May 2020 

Exclusively Serving the Sonoran Resorts  

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19+ Years Experience on Sandy Beach

Four Fully Completed Beachfront Resorts

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Your Only Logical Choice when Buying 
or Selling a Sonoran Resorts Condo!


Welcome to May. The weather is beautiful - and the beaches are empty :(   That's right, still no one allowed on the beaches, but things are looking up and this very strange time should be coming to an end soon. It really is a bit surreal here, but I suppose that it's not much different than anywhere in the USA that has gone through the same restrictions, closures, and quarantine procedures as we have. Soon, very soon, the beaches, the pools, the restaurants, and the town in general, will be full of tourists again. Unfortunately, some of the very nicest weather is in April and May, but that's OK, because June is nice too. 

Summers, especially July through September, do get a bit warm and humid, but my bet is that we'll be busier than ever this Summer as all the people who have been missing our little paradise will come back, hot or not. And, it's really not bad anyway since you can stay wet or in A/C as much as you'd like. This has been a trying time and it's not quite over yet, but we're close and I can't wait. 

If you've thought of coming down before the restrictions in Rocky Point are lifted, don't. You may get across the border. I have heard varying reports of people who could or could not cross into Mexico. But, even if you cross the border, you will not get into Rocky Point. There is a checkpoint outside of town which is restricting entry of everyone with the exception of essential business or emergencies. Currently, the restriction is scheduled to end on May 30th, but that could change at any time. New covid-19 testing options are coming online and may offer a way to enter town without any threat of endangering those of us already here. Feel free to check in with me any time for an update.

Stay safe and take care. With any luck at all, by my next newsletter, things will be much different and we'll actually have some more good news to share about Rocky Point. As of now, we're doing fine and looking forward to seeing a resurgence in this town in the very near future. Until next month... 

If you need anything, give me a call or send me an email any time and I will do my very best to help you. If I can't help you myself, I'm sure that I can point you in the right direction and help find you someone who can. 
 Please check out some of our condos for sale along the right column.
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Jim Ringquist

Broker/Sales Director
Sonoran Resorts   Spa - Sea - Sun - Sky

Tourist Assistance Unit Advisory Committee (Tourist Police)

I hope that you enjoy my newsletter and continue to recommend it to your friends. Please feel free to give me thoughts, suggestions, or ideas for future newsletters. Puerto Peñasco is my home and I love to share the news and goings-on with you.

I do get email requests each month asking me to add someone to my list. While I certainly don't mind doing so, all you really need to do is click Join Newsletter Mailing List , add the email address, and it will happen automatically. Not to worry - I will not spam you or share your email address, and you will only receive one email-newsletter each month on the 1st.
Mayor Kiko Munro Announces Delivery of First Rapid Tests for COVID-19

Mayor Kiko the Munro reported that as part of ongoing efforts to continue announcing Puerto Peñasco as a municipality free of Coronavirus Covid-19, the first 400 rapid tests have arrived in which to quickly check for infections.
The mayor also revealed that there are already 2,000 more tests on the way. Tests should begin being used this week and will help to reaffirm the absence of the virus in Puerto Penasco and will help identify any cases which should crop up.

Kiko Munro explained that the first 400 tests will be administered without charge and will be used for persons who have shown symptoms consistent with Coronavirus, in order to confirm the infections and help to avoid spread to others.

The additional 2,000 tests, which are to arrive soon, which will have a nominal cost and are intended to be used at the checkpoint outside of town on the Peñasco-Sonoyta Highway. Access has been restricted to all persons other than deliveries of foods and essential items to the city. Even local residents are not able to gain access to the city at this time as the administration ramped up efforts to prevent entry of the disease to town weeks ago.

In the very near future, anyone wanting to pass the checkpoint will be required to submit to the test, administered by the Red Cross personell. The fast result from the tests will determine if someone is infected or not, further helping to avoid contamination and spread of Coronavirus into Rocky Point. Persons wanting to enter Rocky Point, who are administered the test, will be charged a fee for each test in order to allow the city to continue to purchase more tests as needed.

"We make the first investment and we provide Red Cross, and they will be administering those tests to all who wish to enter the city, either because they were outside the city when the restrictions were put in place or for anyone wanting to enter, even if it is someone who intends to come here on vacation. They will know that it is safe to come here because the tests will not let anyone who tests positive for the virus to enter" commented Kiko Munro. He also added that these tests have a very fast result and will enable employers in all areas to screen employees allowing workers to return to hotels, restaurants and other businesses in the tourism industry.

The Mayor emphasized that the goal is to keep Puerto Peñasco free municipality of Covid-19, and these strategies that have proven effective in other parts of the world will be applied here until the emergency is over.

The Mayor announced that Tuesday, in virtual meeting with Governor Claudia Pavlovich and other Sonora Mayors, these systems of prevention and control were discussed as well as the statistical drop Coronavirus in the State, which will allow gradually easing restrictions on economic and school activities, possibly starting in the very near future, even as early as next week.

"The decision is not up to me, but I think that we have all sacrificed and have made the required efforts that have been requested of us in order to maintain order and control the spread of covid-19. The efforts of public health and public safety personnel as well as those in the city government have gone above and beyond expectations in helping to minimize any risk from this emergency. We all deserve consideration in an effort to restore daily life with the normality to which we are accustomed, " he said.

Mayor Munro said that with each passing day, Puerto Penasco is closer to the release of restrictions caused from this health crisis, and closer to getting back to normal with the least possible number of cases, and we aspire to move through this pandemic without deaths. Peñasco is known for our people working together, both society and the government.

Oscar Castro Castro, head of the Municipal Health Coordination, said that the arrival of rapid tests for Coronavirus Covid-19 represents more security and tranquility for Puerto Penasco.

Puerto Penasco Remains United and Strong Together

Puerto Penasco has been very aggressive in the fight to keep covid-19 out of town completely. It has also gone to great lengths to prepare for a worst-case scenario if the virus should get into town and spread among the residents. As of the latest announcement, there have been no cases confirmed in Rocky Point to this point.
At this time, there are still no entries allowed into Puerto Penasco, with the exception of food and essential items and materials. People in town are free to leave town, but they will not be permitted to return. Most stores are closed, only one person is allowed per vehicle, face masks are required, beaches are closed, restaurants can only offer pick up or delivery, and all people are asked to stay home unless shopping for essentials or in the case of an emergency. The latest announcement is that the restrictions will go on until May 30, though things can change quickly as the situation changes.
The efforts have not been without struggles and suffering. Many businesses are closed and may never reopen. Others have scaled back and will not be able to hire all of their employees back for some time when it's over. Worse still are those in town who have lived day by day, selling wares on the beaches, or running small taco or hot dog stands. The city has stepped up, through their local charity, DIF, and several other charities, churches, and private residents have joined in to help feed those who have lost their meager income because of this virus and the restrictions brought on to fight it, but make no mistake, it will take some time for things to come back to where they were just a few weeks ago. If you are able to help at the current time, please do. And, when it's over, be sure to visit often, go out to eat, buy some things, even if you don't really need them, and treat the locals and the employees in town better than ever. They deserve it and will undoubtedly appreciate it. Rocky Point won't be down for long, of that much we are sure. 
Through it all, the majority of Rocky Point residents have supported and cooperated with the instructions from the city administration and the Mayor. The streets are almost empty, stores and restaurants are closed, and beaches are completely empty. It looks much more like mid-February in this town than the peak-season month of May. Most tourists seem to be very supportive as well and, though many would love to come to town in order to ride out the storm, they seem to understand that it is best for all to be patient and look forward the the resurgence that will surely come in the weeks and months to come.
As the USA begins to open closed businesses again and people start venturing out and working towards getting back to life as normal, Rocky Point will be close behind and because of the efforts and cooperation of all involved, the town will be safer to visit and enjoy for the future. There have been many throughout the USA and Mexico who did not agree with the restrictions from the start. Many are fearful of losing freedoms, privacy, and of increased government control and surveillance. These people are not wrong, but there has been no easy answer. The good news is that we're on the downhill side of this now. There will be countless studies for years to come which will say what we should have done or what should be done next time. That is good and necessary, but this virus was a first and sometimes when things happen for the first time, lessons are learned the hard way. And, most of the time, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Circus Mexicus 2020 Cancelled 

A message from Roger Clyne:


Thank you very much for your patience regarding Circus Mexicus 2020.  As promised by April 27, we've looked at several options given the cards the Coronavirus has dealt us, spoken with several officials in Puerto Penasco and brainstormed dozens of ideas all in an effort to maintain the tradition we've all created together for 21 years.

At this time, it's no longer feasible to continue planning Circus Mexicus June 4-7, 2020 and are recommending everybody cancel all travel plans.  As difficult as this is to announce, we're confident it's in the best interest of everybody especially the citizens of Puerto Penasco and Northern Mexico.  Full refunds for tickets purchased will be issued this week.  If you'd like to learn how to support those in need in Puerto Penasco, we encourage you to visit and learn about the amazing work our friends at are doing. 

Having said that, we're very excited to announce Roger Clyne & The Peacemakers will be returning to Puerto Penasco not once, but twice in 2020!  The weekends will have a similar schedule and intimate vibe as our January Jam weekends, using both stages at Banditos and others around town to amplify the fun.  Grab your calendars and circle September 25-27, 2020 as well as November 20-22, 2020.  RCPM will return for January Jam MLK Weekend, January 15-17, 2021.

We encourage everybody to visit our friends at Las Palomas - or Bella Sirena - and book your condos now for these dates.  Ticket information and line up will be announced soon.

In the meantime, in lieu of a stage from where to work and play, we'll continue to gratefully accept support at our Venmo account @ RogerClyneandthePeacemakers as well as at  on Paypal.

Expect news soon regarding an RCPM Live Circus Mexicus Edition streaming event at in early June!  Can't wait that long?  Check out the Cinco de Mayo Edition Live concert with special guest appearances May 5th at 6pm PT (Arizona) at the same streaming website above.  

Thank you and Play On!
- Roger, PH, Nick & Jim

The US Department of Homeland Security Released a Report on the Effect of Humidity, Sunlight, and Temperature on Covid-19.


The US Department of Homeland Security released a report on the effect of humidity, sunlight, and temperature on Covid-19.
The government of the United States presented a report on its findings regarding the effects of high temperatures, humidity and sunlight on the Covid-19 coronavirus.
At a press conference from the White House, in which Donald Trump was present, the acting secretary of Science and Technology of the Department of Homeland Security, William Bryan, reported that according to tests and analysis carried out so far, the rays of the sun can kill the virus on surfaces in less than 2 minutes if it also has an ambient temperature of 75 degrees Fahrenheit (25 degrees Celsius) and humidity of up to 80 percent.
In his presentation, Bryan presented a table that shows the results of the variables (ultraviolet rays, humidity and temperature) regarding the "average life" of the virus, a term that refers to the time it takes for the virus to "divide" within a surface.
Under this premise, the US government has concluded that, at a temperature of 25 degrees and with 20 percent humidity, the "average life" of the covid-19 is 18 hours. If the variables are changed to a temperature of 25 degrees with 80 percent humidity, the time is reduced to 6 hours. At 35 degrees Celsius and 80 percent humidity, the virus would stay active for only an hour.
According to the report, the investigations are still ongoing and the findings to be ratified will be especially useful in exposing surfaces of all kinds, which in the face of high temperatures and ultraviolet rays would limit the life time of viruses.
Based on the report's emerging results, William Bryan indicated that new actions to combat the virus could be considered, such as increasing temperature and humidity levels inside buildings and outside.
In addition, he noted that increased sun exposure and the use of chlorine and alcohol for surface carving could also be considered.

What is the Real Truth and How/When Can We be Sure? 

As time goes on and new information comes to light, more and more people are exploring the covid-19 situation and questioning decisions, information sharing, constitutional abuses, and more. Certainly, hindsight is 20/20 and it was impossible in the beginning to predict how things would play out. But, now that more statistics are available, what can be changed sooner than later, and what can we learn in case something like this happens again? 

There are few subjects more important than the discussion of Health, Human Rights, Constitutional Rights, Truth, Media Manipulation, and Government Overreach. In an effort to tell both sides of the story, it is important that people look beyond the main outlets in media and the "official" sources of information and statistics. It is the right and truly the responsibility of every human being to research what they are being told and to form their opinions for themselves. 

Most of the time, there is no actual right and wrong, or black and white. It almost always turns out to be something in the middle, some shade of grey. Too often, the truth is discovered after whatever the situation is has ended. Sometimes the real truth never comes out at all or it comes out generations later. But again, it is up to each person to discover his or her own truth, and it is not OK for others to shame and belittle that opinion or try to force them to think a different way. We're all in this situation together, and we're all on this earth together, so it is time that we accept each other as different, and accept each as such. It's OK to feel strongly one way or the other, but it is not OK to shame someone or threaten violence against someone because they don't think like you do. Just be nice to each other. 

In the interest of sharing more viewpoints, here is some information for review. You may have seen it or not. You may agree or not. Maybe you prefer not to even look, and that's OK. We'll all be enjoying the beach again soon and this virus will be behind us. Yes, something else will come up in the future, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. 

Below is the full interview with Dr. Erickson. This has been removed several times by Youtube (for some reason...), As of the evening of April 30th, it is still working, but if the video is removed, search for Dr. Erickson full interview and you'll find it somewhere.  Here is another source:    It is long but an Interesting perspective. 



Potpourri - Short Shorts of All Sorts!
Sometimes so much is going on in our little slice of paradise by the sea that we can't address the many short subjects with proper attention. To handle the hodgepodge of dangling subject matter, we invented the Potpourri Page. Here are a few "short shorts" to keep you up to date.

Generous Person Matches Donations for Community Center
Hi All,

Hope this finds everyone healthy. Best to you and yours.
I have a donor for the community center that has graciously stepped up to match all donations until we reach $5000. I've agreed to handle oversight of the donations with Loly at the center. The center helps in many different ways in the community. If you choose to donate you may directly select what area you would like your donation applied too (ie: food, medical, etc) just go to "choose your designation". Here is the link if you are inclined.
Please feel free to pass this forward as we "share the love".
Thank you everyone in advance for your generosity,

City Reinforces Barriers with Air Surveillance 

In an ongoing effort to keep Rocky Point free of the covid-19 virus, the city has contracted an ultralight aircraft as well as offroad vigilance with the help of the offroad group, Road Koralillos. 

The increased surveillance through offroad vehicles, the ultralight aircraft, and ATVs was added due to the discovery of some failed attempts from people to avoid the highway checkpoint by taking paths through the desert to gain access to Puerto Penasco. 

Mayor Kiko Munro stated that in addition to offroad vehicles and aircraft, trenching has been done on the sides of various roads, reducing the chances of entering clandestinely.

"We have received citizen complaints of illegal entry of persons who have not respected the decrees and agreements. These attempts will not be tolerated and we will not let a few irresponsible people expose the city of more than 70 thousand inhabitants to the virus, "he said.

Emergency Siren Refurbished and Installed on City Hall

If you have heard a loud howling siren going off at 9:00pm and then again at 10:00pm, it is the newly refurbished emergency siren which has been installed on top of the City Hall building at the intersection of Blvd. Benito Juarez and Freemont. The siren had been taken down several years ago because it had become corroded and no longer functional. It has been in storage but was recently refurbished and replaced where it had been in the past. The long, loud sound surely brought back memories of some long time residents of Rocky Point. At this time, it is used to remind people of the city of the time that businesses are required to close and the time that the stay home curfew is in effect.

Chefs from Puerto Peñasco Distribute Food and Necessities to Vulnerable Families
A group of chefs and owners of different restaurants in Puerto Penasco, have come to the rescue of people with limited resources, as they joined together to prepare food and distribute it to those who need it most. Members of the Gastro 638 collective commented that in the face of the health contingency due to covid-19, many merchants were forced to close their businesses, which are their main source of income, prompting the need for a helping hand.
Members of the group say that there are times when they have distributed about 400 meals and needed items daily, however the amount varies every day. They plan to continue until the emergency ends. "We unite to support the most vulnerable families, those who were left without employment and we will continue until it is no longer needed" they said. "We use gloves, masks, being sure that we maintain adequate distances between workers so that the food arrives safely and in good condition".
Invititation to participate
Likewise, they call on society to assist in this activity by contributing provisions to help them in continuing to prepare dishes and provide this needed service. They also invite anyone in need to visit their facility or call to request some help. It is possible to eat at the facility or take food back home. The facilities are located on Silvestre Revueltas Street, in the Aurora neighborhood, and the phone number is (638) 115-0983.


Watch out for counterfeit $100 bills in Rocky Point

Several citizen complaints have come to the attention of the city administration regarding the circulation of false $100 US bills. The problem seems to be infrequent, but it is important to be on the lookout if you are offered one of the bills as payment or change. One company which has seen the bills used is Bodega Aurrera, on Benito Juarez, next to the Sam's Club. It is not likely that the public will be much affected by the large bills as they are seldom given as change from a purchase. But, if you notice one, please report it to the authorities. 

Santa Clause Club Cornhole Tournament Cancelled

The Cornhole Tournament which had been scheduled for May 9, is cancelled. Obviously, everyone needs to follow the directives of the City administration and we do not wish to take the chance of spreading the COVID-19 virus.

John Fowler, founder of the Santa Clause Club said that he has been receiving phone calls and e-mails asking how people can help the families in Penasco. With that in mind, he is still trying to salvage part of the tournament by having the raffle to raise funds for the families in the barrios. All money from this raffle will be given (100%) to the families. This is how you can help. Buy raffle tickets and be generous. John will see to it the families get the needed help.
Ticket prices are $2.00 each, 6 for $10.00, 13 for $20.00, 40 for $50.00 and new 100 for $100.00. Mail to John Fowler, 3702 N. 48th Place, Phoenix, AZ. 85018. This is a temporary address while John is in the USA. His regular address in Lukeville will be back in use when he returns to Rocky Point. Upon receipt of your donations, he will mail you your stubs and winnings.

John appreciates all the help over the years and said "Thank you once again for your generous donations to the Santa Claus Club. Without you we couldn't help all the children and families in the barrios of Puerto Penasco. We hope to see you all at the next tournament which is scheduled for OCTOBER 23, 24 and 25, 2020. Together we all will get through this and get back to the place we love, Puerto Penasco".

Tourism Minister Announces 300-Million-Peso Post-Virus Campaign
Miguel Torruco Marqués, head of Mexico's Ministry of Tourism, is hoping he can revive the tourism industry once the coronavirus epidemic has subsided. "In these times of health crisis, it is of utmost importance that as a country we send a message of unity and empathy to the world, and from today we focus on being ready for when the recovery phase begins," Torruco said.
To that end, the tourism minister announced a three-phase, 300-million-peso (US $12.68 million) marketing campaign to keep Mexico on the minds of potential visitors. The first, "immediate" phase revolves around the theme of "see you soon," including a sweeping YouTube video, the first of several the ministry has planned, promising potential visitors that Mexico will be waiting for visitors when they are ready to come back.
The journey is within us" is the theme of the second phase, where the marketing message will remain one of subtlety and empathy, as nations are expected to be emerging from the pandemic at different times. The final, "recovery" phase will be more of a hard sell and a call to action reminding people in those targeted markets that "Mexico needs you."

Helping Puerto Penasco in Crisis

The Puerto Peñasco lockdown has been officially extended to May 30th! The demand for food and other supplies will only increase between now and then. Help us help the most vulnerable families in the community during this critical time.
The coronavirus pandemic has led to border, school and business closures, all causing severe financial hardship for the families of Puerto Peñasco (Rocky Point), Mexico. While the local, state and federal government will do what they can to provide emergency assistance for families in need, they can't do it alone.
Steps of Love, a U.S based non-profit, and their partner AIM Peñasco, a local Mexican non-profit, have committed to temporarily shifting their mission focus from education to feeding those in need in the Rocky Point community until this crisis is behind us.
Steps of Love has been working with AIM Peñasco since 2016 to help young people in Rocky Point access educational opportunities that will lift them out of poverty and give them brighter futures. This partnership has always adhered to strict financial accountability and transparency, and we will remain just as committed during all crisis-related fundraising.
Since the pandemic was announced, we have been assisted in our fundraising efforts by Helping Puerto Peñasco in Crisis, a grassroots effort that has since evolved into a community collaboration. This group's ability to spread awareness has significantly helped the Steps of Love and AIM Peñasco team make a greater impact by increasing our capacity to provide more food to the thousands of people in urgent need in Rocky Point.
Donations to Steps of Love are tax deductible and will go directly to AIM Peñasco to purchase and distribute food. When safe to do so, we intend to return to our daily education operations. We are grateful for the support from both sides of the border during this unprecedented, challenging time.
Relief efforts will be focused on the following:

All food and supply donations received will be organized and packed into individual and family-sized packages. All funds raised will be designated to purchase food. These operations will follow COVID-19 safety guidelines and protocols.
Food boxes will be distributed to families throughout the community by arranging safe pick-ups at three different sites across the city or safe delivery to the family's home.
Steps of love is providing financial oversight for expenses.

Coronavirus Has Been Controlled, AMLO Says, Announces 10-point Plan

The coronavirus epidemic has been controlled in Mexico thanks to the containment measures put in place by health authorities and the public's general compliance with them, President López Obrador said on Sunday.
"We've been able to control the epidemic; instead of it taking off as has unfortunately happened in other places, the growth here has been horizontal and this has allowed us to prepare very well in order to have everything that is needed [in terms] of medical equipment and specialists," López Obrador said in a video message posted to social media.
The measures put in place to contain the spread of Covid-19 - such as the suspension of all nonessential activities - have ensured that hospitals have not been overwhelmed with coronavirus patients, he said.
López Obrador said that 70% of beds set aside for the treatment of Covid-19 patients are currently unoccupied, although some hospitals in Mexico City and Tijuana have seen the demand for their services increase significantly amid the worsening outbreak.
The president also said that his administration will provide financial assistance to thousands of low-income families so that they can add extra rooms to their homes, adding that a range of infrastructure projects such as roadworks and drainage repairs will be carried out in 50 highly marginalized municipalities. The projects will help to reactivate the coronavirus-battered economy, López Obrador said.
The president's remarks came a day after he announced a 10-point plan that he said would benefit all Mexicans, including those of the middle and upper classes.
In another video message, he acknowledged that Mexico's economy would take a hit from the coronavirus epidemic but pledged that the situation will improve quickly.
"There will be a quick return to normality ... to the wellbeing that matters to us most," López Obrador said.  
The 10-point plan that will allow that to happen, he said, consists of eliminating corruption; reducing government expenditure; guaranteeing people's freedoms; establishing an authentic rule of law; creating an environment of peace with justice; not raising taxes; not increasing the price of fuel; lowering interest rates; investing in infrastructure projects; and taking advantage of the new North American free trade agreement, which is set to take effect on July 1.
López Obrador again highlighted that his government will provide 3 million loans to poor and middle-class Mexicans to help them through the coronavirus-induced economic downturn and renewed his pledge to create 2 million new jobs this year.
The government will distribute a huge amount of money to citizens to strengthen domestic consumption, he said.
"The people must have money so that they can buy goods, above all essentials; food, clothes, whatever is most needed."

New North American trade agreement takes effect July 1

US announces it has completed its domestic procedures to implement the accord
The new North American free trade agreement will take effect on July 1, replacing the 26-year-old NAFTA.
The United States notified Mexico and Canada on Friday that it had completed the domestic procedures required to implement the new pact, the final step needed for the USMCA to enter into force.
Mexico advised its trade partners on April 3 that it had completed its own domestic requirements to implement the agreement while Canada did the same a day earlier on April 2.
The Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) said in a statement that the entry into force of the USMCA will mark "the beginning of a historic new chapter for North American trade by supporting more balanced, reciprocal trade, leading to freer markets, fairer trade and robust economic growth" across the region.
The agreement, the result of a lengthy and at times heated negotiation process that started during the presidency of Enrique Peña Nieto, contains "significant improvements and modernized approaches to rules of origin, agricultural market access, intellectual property, digital trade, financial services, labor, and numerous other sectors," the USTR said.
"These enhancements will deliver more jobs, provide stronger labor protections, and expand market access, creating new opportunities for American workers, farmers, and ranchers."
Jesús Seade, deputy foreign affairs minister for North America and the government's chief USMCA negotiator, expressed his satisfaction with the U.S. notification on Twitter.
"We are delighted with this fundamental step for the North American region! The USMCA is crucial for the three countries," he wrote.
"We could discuss a thousand things about the entry into force of the USMCA ... but let's not complicate things: the USMCA is a great instrument for the medium and long term, and a vital base for the ... relaunch of the economy after the Covid-19 crisis."
United States Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer said that "the crisis and recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic demonstrates that now, more than ever, the United States should strive to increase manufacturing capacity and investment in North America."
The entry into force of the USMCA, he added, "is a landmark achievement in that effort."

Puerto Penasco's First Privately Run Assisted Living Home to Open

A couple months ago, I posted a story about a local entrepreneur who had started a Home Health Care Service, sending qualified people to assist with elderly clients in their own homes. As his long term plan continues to materialize, the next phase has come to fruition. Enter Desert View live-in retirement home. Now clients can choose which option best suits them - care in their own homes, or care in an assisted living home. The company can also custom tailor a plan to fit each client's individual needs. Initially, space will be very limited in the new home, so if you or a loved one is looking for just such an opportunity, be sure to get in touch with Luis sooner than later. 
Here are the contact details - Email: MX phone: 638-116-1253

Desert View is the first assisted living home in Rocky Point for retired seniors who need assistance in one or more day to day activities, like bathing, dressing, eating, and moving or medication reminder. The house has liability insurance and certified nurses to take care of you.

The house has a patio for outdoor activities, a living room, dining area, kitchen and 2 semi private rooms for 2 adults each.

What we offer:
  • 24/ 7 care with nurse at home.
  • Housekeeping service.
  • Medication reminder.
  • Weekend trips to town and local activities.
  • Assistance in daily activities.
  • 3 daily hot and healthy meals.
Services include:
  • Cable TV. TV in the living room and also in the bedrooms.
  • Wi-Fi
  • Air conditioning.
  • Hot water.
  • Car and travel service to Doctor´s appointments.
  • Weekly indoor activities: movies, games and art classes.
  • Exercise and wellness activities.
Before moving in with us:
In order to provide a healthy and comfortable environment for everybody, before you move in with us it is required that we work with you on the following:
  • Medical evaluation of the resident
  • Contact info and assessment of special needs, to arrange with our staff and your medical care provider.
  • Bedrooms are semi furnished, so you will need to bring your own bed and furniture of special meaning to you.
The monthly cost starts at $1,500 USD for each adult in a semi private room. In the future the house will have 6 individual rooms, so you will have the option to move to a private room.

Thief Steals Phone of Mother Whose Son Traded Toys for Food

Other citizens were supportive; the family had food to give away after
There was plenty of support for a young boy in Tijuana who decided to trade his toys for food, but a thief prevented the story from having a happy ending.
Alexis decided to trade his toys for food outside their home over the weekend after his mother, Yisell Ortiz Vega, lost her job due to the coronavirus shutdown.
"As my mom isn't working anymore, I was worried, and I have two grandparents. My grandfather is elderly and can't see and they were going to operate on his eyes, but they cancelled it because of the coronavirus," said Alexis.
Although many of Ortiz's neighbors took the opportunity to help out a family in need, one man decided to take advantage of the situation.
Claiming to be an engineer, the man asked to use Ortiz's cell phone to send the location to a friend who could bring food to trade for the toys. But once he had the phone in hand, he took off running.
On the other hand, the story brought Alexis' family so much help they decided to share what they were given with others in a similar situation.
Alexis isn't the only one to resort to bartering in order to get by in the extenuating economic circumstances resulting from the crisis. Street vendors in Baja California Sur have also turned to trading directly for food without tourists to keep their sales going.

Bank of Mexico Releases 20-Peso Coin Celebrating Founding of Veracruz

The 20-peso banknote will eventually be phased out
A new 20-peso coin that commemorates the 500th anniversary of the founding of the port city of Veracruz is now in circulation, the Bank of México said on Wednesday.
Made out of nickel, silver, bronze and aluminum, the coin is dodecagonal - that is, it has 12 sides. The coin is slightly smaller, thinner and lighter than previously-minted, completely round 20-peso coins.
It has a diameter of 30 millimeters, a thickness of 2.4mm and weighs just under 12.7 grams whereas 20-peso coins that have been put into circulation over the last 27 years measure 32mm from side to side, are 2.75mm thick and tip the scales at almost 16 grams.
The reverse side of the coin features images of the original Veracruz town hall (still in use as the municipal palace) and a 16th-century ship reminiscent of the one on which Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés sailed to the Gulf coast in 1519. The words "500 years of the foundation of the city and port of Veracruz" encircle the coin's perimeter.
Like all of Mexico's coins, the obverse side of the new one features Mexico's coat of arms - an eagle perched on a prickly pear cactus devouring a rattle snake. Mexico's official name, Estados Unidos Mexicanos, or the United Mexican States, is embossed on the top half of the coin's obverse side perimeter.
The new coin has security features that its predecessors of the same denomination don't have including a "micro-inscription" of "500 VERACRUZ" and a "latent image" of the number 20 that can only be seen if the coin is tilted.
For the time being, the new 20-peso coin and the 20-peso banknote will exist side by side but the central bank plans to phase out the latter.
The Bank of México's announcement that the new coin had entered circulation comes just days after it confirmed that the release of the new 100-peso note will go ahead as planned in the second half of the year.
The bank announced in 2018 that it intended to release a new family of bills that pay homage to Mexico's historical identity and natural heritage.
A new 500-peso note was released in August 2018 and a new 200-peso bill was put into circulation last September. A new 50-peso note is scheduled for release in 2022.

Amid pandemic, debate rages in Mexico: is beer essential?

Perhaps one of the most heated debates in Mexico during the pandemic - after disagreements about personal protective equipment and testing - is the burning issue of whether beer should be considered an "essential" item during the lockdown.

"Beer supplies should be guaranteed, because beer helps people get through quarantine on better terms," the National Alliance of Small Business said in a press statement.

After Mexico ordered the closure of most "non-essential" industries in late March, including the country's major breweries, the prospect of a looming shortage of brew turned into a heated disagreement within the government.
First, on April 6, the Agriculture Department sent a letter to major breweries that could be read as inviting them to restart production.

That drew a swift rebuke from the government's coronavirus point man, assistant health secretary Hugo López-Gatell.
"All I can say is that this was a mistake and it's going to be corrected," López-Gatell said of the letter. "There are general orders from health authorities suspending all work activities except the essential ones, which are clearly spelled out in the Health Council's decree of March 31, and they do not include the production or distribution of beer."
The very next day, the Agriculture Department issued a statement saying it had never meant to authorize re-opening the breweries. Instead, the department said, it was only trying to encourage breweries to keep buying Mexican farmers' barley crops.

"The Agriculture Department's role in this case, is clearly to encourage the industry to buy the crop, because farmers don't have the capacity to store the grain," the department said.

The beer industry chamber, while it declined to comment on the debate, is pushing the idea of home delivery of existing stocks of suds. Some breweries have taken advantage of their unused plants to produce hand-sanitizer, or have made other contributions to hospitals.

But the business chamber representing Mexico's smaller craft brewers said a survey suggest 45% of small brewers think they could go under if the lock-down lasts 3 months.

The government's strict stance also isn't convincing the small business chamber, which said that 40% of small shops' total sales volume is beer.

"At this time of social isolation and unbearable heat, the demand for beer is more than obvious, and it also makes staying at home more bearable," the association said. "Living together all day for a month will have consequences, and in this context the consumption of beer at home acts as a relaxing substance."

"Forced to live crowded together at home with high temperatures and small spaces m ake it harder to comply with the quarantine, which along with the (hot) seasonal effect makes consumption of beer essential as a refreshing and relaxing beverage."

Sergio Soto, who runs a tiny store packed-to-the-gills with household essentials, including beer, in Mexico City's Roma neighborhood, said Wednesday he was worried about the breweries stopping production.
Sparkling fridges packed with Grupo Modelo's most popular brands line one wall and he said beer was a significant portion of his daily sales.

He buys beer at Mexico City's sprawling wholesale market, but said there wasn't a fixed price. He estimated that he already had to pay as much as 40% more for beer wholesale since the production stoppage was announced. He worried that wholesalers would try to take advantage of the situation to gouge small retailers like himself.
He asked how he would be able to sell beer to his customers if his suppliers kept raising the price.
"It affects us," he said. "I'm worried."

Polvorones: Mexican Wedding Cookies

These delicate shortbread-style cookies-made with chopped, roasted pecans, and rolled in powdered sugar-are an elegant addition to any fiesta. They look beautiful by themselves or arranged with darker-color treats on an elegant cookie tray.
Where the English name came from is a mystery, for while these cookies certainly are popular in Mexico, I'm not familiar of an association with weddings. Their name in Spanish is polvorones, which translates very loosely to crumbly or powdery, an accurate description of their texture.
Less mysterious, however, is the fact that buttery, nutty treats very similar to these are known the world over and are called by names such diverse as pecan balls, Russian tea cakes, snowdrops, Italian butter nuts, Southern pecan butterballs, pecan sandies, Swedish tea cakes, Viennese sugar balls, and more. When growing up, our Mother made something similar and called them snowballs.

The story is that originally these cookies were discovered in Andalusia, dating back to the 16th Century. Like most famous traditional dishes, Polvorones were created due to the excess of certain ingredients. For these delicious cookies, it was the abundance of lard and cereal.
The sweet biscuits did not become popular in Spain until 1870. A woman named La Colchona made improvements to the already established recipe. She dried the flour to ensure the cookies lasted for more days. Thus, more importantly, this technique created the the harder outer shell of the cookie with a soft crumble in the middle.
La Colchona was advised to give the Polvorones to her husband. He worked as a driver from Estepa, a small town to the east of Sevilla, Spain. He would regularly drive to the near-by town of Cordoba (a now popular city to visit in southern Spain). He began to sell the Polverones in the local square in Cordoba. Thus, creating the start of the commercialization of this famous custom.
Eventually, the cookies made their way to Mexico, and they have been popular ever since. Today, they can be found all around the world with few differences in much but their name. 

Total: 35 mins
Prep: 15 mins
Cook: 20 mins
Yield: 4 dozen cookies (serves 12)

1 1/2 cup butter (room temperature)
1 1/2 cups powdered sugar (divided)
3 teaspoons vanilla extract
3 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt (divided)
1/2 cup pecans (chopped and roasted)
How to make them:
Preheat the oven to 350 F/177 C.
Place the butter, 3/4 cup of the powdered sugar, and vanilla in a large mixing bowl. Stir vigorously, or beat with an electric mixer at medium-high speed until completely combined.
In a separate bowl, combine flour and 1/4 teaspoon of the salt.
Add the flour to the butter about 1/2 cup at a time, beating well after each addition, until well incorporated.
Carefully fold in the nuts.
Take a small amount of dough, and roll it into a 1- to 2-inch ball. Place it on a on a lightly greased cookie sheet.
Repeat with more dough, leaving about 2 inches of space between balls. Bake for about 15 minutes.
Stir together the rest of the powdered sugar and salt.
After taking cookies out of the oven, roll them one by one in this mixture.
Place on rack to cool. If desired, roll cookies in sugar again once they have cooled completely.
Serve and enjoy!
Store your buttery Mexican Wedding Cookies in an airtight container. While tasty right away, they are even more delicious the day after they are made.

These cookies can be successfully frozen for several weeks if tightly-wrapped, so they are a great choice for a make-ahead treat.

To roast the pecans: Place pecan halves or pieces on an ungreased cookie sheet and bake at 350 F/178 C for 8 to 10 minutes, stirring once or twice during that time. Keep an eye on them, as nuts tend to burn easily. Cool pecans completely before chopping.
Ambitious Project Releases Film about Life, Culture and People of Mexico

A new short documentary about the people of Mexico has been released as part of an ambitious film project that aims to highlight people's commonalities as human beings, rather than their differences as citizens of separate countries.
Discover Humanity is a worldwide film project that will shine a spotlight on every single country across the globe. The Mexico episode is number 10 of 199.
Project founders Manos Mitikas and Denéa Buckingham said that Discovering Humanity "arose from our shared realization that we harbor blind prejudices for foreign cultures often simply due to a lack of information."
"Our differences matter, but our humanity matters more," states the narrator of the short trailer to the series, first released in December 2018. The attitude set the stage for the tone of the documentaries.
The first half of the Mexico episode shows high-quality shots of folk artists, dancers, cooks, musicians and other Mexicans with explanatory narrations and texts about practices unique to the country.

Mexico | Discover Humanity [Episode 10]
Mexico | Discover Humanity [Episode 10]

For the second half of the episode, the filmmakers asked several Mexican people, "What message would you like to send to the rest of the world?" and the interviews reveal hope and good intentions for the future and their fellow human beings.
"For your own satisfaction, be considerate, be attentive ... and see each other as the brothers and sisters we are," says a retired woman named Paz.
"Beyond our borders, I think that all of us are still human beings," says Alma, a teacher, echoing the principal theme of the project.
A few of the interviews were even done in some of the dozens of indigenous languages native to Mexico.
"I take this chance to invite the world ... to consider our thoughts and actions so that all people can live well in this world," says Juan, a woodcarver from Yucatán, in his native Mayan dialect.
There are other interviewees who speak Mayan and one who answers the question in the Mazatec language of northwestern Oaxaca and parts of Puebla and Veracruz. The episode is narrated in Spanish, but English subtitles are available.
The series began with a documentary about Haiti and has so far covered Guatemala, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Serbia, Bulgaria, Cyprus and Kosovo. All episodes can be found on the Discover Humanity website.

Let me know if you would like links to any of the earlier ones. (Almost 10 years worth)
Sonoran Sky Resort

Sonoran Sun Resort

Sonoran Sea Resort

Sonoran Spa Resort

Just for the fun of it...


Sonoran Sky 410   
4 Bedroom Luxury End Unit     
These end units have a wonderful terrace that wraps all the way around the front and side of the condo allowing beachfront views as well as views all the way down the beach from Old Port to Cholla Bay. The condo is imaculate and decorated beautifully with a fun beachfront theme. Pride of ownership is very obvious in this fantastic condo. If there ever was a condo that you had to see in person, this is the one. Don't wait to come see it. Call or stop by the Sky Sales Office soon and ask one of our agents for a tour. 
You'll be glad you did!       

 Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sea W610
1 Bedroom West Building 

 Link to Listing    
Beautiful condo and priced to sell quickly. Add Seller financing to that, and you've got a sure winner here. This condo has the very best beachfront views and the extended pations of the Sonoran Sea give you an even larger area for entertaining or to enjoy all by yourself. This condo can provide an excellent rental income and would be a fantastic investment - or just keep it all for your own personal use. Either way, you can't go wrong on this one. Call or stop by and talk with one of our Sales Representatives today! You'll be glad you did.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sun E705
2 Bedroom East Building 


This condo is ready to go and has views that will be the envy of all your friends. Check out this beautiful, fully furnished, two bedroom oceanfront condo at the Sonoran Sun Resort. Seventh floor location gives fantastic views down the beach and plenty of privacy. Easy access to beach, pools, Jacuzzis, store, restaurant, etc. Condo is in terrific condition. You may want to keep this beautiful condo all for  yourself, but it could be a great vacation rental as well. The price is right and you need to see this beauty.  
Call or stop by our Sonoran Sun Sales Office today! 

This condo must be seen to be appreciated.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Spa N202
1 Bedroom, 1 Bath


Check out this beautiful, fully furnished, one bedroom condo at the Sonoran Spa Resort. Center location gives best ocean views and 2nd floor makes it an easy walk-up when the elevators are busy. Condo is in terrific condition and fully remodeled in a modern style. Stainless appliances and turn-key ready to go. You may want to keep this beautiful condo all for  yourself, but it could be a great vacation rental as well. The price is right and you need to see this beauty. 

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sun E409
3 Bedroom Custom Design
$600,000 - New More  Aggressive  Price!


Stop by to check out this fantastic listing at the Sonoran Sun Resort. This condo has been completely remodeled and uniquely upgraded from the ground up and it is absolutely beautiful. There is no other condo like it and you are sure to be impressed by the beauty of the condo as well as the breathtaking beachfront views. The owner spared no expense to make this condo fabulous. Come see this one before it's too late. You will be glad that you did. 
Fully furnished and turn-key ready to go. This condo has not been used as a rental but would make a terrific rental investment - or simply keep it all to yourselves. Call or visit to receive more information and to tour this beautiful condo.

CALL TODAY: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Sky 1109
3 Bedroom, 3 Bath Luxury Condo


Beautifully furnished luxury 3 bedroom beachfront condo at the Sonoran Sky Resort. Fully furnished and turnkey ready to go. Assumable developer financing available. Never used as a rental. This one is  getting alot of attention so act quickly and don't miss out on this fantastic bargain.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sun W801  
3BR End Unit   

This condo must be seen to be appriciated. Beachfront views are spectacular. Very nicely furnished, turnkey ready to go. This end unit condo has the wrap around terrace, giving much more room to enjoy and adding to the views.
Energy saving window tinting, upgraded window coverings, stainless appliances, and more. Too many upgrades to list. Lots of interest in this condo already so don't wait too long. Give us a call or stop by the on-site sales office today! 

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Spa W806 + Garage  
2 Bedroom Top Floor  

Penthouse level two bedroom beauty at the Spa for sale. Very nicely furnished and turnkey ready to go. This condo comes with a large garage and the trust is already in an Arizona LLC. Save money and quick close. Come and see this one before its gone. Call us today for an appointment!

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sky 609 
3 Bedroom 3 Bath Luxury 

 This condo is beautifully furnished and total luxury combined with a great price makes this one a must-see condo. Ready to go for your family or for a great rental income. An aggressive price and motivated Sellers make this one a sure bet. Contact one of our Agents for more details. Come see this one today! 

 Call Today for Information or to Schedule a Tour


Sonoran Sun W410  
1 Bedroom West Building   

Fantastic beachfront views are just the beginning for this fabulous condo. Unbelievable rental income and luxury, beautiful furnishings make it a sure win. This condo is ready to go and owners have even decided to offer seller financing. Keep it as a rental for income or just keep it for yourself and your family. Either way, you can't go wrong with this beauty. 

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sun E304 
2 Bedroom, 2 Bath 

This is a very special two bedroom condo at the Sonoran Sun and won't last long. If you're looking for great rental income, this is a must-see condo for you. And, the owners keep it in top shape, earning loyalty and many return visits from renters. Positioned perfectly for fantastic beach front views right at palm tree height. If you are looking for a truly turn-key beauty, this is it.  Great price. Great views. Seller financing available. Ready to go. This condo is a home run. Come take a look!

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sea E904  
2 Bedroom, 2 Bath, East Building


Views, Views, Views. Fantastic price for this 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo at the Sea. Fully furnished and ready to go. Seller will offer attractive financing with a price of $319,900. Don't let this one pass you by. Call today.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Spa N701  
1 Bedroom End Unit 

Not many condos like this one come available these days, especially at this price. Being an end unit means an extra side door with double the fantastic views. This condo is super nice and is very nicely decorated and turn-key ready to go. You can't go wrong with this one. Don't wait. See this one today. 
Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sky 103 
2 Bedroom Ground Floor  
This is an opportunity that just doesn't come around very often. A fantastic, ground-floor two bedroom at the Sonoran Sky Resort for $469,000. Really? What's the catch? No catch, just hurry on over to take a look. This condo rents as well as any that we have seen and it is a money making rental machine. Also, fully furnished luxury and priced to sell quickly. 
What are you waiting for?

You need to check this one out soon. Call or visit for more details.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Spa E210 
3 Bedroom East Building 


  This condo truly has it all. Great beachfront views, beautifully furnished, upgrades throughout, turn-key ready to move in. This would make an excellent rental, with people requesting it again and again. Or, keep it as a non-rental and enjoy the beautiful condo all to yourselves. The choice is yours but you'll need to act quickly. It has already been very popular with our salespeople.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sky 1403
2 Bedroom Beachfront Luxury


If you're looking for a model-perfect, beach-front, turn-key, total luxury condo at the Sonoran Sky for a great price, look no further. This condo is absolutely amazing and you really need to come and take a look for yourself if you're considering investing in a wonderful vacation/investment property. Views go on forever and this would make an excellent rental as well. Don't wait.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sun E801
3 Bedroom with Wraparound Terrace


This is an unbelievable listing with a great price, many upgrades, and absolutely unbelievable views from the huge wraparound terrace. This fantastic 3 bedroom, 2 bath end-unit condo boasts many upgrades, updated furniture and appliances, and a wraparound terrace with beach and ocean views forever. Excellent rental history. You need to see this one for yourself. Call for details or to schedule a tour. You need to act fast on this special deal.

Come see for yourself.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sea E710  
1 Bedroom Top Floor  


Great top-floor beauty with possible financing available. Panoramic views down the beach in both directions. Fully furnished and ready to enjoy. This could be a great rental - perfect for your family.  Call our office for more details. This condo can be your dream come true. Come take a look for yourself.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sea E410
1 Bedroom, East Building


This is a great price on a fantastic condo at the Sea. The views from this condo are nothing short of spectacular. Completely furnished and turn-key ready to go. Nicely decorated and shows very well. Great rental income potential and priced to sell quickly. 
Come and see this one today before it's too late.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Spa W708
2 Bedroom, 2 Bath, Huge Terrace 

This is one of those condos that just don't come on the market very often. There are only two at the resort with this floorplan and this one has been renovated and upgraded to look like new. Just imagine what you could do with the huge terrace, overlooking the beach and the Sea of Cortez. There is also an outside BBQ area, which is a treat in itself as very few condos are allowed to have them. Click the link to see more photos and then come on down to see this one. Once it's gone, it's gone, and there is no telling when or even if another like it will come up for sale. 

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sky 806
1 B R Luxury Condo



Absolute luxury at the prestigious Sonoran Sky Resort. the Nautical theme in this condo is as unique as it is beautiful and it is an absolute one of a kind original. This is the ONLY one bedroom condo for sale at the Sky and it will make a great rental, or keep it all for yourselves. Really is a must see to appreciate beauty.This condo is ready to go and it can be yours. Contact one of our Agents for more information.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sea E302
2 Bedroom, 2 Bath


Beautiful fully furnished condo for sale with very good terms available. This condo has been a good rental property and it is turn-key ready to go. The beachfront views are exceptional and it is priced to sell. Come see this great condo today! 

Call Today: 602-476-7511 

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Jim Ringquist
Sonoran Sales Group