October 2020 

Exclusively Serving the Sonoran Resorts  

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19+ Years Experience on Sandy Beach

Four Fully Completed Beachfront Resorts

We Have Earned Our Stellar Reputation

Your Only Logical Choice when Buying 
or Selling a Sonoran Resorts Condo!


October is here at last! Yes, I understand that the weather doesn't magically change on October 1st, but I do know through many years of personal experience, that October is when the humidity goes away and the weather becomes perfect again. This is also traditionally the beginning of our Fall "high season". Although times have changed and we stay pretty busy all year round now, a few years back, this is the month that tourists would start coming back to town. We are still busier in the Spring and the Fall than in the Summer and Winter for the most part, and for good reason - the perfect weather.

Another good reason to visit this month is the fact that the sanitary checkpoint - you know, the one outside of town that took your temperature and made you walk through the sanitation spray tunnel - is gone! We're back to an open road and open access to Rocky Point. Oh, and for those of you who are worried that the border is closed "because you saw it on the news", don't be. As an American Citizen, there are no restrictions in crossing the border in either direction. Non-US Citizens with travel visas are not allowed to cross into the USA at this time. But, again, US Citizens (and foreign permanent residents of USA) can cross back and forth without a problem. Important Note: The border does close at 8:00 pm at this time though, so plan your departure to or from Rocky Point accordingly. 

Labor Day and Circus Mexicus weekends really showed how much everyone has missed our little paradise during the travel restrictions, as the town filled up with visitors and there were even lines coming into Mexico on both occasions. Most frequent travelers to Puerto Penasco are used to the lines at the border going North after a big weekend, and they plan accordingly, but the Southbound line appeared to be a surprise to many. The line, along with the 8:00 closure of the border crossing, ended up stranding some people in AZ for the night. Some went to Ajo or Gila Bend and spent the night in a hotel, some spent the night in their cars, and some went back home. It was unfortunate, but there didn't seem to be much grumbling, and once in town, everyone seemed to have a great time. 

Last month, I had reported (as I had been told) that the Rocky Point Rally was still tentatively a go. Well, the organizers along with officials from the City have determined that it is a better idea to postpone the 20 year celebration of the event until next year. If you have been here during one of the Rallys, you probably know why this was a smart decision during the continued threat of covid-19. Undoubtedly some riders and fun-seekers will still come to town - and that's fine. Just be aware that there will be no official events or shows, and following sanitary safety protocols will be expected of everyone. 

Depending on how many times you have opened my newsletter emails over the years, you may or may not have noticed that the basic format of the newsletter is always the same. The stories change, photos change, and listings change, but the format has been the same for most of the 9+ years that I have been sending it out. Well, unfortunately (mostly for me), that will change next month. The service that I use to edit the newsletters has decided in their great wisdom, that this format is no longer relevant and modern (or something like that). So, they are discontinuing it and notified me that I have to pick a different format/template. I looked and there is nothing similar to this one. So, next month, things will change. I have no idea yet which format I will choose, or if I will even stay with the same service. But, neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night, will stop my newsletter from arriving on the 1st of each month - or, at least, I will do my best to see that it does... 

Enjoy this beautiful month, come to Rocky Point if you can. If you need anything don't hesitate to ask. Let me put my experience and expertise to work for you, and remember, as always, I've been here full-time for over 13 years and I am more than happy to help you with whatever you need, whether Sonoran Resorts related or not.
Just give me a call or send me an email any time and I will do my very best to help you. If I can't help you myself, I'm sure that I can point you in the right direction and help find you someone who can. 

 Please check out some of our condos for sale along the right column.
You can see all of our listings by going to our website:
Besides our website, you can also see our listings at the following:
AMPI Puerto Penasco MLS
Point 2 Agent Multinational MLS
Tucson Association of Realtors MLS
Phoenix Association of Realtors MLS
Prescott Association of Realtors MLS
Northern Arizona Association of Realtors MLS
Pick up a handout at any of our Sonoran Resorts
Barrett Jackson Show - Scottsdale and Las Vegas
Various Real Estate and Trade shows in AZ, NV, and CA

Our listings are also shared with the following:


IMPORTANT: Some email providers cut this newsletter off before it's finished. If that happens on yours, please scroll to the bottom of this email and click "View Entire Message" to see the entire newsletter.


Jim Ringquist

Broker/Sales Director
Sonoran Resorts   Spa - Sea - Sun - Sky

Tourist Assistance Unit Advisory Committee (Tourist Police)

I hope that you enjoy my newsletter and continue to recommend it to your friends. Please feel free to give me thoughts, suggestions, or ideas for future newsletters. Puerto Peñasco is my home and I love to share the news and goings-on with you.

I do get email requests each month asking me to add someone to my list. While I certainly don't mind doing so, all you really need to do is click Join Newsletter Mailing List, add the email address, and it will happen automatically. Not to worry - I will not spam you or share your email address, and you will only receive one email-newsletter each month on the 1st.
Sonora Upgraded to "Yellow" Status on National Covid Map

At this point, Sonora has been upgraded to the "yellow" status on the Mexican national traffic light map showing covid-19 danger. Approximately 95% of businesses economic activities in Puerto Penasco have been reactivated and tourism is coming back. There is still some ways to go to reach the numbers from before the beginning of covid-19, but tourism is on the rise again, and with the high season beginning in October, tourist numbers are expected to continue to climb.

In the epidemiological traffic light published this past weekend by the Mexican government, Campeche is the first state in the territory to turn green, which means a low risk of contagion of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

During the broadcast on Noticieros Televisa, José Luis González explained how the green light was reached in his state. He attributes his progress to the population's participation in health security measures and healthy distance, as well as collaboration with the government in the fight against the pandemic.
Campeche has registered 5,933 positive cases of Covid-19, in addition to 808 deaths. One of the factors that has possibly benefited this entity in the fight against the pandemic is the relationship between its territorial extension and the number of people who inhabit the state. With 899,931 inhabitants in a territory of 57,924 square kilometers, the population density of Campeche is 15.65 inhabitants per square kilometer.
This could explain why a state like Colima, which has registered fewer positive cases of Covid-19 (4,789), continues with an orange traffic light, while Campeche (with 5,933) goes green. In Colima, an approximate number of 711 thousand 235 people live in a territory of 5 thousand 625 square kilometers, so its population density is 126.4 inhabitants per square kilometer, approximately 8 times more than in Campeche.
It is likely that for these reasons the risk of contagion by Covid-19 in states such as Colima remains "high", while Campeche is already in a stage of "low" risk.
Both specialists in the field of health also consider it prudent to delay the return to classes. Despite the fact that the Ministry of Public Education (SEP) affirmed that the states that go to the green traffic light will be able to return to face-to-face classes, given the approach of the season in which cases of influenza diseases increase, both José Luis González and Hugo López-Gatell believe that it is best to wait and continue with the Learn at Home model.
Rocky Point Rally Postponed Until Next Year

A message from the Organizers of the Rocky Point Rally:
We would like to thank everyone for your patience and interest in what is happening with plans for the 2020 Rocky Point Rally.
As many know, this was supposed to be our 20th Anniversary celebration! However, due to health concerns surrounding Covid-19, the traditional Rocky Point Rally and events for the 20th Anniversary have been postponed till next year when we are able to appropriately celebrate over 2 decades of the Greatest Motorcycle Rally just South of the Border!
Even so, Puerto Peñasco welcomes bikers, friends, and visitors who had planned to join us for this year's event, originally scheduled for Nov. 11th - 15th, but under a series of strict health protocols that we've been going over with health and government officials. This will include mandatory use of masks and guidelines for social distancing, among other measures to be announced.
We'd appreciate your visit this Fall, but if you're not on board with the health measures that will be in effect, we ask you to sit this trip out and join us next year for our 20th Anniversary celebration.
More information coming soon on health protocols to be in place during originally scheduled event dates.

SNTE Implements a National Collection Program to Collect Electronics and Computer Equipment

Members of the volunteers of the National Union of Education Workers, Section 28, based in Sonora, have started a campaign to collect digital devices; such as tablets, laptops and desktops, televisions, cell phones and any device that can help low-income students in Puerto Peñasco so that they can take their classes online, given the need of avoiding in-person classes that the Covid-19 pandemic has caused in the current status of education in the country.

In an interview with David Dariel Díaz, Secretary of Organization of the SNTE of Puerto Peñasco and Sonoyta, accompanied by the President of the SNTE volunteer service, Haly Hirazema Osuna Noriega, They explained what the Trade Union is doing to help through this program to bring benefits to the students of Puerto Peñasco and the Region.

Dariel Díaz, tells us that, in the SNTE, they are working to ensure education continues, so that students may continue to receive education even at a distance, and that is why they started the program called "The School is all of us."

Currently they are asking the community to contribute some of the equipment mentioned, of course, being is in good and operational condition.

For anyone who would like to support this cause, please contact the group at: 662-340-0947 and 638-113-0984. If you are not able to deliver the contributions, participants of the volunteer group can come to your local location to collect the equipment.

Mermaid's Market: 2020 - 2021 Season

The Mermaid's Market had an unexpectedly short season and closed down after the March 7th event this past spring.

Our artists and vendors (who we affectionately refer to as "mermaids") spent the summer - as we all did - in a sort of limbo regarding what the summer and fall months would hold.

We have been working closely with the DIF office (the Mermaid's Market is one sponsor of the DIF scholarship program for local high school and College students) along with the city officials to be aware of all necessary protocol for an outdoor event. We are pleased to be able to resume the Mermaid's Market for this 2020-2021 Season.

We are calling this the "Masked Mermaid Edition" of the Market, as all artists, vendors and visitors (including mermaids!) will be required to wear masks and practice & cooperate with the concepts of "social distancing".

Regardless of any personal opinions, these protocols must be respected so that we can have - and retain - our permission/Permit for the event throughout this season!

After what any mermaid would call a long, hot and very dry summer - we are all anxious to return to the park. We have all been busy working over the summer, creating new and exciting arts, crafts, gifts and other "mermaid treasures" and we are very excited to welcome back our visitors! Our annual Seasons re-open each year for the third Saturday of October, this year that will be October 17th.

Market dates are the First and Third Saturdays each month through the season.

Prompt Action Stops Spread of Pollutants in Harbor Boat Sinking Incident

"We are very happy with the work and results of the control and containment of pollution through the diligent efforts of the Navy, local biologists, the Harbor Master's Office, and Zofemat, who worked in a timely manner to contain any risk of contamination at the harbor."
Héctor Vázquez del Mercado, president of the Puerto Peñasco Convention and Visitors Bureau, made the comments after it was announced that the damage caused to the dock by the oil spill had been minimal thanks largely to the effective and timely application of the oil spill contingency plan in which dozens of people quickly acted in an effort lasting for several hours. Vázquez del Mercado also took the opportunity to acknowledge and thank the team that worked on the contingency plan in whose work he said, we can trust in an emergency.
"It gives us the confidence that in the event of an accident like this we can take care of our environment and avoid further damage to nature, it is good to know that there are people trained to face this type of situation."
In addition, biologist, Humberto González of Municipal Ecology, who has been in charge of the evaluations, stated that it has been shown that the effects on the marine ecosystem due to the sinking of the ship "Guillermo Munro" last Monday have been minimal.
"the recovery of hydrocarbons in this type of water bodies subjected to an estuary such as docks is fairly easy as long as there is no open sea and the fewer fish so there is no direct impact"
He said that the absence of fish or species in the exact affected area gives them absolute peace of mind especially since the oil had been quickly recovered satisfactorily.
The oil spill contingency plan operated by the Harbor Master's Office was complemented with the installation of fences to limit the spread, the work of divers who carried out depth inspections, fuel recovery by cleaning the surface, and maneuvers to refloat the ship.
The Captain of Port Luis Castro Galán indicated that annual drills of this contingency plan are carried out for oil spills in order to help ensure a quick response and good results.

Potpourri - Short Shorts of All Sorts!

Sometimes so much is going on in our little slice of paradise by the sea that we can't address the many short subjects with proper attention. To handle the hodgepodge of dangling subject matter, we invented the Potpourri Page. Here are a few "short shorts" to keep you up to date.

Donate Your Computer for School Kids

In addition to the group mentioned in the above story, a similar effort to gather donated laptop computers is ongoing through efforts of Scott and Angela Scriver, owners at the Sonoran Sun as well as by Mark and Barb Olzsewski, active local champions of charity, and founders of Puerto Penasco's Adopt-A-Classroom program. Online classes present a huge problem for someone who does not have a computer. In many cases, the student simply drops out, and that is exactly what these volunteers are trying to prevent. 

Scott can arrange drop off or pick up of laptops in the Phoenix area. When he receives a laptop, he flashes it to remove all previous files, documents, or personal information before donating it to be used for Penasco school kids. You can reach Scott at: scottscriver@gmail.com.

Mark and Barb can arrange drop off or pick up of laptops in and around Rocky Point. Another option is to drop your donations off at any of the Sonoran Resorts sales offices (Spa, Sea, Sun, Sky). Local company Laptop Express will perform the same "wipe" of your donated computer here in Rocky Point before it is donated to a student. To contact Barb, send her an email at: rpbarbo@gmail.com. 


Rocky Point Bouncing Back Quickly after Shutdown 

Since the beaches and ocean opened to the public, things have been picking up here in town. Labor Day weekend was very busy with estimates from the Convention and Visitors bureau of over 25,000 visitors. Héctor Vázquez del Mercado, president of the OCV, reported that average rental occupancy throughout town was over 75%. 

The OCV president stated that the Labor Day weekend, represented economic revenue of nearly 1.6 million dollars, or around 32 million pesos to Puerto Penasco. 
The Roger Clyne Circus Mexicus annual series of music and fun last weekend brought another surge of visitors to town and, while the official numbers are not know at this time, based on the number of cars and people in town, chances are they were close to the Labor Holiday weekend numbers. 

Rocky Point is already coming back, and October begins the perfect weather of the high season once again, so all indicators point to a fast recovery from the months restricted entry due to the covid-19 threat.


 Roger Clyne at Bandidos on October 11

Roger Clyne will be returning to Rocky Point for a rare Solo performance Sunday morning, October 11 at Banditos.  Dubbed Roger Clyne Borracho Domingo (Hangover Sunday) the show will kick off at 10:30 AM under shaded structures.  The show will feature songs from Clyne's 25 year career as songwriter for The Refreshments and Peacemakers.

Advance tickets are $20 and available at www.circusmexicus.net .  Got the kids down for Fall Break?  Bring them!  Kids under 16 are free per paid adult.

The show will feature tables and chairs socially distanced from one another as well as local safety protocols including masks, hand sanitizer and temperature checks at the entrance.



Dog Food in Why Looking for a Ride

Pallets of donated dog food for Barb's Dog Rescue have been stored at the Why Not Travel Store waiting to be carried to their final destination by volunteer transport vacationers. The border will allow 2 bags of dog food per vehicle to cross (note: only chicken/fish dog food), so the call has gone out looking for passers by to grab a couple bags and drop them at Barb's on their way into town. 

While you're there, you can say hello to Barb and take a quick tour of the impressive facility. Who knows, you might even find that new furry family member to take home with you. If you have questions or if you would like to donate, please contact Barb's through her Facebook account under "Barb's Dog Rescue, or by email at: barbsdogrescue@gmail.com. 

  Overpass Repair/Upgrade

Several years ago, the pedestrian overpass crossing Blvd. Benito Juarez at Calle 13, was upgraded and translucent blue panels were installed. As time went on, weather and maybe a little abuse took place, and the panels started looking, well, not so new any more. However, the city is now in the process of replacing the panels and making it look brand new again. No, it's not big news, but for all who pass underneath countless times, it will be nice to see it shine in the sunlight again. 

Use Extreme Caution if Driving the Coastal Highway

Sand dunes covering parts of the road are fairly common on the coastal highway and they can be extremely dangerous if you hit one at high speeds. Be sure to keep your speed at a point that you are able to stop in time if necessary, and be even more careful if driving the road after dark. 

Another danger, possibly to lives, and certainly to tires and rims, are potholes on this same road. If you hit a pothole at 60 mph, you're definitely going to do some damage to your tire and rim, and it may cause your vehicle to go out of control. Watch for these potholes along the entire road, but they are mostly concentrated around KM 90. 

Sanitary Filter Checkpoint is Gone! 

No more sanitary checkpoint. No more random covid tests. The way to Rocky Point is open again without any additional filters, checkpoints, or covid prevention delays. About 95% of businesses are open again in town, as well as the beaches, pools, and the ocean. You can rent wave runners or ATVs again as well. Face masks are still required and, of course, distancing and common sense measures are always a good idea. Come on down and reacquaintyourselves with our beautiful beach town. 
The SeaShell Museum

Did you know that Rocky Point has a Seashell Museum? This small museum was built in 2017 and opened to the public in January of 2018. The Museum houses a private collection of seashells, mostly from the Sea of Cortez. Other shells in the collection are from the Pacific Ocean, while a handful are from around the world.

Over 1500 visitors have already visited the Museum. Coming from 9 different countries, including Australia, Belarus, Chile, Germany, Phillipines, United Kingdom along with visitors from 4 provinces in Canada, 10 states in Mexico and at least 25 states of the United States.

The Local Seashell Museum (nicknamed the "Friday Museum") was featured in a recent issue of Beachcombing Magazine. The Seashell Museum participated as a "Collector" in the Virtual Beachcombing Festival that was held online on June 30, 2020. The Museum contributed a collection of photographs that the Virtual Festival organized into its own YouTube Video.

The Seashell Museum re-opens for the 2020 - 2021 Season this Friday, October 2nd. Hours are from 10 to 5. The Museum will be following local city required protocols for entry and mask-wearing.

You can view the video on You Tube at: https://youtu.be/19WSXUUJdqM 

More about the Beachcombing Festival can be seen at: www.beachcombing.fun 

More about the Seashell Museum can be seen at: www.seashellmuseum.com
Puerto Penasco's Guillermo Munro Wins Best Adapted Screenplay at Ariel Awards 2020 for "Sonora"

On Sunday night, the 62nd Ariel Awards (Mexico's version of the Oscars) ceremony was held, recognizing the best of the film industry in Mexico, however, it was in virtual mode due to Covid-19.
With images of actors and directors talking about how beautiful it had been to attend the event live, see their companions, hug the winners and those nominated, the show began.
With Verónica Toussaint and the filmmaker Roberto Fiesco as hosts, the difficulty of making films in Mexico was discussed and they explained that it is even more difficult now that government support is no longer granted.
The ceremony featured the feature film "Sonora", directed by Alejandro Springall, which had 10 nominations and obtained two awards in the categories of:

Best Original Music, where he shared it with the music "Sanctorum".
Best adapted screenplay was for John Sayles and Guillermo Munro Palacio.
Sonora is a Mexican film based on the book "La Ruta de los Caídos" by Munro Palacio. Starring Joaquín Cosío, Dolores Heredia, Giovanna Zacarías, Juan Manuel Bernal and Harold Torres, it was presented for the first time at the Morelia Film Festival in 2018. The film was filmed in the El Pinacate Biosphere Reserve and in the city of Hermosillo.
Guillermo Munro Palacio was born in Puerto Peñasco, Sonora. His childhood was spent between Bahía Kino, Puerto Libertad and Puerto Peñasco. In his professional career he has published five novels, several screenplays and hundreds of essays and stories about the desert, where he has lived most of his life. He is known as a historian of Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, the Great Altar Desert, and the Sea of Cortez.
His books are: The voices come from the sea (Award for the best novel 1992, Sonoran Institute of Culture), The sufferings of Puerto Esperanza (Novel 1994, ISC), The devil's way (1997) and It does not give me fear to die (2003 ), acquired by Silver Lion Films in October 2005; Return to Puerto Esperanza (2007) and Brief history of Puerto Peñasco (2007). He is editor and writer of Nuestra Gente, a monthly magazine about chronicles, legends and stories of the Mexican Northwest.
The production of the Awards show also made a video for the audience to see how the Ariel awards were being delivered at winner's homes, even having been disinfected so that the actor or actress could take it without fear of contracting Covid-19.
One of the most special moments of the night was when the Academy paid a well-deserved tribute to the people who risk their lives in hospitals every day to save people from the coronavirus.

Mexico Sends 100 Firefighters to Central California to help Fight Fires


The Mexican firefighters will be arrived at San Bernardino International Airport on Wednesday afternoon where they underwent training for a couple of days, after which to join the ranks of fire crews battling the SQF Complex Fires raging in Tulare County.

The SQF Complex Fires have already torched more than 144,708 acres and destroyed nearly 200 structures, forcing many residents to evacuate.
The United States Forest Service and the Mexican government have historically helped each other out in forest and fire management.
Fire crews across California are currently in the midst of one of the worst fire seasons in history, with 23 fires currently raging out of control. They are in dire need of personnel.

The firefighters will help build control lines and increase overall containment of the massive blaze - just one of many burning across the west and in the state of California.

"Folks haven't been able to get the resources that they need to implement the strategies. So yeah the Mexican crews that are coming in are needed. The resources are stretched, the resources are tired, they've been at it a long time this summer," said SQF Complex Information Officer Mark Vosburgh.

In recent days, crews have been hard at work protecting places like Ponderosa. Thanks to their tireless efforts, there's been no damage to the lodge or the many cabins that sit behind it. "A lot of the fuels around the community have actually been fired, control burned, which were planned activities that have been taking place over the last several weeks," said Vosburgh.

But Ponderosa and many other Tulare County mountain communities remain under an evacuation order and it will be some time before residents can return. Vosburgh explained there's still active fire in the area and crews need plenty of room to work without having to worry about others' safety. "Just having a lot of vehicle traffic, honestly, is one of the biggest hazards firefighters face - vehicle accidents - so keeping a handle on that is really helpful to these guys.

Juan Francisco "Gallo" Estrada Defends his Title Against Carlos Cuadras from Sinaloa

* The fight will be on October 23
The Puerto Peñasco native boxer, Juan Francisco "Gallo" Estrada has confirmed his return to the ring on October 23, in a fight against Carlos Cuadras, a native of Sinaloa.
The boxing bout has been confirmed by the Zanfer company, and will be aired live on TV AZteca.
El "Gallo" Estrada will defend his Super Fly weight class World Title, of the World Boxing Council WBC in his return to the ring .
The current record of "Gallo" Estrada (40-3, 27 Ko's), while Cuadras has a record of (39-3-1, 27 Ko's).
The first time these boxers faced each other was on September 9, 2017, with a victory for the Rocky Point native, "Gallo".
"Gallo" Estrada's last fight was August 24, 2019, and since then he has had a period of time being largely inactive, due to being infected with Covid-19. Since recovering from the disease, he has been training and working himself back into shape to prepare for this fight.

Mexican Federal Government Removes Fuel Subsidies for Fishermen

Without the subsidy for marine diesel from the federal government, the outlook for the shrimp season that has recently begun becomes very complicated, acknowledged Mateo López León. The president of the Federation of Ship Owners of the Upper Gulf explained that they have been struggling after two seasons of less than average catch, and now, with the announcement by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador that there will be no support for fuel, the situation for the fishing sector will only get worse.
Thus, without a budget, their situation is complicated and many small ship owners, who have long histories in the business, feel unable to continue risking what little they have and are telling people that they are not in a position to take their boat out, he said.
The fishing leader explained that a significant percentage of the fleet will not be able to go out to catch shrimp - estimated at a third of the boats which will not be able to leave the port. Others who do go out to fish could cut their trips short to avoid spending so much on diesel.
López León said that if ships in the fleet can afford to go out, the first trips will likely be shorter, maybe for five days, and if their catch is good, and they can sell the shrimp quickly, they will re-supply themselves to go out on a longer trip, spending any profits from the sale of the shrimp on fuel and supplies enough to continue operating.
He explained that normally the cost of the first 20-day trip for a ship ranges between one million and 1,300,000 pesos, of which around 600 thousand pesos are spent on diesel fuel. In addition to the fuel, there are many other expenses such as added cables, boards, dry dock services, some repairs to the machine or service, refrigeration, etc.
He asserted that the change in this policy puts thousands of people's jobs are at risk, and the list is long of people who will be affected if the entire fleet does not go to work.

Sea Lion Population has Decreased by 65% in the Sea of Cortez

In the past last three decades, the population of sea lions (Zalophus californianus) which reside in the Sea of Cortez, in Mexico, has lost more than half of its population, going from an average of forty-five thousand animals in 1991 to about fifteen thousand in 2019, according to a joint study by the Ensenada Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education (CICESE) and the Interdisciplinary Center for Marine Sciences (CICIMAR), of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN).

Dr. Mario Pardo, one of the coordinators of this investigation, explained that one of the possible causes of this reduction in the number of sea lions is that the water temperature in the Gulf of California increased about 1 degree Celsius in the last 50 years, which could alter the presence of fish and mollusks that serve as food for these marine mammals.

A marine biologist originally from Bogotá Colombia, but who has been conducting studies and research in the Gulf of California for 13 years, Mario Pardo is a researcher for the Conacyt Chair program, at the La Paz Unit of CICESE, in Baja California Sur.

"We focus our work on a single population of sea lions, which is the one that resides in the Gulf of California. This clarification is important because this group is separate from the Pacific populations, that is, those found on the western coast of the Peninsula and that move to California and Oregon, in the United States. These animals are considered a sentinel species since the changes in their colonies reflect the health of the ecosystem in which they live ", says the biologist, who had his first experiences as a researcher when he was a graduate student in Biology at the University of Bogotá doing field work in an area of the Colombian Carribean called Santa Marta, focused on working with marine mammals.

California sea lions breed primarily in the regions near the Baja California Peninsula and on some coasts of the southwestern United States. Outside of the reproductive seasons, they swim to the areas of Guerreo and Oaxaca (in the south) and to Canada and Alaska (in the north). The gestation of young takes about a year.

To count the change in populations, academics and students from CICESE La Paz Unit, the Interdisciplinary Center for Marine Sciences of the National Polytechnic Institute (CICIMAR-IPN), and the Autonomous University of Querétaro worked together along with Karen Adame, Fernando Elorriaga Verplancken, Emilio Beier, Karina Acevedo and Mario Pardo himself.

"Our study began to take shape from Karen Adame's master's thesis, co-directed by Fernando Elorriaga and me, in which we sought to understand how the reproductive colonies of sea lions were behaving, because it had already been suggested that there was a decrease in numbers in terms of their historical abundance, but a robust analysis had not been done and a vision was required that went beyond the changes from one year to another, "says the professor and researcher.

The researchers obtained documents from different sources with population counts, going back to 1978, but the documents were from years too far apart and sometimes not all the colonies they were looking to observe in this new study were included. Therefore, it was necessary to develop some mathematical models to correct biases and sources of uncertainty. Thus, they established a more reliable image in which it was seen that the abundance dynamics indicated an increase in births, in the 80s, until reaching a peak around 1991, and then, the majority presented a constant decrease, until today.

Although a first suspicion about the causes of this decrease could be poaching or accidents with fishing nets, the drastic decrease seems to be more related to a broader change, associated with the climate. This idea gained momentum when they contrasted data on sea lion population size changes with data on changes in the surface temperature of the Gulf of California, calculated by British scientists from the Met Office Hadley Center for Climate Change. There it was identified that the surface of the water has risen 1 degree centigrade in the last 50 years. This change may be affecting the populations of fish and mollusks that Sea lions eat.

"What would be expected of a population of predators that reduces the caloric quality of their food is that this is reflected in a lower reproductive success. This is consistant with other data that we found because in the mid-1980s the percentage of reproductive females of a colony that had young was around 40 percent, but if we compare it with the last counts we did in 2016, the percentage has dropped to 15 to 20 percent, depending on each colony, "says Dr. Mario A Pardo.

The role of sea lions in ecosystems is similar to that of other predators. Because they are at the highest levels of the trophic chains, we can know what is the state of this entire network of prey and predators. This type of marine mammal has quite high energy requirements and therefore they need to have a fairly stable and high supply of food to be able to carry out their usual activities. In an ecosystem where the predator network is successful and they are widely distributed, we can say that the ecosystem is stable in terms of productivity and diversity. That is why monitoring of predator populations is important

Tax Obligations for Rental Property Owners in Mexico
With a strong tourism industry, buying a second home in Puerto Penasco is a popular choice for real estate investors, because properties on Sandy Beach are easily rentable. In the condo resorts, most have onsite rental companies which can handle all aspects of the rental business for an owner. However, the rise in popularity of travel websites like Airbnb and VRBO make it possible for an owner to rent a property on their own. Many owners see excellent return on investment because of the high demand for rentals, both short and long term.

But it is important that owners who rent their property understand the tax obligations in Mexico on rental income. If the property being rented is physically located in Mexico, there will be income tax owned on the rental income, even if that income never enters Mexico. Most on-site rental companies handle the tax part of the transaction as part of the service that they provide for the commission changed. For owners who rent on their own, those taxes are often not reported or paid.

As of June 1, 2020, the law has been updated to include digital rental platforms such as Airbnb or VRBO in order to help collect taxes owed in Mexico. Here is a quick summary of some of those updates.

* If you are working with a digital platform (Airbnb, VRBO, Expedia, FlipKey, etc.) directly and you are an individual, not a corporation, the digital platform will be required to retain a percentage of IVA (Value Added Tax) and ISR Income Tax funds. The amount depends on the funds received. For all funds retained, they will be required to submit to you a constancia (record) of retention to utilize if you file Mexican taxes.

* If you are working with an intermediary like a rental agency, whether they are promoting your property directly or through a digital platform, they may or may not retain the IVA and ISR funds. If they do, they will be required to remit to you the same constancia of retention for your taxes. If they do not, then you will file your taxes as normal with no need to balance the account with a constancia of retention. In some cases, if you do not have an RFC number, the rental agency may withhold all taxes owed by you to be remitted as required by the authorities.

* If you are receiving your rental funds directly through your own marketing efforts that do not include a digital platform, you will simply file your taxes as normal with no retention documentation required as no funds will have been retained nor required to be retained.

* This law only applies to individuals, not as corporations. Therefore, if you are receiving funds as a corporation, this law does not apply, and you will file your taxes as normal, with no retentions.

This summary should only be considered an overview and, of course, if you have questions you should enlist the help of a professional accountant.

Area of Zero Tolerance Enlarged to Protect Endangered Vaquita

At 225 square kilometers, the Sea of Cortez protected area is 50% larger than before
The federal government has enlarged by 50% an area of what it calls zero tolerance in the upper Gulf of California to protect the critically endangered vaquita marina porpoise.
The Agriculture Ministry, the Environment Ministry, and the navy published a decree in the government's official gazette recently that declares that all gillnets are permanently prohibited in the zero tolerance zone, which is 75 square kilometers larger than the one previously in place.
A permanent ban on gillnets has been in place since 2017 but conservationists have accused the government of failing to enforce it, allowing illegal fishing to continue. Some other nets including shrimp push nets can still be used in the area, according to the decree, and line fishing and diving for fishing purposes are permitted.
Gillnet fishing for totoaba, a species of fish prized in China for its swim bladder, has decimated the vaquita marina population to such an extent that it is now thought that there are fewer than 10 in the upper Gulf of California, the only place in the world they live. The mammals are prone to becoming entangled in the nets and drowning.
To ensure compliance with the fishing rules in the zero tolerance area, authorities will carry out sea and air patrols around the clock, according to the document published Thursday.
The government departments said that anyone planning to fish in the zero tolerance area using small boats must inform the nearest office of the National Aquaculture and Fisheries Commission (Conapesca) prior to launching.
They also said that fishermen must inform Conapesca if they have any interaction with marine mammals including vaquitas while on the water. 
"All small boats will be inspected without exception at the time of departure and at disembarkation," the decree said.
Navy personnel, members of the National Guard, and officials with Conapesca and the environmental protection agency Profepa will be responsible for carrying out the inspections, the document said.
Sea Shepherd Conservation Society vessels have also patrolled the upper Gulf of California to ensure compliance with fishing rules. One of them, the M/V Sharpie, came under gunfire in February as it was being chased by four fishing skiffs known as pangas.

Mexican Wines are Establishing a Reputation at International Competitions

74 have won awards so far this year at three events
Mexican wineries are having a banner year in terms of international competitions: so far in 2020, 74 wines have won awards at three international events.
At the Concours Mondial de Bruxelles, which wrapped up September 8 in Brno, Czech Republic, Mexico took home 59 medals. De Cote Winery's 2016 Atempo merlot and Pozo de Luna's 2015 malbec were named Grand Gold Medal winners out of 8,500 wines from 46 countries. Decote is located in Querétaro and Pozo de Luna in San Luis Potosí.
At Spain's Concurso Internacional de Vinos Bacchus, more than 1,500 wines were tasted by a jury of 100 winemakers, masters of wine, masters of sommelier and journalists. 
Thirteen Mexican wines won awards in the competition, which took place in March in Madrid, including four medals for Casa Madero, located in Coahuila, and three for Baja California's Monte Xanic. The latter winery took home the competition's top prize for its 2017 Ricardo Bordeaux blend.
In France, meanwhile, the Don Leo 2013 Cabernet Sauvignon Gran Reserva took first place and was named best cabernet sauvignon in the world at the International Cabernet Competition, in which French sommeliers blind-tasted wines from 25 countries.
The Coahuila winery's 2016 cabernet sauvignon/shiraz also took home the gold at the same competition. Although the 2013 cabernet was already sold out by the time news of the win hit in June, the shiraz blend can still be found online for 625 pesos (US $29).
The Decanter World Wine Awards, which occur every August and are sponsored by Decanter magazine, will announce their winners on September 22. 
The event, billed as the "world's largest and most influential wine competition," brings together wines from 50 countries which are judged by 280 world-renowned experts.
Last year Mexican wines took home 23 awards, and it is likely more Mexican wines will get their due as the country's renewed interest in quality winemaking has given Mexican vintages international clout.
It has been a long time coming. The first vines in Mexico were planted in 1521 but as Mexican wine began to outshine Spanish wine, the king of Spain banned its production except for religious purposes in 1699.
And despite its long history, the modern wine industry in Mexico is just beginning to come into its own. In 2005 there were 25 wineries in all of Mexico. Today, in Baja California alone, where the first vines were planted in 1683, there are upwards of 120, mostly small wineries producing world-class vintages. Wine is also produced in seven other Mexican states.
Cristina Pino Villar, winemaker for Santo Tomás in Baja California, says the emergence of high-quality wines in Mexico is due to two factors, "the professionalization of the industry - leading-edge technology in the wineries and vineyards, quality lab analyses, hiring experienced winemakers - and also that so many vineyards have decades of age, bringing complexity in a natural way," she says. "We're writing the story of Mexican vitiviniculture, and there are still a lot of blank pages left to fill."

Simple Shrimp Ceviche 

Since shrimp season is upon us, why not try some shrimp ceviche this month?  

Ceviche - a recent "in" food of the 21st century is actually an old world dish from South America. It has been one of South America's best-kept secret for centuries, but Ceviche is becoming a popular appetizer and will undoubtedly continue to gain popularity as the century progresses.
What is Ceviche? It is often spelled seviche or cebiche, depending on which part of South America it originates from. Ceviche is seafood prepared in a centuries old method of cooking by contact with the acidic juice of citrus juice instead of heat. The preparation and consumption of ceviche is practically a religion in parts of Mexico, Central, and South America, and it seems as though there are as many varieties of ceviche as people who eat it. It can be eaten as a first course or main dish, depending on what is served with it. 
The chemical process that occurs when the acid of the citrus comes in contact with the fish is similar what happens when the fish is cooked, and the flesh becomes opaque and firm. Indeed, many people refer to the juice as "cooking" the fish, although that is actually not true.  
Ceviche is easy to make and can be prepared as a meal or as a fabulous appetizer for your next dinner party. It can also be quite beautiful on a serving platter. Line a large glass dish or individual serving cup (a wide mouthed martini glass makes an excellent impression) with a few lettuce leaves. Spoon in the ceviche and then garnish with one or more colorful ingredient such as thin rings of red onion, one-quarter of an avocado sliced and fanned, assorted bell peppers finely diced. The possibilities are endless.
Ceviche's birthplace is disputed between Peru and Ecuador, and as both countries have an amazing variety of fish and shellfish, it could easily have come from the ancient Inca civilizations of those countries. Every Latin American country has given seviche/ceviche its own touch of individuality by adding its own particular garnishes.
In Peru, it is served with slices of cold sweet potatoes or corn-on-the-cob.
In Ecuador, it is accompanied by popcorn, nuts, or corn nuts. It is also served in a large crystal bowl with the guests helping themselves, either by spearing it with toothpicks or filling the pastry shells.
In Mexico, seviche is accompanied by slices of raw onions and served on toasted tortillas.


First, gather the 10 ingredients needed to make our shrimp ceviche recipe: Raw shrimp, Fresh lemons, Red onion, Serrano chiles, Cilantro, Cucumber, Roma tomatoes, Avocado, Clamato, and Salt.
Start by marinating the shrimp in lemon or lime juice for 4 hours. Once the shrimp is bright pink in color, remove it from the juice and cut the shrimp in half. NOTE: This works best with fresh citrus and fresh, (never frozen) shrimp.
Now you can mix the shrimp with all of those other delicious veggies. If you are not a fan of cilantro, you can absolutely leave it out. Italian parsley is a swap that some use. It adds the same brightness and freshness. Same goes for the avocado. The Clamato can also be a personal preference, so you can use it, swap out for tomato juice, or leave it out altogether.
That's it. Now enjoy on tostadas, tortilla chips, or any way that you'll enjoy it best. Fresh, healthy, simple.

Two Verbs are Better than One

Along with two verbs "to be," Spanish also has two different verbs for "to know," as well as two verbs "to have."
Along with two verbs "to be," Spanish also has two different verbs for "to know," as well as two verbs "to have." This may appear to complicate things, although it also allows for some subtle uses of language which aren't immediately available when speaking English.
Of the two verbs to know, the irregular saber is generally applied to facts, and the almost regular conocer to people and places. There are areas, however, where the two overlap, and either verb could be used - languages, for example. El sabe español, means he knows Spanish, and él conoce el español means he knows, or is acquainted with, the Spanish language.
One way to determine whether conocer can be used is to test whether the phrase "is acquainted with," could be substituted for "know."
When applying conocer to people, the preposition a is used. So, conoce Cervantes, means he knows the work of the author of Don Quixote, while conoce a Cervantes would mean he knows the writer. Saber is used for "to know how to," for example, ellos saben nadar (they know how to swim), ella sabe tocar el piano (she knows how to play the piano).
The two verbs "to have" are tener and haber, both irregular. Tener is used to show possession, tengo dos perros (I have two dogs), and haber as the auxiliary verb for forming compound tenses, hemos llegado por fin (we have arrived at last).
The expression hay, derived from haber, is used to say "there is" or "there are." Hubo or había mean "there was/were."
The verb haber can also be used in some instances for "must," "should," or "ought to." For example, ha de ser difícil, (it must be difficult), or, has de conocer esta regla, (you ought to know this rule).
For indicating an imperative, such as tenemos que tomar el camión (we have to take the bus), tener is used when the subject is specific. Tengo que ir (I have to go), tienes que entender (you have to understand), but haber can be used when you want something done, don't want to do it yourself, wish someone else would do it, but would rather not appear to be pushy. This is all possible with the not so subtle hay que... Hay que recoger la mesa means the table has to be cleared. This is also useful for broad statements like hay que tener paciencia. The English equivalent "one has to be patient" is somehow stilted in comparison.

Sonoran Sky Resort

Sonoran Sun Resort

Sonoran Sea Resort

Sonoran Spa Resort

Just for the fun of it...


Sonoran Sky 410   
4 Bedroom Luxury End Unit     
These end units have a wonderful terrace that wraps all the way around the front and side of the condo allowing beachfront views as well as views all the way down the beach from Old Port to Cholla Bay. The condo is imaculate and decorated beautifully with a fun beachfront theme. Pride of ownership is very obvious in this fantastic condo. If there ever was a condo that you had to see in person, this is the one. Don't wait to come see it. Call or stop by the Sky Sales Office soon and ask one of our agents for a tour. 
You'll be glad you did!       

 Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sea W610
1 Bedroom West Building 

Beautiful condo and priced to sell quickly. Add Seller financing to that, and you've got a sure winner here. This condo has the very best beachfront views and the extended pations of the Sonoran Sea give you an even larger area for entertaining or to enjoy all by yourself. This condo can provide an excellent rental income and would be a fantastic investment - or just keep it all for your own personal use. Either way, you can't go wrong on this one. Call or stop by and talk with one of our Sales Representatives today! You'll be glad you did.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sun E705
2 Bedroom East Building 


This condo is ready to go and has views that will be the envy of all your friends. Check out this beautiful, fully furnished, two bedroom oceanfront condo at the Sonoran Sun Resort. Seventh floor location gives fantastic views down the beach and plenty of privacy. Easy access to beach, pools, Jacuzzis, store, restaurant, etc. Condo is in terrific condition. You may want to keep this beautiful condo all for  yourself, but it could be a great vacation rental as well. The price is right and you need to see this beauty.  
Call or stop by our Sonoran Sun Sales Office today! 

This condo must be seen to be appreciated.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Spa N202
1 Bedroom, 1 Bath


Check out this beautiful, fully furnished, one bedroom condo at the Sonoran Spa Resort. Center location gives best ocean views and 2nd floor makes it an easy walk-up when the elevators are busy. Condo is in terrific condition and fully remodeled in a modern style. Stainless appliances and turn-key ready to go. You may want to keep this beautiful condo all for  yourself, but it could be a great vacation rental as well. The price is right and you need to see this beauty. 

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sun E409
3 Bedroom Custom Design
$600,000 - New Price!


Stop by to check out this fantastic listing at the Sonoran Sun Resort. This condo has been completely remodeled and uniquely upgraded from the ground up and it is absolutely beautiful. There is no other condo like it and you are sure to be impressed by the beauty of the condo as well as the breathtaking beachfront views. The owner spared no expense to make this condo fabulous. Come see this one before it's too late. You will be glad that you did. 
Fully furnished and turn-key ready to go. This condo has not been used as a rental but would make a terrific rental investment - or simply keep it all to yourselves. Call or visit to receive more information and to tour this beautiful condo.

CALL TODAY: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Sky 1109
3 Bedroom, 3 Bath Luxury Condo


Beautifully furnished luxury 3 bedroom beachfront condo at the Sonoran Sky Resort. Fully furnished and turnkey ready to go. Assumable developer financing available. Never used as a rental. This one is  getting alot of attention so act quickly and don't miss out on this fantastic bargain.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sun W801  
3BR End Unit   

This condo must be seen to be appriciated. Beachfront views are spectacular. Very nicely furnished, turnkey ready to go. This end unit condo has the wrap around terrace, giving much more room to enjoy and adding to the views.
Energy saving window tinting, upgraded window coverings, stainless appliances, and more. Too many upgrades to list. Lots of interest in this condo already so don't wait too long. Give us a call or stop by the on-site sales office today! 

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sun E514  
1 Bedroom with Wrap Arount Patio
1/4 Fractional Ownership


How often do you visit Rocky Point? Once per month? Once every two months? This fractional ownership gives you one rotating week every month along with true ownership rights - this is NOT a timeshare. Use your time as you wish or put it in the rental pool for some income if you or your friends/family can't come that month. This is your perfect opportunity to obtain 25% ownership of a fantastic 1 bedroom end unit condo at the beautiful Sonoran Sun Resort for an unbelievable price. This condo has updated stainless appliances, stackable sliding doors leading to the beachfront terrace, a tastefully upgraded and
 decorated interior, and it has a GREAT outdoor space with a wrap around patio. 
Partnership agreement is in place and bank trust is already in AZ LLC. 

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sky 609 
3 Bedroom 3 Bath Luxury 

 This condo is beautifully furnished and total luxury combined with a great price makes this one a must-see condo. Ready to go for your family or for a great rental income. An aggressive price and motivated Sellers make this one a sure bet. Contact one of our Agents for more details. Come see this one today! 

 Call Today for Information or to Schedule a Tour


Sonoran Sun W410  
1 Bedroom West Building   

Fantastic beachfront views are just the beginning for this fabulous condo. Unbelievable rental income and luxury, beautiful furnishings make it a sure win. This condo is ready to go and owners have even decided to offer seller financing. Keep it as a rental for income or just keep it for yourself and your family. Either way, you can't go wrong with this beauty. 

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sea E1003 
2 Bedroom, 2 Bath, Penthouse Level


This is a very special two bedroom condo at the Sonoran Sea and you really need to experience it to appreciate the amazing views from this penthouse level beauty. If you're looking for great rental income, this is a must-see condo for you. And, the owners keep it in top shape, earning loyalty and many return visits from renters. It is positioned on the top floor for the very best views and better privacy, since you won't have an upstairs neighbor. If you are looking for a truly turn-key beauty, this is it.  Great price. Great views. Financing available - check with us for details.  This condo is a home run. Come take a look!

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sun W311  
1 Bedroom, 1 Bath, West Building


Fantastic price for this 1 bedroom, 1 bath condo at the Sun. Fully furnished and ready to go, this condo boasts bright, cheerful, traditional Mexican colors and decorations. Renters will love it and the views are unbelievable. Perfect height so that you can see the ocean and the tops of the palm trees from throughout your condo. Don't let this one pass you by. Call today.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Spa N701  
1 Bedroom End Unit 

Not many condos like this one come available these days, especially at this price. Being an end unit means an extra side door with double the fantastic views. This condo is super nice and is very nicely decorated and turn-key ready to go. You can't go wrong with this one. Don't wait. See this one today. 
Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sky 103 
2 Bedroom Ground Floor  
This is an opportunity that just doesn't come around very often. A fantastic, ground-floor two bedroom at the Sonoran Sky Resort for $469,000. Really? What's the catch? No catch, just hurry on over to take a look. This condo rents as well as any that we have seen and it is a money making rental machine. Also, fully furnished luxury and priced to sell quickly. 
What are you waiting for?

You need to check this one out soon. Call or visit for more details.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Spa E210 
3 Bedroom East Building 


  This condo truly has it all. Great beachfront views, beautifully furnished, upgrades throughout, turn-key ready to move in. This would make an excellent rental, with people requesting it again and again. Or, keep it as a non-rental and enjoy the beautiful condo all to yourselves. The choice is yours but you'll need to act quickly. It has already been very popular with our salespeople.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sky 1403
2 Bedroom Beachfront Luxury


If you're looking for a model-perfect, beach-front, turn-key, total luxury condo at the Sonoran Sky for a great price, look no further. This condo is absolutely amazing and you really need to come and take a look for yourself if you're considering investing in a wonderful vacation/investment property. Views go on forever and this would make an excellent rental as well. Don't wait.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sea E207
2 Bedroom, 2 Bath 


This is a super nice, beachfront condo offered for sale at a competitive price. Take time to appreciate many upgrades, and absolutely unbelievable views from the terrace. This fantastic 2 bedroom at the Sonoran Sea offers everything that you will need to enjoy your time in paradise. The Sea is conveniently located within short walking distance to several popular bars, restaurants, and also boasts Cocina Ramon, one of Penasco's most popular restaurants, right no site. You need to see this one for yourself. Call for details or to schedule a tour. You need to act fast on this special deal.

Come see for yourself.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sea E710  
1 Bedroom Top Floor  


Great top-floor beauty with possible financing available. Panoramic views down the beach in both directions. Fully furnished and ready to enjoy. This could be a great rental - perfect for your family.  Call our office for more details. This condo can be your dream come true. Come take a look for yourself.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sea E410
1 Bedroom, East Building


This is a great price on a fantastic condo at the Sea. The views from this condo are nothing short of spectacular. Completely furnished and turn-key ready to go. Nicely decorated and shows very well. Great rental income potential and priced to sell quickly. 
Come and see this one today before it's too late.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Spa W708
2 Bedroom, 2 Bath, Huge Terrace 

This is one of those condos that just don't come on the market very often. There are only two at the resort with this floorplan and this one has been renovated and upgraded to look like new. Just imagine what you could do with the huge terrace, overlooking the beach and the Sea of Cortez. There is also an outside BBQ area, which is a treat in itself as very few condos are allowed to have them. Click the link to see more photos and then come on down to see this one. Once it's gone, it's gone, and there is no telling when or even if another like it will come up for sale. 

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Spa E608
2 Bedroom, 2 Bath East Building


Absolutely beautiful condo at the Sonoran Spa Resort that you're not going to want to miss. The owner has never used the unit as a rental and it is in pristine condition. If new owners choose to make some income from the unit, it will make a great rental - or just keep it all for yourselves. Really is a must see to appreciate beauty.This condo is ready to go and it can be yours. Contact one of our Agents for more information.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sea E302
2 Bedroom, 2 Bath


Beautiful fully furnished condo for sale with very good terms available. This condo has been a good rental property and it is turn-key ready to go. The beachfront views are exceptional and it is priced to sell. Come see this great condo today! 

Call Today: 602-476-7511 

Sonoran Sales Group - The OFFICIAL sales team for Sonoran Resorts! 

We are Rocky Point's one and only exclusive and dedicated team who have always, and will always, sell Sonoran Resorts and ONLY Sonoran Resorts!
If you are looking for a team of  real professionals who specialize in Puerto Penasco's best family of "True Beachfront" resorts, you've found us, and we are here to serve you.

Whether Buying or Selling, no one can serve you better when it comes to the Sonoran Resorts. We have been here since the beginning, and we will be here for you when you need us.

Our In-House closing team will make things happen quickly and professionally and we will save you money. Our attorneys are on salary and no additional attorney fees are charged to our clients. Loyalty to the Sonoran Resorts Sales Team is both appreciated and rewarded! 

We don't just sell the Sonoran Resorts, we ARE the Sonoran Resorts. We work directly with the Developers, the HOAs, and the Rental companies.

We really can help you in ways that no one else can.





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Jim Ringquist
Sonoran Sales Group