to reinforce respect for the environment. The unit will work with educating the public, but if necessary, sanctions will be applied to those who disrespect the laws regarding the environment.

"I must say that we have below average crime rates in all categories, and currently below the annual average for Puerto Peñasco, with the exception of the crime of family violence; and that's why we have to work harder." First to educate society, because violence is not the instrument to resolve conflicts and especially within the family and, second, because if we respect our environment we want to ensure a better place to live in every way, "he said.

The Public Safety Commissioner, José Tlaseca highlighted the importance of the Family Violence Attention Patrol, noting that in the last two months, due to the Coronavirus health emergency, a 45% increase in crimes of this nature has been noted.

Potpourri - Short Shorts of All Sorts!
Sometimes so much is going on in our little slice of paradise by the sea that we can't address the many short subjects with proper attention. To handle the hodgepodge of dangling subject matter, we invented the Potpourri Page. Here are a few "short shorts" to keep you up to date.

Sonoran Resorts Las Vegas Night Postponed
It is with great sadness that we must inform you that our long run of annual Las Vegas Night for Charity events will be be interrupted this year. Due to the current state of affairs and with the requirements for social distancing, the annual event will not take place over the July 4th weekend this year as it has for so many years in the past. But, we'll be back next year, bigger and better, so make your plans to attend early. See you for the event in 2021! 


Satisfied Frog Closing Its Doors

Message from managing partners: Well dear froggy friends and family, Krissy and I regret to inform you Crazy Ed's Satisfied Frog will be permanently closed as of this Sunday, May 31st.

We are very proud of our team and the work they have accomplished throughout the years. Their work and dedication over the course of this pandemic is unequal. Believe me, going from a full service restaurant to a brand new online pickup and delivery service is no easy task.

Be assured our employees will be properly compensated, however you can still donate to our staff and their families if you like, through our SatisfiedFrogMX website. Those funds will be distributed directly to our team.
We are deeply saddened to say goodbye to Crazy Ed's Satisfied Frog.

To Crazy Ed Chilleen and his wife Maria, we give our sincere gratitude for the love, support and mentorship throughout this wonderful journey.

For Krissy and I, this is our home and we aren't going anywhere. I am confident we all will see each other sooner than you think and look forward to being with you again in the near future.

You have been the most amazing and supportive customers, fans and family anyone could ask for.
May God Bless you and yours until we meet again.

Inventory and Sale of Beer Resumes in Rocky Point

After the manufacture of beer was deemed as a non-essential activity, the supply of beer dried up very quickly throughout Mexico and in Rocky Point. At the time of the announcement, the scene was remiscent of the toilet paper and hand sanitizer run in the USA, as citizens tried to stock up for what would undoubtedly be a prolonged dry spell. 

Recently, however, there has been a change of policy and the beer supplies began flowing again. For the first couple days, long lines formed outside of OXXO stores and the supply quickly ran out again. At this point, it seems the things have calmed down and supply is catching up with demand. The odd thing was that tequila, hard liquor, and wine was never in short supply. It seems that beer is the drink of choice in Mexico.

Steps of Love/Aim Penasco Partners to Help Feed Rocky Point Residents

Steps of Love, a U.S based non-profit, and their partner AIM Peñasco, a local Mexican non-profit, have committed to temporarily shifting their mission focus from education to feeding those in need in the Rocky Point community until this crisis is behind us. This partnership has always adhered to strict financial accountability and transparency, and will remain just as committed during all crisis-related fundraising.
Since the pandemic was announced, they have been assisted in a fundraising efforts by "Helping Puerto Peñasco in Crisis", a grassroots effort that has since evolved into a community collaboration. This group's ability to spread awareness has significantly helped the Steps of Love and AIM Peñasco team make a greater impact by increasing the capacity to provide more food to the thousands of people in urgent need in Rocky Point.
All food and supply donations received will be organized and packed into individual and family-sized packages. All funds raised will be designated to purchase food. These operations will follow COVID-19 safety guidelines and protocols. Food boxes are distributed to families throughout the community by arranging safe pick-ups at three different sites across the city or safe delivery to the family's home.    Donate Now (click)


Individuals Can Make a Real Difference
Local residents Martin Martinez and Tony Ballesteros, along with a long list of friends and volunteers have taken it upon themselves to make a difference and provide meals for those in need, here in Rocky Point.
Tony recently commented, "We are feeding about 300 plus ready to eat meals 3 times a week and now we are giving out food bags on the other 2 days, providing for many in need for 6 days a week. We receive donations from friends here in RP and from rriends in Arizona."

He further stated "We give hot coffee - Water bottles- Gatorade. All meals are warm and served with bread on ready to go plates. Martin Martinez Started the cause when he saw the need, and then I joined him shortly after. We always have beans & rice plus spaghetti, pasta, meat, chicken soup, lentils - always something fresh and nutritious. And all of the meals are made by volunteers. We started with 40 people then 75 then 100 now we average 300 plus meals each day."

Food for the Hungry - Ministry of God Food Assistance Program 

Ministry of God now serves lunch to over 1000 hungry people every day in this time of crisis in Rocky Point. Lines form early, mostly respecting social distancing spacing and wearing the required mask covering nose and mouth. The lunches served are simple, but fresh, filling, and greatly appreciated by those who may not eat anything else for that entire day.

Since this emergency began just two months ago, over they have provided over 30,000 lunches to people in need. On top of the lunches, bags of essential food items are donated to families who are unable to visit their location for meals. Spiritual and emotional help is always available as well and their services are available online for anyone to join.

Popular DJ SCOTT KAOS Presents  "Trapped in Paradise" Weekly Live Fundraisers to Help Locals in Need
DJ Scott Kaos has been sending out techno grooves from his patio overlooking the Sea of Cortez in Puerto Peñasco since April 25th during his weekly Saturday "Trapped in Paradise" charity fundraisers. As a way to give back to the community, and the many parts of Puerto Peñasco impacted economically by the Covid-19 restrictive measures, DJ Kaos has found a way to extend his reach into food baskets, hot meals, lunch programs, and now to the local home for the elderly affectionately known by most as "Asilo Casa Hogar" (Jóse Dávalos Valdivia Casa Hogar).

DJ Scott recently stated, " Your generosity ensures my ability to continue to produce this Live Stream program that has raised $10,274.00 USD to-date for various Charities providing critical assistance to our community in crisis here in Penasco."

Rocky Point Hopes to Establish Binational 'Health Corridor' with Arizona

Two years ago, Arizona and neighboring Sonora implemented a safety corridor along the highway to the popular beach destination Puerto Peñasco, or Rocky Point. Now, that city is looking to collaborate on a so-called "health corridor" to keep tourists safe during the coronavirus pandemic.
Rocky Point plans to start letting visitors back into the city on June 16, and Mayor Kiko Munro said the seaside town, known as Arizona's beach, is already implementing measures to keep tourists and residents safe, including temperature checks, rapid testing and enforcing social distancing and mask-wearing.
He's also been in conversation with Arizona officials to establish binational guidelines for hotels, restaurants and other businesses along the routes travelers take.
"We are already working together with the aim of creating a health corridor from Arizona into Penasco," he said. "We are trying to unify the criteria for hotel operations, restaurant operations in terms of guidelines and protocols to keep them free of [COVID-19]."
Munro hopes binational collaboration will help prevent the spread of the coronavirus, as more people start leaving their homes again in the coming months. And he also the safety measures will give travelers confidence to return to Puerto Peñasco, where many businesses and families are struggling with the lack of visitors.
"I think people are sick of being home. I think they want to get out. I think they want to be in a safe environment, but they also want to be out," he said. "And I think Peñasco is going to be able to provide that."
So far, there have only been six confirmed cases of the coronavirus in Rocky Point.

AMLO Prepares to Launch New Index, an Indicator of Happiness, Well-Being

The president calls it an alternative to gross domestic product
President López Obrador is preparing to launch an "alternative index" that will measure people's happiness and well-being in addition to economic growth.
"I'm working now on an index to measure well-being, an alternative index to the so-called gross domestic product. I'm going to present a new parameter that will measure growth but also well-being and degrees of social inequality," he told reporters at his regular news conference on Thursday.
"Another ingredient in this new parameter, this new paradigm, will be the happiness of the people. The technocrats won't like it, ... but if they don't like it, it's probably good for us," López Obrador said.
"There are countries where the level of happiness is measured and that's part of well-being. I'm making the formula, we're going to apply it in Mexico. It's a different measurement system and we'll probably also contribute to having other parameters in the world in order to know if there really is well-being. ... It's not just about accumulating wealth and even less so if wealth accumulates in just a few hands," he said.
"The distribution of income is what's important, the distribution of wealth - well-being, in other words."
In developing his new index, López Obrador said that he will consult with the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean and seek contributions from econometricians, mathematicians, economists, sociologists, anthropologists, psychologists and other experts.
"... It's something new, an interesting contribution; thinking about the return to the 'new normal' [from the coronavirus pandemic], we can't continue living in the same way," he said.
The president has long railed against using GDP growth as a sole measure to assess the performance of the economy and in turn people's economic and social well-being, although he embraced it as a target when he took office
Despite widespread poverty, violence and a range of other social problems that trigger frequent protests, López Obrador has claimed that the people are "happy, happy, happy" with their lot in life.
However, with the coronavirus-induced economic crisis predicted to push as many as an additional 10.7 million people into poverty, happiness soon might not be as widespread as he thinks.
More than 750,000 formal sector workers have already lost their jobs due to the pandemic and an untold number of those who toil in the informal economy have seen their incomes plummet if not dry up completely.
Analysts and financial institutions are forecasting a deep recession for the Mexican economy in 2020, providing López Obrador with added incentive to attempt to divert focus from GDP figures that will almost certainly make for reading that is more "sad, sad, sad" than "happy, happy, happy."

Despite Doubts, Mexico to Administer Hydroxychloroquine

Outpatients will be given low to medium doses for a maximum of seven days
The federal Health Ministry will use the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine to treat 20,000 Covid-19 outpatients despite doubts about its efficacy and the risk of it causing an irregular heartbeat and even death.
The director of the National Institute of Medical Sciences and Nutrition told the newspaper Milenio that the health regulatory agency Cofepris has authorized the administration of the drug to patients recovering from Covid-19 in their homes.
José Sifuentes acknowledged that clinical trials have shown that high doses of hydroxychloroquine for a prolonged period of time can cause a range of side effects in Covid-19 patients but emphasized that the drug has been shown to reduce generalized inflammation in people with the disease.
In that context, he stressed that outpatients will be given only low to medium doses for a maximum of seven days starting in the early phase of their illness.
Sifuentes said that all patients receiving treatment with the drug will be closely monitored, explaining that the "careful follow-up" will occur at people's homes and via telephone and video calls.
He said that 130,000 doses of hydroxychloroquine donated by the Swiss healthcare company Novartis will be distributed to national health institutes, regional hospitals and specialty hospitals, among other facilities. The use of the drug among ambulatory Covid-19 patients will commence next week.
The announcement of the plan came just two days after the World Health Organization (WHO) reiterated that the drug should only be used in closely-monitored clinical trials due to the potential side effects.
Michael Ryan, executive director of the WHO health emergencies program, said that hydroxychloroquine and the similar drug chloroquine have "yet to be found effective in the treatment of Covid-19" or to prevent the disease.
The medical journal The Lancet published a study on Friday that said that there were no benefits to treating Covid-19 with either drug and that their use actually increases the risk of dying for coronavirus patients.
In a study of 96,000 coronavirus patients, 18% treated with hydroxychloroquine and 16.4% of those treated with chloroquine died. For patients in a control group, the death rate was 9%.
Deputy Health Minister Hugo López-Gatell, Mexico's coronavirus point man, is among a large number of medical professionals who have warned against taking hydroxychloroquine as a preventative measure against Covid-19.

Restaurant's Coronaburger Helps Combat Slump in Sales

The burger, made with a green bun topped with wart-like peaks, has been popular
Necessity has been called the mother of invention, and that was the case for René Saucedo, owner and operator of a gourmet hot dog and hamburger stand in Torreón, Coahuila, who saw his sales slump due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Forced to lay off one of his two employees and facing the possibility of closing down for good, Saucedo came up with a gimmick suited to the current health crisis and invented the "coronaburger."
"We had to get something good out of this very difficult situation we are experiencing," Saucedo says.
The owner and operator of Zhunckos, a business he opened three years ago after abandoning his former career as a security guard, designed a brioche bun replete with wart-like peaks representing the virus and painted it with green food coloring.
Inside he stuffs the burger with gouda, cheddar and manchego cheeses, bacon, pickles, red onion, bourbon sauce, spinach and guacamole. He says it took him a week to come up with the design for the bun and find the right combination of ingredients.
The coronaburger has proven popular, especially with doctors who order it out of curiosity, and has meant Saucedo can still provide a living for his wife and two children.
"People like it, they think it is funny," Saucedo says. He worried at first that customers might be offended, and realizes that the novelty will soon wear off, but for now, the coronaburger is helping him get through the health and economic crisis, one green bun at a time.

Another Virus Outbreak but This One's Victims are Rabbits

The hemorrhagic disease has been detected in six northern states

While humans deal with outbreaks of the coronavirus, rabbits and hares in northwestern Mexico and the southwestern United States are suffering from a viral threat of their own.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (Sader) reports that so far rabbits and hares both domestic and wild have been diagnosed with a type of hemorrhagic fever in the states of Baja California, Baja California Sur, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Durango and Sonora.
The federal agriculture sanitation authority Senasica first confirmed cases of the rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus 2 in rabbits in Chihuahua in April. Since then it has detected 36 cases among domestic rabbits and 11 in wild hares, the latter being found in the states of Chihuahua, Durango and Sonora.
Health authorities ordered immediate action to deal with the problem, including culling infected populations and sanitizing areas where sick animals have been.
Labs operated by Senasica have tested 147 domestic rabbits and 22 wild hares, and veterinarians have tended to 52 potential cases reported from 12 states.
The virus is not native to Mexico, and experts from both sides of the border agree that it is highly contagious and lethal for rabbits and hares, but cannot be transmitted to humans or other animals.
To mitigate the spread of the virus, health authorities are advising cuniculturists, or rabbit breeders, not to transport sick or dead rabbits. Restricting nonessential persons or other animals from accessing breeding pens and avoiding buying rabbits of unknown origin will also reduce the spread of the disease.

Surface Treatment Makes Aluminum Antiviral and Antibacterial

If there is one place where you don't want viruses or harmful bacteria to be present, it's in hospitals, where people are already vulnerable. A new process could help, by allowing aluminum surfaces in such buildings to kill the bugs.
Led by Prof. Prasad Yarlagadda, scientists at Australia's Queensland Institute of Technology started by exposing discs of ordinary 6063 aluminum alloy to corrosive sodium hydroxide (aka: lye) for three hours. Doing so altered the metal's smooth surface on a microscopic level, etching a series of ridges into it. The surface also became hydrophilic, meaning that it attracted water.
When viruses and bacteria (such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus) were subsequently placed on the treated aluminum, they were drawn across the tiny ridges. This caused the microbes' outer membranes to sag between the ridges and rupture, killing them. Certain insects' wings neutralize bacteria in the same fashion.
Most of the bacteria were eliminated within three hours of contact, while numbers of common respiratory viruses dropped considerably within two hours. These figures were considerably better than those that were observed for plastic or smooth aluminum surfaces. In fact, even after testing that simulated the wear and tear that might occur in a hospital setting over time, the treated discs remained effective.
The scientists believe that the technology could also be applied to frequently touched surfaces in other busy public settings, such as cruise ships or airports.
A paper on the research was recently published in the journal ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering.

Can Mexico Expect Killer Hornets? No, Says UNAM Scientist

The killer hornets that have been sighted in the western United States and Canada will not make their way to Mexico, according to a biologist at the National Autonomous University (UNAM).
Entomologist Alejandro Zaldívar Riverón said that the insect has not even established itself in the two countries to the north, and there is reason to fear it might come down to Mexico.
"It's ridiculous to suppose that it would travel south and arrive in Mexico," said the hornets, bees, wasps and ants specialist.
He said the reports of killer hornets in the United States were mere isolated incidents of specimens that made their way across the Pacific in merchandise shipped from Asia.
Alarm arose when a nest of killer hornets was found on Vancouver Island, Canada, but it was immediately destroyed, and Zaldívar called the fears of its proliferation unfounded, as are any that it could migrate hundreds of miles south.
"We must not forget that every animal and plant species has certain ecological requirements, and according to the environmental characteristics of the areas where this hornet is naturally distributed, it's unlikely that it will establish itself in Canada or the northern United States, and later cross arid zones and deserts before arriving in our territory," he said.
This particular species, like the over 20 other species in the genus Vespa, is naturally distributed in subtropical zones in Asia and a few in Europe.
One note in news reports has been that the large hornets are predators that appear to have a sweet tooth for honeybees, which are the primary pollinators in most ecosystems.
Zaldívar called for people not to panic and, above all, not to kill regular honeybees out of unfounded fears of killer hornets.

Menudo - Mexican Beef Tripe Soup

Menudo is a flavorful Mexican soup that is traditionally prepared by an entire family and served during special occasions. An extensive cooking process requires roughly seven hours of preparation, boiling, and ingredient mixing. The majority of the cook time is spent boiling the main ingredient, tripe.
The smell of the tripe, or beef stomach, is so potent that it must be boiled with onions for at least three hours to reduce the odor. After the beef stomach is boiled and diced, it is mixed with oregano, chili paste, hominy, and other spices.
While menudo always includes beef stomach, it can sometimes include beef that comes from the feet and tendons. These versions require an even more extensive cooking process. The growing popularity of menudo means that it is no longer reserved for wedding ceremonies or holiday celebrations, it is a mainstay on restaurant menus around the world.


Note: Whenever you purchase any of the less common cuts of meat, like beef tripe, you want to make sure that you cook it the right way, and that you purchase high-quality meat. In Mexico, you can find these types of meat all over the place, but in the United States, it can be a little bit more difficult.

There is a company called Rumba Meats that sells all these cuts of meat and more and that you can have delivered directly to your door. You can find them on Amazon. This menudo recipe uses the Rumba Meats Honeycomb Beef Tripe. It comes clean and trimmed.

Prep Time: 15 mins
Cook Time: 1 hr
Total Time: 1 hr 15 mins

2 Pounds of Rumba Meats Honeycomb Tripe
1 Liter of Water
½ White Onion
1 head of garlic about 4-5 cloves
1 Branch of Fresh Oregano
1 Branch of Fresh Rosemary
Guajillo Sauce 2 pasilla peppers, 2 guajillo peppers, salt, pepper, cumin, clove of garlic
1 Can of Beef Stock
1 Can of Hominy
2 Potatoes cut into medium sized cubes

Clean the Tripe with water and vinegar, and then rinse.
Trim the fat around the edges of the tripe.
Cut the Tripe into small chunks and add it to a pot with boiling water and cook for about 25 minutes.
Drain the water and rinse the Tripe again. Set aside.
In a large, clean pot add a liter of water, the garlic, onion, salt, fresh herbs, beef stock, potatoes, and tripe.
Bring to a boil and let cook for 20 minutes.
Make the guajillo sauce by removing the seeds and stem from the pasilla and guajillo peppers, and boiling them for 15 minutes in water. Drain the water and blend the softened peppers with one clove of garlic, salt, pepper, onion, and cumin. Strain the mixture with a strainer.
Add the guajillo sauce and the hominy to the pot with the rest of the ingredients and let cook for an additional 10 minutes.
Serve with lime, onion, and cilantro.
A Short History of Mexican Food

The history of Mexican food is a long and diverse one. It is believed that authentic Mexican food might have been derived from the Mayan Indians. They were traditionally nomadic hunters and gatherers. Corn tortillas with bean paste were a common food item; but they also ate wild game, tropic fruits, and fish.
In the mid 1300's, The Aztec Empire was thriving, and though the Mayan food staples were still in use, chili peppers, honey, salt and chocolate found its way into their cooking. Some of the wild game, such as turkey and duck, had now become domesticated.
In 1521 Spain invaded Mexico. Spanish foods had the most influence on the Mexican cuisine. They introduced new livestock, such as sheep, pigs and cows. They brought with them dairy products, and garlic as well as many different herbs, wheat and spices. It was at this time that the Mexican people saw the assimilation of many other cuisines including Caribbean, South American, French, West African and Portuguese. Because of this Mexican foods today are diverse, yet dishes to vary from region to region.
Cooking Methods, Past and Present
The early natives of Mexico did not have ovens, instead they heated food over and open fire, using cast iron skillets and ceramic ware. Another method was steaming. They would suspend meat wrapped in cactus or banana leaves, over boiling water in a deep pit. Frying was also a popular method.
They used a metate y mano, which is a large tool made of lava rock or stone that they would use as a grinding stone or the molcajete, which was smaller, to grind and smash ingredients. The molcajete, or mortar and pestle, is a small bowl shaped container that can be made of stone, pottery, hard wood or marble, and the pestle is baseball bat shaped.
A Brief History on Some Favorite Foods
Salsa was sold in the Aztec market places. Salsa, the Spanish word for sauce, is uncooked and sometimes pureed until chunky, smooth, or chopped. Large red tomatoes, tomatillo, chipotle {a staple in the Aztec diet} and the avocado are found in the modern salsa, and are the same core ingredients used in the past. We can thank the Aztecs for Chocolate. It was through them that the Spaniards brought the product to Europe in 1657.
The term enchilada is first referenced in the US in 1885. Yet the concept of tortillas being used as a wrap can be clearly linked to the Aztecs. The word enchilada means "in chile."
The tomatillo is a fruit that dates back to at least 800 BC, the word meaning round and plump. The Aztecs domesticated it, and when the Europeans came to Mexico, they documented the local foods and often confused the names by shortening the words. Though never popular with Europeans, it thrived in Italy. Today a relative of the fruit is common in the US. Tomatillo, a member of the night shade family, provides tart flavor in many different green sauces.
The Portuguese aided the spread of the chili pepper plants. Thought the earliest mention was in 1542 when a German herbalist, Leonhart Fuchs, described and illustrated several types of peppers. Though for people of Europe, the history of the pepper began in the late 15th century, when Colombus brought the peppers home. There is archaeological evidence that peppers were in use since 5000 BC.
Pre-Columbus is how far back the Tamale can be traced. The Friar Bernardino de Sahagun documented that the Spaniards were served tamales by the Aztecs in the 1550's.
Other foods that we associate with Mexican cuisine, are not traditionally so. The Flan was discovered in Medieval Europe. And ceviche is an Inca discovery, eating their catch of the day raw with only a few seasonings. It wasn't until the late 15th century when Native American chefs of Ecuador and Peru began to add the citrus fruits with the South American fish, and creating the dish that we know today.
Flavors from around the world have influenced Mexican dishes. The same can be said about Mexican traditional favorites affecting other countries menus. In just about every culture you look at, you can find a hint of Mexico.

Let me know if you would like links to any of the earlier ones. (Almost 10 years worth)
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Just for the fun of it...

Incredible Things You Never Knew Existed
Sometimes, reality is stranger than fiction. Other times, reality  straight-up seems like fiction . Not like magic and mermaids and knights in shining armor - but about the strangest little-known things on the planet. T he world is full of amazing, astonishing, truly incredible things you never knew existed. Herein, are a few that will make your head spin.

An Alien Abduction Insurance Policy

You already know that home insurance, car insurance, and life insurance exist-but what about alien abduction insurance? For $19.95 you can get just that from the  Saint Lawrence Agency in Altamonte Springs, Florida. The unique company has sold more than 6,000 policies to date, all for $10 million worth of coverage, according to the  Miami Herald. However, in order to qualify for a claim, you'll have to make your way back to Earth. And not just that: you'll also need the signature of an "authorized, on-board alien." Er, good luck with that!

A Plant That Lives for Thousands of Years

Found in the Namib Desert, the Welwitschia Mirabilis consists of two leaves, a stem base, and roots, according to the  South African National Biodiversity Institute. "Carbon dating tells us that on average, welwitschias are 500 to 600 years old, although some of the larger specimens are thought to be 2,000 years old," the Institute writes. "Their estimated lifespan is 400 to 1,500 years. Growth occurs annually during the summer months."


Based solely on how cute they are, quokkas should be the most popular animals in the world. But unfortunately, they're still fairly little-known. So what makes the quokka so incredible? It's simple: thanks to their bone structure, quokkas always appear to be smiling. You can find these marsupials on the small islands off the coast of Western Australia. Some people have even dubbed them the "happiest animal in the world," according to  National Geographic.

Lickable Wallpaper

If you're considering  redecorating your home and want your space to be both tasteful and tasty, you may want to try lickable wallpaper. Inspired by Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, this delectable decor totally exists-although it's marketed more for theme parties than for everyday use.

A Bubblegum Pink Lake

If you came across Australia's  Lake Hillier or  Hutt Lagoon without knowing anything about them, you might think that you had wandered into a Candyland-like dream world. That's because both the lake and the lagoon are bubblegum pink. The coloring is thought to be due to the high levels of salt in the water.

Human-Sized Beavers

Fortunately, these  massive rodents went extinct  around the end of the last ice age, some 10,000 years ago. The animals weighed more than 200 pounds and were similar in size to modern-day black bears. Scientists have found the giant beaver fossils at sites around the lakes and wetlands of North America, from Florida to the Yukon.


In 1985, a bottlenose dolphin and a false killer whale got a little frisky and produced a baby. The female offspring, named Kekaimalu, was deemed a "wholphin" and is the only known living  hybrid  of the two species. However, she did produce three babies of her own with a bottlenose dolphin, one of which still lives with her at  Sea Life Park  on the island of Oahu in Hawaii (that's one on the left).

A Muscle That Only Exists in 85 Percent of the Population

The palmaris longus is a muscle that you might have in your forearm... or you might not. That's because around  15 percent of people simply don't have a palmaris longus. To see if you have one, pinch your thumb and your pinky finger together. If a tendon sticks out in your wrist, you have a palmaris longus.

Fish That Look Like They're Wearing Lipstick

There are plenty of  unusual creatures crawling along the ocean floor, but the  Red-lipped batfish still manages to stand out thanks to its bright red mouth. Along with being oddly shaped and about the length of a burrito, this deepwater fish, which can be found near the Galapagos Islands, looks like it's wearing a rather striking shade of lipstick.

Full-Time Mattress Jumpers

A bad mattress can ruin any chance of getting a  good night's rest. That's why companies hire professional matress jumpers to perfect their products. The jumping is the last step in the process of making a hand-made mattress and helps to compress the cotton batting.

And while it might sound like a fun way to make a living, professional mattress jumper Reuben Reynoso told  SFGate, "It's work. It's not for everybody. There is a right way and a wrong way to do it." Reynoso jumps on three mattresses a day and takes his job very seriously. "This is not a game," he says. "Not to me."

Light-Up GPS Shoes That Point the Way Home

If you're the kind of person who tends to get lost, then  GPS shoes  might be the perfect thing to help you find your way home. Created by artist and designer Dominic Wilcox, the techy shoes include a sensor in the heel and LED lights on the top that light up and point you in the right direction.

Spider Crabs With 13-Foot-Long Legs

The largest crab on the planet, the  Japanese spider crab, is a monstrous-looking sea creature that tends to weigh around 40 pounds and has legs that stretch up to 13 feet. They can also live up to 100 years, which might be the longest lifespan of any known crab, according to the  Smithsonian Institute.


Sonoran Sky 410   
4 Bedroom Luxury End Unit     
These end units have a wonderful terrace that wraps all the way around the front and side of the condo allowing beachfront views as well as views all the way down the beach from Old Port to Cholla Bay. The condo is imaculate and decorated beautifully with a fun beachfront theme. Pride of ownership is very obvious in this fantastic condo. If there ever was a condo that you had to see in person, this is the one. Don't wait to come see it. Call or stop by the Sky Sales Office soon and ask one of our agents for a tour. 
You'll be glad you did!       

 Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sea W610
1 Bedroom West Building 

 Link to Listing    
Beautiful condo and priced to sell quickly. Add Seller financing to that, and you've got a sure winner here. This condo has the very best beachfront views and the extended pations of the Sonoran Sea give you an even larger area for entertaining or to enjoy all by yourself. This condo can provide an excellent rental income and would be a fantastic investment - or just keep it all for your own personal use. Either way, you can't go wrong on this one. Call or stop by and talk with one of our Sales Representatives today! You'll be glad you did.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sun E705
2 Bedroom East Building 


This condo is ready to go and has views that will be the envy of all your friends. Check out this beautiful, fully furnished, two bedroom oceanfront condo at the Sonoran Sun Resort. Seventh floor location gives fantastic views down the beach and plenty of privacy. Easy access to beach, pools, Jacuzzis, store, restaurant, etc. Condo is in terrific condition. You may want to keep this beautiful condo all for  yourself, but it could be a great vacation rental as well. The price is right and you need to see this beauty.  
Call or stop by our Sonoran Sun Sales Office today! 

This condo must be seen to be appreciated.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Spa N202
1 Bedroom, 1 Bath


Check out this beautiful, fully furnished, one bedroom condo at the Sonoran Spa Resort. Center location gives best ocean views and 2nd floor makes it an easy walk-up when the elevators are busy. Condo is in terrific condition and fully remodeled in a modern style. Stainless appliances and turn-key ready to go. You may want to keep this beautiful condo all for  yourself, but it could be a great vacation rental as well. The price is right and you need to see this beauty. 

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sun E409
3 Bedroom Custom Design
$600,000 - New More  Aggressive  Price!


Stop by to check out this fantastic listing at the Sonoran Sun Resort. This condo has been completely remodeled and uniquely upgraded from the ground up and it is absolutely beautiful. There is no other condo like it and you are sure to be impressed by the beauty of the condo as well as the breathtaking beachfront views. The owner spared no expense to make this condo fabulous. Come see this one before it's too late. You will be glad that you did. 
Fully furnished and turn-key ready to go. This condo has not been used as a rental but would make a terrific rental investment - or simply keep it all to yourselves. Call or visit to receive more information and to tour this beautiful condo.

CALL TODAY: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Sky 1109
3 Bedroom, 3 Bath Luxury Condo


Beautifully furnished luxury 3 bedroom beachfront condo at the Sonoran Sky Resort. Fully furnished and turnkey ready to go. Assumable developer financing available. Never used as a rental. This one is  getting alot of attention so act quickly and don't miss out on this fantastic bargain.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sun W801  
3BR End Unit   

This condo must be seen to be appriciated. Beachfront views are spectacular. Very nicely furnished, turnkey ready to go. This end unit condo has the wrap around terrace, giving much more room to enjoy and adding to the views.
Energy saving window tinting, upgraded window coverings, stainless appliances, and more. Too many upgrades to list. Lots of interest in this condo already so don't wait too long. Give us a call or stop by the on-site sales office today! 

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Spa W806 + Garage  
2 Bedroom Top Floor  

Penthouse level two bedroom beauty at the Spa for sale. Very nicely furnished and turnkey ready to go. This condo comes with a large garage and the trust is already in an Arizona LLC. Save money and quick close. Come and see this one before its gone. Call us today for an appointment!

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sky 609 
3 Bedroom 3 Bath Luxury 

 This condo is beautifully furnished and total luxury combined with a great price makes this one a must-see condo. Ready to go for your family or for a great rental income. An aggressive price and motivated Sellers make this one a sure bet. Contact one of our Agents for more details. Come see this one today! 

 Call Today for Information or to Schedule a Tour


Sonoran Sun W410  
1 Bedroom West Building   

Fantastic beachfront views are just the beginning for this fabulous condo. Unbelievable rental income and luxury, beautiful furnishings make it a sure win. This condo is ready to go and owners have even decided to offer seller financing. Keep it as a rental for income or just keep it for yourself and your family. Either way, you can't go wrong with this beauty. 

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sun E304 
2 Bedroom, 2 Bath 

This is a very special two bedroom condo at the Sonoran Sun and won't last long. If you're looking for great rental income, this is a must-see condo for you. And, the owners keep it in top shape, earning loyalty and many return visits from renters. Positioned perfectly for fantastic beach front views right at palm tree height. If you are looking for a truly turn-key beauty, this is it.  Great price. Great views. Seller financing available. Ready to go. This condo is a home run. Come take a look!

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sea E904  
2 Bedroom, 2 Bath, East Building


Views, Views, Views. Fantastic price for this 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo at the Sea. Fully furnished and ready to go. Seller will offer attractive financing with a price of $319,900. Don't let this one pass you by. Call today.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Spa N701  
1 Bedroom End Unit 

Not many condos like this one come available these days, especially at this price. Being an end unit means an extra side door with double the fantastic views. This condo is super nice and is very nicely decorated and turn-key ready to go. You can't go wrong with this one. Don't wait. See this one today. 
Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sky 103 
2 Bedroom Ground Floor  
This is an opportunity that just doesn't come around very often. A fantastic, ground-floor two bedroom at the Sonoran Sky Resort for $469,000. Really? What's the catch? No catch, just hurry on over to take a look. This condo rents as well as any that we have seen and it is a money making rental machine. Also, fully furnished luxury and priced to sell quickly. 
What are you waiting for?

You need to check this one out soon. Call or visit for more details.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Spa E210 
3 Bedroom East Building 


  This condo truly has it all. Great beachfront views, beautifully furnished, upgrades throughout, turn-key ready to move in. This would make an excellent rental, with people requesting it again and again. Or, keep it as a non-rental and enjoy the beautiful condo all to yourselves. The choice is yours but you'll need to act quickly. It has already been very popular with our salespeople.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sky 1403
2 Bedroom Beachfront Luxury


If you're looking for a model-perfect, beach-front, turn-key, total luxury condo at the Sonoran Sky for a great price, look no further. This condo is absolutely amazing and you really need to come and take a look for yourself if you're considering investing in a wonderful vacation/investment property. Views go on forever and this would make an excellent rental as well. Don't wait.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sun E801
3 Bedroom with Wraparound Terrace


This is an unbelievable listing with a great price, many upgrades, and absolutely unbelievable views from the huge wraparound terrace. This fantastic 3 bedroom, 2 bath end-unit condo boasts many upgrades, updated furniture and appliances, and a wraparound terrace with beach and ocean views forever. Excellent rental history. You need to see this one for yourself. Call for details or to schedule a tour. You need to act fast on this special deal.

Come see for yourself.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sea E710  
1 Bedroom Top Floor  


Great top-floor beauty with possible financing available. Panoramic views down the beach in both directions. Fully furnished and ready to enjoy. This could be a great rental - perfect for your family.  Call our office for more details. This condo can be your dream come true. Come take a look for yourself.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sea E410
1 Bedroom, East Building


This is a great price on a fantastic condo at the Sea. The views from this condo are nothing short of spectacular. Completely furnished and turn-key ready to go. Nicely decorated and shows very well. Great rental income potential and priced to sell quickly. 
Come and see this one today before it's too late.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Spa W708
2 Bedroom, 2 Bath, Huge Terrace 

This is one of those condos that just don't come on the market very often. There are only two at the resort with this floorplan and this one has been renovated and upgraded to look like new. Just imagine what you could do with the huge terrace, overlooking the beach and the Sea of Cortez. There is also an outside BBQ area, which is a treat in itself as very few condos are allowed to have them. Click the link to see more photos and then come on down to see this one. Once it's gone, it's gone, and there is no telling when or even if another like it will come up for sale. 

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sky 806
1 B R Luxury Condo



Absolute luxury at the prestigious Sonoran Sky Resort. the Nautical theme in this condo is as unique as it is beautiful and it is an absolute one of a kind original. This is the ONLY one bedroom condo for sale at the Sky and it will make a great rental, or keep it all for yourselves. Really is a must see to appreciate beauty.This condo is ready to go and it can be yours. Contact one of our Agents for more information.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sea E302
2 Bedroom, 2 Bath


Beautiful fully furnished condo for sale with very good terms available. This condo has been a good rental property and it is turn-key ready to go. The beachfront views are exceptional and it is priced to sell. Come see this great condo today! 

Call Today: 602-476-7511 

Sonoran Sales Group - The OFFICIAL sales team for Sonoran Resorts! 

We are Rocky Point's one and only exclusive and dedicated team who have always, and will always, sell Sonoran Resorts and ONLY Sonoran Resorts!
If you are looking for a team of  real professionals who specialize in Puerto Penasco's best family of "True Beachfront" resorts, you've found us, and we are here to serve you.

Whether Buying or Selling, no one can serve you better when it comes to the Sonoran Resorts. We have been here since the beginning, and we will be here for you when you need us.

Our In-House closing team will make things happen quickly and professionally and we will save you money. Our attorneys are on salary and no additional attorney fees are charged to our clients. Loyalty to the Sonoran Resorts Sales Team is both appreciated and rewarded! 

We don't just sell the Sonoran Resorts, we ARE the Sonoran Resorts. We work directly with the Developers, the HOAs, and the Rental companies.

We really can help you in ways that no one else can.






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Jim Ringquist
Sonoran Sales Group