Photo by Tony Ballesteros

  November 2019

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Feliz Día de Todos los Santos y Bienvenidos a Noviembre! Another month has flown by in a blink. Seems like as soon as I finish one newsletter, it's time to get started on the next one. Not complaining, I just can't believe how quickly time is going by these days. Halloween is over, Thanksgiving is just around the corner, then Christmas and then on to a new decade with 2020.

There has been so much going on over the past month and continuing throughout this month that I can not even begin to share it all. There are always so many activities and things to do at this time of year and - with the exception of this past several days - the weather is usually almost perfect. The ocean is still warm enough to swim in and our Sonoran Resorts remain very busy. It seems that everywhere you go, there is a wedding, a cookout, a band playing, or some other fiesta going. 

I just can't believe that it is almost Christmas again. Of course, the marketing starts earlier every year. It used to bother me when they put Christmas things out before Thanksgiving, but now you can buy a Christmas tree before Halloween. Kind of takes that special feeling out of it a bit. In any case, it will be here before we know it. 

The 19th Annual Rocky Point Rally is coming right up and it won't be a surprise if we see record numbers again this year. I know that there are not many condos left to rent over that long weekend period. I give the same advice to people thinking of visiting during the Rally as I do to people thinking of visiting over the Easter weekend: There will be a ton of people in town and it's one of the busiest weekends in the year. Generally, people will either love it or they will hate it, depending on what their expectations were for their stay here. It can be a great time, but if you're planning on a quiet time on the Malecon, you might want to pick a different time to visit. Sandy Beach and our resorts are usually pretty quiet as most of the activity goes on in town, specifically on the Malecon and on Calle 13. If you have never experienced one of the Rallys here, it is definitely something that you should do at least once. Chances are you'll have such a good time that you'll come back every year.

The Sonoran Resorts host an Annual Holiday Food Drive each year. This year's collection efforts will begin within a few days as we place large gift-wrapped empty boxes outside of our sales offices in each of the Sonoran Resorts lobbies. If you're in town, please drop off an item or two (or more) if you can. Then, each year in early January, we deliver all of the food collected to one of the groups in town who will distribute it to those in need. In past years, we have supported the senior citizens home, the local DIF municipal charity, and others. Besides food items, we will gladly accept school supplies or winter jackets and blankets if you could see fit to bring some along on your next visit. All donations are appreciated.

Enjoy this beautiful month, come to Rocky Point if you can, and if you need anything don't hesitate to ask. Let me put my experience and expertise to work for you, and re member, as always, I've been here full-time for 12 years and I am more than happy to help you with whatever you need, whether Sonoran Resorts related or not.
Just give me a call or send me an email any time and I will do my very best to help you. If I can't help you myself, I'm sure that I can point you in the right direction and help find you someone who can. 
 Please check out some of our condos for sale along the right column.
You can see all of our listings by going to our website:
Besides our website, you can also see our listings at the following:
AMPI Puerto Penasco MLS
Point 2 Agent Multinational MLS
Tucson Association of Realtors MLS
Phoenix Association of Realtors MLS
Prescott Association of Realtors MLS
Northern Arizona Association of Realtors MLS
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Barrett Jackson Show - Scottsdale and Las Vegas
Various Real Estate and Trade shows in AZ, NV, and CA

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Jim Ringquist

Broker/Director of Sales and Marketing
Sonoran Resorts   Spa - Sea - Sun - Sky

Tourist Assistance Unit Advisory Committee

I hope that you enjoy my newsletter and continue to recommend it to your friends. Please feel free to give me thoughts, suggestions, or ideas for future newsletters. Puerto Peñasco is my home and I love to share the news and goings-on with you.

I do get email requests each month asking me to add someone to my list. While I certainly don't mind doing so, all you really need to do is click Join Newsletter Mailing List , add the email address, and it will happen automatically. Not to worry - I will not spam you or share your email address, and you will only receive one email-newsletter each month on the 1st.

Rocky Point Rally 2019 is Revving up to Go

By Beverly Arrowood, Rocky Point Resident and Rocky Point Rally Volunteer

This year marks the 19th anniversary of the Rocky Point Rally and it is billed as "The Greatest Motorcylce Festival this side of the border".  It starts November 7th and ends officially on November 10th, however being Veteran's Day weekend, many choose to stay an extra day or so. The event is the brainchild of Oscar Palacio who after attending another such event in the USA, decided to try it here.  So here we are 19 years later so it must have been a success. Many thanks go out to the main sponsors who are The Law Tigers, Tecate, OXXO and Sanborn's Mexico. Also a huge thank you to all the local sponsors who you can see on the poster you will see on the website, so stop in and say hi to them.  Check out the link at for all the times and places of the events.

Every year more and more people attend from as far away as New Zealand, Japan, Canada, all over Mexico and probably at least 20 states in the United States.  Many of the bikers return every year to make it their vacation and meet up with old friends. For those of us that do the registration is always fun to see familiar faces.

Registration is both Thursday and Friday from 9 -5:00. The bikers can register to get their official pin and patch and this year a choice of one of 3 souvenir items as well as it gives them passage on the Pirate Ship boat tour. Registration is $25.00 USD or $500.00 pesos and all monies go to 7 local charities. The locations for the registration and to get the poker run cards are Barklin Circle K (just south of the overpass coming into town), Playa Bonita and the gas station by Las Conchas. The $25.00 registration also gets you a free beer and fish taco from our culinary school here in Puerto Panasco. Here as well you can get information or directions around town from the registration volunteers.

At the main registration area you will also find Sanborn Insurance if you need to ask them questions. All the official Bike Rally merchandise can also be purchased right next to the registration area.  Barb's Dog Rescue will once again be bringing those adorable little fluff balls that are up for adoption right next to Sanborn's.

Thursday is the Kick off Festival at Banditos starting at 5:30 with music by The Black Moods.

Friday  you can take a guided tour ride to the Pinacate Reserve or a boat cruise on the Pirate Ship. Then end up at Playa Bonita for Sunset Festival.

Saturday take a ride around the city and be a part of the parade which brings out many residents. On the Malecon will be the Bike Show which has 9 categories to enter in or again take a boat cruise. Also, on Saturday is the Queen of the Streets registration.

Sunday is adios Puerto Penasco until 2020. At the Plaza de Madre one of the local priests will be giving prayers for a safe back to your home.

You will find entertainment at bars all over the Malecon including Boo Bar, Tequila Bar, The Satisfied Frog. On Sandy Beach visit La Cantina at Sonoran Sky, Collin's Cantina, Changos, Banditos, Wrecked at the Reef and in the Mirador area will be Manny's Beach Club.  At these bars you  will be entertained by such bands as  The Black Moods, Moonshine VooDoo, DJ Bacon, No One Knows, Whiskey' Quicker, Mogollan, Los Ponchas, Mike Nash, The Boys, Fuzzion,  Natalie and The Street Talkers, Jason Gordon, Agua de Coco, LaMerc, Bayou Bandits, Josh Strickland and more.

Black and White Ball Success will Benefit Education

A magical evening was enjoyed by all who attended the traditional Black & White Gala Dance 2019, headed by Mayor Kiko Munro and his wife First Lady Linda Pivac de Munro, who specifically designated the funds from the event for education.

The First Lady, thanked the local sponsors and Hispanic Entrepreneurs Group from Phoenix for their generosity and valuable contribution, informing them that 100% of the funds collected is destined for the support of 257 students in the Municipal DIF Scholarship Program, as well as to the continuation of the Puerto Penasco House for students from Rocky Point studing at UABC University in the city of Mexicali, Baja California. The house has been provided by DIF for students since 2015.

"The support to students has been an axis in my social work since I became president of DIF Municipal" said the First Lady "Education is the biggest investment we can make because it has immediate fruits, allowing many young people to prepare, and consider a path of good, discipline, and knowledge ".

She recalled that, with scholarships and the student house, the efforts have been able to benefit 384 local students since 2015. "In our government we have seen the fruit of this effort with 127 young graduates who already have a professional degree thanks to this scholarship program ".

The president of the DIF Puerto Peñasco System also thanked her team of organizers, collaborators, and volunteer staff for having made the traditional evening such a success once again this year.

One young scholarship recipient, Axel Ramírez, gave positive testimony as a beneficiary of this program since his senior year of high school, and now continuing professional studies at the Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC), where he has since been awarded a scholarship to study at the Tecnológico de Monterrey, Hermosillo campus.

Entertainment and music this year was provided by the Caribe Show group, providing the audience with a pleasant atmosphere of fun, food, and dance in the facilities of the Municipal Convention Center.

International Coastal Cleanup Day 2019 Success!

With the participation of 843 volunteers, including children and adults, and collection of over of 1.5 tons of trash, International Cleanup Day 2019 was carried out on beaches throughout our resort town.
Mayor Kiko Munro was there to lend a hand and to remind everyone that the main objective of the day was, not only to pick up trash and debris from the beaches, but also to raise awareness about the importance of keeping the coastlines clean and in good condition in order to support the marine ecosystem and allow sustainable tourism practices.
"We have the only Certified Clean Beach in Sonora and the largest one in Mexico," said the Rocky Point Mayor. "We must set a good example and act responsibly in the care of the ecosystem by both government and society, if we want to be considered as the Aquarium of the World "
In support and cooperation of the special day, agencies that make up the municipal government, Local Committee for Clean Beaches, Intercultural Center for Deserts and Oceans (CEDO), Rotary Club Puerto Peñasco, Inter-Community Group of the Corredor Puerto Peñasco-Puerto Lobos, Cívicos Peñasco, Music Union, Union of Street Vendors, Sports Pentathlon, as well as several educational institutions, civil organizations and others participated in promoting the event and adding to the hundreds of volunteers scoured the beaches and seabed between the Mirador area all the way to Cholla Bay.
"We thank all the participating institutions and volunteers who show us with attitude and example the importance of the culture of the preservation of the ecosystem and the environment," said Mayor Kiko Munro.

Senior Care in Puerto Penasco - Finally a New Option

Americans are getting old. There is no getting around it. And, like it or not, many of us will need to care for our aging parents and relatives. Substantial improvements in life expectancy at all ages, particularly at extreme old age, mean that not only is there a greater proportion of elderly in the population, but more are becoming the "oldest-old," over 85. As people live longer, some are active and healthy well past retirement, however, many individuals living into their 80s have to cope with chronic disabilities affecting their capacity to perform day-to-day activities.
Contrary to widespread belief, the elderly are usually not abandoned by their families to nursing home care. The vast majority - 95% - live in the community. Those needing assistance often rely on help from family and friends. This has created a tremendous demand for in-home health care professionals.
Mexico has long been considered a haven for retirees due to the beautiful areas, friendly people, and most of all because of the reduced cost of almost everything. Puerto Penasco has been growing year by year and the number of retired and semi-retired foreigners living here continues to multiply.
We have a great city, with fabulous places and wonderful people. With all the growth in population and in business here, one important niche area seems to have been overlooked - Senior care. Enter local entrepreneur Luis Molina. Luis has formed a long-term business plan to assist in caring for the aging population of both locals and visitors to the area, beginning with his formation of a Home Health Care Service.
As in the US, seniors who need help for daily activities will receive professional and reliable support from qualified health care providers. Services can be long term or short term and can be tailored to fit individual client needs. Anything from help with household chores to medication administration and mobility exercises are available. Clients can schedule a few hours per day or can have 24/7 assistance.
The first question that will come to many minds is "do you accept US insurance"? Unfortunately, the company is not equipped to accept payment through insurance, but the cost of the services will undoubtedly be lower to all who have researched a similar service North of the border. And, in reality, Medicaid is the single largest payer of home health care services in the USA, and it only covers an average of 43% of long-term care costs nationally. Paid home care quite often involves substantial out-of-pocket expenses. For more information or a quote for services, get in touch with Luis directly.

Email: MX phone: 638-116-1253

Endangered Sonoran Berrendo to be Introduced in the Region of El Pinacate

To increase the genetic variability of the Sonoran Berrendo in the northwest of the state and thereby assist in its protection, three couples of this subspecies will be released in the El Pinacate region in February 2020.
Prior to the release date, a census of these specimens in the area will be conducted, announced Luis Carlos Romo Salazar, the executive commissioner of the Commission of Ecology and Sustainable Development of the State of Sonora (Cedes). Salazar reported that, with the support of the Arizona Department of Hunting and Fisheries and the National Commission of Natural Protected Areas (Conanp), work is being done to prepare for this procedure.

"The objective of the reintroduction is to incorporate new parental material to increase the genetic variability of this subspecies in the area, which although it has been recovering in recent years, has a number of natural and induced threats, including coyote attacks, which are the main predators of this subspecies," he said.
He said that during the month of December the six adult individuals, three males and three females, will be relocated, with support from AZ Fish and Game Department, whose procedure includes the sanitary and safe handling of the individuals from their place of origin and, after their importation, the specimens will be placed in confinement in a pre-release pen for acclimatization and sanitary quarantine purposes, finally to release them in the month of February.
Each animal will be provided with an ear tag with a color and number to distinguish sex and identify each individual and will carry a satellite radio collar to monitor their movements and behavior, for a period of at least eight months.

The Pronghorn in Sonora

The Berrendo currently occupies two large territories in Sonora, that of the El Pinacate region, with a population of approximately 90 individuals and that of the Quitovac region, which is the largest and is located in the middle of the Sonoran desert, with A population that ranges from 750 to 800 animals.

The Berrendos are a group of mammals related to antelopes and gazelles and in Sonora they occupy the great plains and grasslands of the desert, where they form biological corridors to move in search of food, water and shelter and generally form in groups of up to 10 individuals. The males lead the herd and protect the young from predators, such as coyotes, which are the main causes of natural death from predators.

Inaugural Rocky Point Cruises Canceled for December, Rescheduled for January

The wait for the long-anticipated cruise departing from Puerto Peñasco, Mexico, just got a little longer. The cruise line operating the new route that will explore the Gulf of California has had to delay the launch date.
Cruise and Maritime Voyages has canceled the sailings scheduled for December and said the first cruise will depart Puerto Peñasco, also known as Rocky Point, on Jan. 2. The company said it encountered "an unforeseen and extended dry docking requirement."
Between sailing seasons, cruise lines sometimes dry dock their ships for maintenance, refurbishing and upgrades before repositioning them to other routes.
Cruise and Maritime Voyage's Astoria ship was scheduled to sail from Puerto Peñasco on Dec. 7. But it will not be finished with its dry docking in time to make the transatlantic trip and meet that departure date.
"We would like to sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and disappointment this decision will cause to those passengers booked," spokesperson Marlene Oliver said.
Oliver said the cruise line offered passengers the option of choosing another departure date or getting a refund.

Potpourri - Short Shorts of All Sorts!
Sometimes so much is going on in our little slice of paradise by the sea that we can't address the many short subjects with proper attention. To handle the hodgepodge of dangling subject matter, we invented the Potpourri Page. Here are a few "short shorts" to keep you up to date.

CEDO Celebrates 40 Years of Research

The Intercultural Center for the Study of Deserts and Oceans (CEDO) opened its doors in Puerto Peñasco in 1980 under the leadership of Director Peggy Turk-Boyer. Housed in its main offices next to a majestic whale skeleton, CEDO has distinguished itself for work on conservation programs and monitoring the biodiversity of the Sea of Cortez, along with projects that involve fishing communities from the Upper Gulf of California, and responsible tourism. To mark CEDO's 40th Anniversary, a series of events are planned throughout the Fall and Spring, culminating in a grand concert featuring Alejandro Filio and Fernando Delgadillo, set to the spectacular backdrop of dunes.

Cholla Bay Loses an Icon

All who knew Sally Dalton were saddened to learn of her recent passing. Sally was the owner and the heartbeat of Xochitls Restaurant in Cholla Bay. She was a wonderful person with a big heart and love for the people and area of Cholla. She will leave a huge void in our community. Please keep her family in your prayers.

Whale sighting activities off the coast of Puerto Peñasco have been officially authorized by the Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources under Mexican Official Law NOM-131-SEMARNAT-2010, which establishes regulations for whale watching excursions for the 2020 season from January 1 st thru April 30 th.

This means whale watching tours that allow tourists to get an up-close encounter with these "Sea Giants" is now an officially authorized activity in Puerto Peñasco, provided compliance with regulations.  Harbormaster Luis Castro Galan confirmed the official publication, which he says will benefit tourism, strengthen safety and protocol training, as well as provide tour operators with resources.

Castro Galan stated Puerto Peñasco was included within the official regulations for whale watching and habitat preservation activities following a request of the harbormaster's office, tourism service providers, and National Commission on Protected Natural Areas (CONANP), given the presence of whales in the area early in the year.
This certification makes Puerto Peñasco the only spot in Sonora where this practice is officially recognized.

After One Year, Pinacate Entrance Still Closed to the Public

Pinacate Natural Reserve has been one of the highlights of the Puerto Penasco area for decades, but recently, a group of people have come forward claiming ownership of the land and demanding that the government compensate them for designating the area as a protected world heritage reserve. The dispute has been ongoing for one year and at this time, the main entrance to the reserve is still closed to vehicles. The tourist center and limited tours are still open to the public, and are still highly recommended for anyone visiting our area.

High Tides and Strong Winds Cause Damage

Tides in our coastal city have always been extreme, especially during the full moon and new moon times of the month. During certain times of the year, those phases are exaggerated by other natural factors causing the tide extremes to be even greater.
During the latest new moon, the extremely high tides were coupled with very high winds, causing large waves which battered the coastline with a greater intensity and at a higher level than is usual for the area. The storm caused some significant damage to some of the seawalls and a few houses in the area of Las Conchas. Cleanup and repairs are currently under way, and those who had prepared for an event such as this, are now well aware of the power of an angry sea and will undoubtedly, alter their building plans accordingly.

Day of the Dead Festivities "Curios" Nov 1st & 2nd
The popular "Rodeo Drive" (Calle 32) in Puerto Peñasco will once again be host to Day of the Dead celebrations Nov. 1st & 2nd. Both evenings will include the display of traditional Day of the Dead altars (contest and judging on Friday), complemented with dance and music, and on Saturday a Catrina contest (awards for altars and Catrinas/Catrin on Saturday). Friday (viernes) 5:30 pm - 9 pm / Saturday (sábado) 6 pm - 11 pm (Catrina display / procession from @ 8 pm)

The Transformation of the Malecon in Two Decades

The iconic point of fun and entertainment for tourists and residents known as "the malecon", "the fish market", or "old port" continues grow and transform since the beginning of development of the area about 100 years ago.

This point of attraction has had three main transformations. The first was in the 70's when it was built as a not-so-attractive square, with cement planters with palms in the middle, a narrow and unmaintained street with very little traffic and very little tourism. At that time, most locals and tourists preferred to frequent and area known as The Esplanade, which was located in the area which now has Hotel Peñasco del Sol (formerly Plaza Las Glorias). The area was preferred because there was more parking and access was more open and easy.

During the reign of Puerto Penasco Mayor Rodrigo "Coco" Vélez in September 2000, the mayor obtained federal which were used to improve the boardwalk and building the seawall that still exists today. At the time, he proposed and promoted the building of three nautical arms, kind of pedestrian docks, that reached into the sea starting from the seawall. That part of the project was never completed, perhaps because of the lack of funds, however the seawall construction was a significant improvement.

Only 5 years later, by direction of State Governor, Eduardo Bours Castelo, local Mayor Heriberto Rentería took up the task of improving the malecon again. At the time, the area was to be used as a meeting point for governors of California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas, as well as governors of Baja California, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Tamapulipas, Nuevo León and Sonora. The remodel at that time was the most extensive and created the outline of the malecon that we still enjoy today. The meeting of governors, complete with a concert by popular Mexican singer, Vicente Fernandez, was a success and helped to fuel the growth fire that was already raging in Puerto Penasco during those years.
Since that time, the malecon has continued to grow and develop, to the dismay of many, at times causing traffic jams, lack of parking, a multitude of vendors, and difficulty of access. Love it or not, the malecon is an icon of Puerto Penasco and it will undoubtedly continue to evolve and change as we move forward into the certain continued growth of our beautiful seaside home.
Recycling Continues to Take Off but There's Room for Growth


Low recycling rate due to lack of 'recycling culture'

More than 100,000 tons of trash are generated in Mexico every day but less than 10% is recycled, leaving ample room for the recycling industry to grow.
According to 2015 data from the Secretariat of the Environment, 102,895 tons of solid waste are generated across the country on a daily basis.
Just seven states - Mexico City, México state, Jalisco, Veracruz, Guanajuato, Tamaulipas and Nuevo León - produce more than half that amount.
Just under 84% of the garbage is collected but only 9.63% of that amount is recycled, meaning that the vast majority of Mexico's trash ends up in landfills.
Alejandro Anaya, vice president of Industrias VQ, a company that uses recyclables to make a range of products including poly-aluminum roofing, shoe soles and paper, believes that Mexico's low recycling rate can be attributed to a lack of "recycling culture" among the population.
Mexico lags well behind the world's best recyclers such as Germany, Austria, South Korea and Wales, where more than 50% of all waste is recycled. The United States recycles 35% of its waste, according to a recent report in the newspaper The Guardian.
Anaya told the newspaper Milenio that the recycling industry would like to see recycling rates double in the short term but he explained that achieving that depends on people making the effort to separate their trash. "What we want . . . is for people to become more aware of the situation we're experiencing so that the collection of material is easier," he said.
Anaya said that one way people can ensure that their recyclables are repurposed is by giving them directly to "small collectors." If more people do that, more people will start working as collectors and the recycling chain will be strengthened, he said.
Among Mexico's 32 federal entities, Querétaro currently sets the standard in recycling practices.
Of 241 recycling centers across the country, 51 - just over one in five - are in the small Bajío region state. Querétaro also leads the country for waste sorting, separating 57% of all trash generated.
Jalisco ranks second both for the number of recycling centers - 45 - and waste sorting, separating 40% of its trash.
México state, the country's most populous, ranks fifth for sorting yet only 15% of trash is separated, underscoring the potential for recycling growth across the country.
Anaya said that recyclables such as plastic and glass bottles and paper and cardboard packaging can be used in "several industries."  
"Construction, for example, or in making paper and cardboard," he said, explaining that Industrias VQ also makes toilet paper, napkins and hand towels out of recyclables.
Anaya added that it is a common misconception that products made out of recyclables should be cheaper than those made out of non-recycled materials.
"People believe that a recycled product has to be cheaper because [its content] was already used in something else. But they don't see the supply chain that's behind [the manufacturing process]. It's not at all easy [to collect recyclables] mainly because of the [lack of recycling] culture . . ." he said.

Jellyfish Fishery in Mexico: a Success Story of Mexican Science

When it comes to seafood, you can imagine a dish made grilled fish filet, or battered and fried and covered with your favorite salsa, or maybe a delicious shrimp coctail. You would never think of eating a slimy jellyfish. But, not so fast.
The cannonball jellyfish (Stomolophus spp) is a marine animal from the family of cnidarians, a relative of corals and anemones. It is like a small ball of jelly-like consistency that swims actively near the surface of the sea and feeds on the eggs and offspring of other organisms. It is an important fishing resource for Mexico that only emerged at the beginning of this century, mainly because it has a high demand in Asian countries for the elaboration of expensive dishes to which aphrodisiac and medicinal properties are attributed, partly because it is rich in collagen.
The actual fishing is done with a very economical bucket-type net and aboard the smaller fiberglass boats (pangas) of seven to ten meters in length, usually with an outboard motor and a crew of three to four fishermen. The exercise that best represents the effort of jellyfish fishing is weightlifting without stop hours under the sun's rays.
in 2019 alone around 50,000 tons were captured with more than 800 boats participating, making Mexico one of the leading producers of jellyfish worldwide. In addition, the use of this resource has resulted directly in 6,000 jobs and almost 613 million pesos of economic gain for fishermen, workers, merchants, transporters and, of course, for the government via taxes.
But how did jellyfish go from being almost unknown species to becoming major fishing resources in such a short time? The answer lies in the science. Although this species has been known in Mexico for decades, there had not been a consumer market for it, and therefore, they were ignored by fishermen and barely mentioned in scientific publications.
It was at the beginning of this century that the demand began to rise in Asian countries, opening an opportunity for commercialization and a new fishing catagory began. The permits which allow the gathering of these jellyfish have the enormous advantage in that they allow the sale of the organisms collected for scientific research, which promotes collaboration between fishery producers and scientific researchers. This collaboration proved beneficial and let to yield very positive results in a short time.
Life cycle, population dynamics, reproductive biology, physiology, diet, functional and genetic role, among other lines of research, were developed as a product of the coordination and collaboration of Mexican scientific research institutions, led by the Northwest Biological Research Center , SC, CONACYT Center of Excellence, through its many high-specialty laboratories such as Fisheries, Histology, Physiology, Ichthyology and Coastal Management, in collaboration with the fisheries productive sector of the State of Sonora and institutions such as the University of Sonora, UNAM , and INAPESCA.
As a result of this effort, information was generated that helped raise sustainable management procedures and develop the technical data sheets of the cannonball jellyfish resource in the National Fisheries Charter and the National Aquaculture Charter that allowed commercial fishing to begin in 2011.
In addition, all this effort allowed the publication of scientific articles in prestigious international journals in collaboration with institutions such as the University of British Columbia, the National Institute of Fisheries Research and Development of Argentina, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, among others. It contributed to the training of human resources for bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees, placing Mexico at the forefront in the investigation of this species. This is a clear case of success of the application of science for the benefit of society.

Sundance Winner 'Sea Of Shadows' Gets Nat Geo Airdate

Sea of Shadows is constructed as a thriller of sorts that spotlights a rescue mission to save a collapsing ecosystem and with it, the vaquita - the most endangered and elusive whale on earth. In the Sea of Cortez, a war is being waged by Chinese traffickers. A native species of fish, the totoaba, are being poached at an alarming rate because of a superstitious belief among some in China that their bladders - which cost more per ounce than gold - possess miraculous healing powers. Nicknamed the "cocaine of the sea," the rare fish have triggered a multimillion-dollar black market that threatens not only their existence, but virtually all marine life in the region - including the vaquita.
The docu tracks scientists, high-tech conservationists, investigative journalists, undercover agents and the Mexican Navy put their lives on the line to save the last remaining vaquita and bring the crime syndicate to justice.
Screenings have taken place for the Mexican Senate, the U.S. Department of State, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the United Nations' headquarters in New York, Geneva and Vienna among other venues.
"The response to the film from audiences around the world at festivals and screenings has been amazing, and I'm so thrilled that it will be airing globally on National Geographic and exposing new viewers to the plight the vaquita and the shadowy factions that are destroying all marine life in the Sea of Cortez," Ladkani said. "My goal as a director is to try to have a lasting impact on our world by focusing on issues that threaten our natural environment, and I hope the film shows viewers how incredibly urgent and symbolic this issue is, but also imparts a sense of hope, that this precious ecosystem can be saved from total collapse. Our planet is under attack, but I believe each one of us has the ability to become part of the solution."

Saving the Sea Lions of San Jorge

One of CEDO's current projects in Sea of Cortez involves the management of San Jorge Island, part of the "Islands of the Gulf of California United Nations Biosphere Reserve," and a critical area for seabird reproduction, migrating open-ocean species like hammerhead and great white sharks, whales, as well an important area for local, small-scale fisheries. Isla San Jorge, or "bird island" as it is better known to Americans, is also home to the Gulf's second largest colony of California Sea Lions (Zalophus californianus), a highly-intelligent and charismatic marine mammal.
Sea lions feed in coastal waters, often diving to great depths (max 274 m or 899 ft.) and swimming long distances, and they give birth to their pups on the whitewashed rocks of San Jorge. Through our Education Programs and NaturArte EcoTourism Program, we have been bringing visitors to swim among our local sea lions for decades, maintaining strict protocols of not coming too near the rookeries and never touching the animals. This is an unforgettable experience, as the pups are especially curious and love to mimic humans. Their bright eyes and incomparable agility are simply magical!(Photo above by Alan Berman - A curious young sea lion)
CEDO has also long been monitoring the population of sea lions on the island with the help of local fishermen, who have been trained to record key information that can help us conserve this internationally-protected species, that is still considered to be in recovery throughout its range (the California sea lion is listed on the IUCN Red List, as well as on the Mexican Regulation for Priority Protected Species NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010). What is more, it is a keystone predator, meaning it maintains the integrity of the entire marine ecosystem by regulating populations of the schooling fish on which it primarily feeds (sea lions also eat octopus, squid and other mollusks).
Sadly, because sea lions also feed on larger, targeted commercial species, even pulling fish out of fishermen's nets, it is common (across the globe) for fishermen to kill them in order to safeguard their nets and catch. Sea lions also tend to perish or be harmed by contact with industrial and smaller-scale fishing gears. On Isla San Jorge, observations made by local-community monitors have revealed a sharp increase in the amount of "entanglement events," when sea lions get caught in nylon gill-nets and other debris. Though they are usually strong enough to free themselves, the animals often wind up with the netting slowly cutting through the flesh around their neck or flippers, causing much suffering and eventually an untimely death. For ethical reasons, as well as conservation purposes, we are working to reduce entanglement events by raising awareness among fishermen and training them to untangle the animals using state-of-the-art protocols developed by international experts. (Photo above from CEDO archives - Professionals carry out a disentanglement mission on San Jorge)
This effort is underway with the support of government agencies that manage protected species in Mexico, namely SEMARNAT, CONANP, PROFEPA, and SEMAR, along with the municipalities of Caborca and Puerto Penasco, Mexican NGO's like CRRIFS, and US based nonprofits like World´s Aquarium, the Marine Mammal Center in San Francisco, and Greater Good. CEDO is also working closely with the Association of San Jorge Island Tourism Service Providers, and with the local fishing community of Ejido Rodolfo Campodónico, namely the Fishing Cooperative Ejidal Bahia San Jorge which includes 11 fishermen and 1 fisher-woman, all of whom actively participate in sea lion monitoring as well is in clean-up campaigns of abandoned fishing gear on and around San Jorge Island. (Photo above from the CEDO archives - Part of the San Jorge Community Monitoring Group)
Since 2014, when we began working intensively with the San Jorge community, CEDO has consolidated a "San Jorge Island Community Ranger Group for Surveillance & Stewardship," who will be participating in our upcoming training workshop held from October 31thto November 6that the CEDO Campus in Peñasco. In this workshop, local fishermen and more than 40 people from various government and non-government organizations, including from Sonora and our neighboring states of Sinaloa, Baja California and Baja California Sur will participate in establishing Mexico's first, permanent sea lion disentanglement task-force! In addition, we will be working with the local fishing communities to establish a voluntary no-fishing area of 711 hectares, specifically to protect the California sea lion.
If you love sea lions as much as we do, please help us match our training costs of $5k. YOU can help alleviate the suffering of sentient beings while building a sustainable future for the people and ecosystems of the Sea of Cortez - one of our planet's last remaining ocean treasures.

Jalapeno  Cornbread 

Here's a great recipe for the cooler weather. While cornbread is arguably not Mexican in origin, certainly the Mexican culture has been using corn as a stable in their diet since the days of the Aztecs. More typically in Mexico, the corn is used for tortillas, but pan de maiz is a form or cornbread which has been popular in Mexico for many generations. 

This form of cornbread is probably more closely related the the American Indian tradition coupled with the more modern Southern cooking genre, however adding a bit of spice with the jalapenos, will definitely put a little more Mexican flair in it, so we'll just go with it. Mostly, because it just sounded really good.

Of course, thie would be great with Chili con Carne. Or omit the jalapenos and make this recipe into corn muffins for another child-friendly treat. Keep a batch in your freezer for quick snacks.
11/3 cups flour
3/4 cup cornmeal
1/4 cup sugar
4 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup milk or 1/2 cup water & 1/2 cup soy milk
1/3 cup canola oil
1 egg, beaten
2 heaping tablespoons mayonnaise (low-fat is fine)
1 cup canned corn, drained (optional)
2 tablespoons diced bottled jalapenos (optional), or
2 tablespoons fresh jalapeno peppers, diced (protect your hands with gloves)
Preheat oven to 350. Mix the first 9 ingredients (flour through mayonnaise) together in the exact order they appear. Then add corn and jalapenos. Stir well. Pour the mixture into a lightly greased 9x12 inch baking pan or pie plate. Bake for 30 minutes. Insert a toothpick to check if the cornbread is done. Cornbread is ready when the toothpick comes out clean. The cornbread may crack down the middle. Cool on a wire rack. Serve with lots of butter or margarine.
Variation: Corn Muffins - Put paper muffin liners in a muffin tin, fill 3/4 full with corn bread batter and bake for 20 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean.

Spanish Words which the English Language Lacks Translation

It's very common to sometimes be at a loss for words trying to express something your language simply doesn't have. Often we have to go through lengthy explanations, killing the mood, or simply live with the inconvenience of having to say multiple words for a sentiment so frequent that we know should have a single succinct term. Spanish, fortunately, has a wealth of vocabulary which most languages would envy, and it has some truly beautiful expressions that are generally near-impossible to translate into English. If you're trying to improve your linguistic skills, or if you're merely curious, here are 20 Spanish words that the English language lacks and desperately needs.
1. Estar
This verb is tricky for English-speakers. Spanish distinguishes between ser and estar, both of which would be translated as "to be." So, estoy molesto and soy molesto would both translate literally as "I am upset," but there's a big difference between them in Spanish: the first is "I am angry," and the second one is more like "I am annoying." Estar refers to more temporal states, or to rather superficial attributes, whereas ser refers to essential properties or unchanging qualities. For example, Spanish-speakers say estoy molesto, "I am upset (right now)", and soy bueno, "I am good (always)"-"I am a good person."
2. Estrenar
This verb means to use something for the first time. And it can refer to anything whatsoever. It also encompasses several other English verbs such as to premier, or to debut, or to break (something) in. Estrené vestido means "I wore the dress for the first time," while estoy estrenando novia would mean something like "I'm debuting a new girlfriend."
3. Estadounidense
Here's a particularly useful one. Estadounidense literally means something like "United-statesian," or "American." It's just a succinct, accurate way of referring to someone from the United States. Since America technically refers to the continent, Estadounidense is a far more precise (and politically correct) term than "American."
4. Antier
Sometimes anteayer, this word refers to "the day before yesterday." That's it: one word for what English needs four. Talk about being practical.
5. Provecho
It's so wonderful to have a quick and polite way of greeting or saying goodbye to someone who's eating (or about to eat). Many are familiar with the French expression bon appétit, which expresses basically the same idea as provecho. However, there's no single English phrase that conveys the exact same idea. "Have a good meal" or "enjoy your food" do not say quite the same thing.
6. Encantar
To say me encanta means something like "I love it," but that's merely a vague approximation. I often find it hard to express several feelings in English, especially since the language lacks all nuances between "I like you" and "I love you" that Spanish has. There simply is no translation for me encantas. It's certainly not "I love you" (te amo), nor "you enchant me," which would be its more literal translation. It's used to express fascination for someone or something; but not an intellectual or contemplative fascination. Rather, it's a far more romantic, intimate kind. "I'm fascinated by you." It's indeed hard to express in another language, much like the following word.
7. Querer (te quiero)
Speaking of expressions between "I love you" and "I like you" that English lacks, te quiero is certainly the most well known. Querer means "to want" or "to desire," but it's also used to express a feeling of affection, "to cherish." So the closest translation for te quiero might be "I cherish you," perhaps. Only vaguely. In any case, it's a very common phrase in Spanish used for those whom you might not quite love (since that's a strong word in Spanish), but for whom you do have deeply affectionate feelings.
8. Quincena (also, quinceañera)
Quince is Spanish for "fifteen," which makes quincena the word for, well, pretty much fifteen of anything. Specifically, quincena refers to a period of fifteen days, and it's used in Spanish-speaking countries for the bi-monthly salary payment. Each day where wages are given out, most commonly the 15th and the 30th, is called a quincena. Similarly, quinceañera refers to someone who's fifteen years old. You get the theme.
9. Chimuelo (tuerto, manco, cojo)
Spanish has plenty of words to refer to different kinds of disabilities or to conditions where we're lacking something (especially body parts). Chimuelo, for example, refers to someone who is missing one or more teeth. It's not necessarily a completely toothless person-even lacking a single tooth makes you a chimuelo. The same goes for tuerto (a one-eyed person), manco (a one-armed or one-handed person), and cojo (a one-legged person).
10. Empalagar
Whenever Spanish-speakers get tired from an excess of sweetness or sentiment, they become empalagados. A very sweet and filling doughnut, for example, is something that empalaga, that tires or disgusts you after a while because of how sweet it is. The same goes for very corny or overly sentimental things-they are too empalagosas (tiring). Now, English does have a similar word: cloy. However, it's not very common and perhaps fails to capture all that empalagar does.
11. Ajeno
A great adjective to talk about things that belong to someone else. Instead of saying a long phrase like "someone else's house" or "someone else's car," we simply say casa ajena or coche ajeno.
12. Ganas  
Here's a particularly good one. Tengo ganas de hacer algo is very much untranslatable without going through a rather lengthy explanation. It means something like "I'm in the mood to do something," but it's not just that. There is a literal translation for "I'm in the mood": Estoy de humor para ver una película simply means "I'm in the mood for a movie." But tengo ganas implies not only a mood or desire; it's also about having a very active impulse to do it: having the energy and the appropriate attitude.
13. Atinar
To hit the target, literally and metaphorically. It's also used to refer to someone or something that was really prudent or appropriate for a situation. Fuiste muy atinado or tu comentario fue muy atinado means "you were on point" or "your comment was on point."
14. Pasear
To take a stroll, a walk or a ride, this Spanish word covers much more than any single one English translation can encompass. It works both as a verb and a noun: el paseo estuvo agradable means either "the walk was pleasant" or "the ride was agreeable," and anything in between.
15. Friolento
This is a helpful noun that describes someone who is very prone to feeling cold. Soy muy friolento would translate to "I get cold very easily." It's always simpler and more convenient to have one word ("friolento") instead of four ("I get cold easily").
16. Sobremesa
You know the conversation at the dinner table after a meal is done, before you stand up or go anywhere else?-that's called a sobremesa. It's the best time to share stories and catch up on each others' lives. In Spanish-speaking countries, the sobremesa usually lasts a long time, sometimes hours, and it's something to truly look forward to.
17. Desvelado
Desvelado, or desvelada, refers to a person who's sleep-deprived. So, basically, estoy muy desvelado translates to "I'm really sleep-deprived."
18. Consuegro
Family is extremely important in Spanish-speaking countries, and the language surely reflects that. Consuegro is a convenient term to easily explain convoluted or confusing relationships when it comes to political relatives. It refers to the relationship between two different sets of parents-in-law in any given family. Everyone has two sets of grandparents, and consuegro or consuegra is a word that describes how they relate. The father of a groom and the mother of a bride, for example, are consuegros to each other.
19. Madrugar
Someone who is an early riser or an early bird is someone that madruga, which is a verb to refer basically to the action of getting up early. Madrugada means the period between 12:00 am and around 6:00 am, depending on the region, and encompasses what in English is referred to as the early morning. So, to madrugar means to rise during those hours.
20. Convivir
This is a beautiful word that literally means to live together or coexist. However, it's more commonly used as "to hang out," or, more precisely, to have quality time with each other.

Let me know if you would like links to any of the earlier ones. (There are 8+ years worth)
Sonoran Sky Resort

Sonoran Sun Resort

Sonoran Sea Resort

Sonoran Spa Resort

Just for the fun of it...


Sonoran Sun E409
3 Bedroom Custom Design


Stop by to check out this fantastic listing at the Sonoran Sun Resort. This condo has been completely remodeled and uniquely upgraded from the ground up and it is absolutely beautiful. There is no other condo like it and you are sure to be impressed by the beauty of the condo as well as the breathtaking beachfront views. The owner spared no expense to make this condo fabulous. Come see this one before it's too late. You will be glad that you did. 
Fully furnished and turn-key ready to go. This condo has not been used as a rental but would make a terrific rental investment - or simply keep it all to yourselves. Call or visit to receive more information and to tour this beautiful condo.

CALL TODAY: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Sky 1109
3 Bedroom, 3 Bath Luxury Condo


Beautifully furnished luxury 3 bedroom beachfront condo at the Sonoran Sky Resort. Fully furnished and turnkey ready to go. Assumable developer financing available. Never used as a rental. This one is  getting alot of attention so act quickly and don't miss out on this fantastic bargain.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sun W801  
3BR End Unit   

This condo must be seen to be appriciated. Beachfront views are spectacular. Very nicely furnished, turnkey ready to go. This end unit condo has the wrap around terrace, giving much more room to enjoy and adding to the views.
Energy saving window tinting, upgraded window coverings, stainless appliances, and more. Too many upgrades to list. Lots of interest in this condo already so don't wait too long. Give us a call or stop by the on-site sales office today! 

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Spa W806 + Garage  
2 Bedroom Top Floor  

Penthouse level two bedroom beauty at the Spa for sale. Very nicely furnished and turnkey ready to go. This condo comes with a large garage and the trust is already in an Arizona LLC. Save money and quick close. Come and see this one before its gone. Call us today for an appointment!

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sky 609 
3 Bedroom 3 Bath Luxury 

 This condo is beautifully furnished and total luxury combined with a great price makes this one a must-see condo. Ready to go for your family or for a great rental income. An aggressive price and motivated Sellers make this one a sure bet. Contact one of our Agents for more details. Come see this one today! 

 Call Today for Information or to Schedule a Tour


Sonoran Sun W410  
1 Bedroom West Building   

Fantastic beachfront views are just the beginning for this fabulous condo. Unbelievable rental income and luxury, beautiful furnishings make it a sure win. This condo is ready to go and owners have even decided to offer seller financing. Keep it as a rental for income or just keep it for yourself and your family. Either way, you can't go wrong with this beauty. 

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sun E304 
2 Bedroom, 2 Bath 

This is a very special two bedroom condo at the Sonoran Sun and won't last long. If you're looking for great rental income, this is a must-see condo for you. And, the owners keep it in top shape, earning loyalty and many return visits from renters. Positioned perfectly for fantastic beach front views right at palm tree height. If you are looking for a truly turn-key beauty, this is it.  Great price. Great views. Seller financing available. Ready to go. This condo is a home run. Come take a look!

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sea E904  
2 Bedroom, 2 Bath, East Building


Views, Views, Views. Fantastic price for this 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo at the Sea. Fully furnished and ready to go. Seller will offer attractive financing with a price of $319,900. Don't let this one pass you by. Call today.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Spa N701  
1 Bedroom End Unit 

Not many condos like this one come available these days, especially at this price. Being an end unit means an extra side door with double the fantastic views. This condo is super nice and is very nicely decorated and turn-key ready to go. You can't go wrong with this one. Don't wait. See this one today. 
Call Today: 602-476-7511


Sonoran Spa E501         

3 Bedroom End Unit     



 Link to Listing   


This condo has it all. Turn key ready with views all the way down the beach . Excellent condition and just waiting for a new owner to appreciate her. Perfect for a rental or as your own Rocky Point getaway.Best priced three bedroom at the Sonoran Spa.  Call for more details or, better yet, just come and see this beauty for in person!   

Come and see this one. You'll be glad you did!       


 Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sky 103 
2 Bedroom Ground Floor  
This is an opportunity that just doesn't come around very often. A fantastic, ground-floor two bedroom at the Sonoran Sky Resort for $469,000. Really? What's the catch? No catch, just hurry on over to take a look. This condo rents as well as any that we have seen and it is a money making rental machine. Also, fully furnished luxury and priced to sell quickly. 
What are you waiting for?

You need to check this one out soon. Call or visit for more details.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Spa E210 
3 Bedroom East Building 


  This condo truly has it all. Great beachfront views, beautifully furnished, upgrades throughout, turn-key ready to move in. This would make an excellent rental, with people requesting it again and again. Or, keep it as a non-rental and enjoy the beautiful condo all to yourselves. The choice is yours but you'll need to act quickly. It has already been very popular with our salespeople.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Spa W602
2 Bedroom West Building 


This condo is ready to go and has views that will be the envy of all your friends. Fully furnished, non-rental and turn-key ready to go. Great rental potential though, if you choose to make it into an income property. Priced to sell quickly as owners moved out of the area. 

This condo must be seen to be appreciated.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sky 1403
2 Bedroom Beachfront Luxury


If you're looking for a model-perfect, beach-front, turn-key, total luxury condo at the Sonoran Sky for a great price, look no further. This condo is absolutely amazing and you really need to come and take a look for yourself if you're considering investing in a wonderful vacation/investment property. Views go on forever and this would make an excellent rental as well. Don't wait.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sun E801
3 Bedroom with Wraparound Terrace


This is an unbelievable listing with a great price, many upgrades, and absolutely unbelievable views from the huge wraparound terrace. This fantastic 3 bedroom, 2 bath end-unit condo boasts many upgrades, updated furniture and appliances, and a wraparound terrace with beach and ocean views forever. Excellent rental history. You need to see this one for yourself. Call for details or to schedule a tour. You need to act fast on this special deal.

Come see for yourself.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sun E705
2 Bedroom, 2 Bath

Great Condo!  Priced to Sell!

Check out this beautiful, fully furnished, two bedroom oceanfront condo at the Sonoran Sun Resort. Seventh floor location gives fantastic views down the beach and plenty of privacy. Easy access to beach, pools, Jacuzzis, store, restaurant, etc. Condo is in terrific condition. You may want to keep this beautiful condo all for  yourself, but it could be a great vacation rental as well. The price is right and you need to see this beauty. 

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sea E710  
1 Bedroom Top Floor  


Great top-floor beauty with possible financing available. Panoramic views down the beach in both directions. Fully furnished and ready to enjoy. This could be a great rental - perfect for your family.  Call our office for more details. This condo can be your dream come true. Come take a look for yourself.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sky 601 
4 Bedroom Luxury End Unit 



Best price at the Sonoran Sky on a luxury 4 bedroom, 4 bath, end unit condo. This is one of the nicest condos in town with the very best views all the way down the beach. Non-rental unit in excellent condition and fully furnished, turn-key ready to go. Make this one yours!

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sea E410
1 Bedroom, East Building

This is a great price on a fantastic condo at the Sea. The views from this condo are nothing short of spectacular. Completely furnished and turn-key ready to go. Nicely decorated and shows very well. Great rental income potential and priced to sell quickly. 
Come and see this one today before it's too late.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sun W212 
1 Bedroom West Building 

Beautiful condo and priced lower than any other one bedroom at the Sonoran Sun Resort. This condo has been totally remodeled and is in perfect condition. It provides excellent rental income and would be a fantastic investment - or just keep it all for your own personal use. Either way, you can't go wrong on this one. Call or stop by and talk with one of our Sales Representatives today! You'll be glad you did.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Spa W606
2 Bedroom, 2 Bath 

This is condo is priced to sell and waiting for a new owner. Aggressive price and true beachfront views make this a sure winner for anyone who wants a condo for enjoyment and rental income if so desired. Beautifully furnished and turn-key ready to go. This condo has always been very well cared for by the owners. Bargains like this don't last long.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sky 806
1 B R Luxury Condo



Absolute luxury at the prestigious Sonoran Sky Resort. the Nautical theme in this condo is as unique as it is beautiful and it is an absolute one of a kind original. This is the ONLY one bedroom condo for sale at the Sky and it will make a great rental, or keep it all for yourselves. Really is a must see to appreciate beauty.This condo is ready to go and it can be yours. Contact one of our Agents for more information.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sea E302
2 Bedroom, 2 Bath


Beautiful fully furnished condo for sale with very good terms available. This condo has been a good rental property and it is turn-key ready to go. The beachfront views are exceptional and it is priced to sell. Come see this great condo today! 

Call Today: 602-476-7511 

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We don't just sell the Sonoran Resorts, we ARE the Sonoran Resorts. We work directly with the Developers, the HOAs, and the Rental companies.

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Jim Ringquist
Sonoran Sales Group