August 2020 

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Welcome to August! Despite everything that has been going on over the past several months, this year does seem to be going by very fast. They all do these days, but this is the first time that it seems kind of OK to just let it go, move on and get things back to normal. The weather has been pretty hot, as can be expected during this time of year, and the humidity has been up and down, but overall it has been pretty decent. August usually brings in a bit more humidity and makes it that much more important to stay in the pool, the ocean, or the AC while enjoying your time here. 

The good news there is that you CAN get into the ocean, the pool, or the AC while enjoying your time here. The latest round of protocols have opened beaches and the ocean to use again- with restrictions, of course. There are several other changes that will continue to open up entertainment options on the table again as well, but you'll need to read on in order to see the list of options and the restrictions that obviously need to go along with them. 

Things have been pretty quiet since tourists and owners have been able to come back to town, but there has been a steady flow of people and those who have been here, certainly received special treatment, as they were considered the returning royalty that will bring this town back to life again. Now that the beaches are open, we do expect things to pick up more and more until, hopefully soon, this virus will just be a bad memory as life here gets back to the wonderful normal that so many have learned to love.

If you can, please try to visit in the near future, both so that you can relax and unwind in this beautiful setting, but also to help support the local businesses, citizens, and to help bring us back to the thriving vacation paradise that we were just a few months ago, and will be again in the very near future. Of course, it is impossible to overstate the importance of following all health, hygiene, and safety protocols put in place by the city administration. And, please, always use common sense and be nice to your fellow humans. 

Enjoy this beautiful month, come to Rocky Point if you can, and if you need anything don't hesitate to ask. Let me put my experience and expertise to work for you, and re member, as always, I've been here full-time for 13 years and I am more than happy to help you with whatever you need, whether Sonoran Resorts related or not.
Just give me a call or send me an email any time and I will do my very best to help you. If I can't help you myself, I'm sure that I can point you in the right direction and help find you someone who can. 

 Please check out some of our condos for sale along the right column.
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Jim Ringquist

Broker/Sales Director
Sonoran Resorts   Spa - Sea - Sun - Sky

Tourist Assistance Unit Advisory Committee (Tourist Police)

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I do get email requests each month asking me to add someone to my list. While I certainly don't mind doing so, all you really need to do is click Join Newsletter Mailing List , add the email address, and it will happen automatically. Not to worry - I will not spam you or share your email address, and you will only receive one email-newsletter each month on the 1st.
Peñasco's Plan to Reopen Beaches August 1st

With inclusion of Federal "Technical Health Safety Guidelines", the city of Puerto Peñasco has presented its Work Plan for the reopening of beaches on August 1st. This is based on the state guide for building a new normality due to Covid-19.

Puerto Peñasco mayor Kiko Munro detailed the plan, developed by the Office on Ecology and Sustainable Development along with the Federal Maritime Land Zone and the local Clean Beach Committee, provides guidelines for beach and recreational use of Playa Hermosa, Cholla Bay, and other spots, adding the beach in front of Manny's Beach Club in the Mirador will be regulated by Blue Flag Covid-19 protocols, as it recently earned Blue Flag status.
In General
Hours: Exercising along the beach will be possible from 6 am - 8 am, as well as 5 pm - 7 pm. Recreational use of beaches in general will be from 8 am - 7 pm.
Use of masks is mandatory for entry to beach and when interacting with beach vendors or others. Mask use not necessary in water, or within individual space on beach.
Groups must not exceed 10 in accordance with Federal social distancing recommendations.
People are asked to bring a plastic bag or container in order to remove all trash.
Glass bottles (for alcohol or otherwise) will not be allowed, as Covid-19 can remain on glass for up to 3 days, plus glass is one of the most frequent types of trash left on area beaches. Cigarette butts, which may retain saliva, must also be disposed of separately.
Playa Hermosa
Marcia Ortega, General Director for the Municipal Clean Beach Committee, along with local ZOFEMAT director César García, explained access to Playa Hermosa will include health monitoring and controls that have been in place at the entry filter to Puerto Peñasco. This will include limited access based on capacity, as well as tides.
The only access to Playa Hermosa will be the northern entrance known as "Bajada de los Guardado". This entry point will include a sanitary tunnel, thermal cameras, antibacterial gel, random rapid tests, and other health protocols.
People will be dispersed along the 800 meter stretch of Playa Hermosa, which will be divided into 4 sections. There will be a registry of the number of tents and shades - which must not exceed 5 people per tent, and groups in general must not exceed 10 in accordance with Federal social distancing recommendations.
Rental and individual tents/umbrellas will be set up in checkerboard form, with at least 3 meters between them. People are asked to bring a plastic bag or container in order to remove all trash. When leaving the beach, a special container will be provided by authorities for separate disposal of gloves and masks.
Sandy Beach
Each resort / hotel will be responsible for ensuring compliance with social distancing guidelines issued by the Federal government. In addition, they must make sure there is no agglomeration of people and monitor capacity along their beach front, reporting any incidents to corresponding authorities.
El Mirador
The entry points to Mi Playa, Nayarit and Morelos will remain closed, only access ways will be through Manny's Beach Club and Pitahaya. Protocols established under the international Blue Flag guidelines will apply to the beach in front of Manny's Beach Club.
East beaches
For the beaches of Miramar, San Jorge, Playa Encanto, Las Conchas, Morua Estuary, the area beyond Tessoro, oyster farm area, (as well as Cerro Prieto to the west), ongoing monitoring routes to be in effect, and support requested from private safety staff. These beaches do not generally represent large crowds given their distance from the city center and difficult access. Maximum groups of 10 people, following Federal guidelines.
La Cholla
Access to be controlled at Public Safety booth located at entry to Cholla, preventive closures to take place depending on capacity and tides. Maximum groups of 10 people at Cholla estuary, Cholla Bay, Pelican Point. Social distancing between individual tents and vehicles.
Beach Vendors
Beach vendors and beach goers in general must carry a plastic bag/container to remove waste from beach.
Beach vendor entry: 6 am - 8 am Exit: 6 pm - 7 pm; mandatory use of masks (nose/mouth coverings), social distancing between clients and stand, use of antibacterial gel for vendors and clients, mandatory hand washing system, mandatory use of some type of mechanism to ensure social distancing, no waiters or attendants permitted, maximum one assistant per cart (must stay with cart), ongoing cleaning of chairs, tables, and lounge chairs, mandatory use of recipient for cigarette butts/ashtrays. Vendors may not remain in same place for too long

Municipal Council of Health and Safety Approves Phase 6 of the Plan "Peñasco Activates"

At the twelfth extraordinary meeting of the Municipal Health and Safety Council, held on July 28, the members approved phase 6 of the "Peñasco Activates" Plan via video virtual conference as the next step in reopening Penasco while following preventive measures to avoid contagion and spread of the Covid-19 virus, reported Mayor Kiko Munro.
The Mayor of Puerto Peñasco thanked members of the collegiate body for their participation in continuing to reactivate the economy of Puerto Peñasco by applying health and safety protocols to reopen different activities considered non-essential, while always taking care of the health of the population in the face of the global pandemic.
"We call for the co-responsibility of all the establishments that we have given them the confidence to reactivate their economy, as well as, we exhort the people of Rocky Point not to lower their guard in order to continue to reduce the number of infections, since the participation of the Citizenship is essential to confront and fight against the Covid-19, "said Kiko Munro.
The activities approved by the Health and Safety Council in this phase 6 of the "Peñasco se Activa" Plan are:
1.- Unanimous approval of the proposal for the reopening of "Cinemas", starting on August 15, considering the following criteria:
* Operate at 25% of its maximum capacity;
* Owner and / or person responsible must sign a Letter of Commitment before the Municipal Economic Development Department;
* Completion of the Training Course given by the Civil Protection Directorate;
* Fully comply with previously established safety and hygiene protocols, such as: healthy distance, use of antibacterial gel, use of gloves, installation of acrylic shields, installation of sanitizing mat, among others;
* Preferably pre-sell tickets through applications or electronic means,
* Comply with the Health and Safety Guidelines and Norms established specifically for each business.
2.- Unanimous approval of the preventive and security measure against the spread and spread of the COVID-19 Virus, referring to the random application of Rapid Tests for the detection of the Virus, to 10% of reservations in each Hotel or Condominium.
3.- Approval by majority of the preventive and security measure against the spread and spread of the COVID-19 Virus, referring to the application of Rapid Tests for the detection of the Virus, randomly to 1 person on board in each 5th vehicle that enter through the Sanitary Filter, as of August 1.
Note: All those residents of Puerto Peñasco, Sonora are excluded from this security measure, as well as those that lives or work outside the Sanitary Filter and that has regular access every day.
4.- Unanimous approval of the proposal for the reopening of shops for the sale and distribution of "Expendios" (beer stores) Alcoholic Beverages, within the Municipality of Puerto Peñasco. This proposal will enter into force after authorization by the General Directorate of Alcoholic Beverages of the State of Sonora; considering the following criteria:
* Owner and / or person responsible must sign a Letter of Commitment before the Municipal Economic Development Department;
* Completion of the Training Course given by the Civil Protection Directorate;
* Fully comply with previously established safety and hygiene protocols, such as: healthy distance, use of antibacterial gel, use of gloves, installation of acrylics, installation of sanitizing mat, among others; and
* Comply with the Guidelines and Safety and Health Standards established by the General Directorate of Alcoholic Beverages of the State of Sonora.
5.- Unanimous approval of the proposal for the expansion of accommodation in Hotels, Motels and Condominiums, starting on August 1 as follows:
* Hotels and Motels, operate at 60% of its capacity.
* Condos, villas and the like, operate at 80% of their capacity.
6.- Unanimous approval of the proposal for the extension of service hours in Restaurants and Bar Restaurants, until 22:00 (10;00 pm) hours, including the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages. This proposal will enter into force after authorization by the General Directorate of Alcoholic Beverages of the State of Sonora.

Call Center, Evaluation, and Free Medication Package Available for Local Residents

The Government of Puerto Peñasco started the Covid-19 Health Contingency Call-Center program, which offers a telephone line to support questions and concerns of the population who present symptoms of the virus. This program is intended to allow dissemination of information and guidance in seeing medical care if needed.
The Mayor of Puerto Peñasco explained that the decision of the municipal administration to make 4 Covid-19 orientation telephone lines available came from the many questions and doubts from local residents. Now, through trained personnel from the Citizen Attention department it is easily possible to directly contact a professional you can share information and advice for the treatment of the virus.

The phone number for assistance in the Call Center is (638) 383-6620, with four lines available, and hours of operation from Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 3 pm. It is also possible to email to .

The protocol once the care is taken is to fill out a health questionnaire by telephone. In the event of negative apparent symptoms, monitoring of symptoms, use of a face mask, hand washing and preferably the use of gloves and glasses will be recommended.

In cases of probable or very probable symptoms of the virus, immediate isolation is recommended along use of face masks if you live with others. At that time, personnel from the Municipal Health Coordination will be sent for an in-person review. If symptoms suggest covid-19, the delivery of a free anti-Covid-19 kit will be delivered after confirmation.

In addition to the possible effects of the virus, these times often cause cases of anxiety, depression, or other types of psychological stress. Another hotline can also assist with the support of the CAPA units of Penasco. Numbers available are: (638) 388-8240; Municipal Institute of Women, IMM (638) 388-6206, (638) 105-5023; and the Puerto Peñasco DIF System (638) 383-6145.

Mayor Kiko Munro reported that this new health strategy is added to 300 free anti-Covid-9 medicine kits or packs that can be delivered to patients who are diagnosed with the disease, in addition to escalating rapid tests for citizens, tracking contacts, quarantines, installation of a PCR testing machine for randomly chosen visitors at the checkpoint, as well as other health and safety protocols.

"Any citizen who contracts the virus and is assessed by an examination and a prescription to fill the medication, the municipal government will guarantee them a Covid-19 kit of the 300 available, which includes: 1 facemask, 1 box of Ivermectin, 1 Azithromycin box, 2 Paracetamol boxes, and a bottle of antibacterial gel ".

The mayor of Puerto Peñasco urged citizens not to let their guard down, to wear face masks, wash their hands every 20 minutes, apply mobility protocols, and stay home when not carrying out essential activities.

Sonora Downgraded to "Orange" on National Covid-19 Traffic Light System 

The undersecretary of Prevention and Health Promotion, Hugo López-Gatell, recently presented an updated edition of an epidemiological traffic light in Mexico, where 18 entities are in red and 14 in orange.
The states in red are: Baja California Sur, Coahuila, Nuevo León, Tamaulipas, Zacatecas, San Luis Potosí, Jalisco, Nayarit, Colima, Querétaro, Guanajuato, Hidalgo, Puebla, Tabasco, Veracruz, Yucatán, Quintana Roo and Oaxaca.
The orange states are: Baja California, Sonora, Sinaloa, Chihuahua, Durango, Aguascalientes, Michoacán, Guerrero, State of Mexico, Mexico City, Morelos, Tlaxcala, Chiapas and Campeche.
The traffic light system is used as a general national reference to the seriousness of current infections from covid-19, and Sonora has moved from the Red category into the lower category of Orange. It is highly recommended that residents and visitors remain vigilant and continue to follow all health, safety, and sanitation protocols.
The traffic light change was made effective as of Monday, July 20.

Director of Epidemiology José Luis Alomía presented data at the Health Ministry's coronavirus press briefing showing that estimated new case numbers declined 43% between epidemiological weeks 27 and 28, Alomía said.
Penasco Generates More than 22 Million Pesos from Tourism Since Beginning Gradual Reopening

Since beginning the gradual reopening of this town on June 16th, the tourist destination of Puerto Peñasco has generated an economic gain of over 22 million pesos. Rocky Point heavily relies on tourism as its economic life blood and through the strategic plan "Peñasco Activa " the plan has been largely successful, reported the mayor Kiko Munro.
The Mayor of Puerto Peñasco assured that tourism service providers have been very respectful and responsible for the health and safety, while maintaining the strict prevention actions that the economic reactivation plan has arranged, along with the support and trust of the state government, in providing access while providing certainty to the tourist when choosing the destination to visit.
"We have been very responsible as a government and society by taking care of the health and safety of Puerto Peñasco first and always," said the mayor, "which has allowed us to gradually reactivate the economy with strict entry protocols for our city and destination in the areas of certified accommodation, as well as the restaurant industry, and tourism service providers. It is clear that the covid situation is a long term problem and required realistic, long term solutions.
Kiko Munro explained that from June 16 to today, over 30,000 visitors have visited Puerto Peñasco, based on data provided by the Puerto Peñasco Convention and Visitors Office (OCV), while complying with the health protocols arranged by members of the Municipal Committee Health and Safety, such as the use of facemasks, application of antibacterial gel, maintaining a healthy distance, use of thermal cameras, ozonation systems, sanitation tunnels, and constant, exhaustive cleaning of the places, as well as respecting the established schedule from 6 in the morning to 10 at night.
He explained that reservations are advanced to authorized lodging centers with the opening of tourist developments, condominiums, villas and the like at 70% of their capacity, while hotels and motels at 40%, and rental houses at 100%. All hosts must maintain all the protocols and hygiene and safety measures to mitigate the spread of Covid-19.
"We are strict in following the recommendations of the World Health Organization and the provisions of the Federal and State Government, and we have generated more than 10,000 direct and indirect jobs in the industry, which is our main source of attention in order to help assist a speedy economic recovery, "said Mayor Kiko Munro.

Puerto Penasco Achieves International Blue Flag Beach Certification 

Penasco now has two certified beaches: one National and the other with an International label
Peñasco has achieved the Blue Flag for its iconic beach in the area known as El Mirador, thereby expanding the prestigious certifications of our coastline and extending the range of certified attractions that this tourist destination offers to Mexico and the World.

The mayor of Puerto Peñasco highlighted that, in this way, this municipality remains the only one in Sonora with a Sustainable Clean Beach accreditation and now, with the Blue Flag Badge, it is also the first in the state to gain that honor.

He announced that on the Second Meeting of the Blue Flag National Jury, a selection process where the sites that are part of the Blue Flag Program for the 2020-2021 Season were announced, Peñasco was fully approved for the area that had been applied for. For those who do not know, Mirador beach is where at Manny's Beach Club is located and has a length of 71 meters in from of the establishment.

Kiko Munro added that along with this beach, 10 additional beaches were added to the list. This one in Puerto Penasco, Sonora and the others as follows: three in Los Cabos; two in Zihuatanejo; two in Puerto Progreso, and one each in Yucatán, Tulum, and Ciudad Madero, Tamaulipas.

Puerto Peñasco, he explained, was one of the 66 applications submitted, of which 63 beaches, three marinas and 25 sustainable tourism systems, met the requirements to hold the Blue Flag badge.

The Mayor notified that both a national jury - made up of the secretariats of Tourism, Health, Environment, Navy and SCT, in addition to the Cofepris, Profepa, Conagua and other organizations and dependencies - and an international jury analyzed the candidates and gave their votes.

"The sites that obtained the Blue Flag Distinction did so officially as of July 1, for public information purposes, the date on which the Blue Flag Season traditionally begins," he explained.

Along with this good news, he said, in Peñasco the beaches will open on August 1, as agreed, so it will have to start with compliance with the 33 established criteria and with the installation of official infrastructure of a lifeguard tower, information kiosk, ramp for people with disabilities, flagpole and others; in addition to guaranteeing water quality, constant cleaning, an environmental education program, among other aspects.

"This is being controlled by constant monitoring at the Blue Flag site, in anticipation for the protocol event of officially raising the flag in August," he said.

Kiko Munro reiterated that the opening of the beaches are being be done according to the dates and following the protocols dictated by the Ministry of Health.

He stressed that Blue Flag is an international certification to coastal destinations in environmental management, safety, services, education activities and water quality. This once again confirms the progress made and the quality of the beaches that make Puerto Penasco the best tourist destination in Northwest Mexico.

He also made note of the great accomplishment in which the Clean Beach Certified area of Sandy Beach was expanded to 1,791 linear meters, a certification which prompted him to seek and earn other accreditations such as the "Blue Flag" in the El Mirador area in an effort to continue to always make Peñasco ever more attractive for tourism and investment.

The Mayor of Peñasco thanked and congratulated all the members who make up the Municipal Committee of Clean Beaches, since with teamwork between the Government and the Puerto Peñasco Society, it continues to take steps forward.

Kiko Munro pointed out that, with achievements such as the Certification of Beaches, the official recognition as a whale watching site and others, Puerto Peñasco is no longer the best kept secret and will continue to become an area of opportunity for the world as little by little Peñasco goes from being a destination with potential to truly being a power.

New Public Safety Equipment Delivered to Puerto Penasco

Mayor Kiko Munro announced delivery of new equipment to help reinforce Municipal Public Security and the Coordination of the Federal Terrestrial Maritime Zone (Zofemat) as part of the reopening of the beaches of Puerto Peñasco.
The Mayor detailed that two recent model patrol vehicles were delivered to the Municipal Police - one of them for the Youth Patrol, as well as three Razor-type all-terrain vehicles, In addition 10 radio communication devices were delivered to Zofemat, together a significant investment of 1.360,216 pesos.
He reported that the patrols were donated by Pima County, Arizona, in cooperation with the mediation of the United States Consulate in Nogales, and which signify an improvement in the attention to the security of the Municipality, especially for the Youth Patrol, whose state headquarters is located here in Puerto Peñasco.
Zofemat teams, which monitor the beaches and waters around Puerto Penasco, he added, accepted the latest equipment as a second increase administration of the Federal Zone fund, whose investment project is over 15 million pesos in total.
He explained that the Zofemat resources are also expecting the acquisition of five ATVs, three 4x4 pickups, a backhoe loader, an outrigger with a hydraulic platform, a tower for lifeguards and two jet skis, which will be delivered in the coming days.
"It is part of the equipment that we are seeking to be ready for the increase of tourism on August 1, in accordance with the Federal Government, to launch the activation and use of our beaches," he said.
He recalled that, in the month of December 2019, a four-wheel-drive tractor with front loader, a beach sweeping machine and 21 waste containers with a capacity of 1,100 liters each were delivered.
Kiko Munro warned that safety protocols and restrictions will be enforced with great rigidity under the new Municipal Regulation of Beach Use. This assurance was necessary in order to achieve approvals and all of the policies such as those of the sanitary checkpoint will be used.
"It is about carrying out a controlled and safe experience regarding the entry of people, and use of thermal cameras, sanitation tunnel and other sanitary features will be maintained so that the beaches are used responsibly - because we do not want what happened in other parts of the world to happen to us, particularly on the beaches of Florida and Texas, where there was a spread of Covid-19, because they opened without any kind of protocols or security measures, "he stressed.
The Mayor of Peñasco stressed that the main interest is that the people of this port use the beaches in an orderly, controlled and responsible way.
"We are improving the equipment and infrastructure for the beautification of tourist areas, so that Puerto Peñasco continues to stand out, and stand out as the main point of tourist development in northern Mexico and, obviously, the main center of visit for our neighbors in the North, in the United States ", he pointed out.

Rotarians Donate $400,000 in Medical Supplies in Sonora


The General Hospitals of the cities of Navojoa, Álamos, Puerto Peñasco, San Luis Rio Colorado and Ciudad Obregón, will receive medical supplies, thanks to a global grant made by the link with District 4100 and 5495 of Arizona .
The District Governor, Óscar Guillermo Nava Amaya, stated that this donation of $ 400,000 includes a container with diverse medical equipment, it was achieved thanks to the initiative of Rotarian Dale Gray, of the Scottsdale Club.
He congratulated the Rotary Club of Mar de Peñasco, A.C. which is part of District 4100, for being those who managed this activity called "Medical Supplies for Sonora Mexico Hospitals" in collaboration with the San Luis Rio Colorado, San Luis Rio Colorado del Desierto, Puerto Peñasco and Navojoa Clubs.  He also thanked Governor Claudia Pavlovich Arellano who facilitated the support from the Health institutions for this donation to be successful.
"Our commitment as Rotarians is always to Give of Yes, before thinking about if and all the members of the District 4100 that includes the Baja Californias, Sonora and Northern Sinaloa, we are in the same harmony of using the tools that Rotary offers us, to to be able to support our community, and it is something that in my year as Governor will be very firm, "said Nava Amaya.

He pointed out that Rotarians are continually working on managing projects and resources to improve not only health conditions, but also issues of economic development, maternal and child health, safe water, care for the environment, education and literacy, as well as the promotion of peace.

For her part, Shandra Keesecker, of the Rotary Club Mar de Peñasco, stated that Mr. Dale Gray's initiative is from the project called "Project Cure", whose affiliation in Mexico is "Curando México", which provides containers with medical equipment to various parts of the world.
She commented that this management began two years ago, the time it was required to make visits to Hospitals, to assess the needs, where Rotarians were able to make a list of needs in each hospital.

"It is important to mention that the relationship itself between The Rotary Club of Scottsdale through Dale Gray and our Rotary club in Puerto Peñasco was achieved with our participation in the Project Fair, Friendship Conference, which normally takes place every year between Arizona districts with various Mexico districts, "he said.

Exports Soared 76% in June after 2 Months of Historic Declines

  Mexico recorded its biggest ever trade surplus as exports exceeded imports by US $5.5 billion
Mexico's exports surged 75.6% in June compared to the previous month, the national statistics agency Inegi reported.
Buoyed by the reopening of the United States economy, especially its industrial sector, Mexico's exports totaled US $31.68 billion last month.
The 75.6% seasonally adjusted increase, a month-over-month record, came after historic declines in exports were recorded in both April and May.
Automotive industry exports soared 534% in June compared to May as the sector resumed activities following the nationwide coronavirus lockdown. Exports of manufactured goods more broadly rose 40.9% while agricultural exports increased 32%.
However, the value of oil exports fell 36% in June compared to May, Ingei said.
The overall strong growth in exports, and a 22% annual decline in imports due to a weak, coronavirus-battered domestic economy, allowed Mexico to post its biggest ever trade surplus in June.
Mexico's exports were worth $5.55 billion more than its imports in June, Inegi reported. The surplus represents a $9-billion turnaround compared to May when Mexico recorded a $3.52-billion trade deficit.
The May surplus was higher than that predicted by all 11 analysts surveyed by Bloomberg. Their median forecast was a surplus of $1.55 billion.
James Salazar, an analyst at CI Banco, said the June recovery in exports was expected but noted that their value was still below pre-pandemic levels. The value of exports last month was 12.8% lower than in June 2019.
Salazar said the month-over-month increase was largely driven by increased demand in the United States.
Alberto Ramos, chief Latin America economist at Goldman Sachs, predicted that the recovery of demand in the United States will continue to boost Mexican exports, while "imports are expected to remain subdued given the weak domestic demand."
Andrés Abadía, senior economist at Pantheon Macroeconomics, said the combination of a competitive peso - currently 22 to the US dollar - and growing demand for imports from the United States industrial sector "will support exports in the short term."

The Problem with Predicting Exchange Rates

In recent years, one of the hardest things to predict has been the Mexican peso/US dollar exchange rate. Mexico's peso is a free-floating currency on world foreign exchange markets; it's among the world's top-10 most-traded currencies, and is the most-traded of Latin America's currencies.
The peso-dollar exchange rate remained reasonably stable in 2019, despite a lack of economic growth and a lot of noise in the news about the financial difficulties of the state-owned oil company Pemex, which could also cause problems for the government's international credit ratings.
The lowest the dollar fell against the peso was about $18.75, and the highest rate was $20.15 pesos per dollar, making it the smallest range between minimum and maximum rates in 10 years. The exchange rate at the end of 2019 closed at $18.90 pesos per dollar; when in 2018 it closed at $19.66. The average daily exchange rate in 2019 was $19.26 pesos to the dollar, compared with an average daily exchange rate of $19.24 in 2018: when measured using a daily average, data show that Mexico's pesos has remained remarkably stable over the last 24 months.
Several things helped to make the peso one of the best-performing currencies against the US dollar in 2019. The government made efforts to keep to its budget deficit targets, even when this meant holding back some spending to avoid having to take on new debt. Tax revenue was less than expected because the economy didn't grow.
The Bank of Mexico started cutting interest rates, but these remain relatively high and encourage buying of peso-denominated government bonds by investors seeking returns on their money. Other sources of dollar income -including international travelers and remittances from Mexicans abroad- increased despite the economic stagnation in Mexico, and the trade balance was positive, i.e., Mexico exported more goods than in imported.
The peso got off to a good start in 2020, with the wholesale exchange rate trading down to around $18.50 pesos to the dollar in mid-February. A poll of private economists, taken in December 2019, revealed that the peso/dollar exchange rate was expected to end this year at around 20 pesos to the dollar. Economists' forecasts reflect what could be expected given estimates for inflation, economic growth, interest rates and other economic variables, both in Mexico and the U.S., but they don't take into account extraordinary events as these are basically unknowns.
Currency exchange rate predictions are often based on what economists call "fundamentals" -which include things like the country's debt payments as a percentage of GDP, its trade balance (Mexico tends to have very small trade deficits), the rate of inflation, economic growth, etc.- but global economic and political events in particular have a tendency to sideswipe economists' logic.
A practical example of how unforeseen events can cause abrupt changes to market values is the emergence of, and unfurling news about, the Coronavirus across the world: the event has created conspicuous fluctuations in values between the Mexican peso and the US dollar, as well as other currencies.
What most people want to know is what the exchange rate will do next, and here the Spanish expression "no tiene palabra," or "it can't be trusted," is relevant. The safest answer to this question is to say that most year-out forecasts are usually wrong-probably more a matter of random error than ineptitude: a banker once described currency forecasting as "a mug's game."

Mexican Cell Phones: Unlimited Calling Plans for North America
When new laws came into effect on January 2015 to shake-up Mexico's telecommunication market, fixed-line all charges dropped sharply from residential telephones. The reforms caused Mexican landline telephone charges to go from being among the most expensive in the world, to among the cheapest.
Since then, the Mexican cellular telephone market has been undergoing some major reforms too, and you can now elect to buy a plan that, for a modest monthly fee, gives unlimited calling and SMS messages to all phones across Mexico, the United States, and Canada-and you can also use the mobile data included in your plan across all three countries without any data roaming costs. These "unlimited" deals are also available on pay-as-you-go monthly plans: there is no need to sign a long term contract.
By way of example: AT&T, Telcel, Movistar and Virgin Mobile currently offer a month-to-month plans (no contract) for MXN$200 pesos (US$9) that includes unlimited call minutes and SMS messages across North America (Mexico, the US and Canada), and at least 2 GB of data. Unlimited use of data across Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp is also included in these plans. Visit the websites of the mobile operators to learn about these new unlimited plans which offer good value for money.
Plans last for 30 days and can be renewed or not, as you wish: automatic renewal can be set-up, or you can renew manually at the end of each 30-day billing period. If you don't renew the plan, your tariff reverts to a peso-per-minute (or per-MB) rate. If you use up all your data quota before the 30 days, you can pay-per-MB until the plan's renewal date, or re-initiate your plan for an additional 30 days starting on the (earlier) date of the renewal.
If you prefer a cellphone contract, you can sign-up for a year or more and get a plan that includes a phone, unlimited minutes and set amounts of data each month (depending on the contract). These plans will tether (lock) the phone to the network operator you have a contract with.
When lower residential phone line tariffs came into force at beginning of 2015, many people didn't believe it was true until they started getting their first phone bills that year and saw that calls to Mexican cell phone and long distance calls across the country -and the world- were being charged at zero rates, all included in the monthly plan, which also includes fixed-line high-speed internet.
Now with the Mexican cellular market offering great deals on no-contract "pay-as-you-go" plans, Mexico is one of the least expensive countries in the world to own and use a mobile phone: staying in touch with friends, family, and business contacts on the move in Mexico and when roaming with a Mexican cell phone in the United States and Canada has never been easier and less expensive than it is today.

Love Spice, but oh, the Pain... Science Tells You How to Calm the Burning

Spicy food is a favorite of many. What would become of Mexicans without spicy food? According to statistics, a Mexican consumes 15 kg of chilies a year, it is the highest average consumption in the world. The unique and delicious flavor of the spicy has a drawback, that sensation of fire in the mouth that apparently there is no relief, accompanied by tearing, sweating and an "enjoyable" despair. If this happens to you ... Science tells you how to calm the burning.

A study by the New Mexico State University's Chile Pepper Institute mentions that the best way to eliminate the "fire" caused by eating chili is to drink milk.

Capsaicin is a chemical present in all chili peppers. This substance is responsible for the characteristic itching. When we drink milk, casein, a protein from dairy, replaces the capsaicin receptors on the tongue, quickly and effectively relieving the burning sensation in the mouth. Cream, ice cream or yogurt also works.

Scientists explain that capsaicin binds to receptors on the tongue and sends a signal to the brain, the same signal that is sent when we touch something hot, causing perspiration.

What else works?
In addition to dairy, carbohydrates (bread, sugar) can also replace capsaicin receptors, but they are not as effective as milk. Sugar is usually more effective than bread.

Instinctively, when we eat something spicy, we run for water and drink it hungrily, however all we are doing is rinsing the capsaicin and spreading it throughout the mouth. Water does not block capsaicin.

Fun facts
Chili peppers are native to South America and it is believed that their seeds were spread by birds, since these animals do not have capsaicin receptors on their tongues.
The first humans of approximately 15,000 years ago, began to grow chili peppers giving rise to a great variety that has evolved into the chilies that we know today.
Which chili is hotter: red or green ?: It depends on the variety, but generally, according to its composition, red chilies tend to be less spicy because they contain more sugars that help to counteract itching.
Chilate de Pollo (Chicken in a Spicy Guajillo Broth)

Chilate de pollo , from the state of Guerrero, Mexico, is a kind of spicy chicken soup that is known for its burn. To the chicken is added chile de árbol or guajillo chilli, onion, and garlic, as well as corn dough to make the soup thick like a stew. The level of heat depends on the amount and level of spice in the chillies used, but this dish is generally known to be spicy, and even the fresh tortillas you will get to go with it won't be enough to cool your tongue. Get ready to sweat.  The fiery red color indicates that it's going to be spicy, and it usually is. To prepare a mild version, you could add a couple more guajillos and take out the chile de arbol and pequin. Either way you serve it, it's delicious. It is often served with crumbled queso fresco and tortilla.

1 Tablespoon dried epazote

1 Tablespoon Mexican oregano

1/2 Tablespoon cumin seeds

1/2 Tablespoon peppercorns

1/2 Tablespoon chiles pequin (opional)

10 Guajillo peppers (stems and seeds removed)

10 Chiles de arbol (stems removed)

2 Tomatillos

3 Roma Tomatoes

2 Pounds checken pieces  

Salt and pepper to taste

Olive oil

2 Bay leaves

1 Cup white onion diced

4 Cloves minced garlic

4 1/2 Cups chicken broth

1/4 Cup chopped cilantro


Combine the epazote, oregano, cumin seeds, peppercorns and chile pequin to a mortar and crush with pestle. It will be slightly coarse; set aside.

Add the guajillos, chile de arbol, tomatoes and tomatillos to a large pot. Cover with water and bring to a rapid boil. Reduce heat to simmer and cook for 10 to 15 minutes. Drain the liquid and transfer to the blender. Blend on high until smooth. Set aside.

Season the chicken with salt and pepper. Preheat 1/8 cup of olive oil to medium heat for 3 to 4 minutes. Add the chicken pieces and brown for 5 minutes per side.

Add the onions and garlic to the pot of chicken. Cook for 3 minutes. Add the bay leaves, chicken broth and cilantro. Bring to a boil, reduce to simmer. Strain the chile sauce into the pot of chicken using a wire mesh strainer. Add the crushed spices. Cover and continue cooking at a simmer for 45 minutes to an hour. Garnish with crumbled cotija cheese and green onions. Serve with a side of beans and warm tortillas.

It's Urgent that You Wait

 Mexican Spanish is versatile when it comes to questions of time
Spanish words ending in "ito" or "ita" are diminutive: indicating a smaller version of the noun in question. Diminutives are also used as a form of euphemism, especially for guilty pleasures. A dieter may go for "taquitos" rather than tacos, or round off a meal with a "pastelito" instead of pastel, while a drinker could order a "cubita" (a little rum and coke) if it looks a bit early for a cuba, or open the appetite with a "tequilita."
An exception to this rule is "ahorita"-at least as it is often used in Mexico. As the diminutive of "ahora" -now- technically it should mean "right now," as in "ahora mismo," insofar as it suggests that less time ought to elapse between the promise and the fulfillment.
But things don't necessarily work like that. To start with, Mexico isn't particularly demanding about punctuality. Although timely arrivals are regarded as a virtue, excuses for tardiness are often treated with indulgence, especially if traffic is involved. So "ahorita voy," means I'm on my way -or soon will be- but gives no fixed time.
A parent giving a child orders to clean their room, or get in off the street, would usually say "ahora" to mean right now, whereas "ahorita" could mean don't be too long about it. If the order is for this very second, the second-degree diminutive -ahoritita- may be used, leaving no doubt as to the urgency.
Other forceful options for right away, or at once, are "de inmediato," or "en este instante."
"En seguida" can also mean now, but is more like forthwith, suggesting it could be the next thing on the list, or to be done immediately.
"Ahora" also has its shades of meaning. If your plumber says he will come round "ahora" -ahora voy- to fix your dripping tap, it usually refers to "today," not that particular moment.
Native English speakers occasionally use "when" if asking what time someone will arrive or something is scheduled. This doesn't work in Mexico. "¿Cuándo?" will be understood to refer to the day, the week, the month, or the year, but not the time. For this you have to be specific: "¿a qué hora?"
Of course, the answer could be "ahorita" and you'll be back where you started.
"Ya mero" is another versatile expression meaning soon-which can mean any second now, any minute now, or even any day now. In this case the diminutive "ya merito" suggests that the undefined time will be shorter than the undefined time in "ya mero."
The word for "then" -luego- contains a twist of its own in Mexico when the word is said twice. If someone completed a task or request in short order, they are said to have done so "luego luego" -fui al mecánico y luego luego me atendió- means the person was attended to immediately.

Let me know if you would like links to any of the earlier ones. (Almost 10 years worth)
Sonoran Sky Resort

Sonoran Sun Resort

Sonoran Sea Resort

Sonoran Spa Resort

Just for the fun of it...

These are from a book called "Disorder in the Court" and are things people actually said in court, word for word, taken down and published by court reporters that had the torment of staying calm while the exchanges were taking place.

ATTORNEY: What gear were you in at the moment of the impact?
WITNESS: Gucci sweats and Reeboks.

ATTORNEY: Are you sexually active?
WITNESS: No, I just lie there.

ATTORNEY: What is your date of birth?
WITNESS: July 18th.
ATTORNEY: What year?
WITNESS: Every year.

ATTORNEY: How old is your son, the one living with you?
WITNESS: Thirty-eight or thirty-five, I can't remember which.
ATTORNEY: How long has he lived with you?
WITNESS: Forty-five years.

ATTORNEY: Now doctor, isn't it true that when a person dies in his sleep, he doesn't know about it until the next morning?
WITNESS: Did you actually pass the bar exam?

ATTORNEY: The youngest son, the 20-year-old, how old is he?
WITNESS: He's 20, very close to your IQ.

ATTORNEY: Were you present when your picture was taken?
WITNESS: Are you shitting me?

ATTORNEY: So the date of conception (of the baby) was August 8th?
ATTORNEY: And what were you doing at that time?
WITNESS: Getting pregnant (change the word to keep it clean)

ATTORNEY: She had three children, right?
ATTORNEY: How many were boys?
ATTORNEY: Were there any girls?
WITNESS: Your Honor, I need a different attorney. Can I get a new attorney?
ATTORNEY: How was your first marriage terminated?
WITNESS: By death.
ATTORNEY: And by whose death was it terminated?
WITNESS: Take a guess.

ATTORNEY: Can you describe the individual?
WITNESS: He was about medium height and had a beard.
ATTORNEY: Was this a male or a female?
WITNESS: Unless the Circus was in town I'm going with male.

ATTORNEY: Is your appearance here this morning pursuant to a deposition notice which I sent to your attorney?
WITNESS: No, this is how I dress when I go to work.

ATTORNEY: Doctor, how many of your autopsies have you performed on dead people?
WITNESS: All of them. The live ones put up too much of a fight.

ATTORNEY: ALL of your responses MUST be oral, OK? What school did you attend?

ATTORNEY: Do you recall the time that you examined the body?
WITNESS: The autopsy started around 8:30 PM
ATTORNEY: And Mr. Denton was dead at the time?
WITNESS: If not, he was by the time I finished.

ATTORNEY: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a pulse?
ATTORNEY: Did you check for blood pressure?
ATTORNEY: Did you check for breathing?
ATTORNEY: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you began the autopsy?
ATTORNEY: How can you be so sure, Doctor?
WITNESS: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar.
ATTORNEY: I see, but could the patient have still been alive, nevertheless?
WITNESS: Yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and practicing law.


Sonoran Sky 410   
4 Bedroom Luxury End Unit     
These end units have a wonderful terrace that wraps all the way around the front and side of the condo allowing beachfront views as well as views all the way down the beach from Old Port to Cholla Bay. The condo is imaculate and decorated beautifully with a fun beachfront theme. Pride of ownership is very obvious in this fantastic condo. If there ever was a condo that you had to see in person, this is the one. Don't wait to come see it. Call or stop by the Sky Sales Office soon and ask one of our agents for a tour. 
You'll be glad you did!       

 Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sea W610
1 Bedroom West Building 

 Link to Listing    
Beautiful condo and priced to sell quickly. Add Seller financing to that, and you've got a sure winner here. This condo has the very best beachfront views and the extended pations of the Sonoran Sea give you an even larger area for entertaining or to enjoy all by yourself. This condo can provide an excellent rental income and would be a fantastic investment - or just keep it all for your own personal use. Either way, you can't go wrong on this one. Call or stop by and talk with one of our Sales Representatives today! You'll be glad you did.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sun E705
2 Bedroom East Building 


This condo is ready to go and has views that will be the envy of all your friends. Check out this beautiful, fully furnished, two bedroom oceanfront condo at the Sonoran Sun Resort. Seventh floor location gives fantastic views down the beach and plenty of privacy. Easy access to beach, pools, Jacuzzis, store, restaurant, etc. Condo is in terrific condition. You may want to keep this beautiful condo all for  yourself, but it could be a great vacation rental as well. The price is right and you need to see this beauty.  
Call or stop by our Sonoran Sun Sales Office today! 

This condo must be seen to be appreciated.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Spa N202
1 Bedroom, 1 Bath


Check out this beautiful, fully furnished, one bedroom condo at the Sonoran Spa Resort. Center location gives best ocean views and 2nd floor makes it an easy walk-up when the elevators are busy. Condo is in terrific condition and fully remodeled in a modern style. Stainless appliances and turn-key ready to go. You may want to keep this beautiful condo all for  yourself, but it could be a great vacation rental as well. The price is right and you need to see this beauty. 

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sun E409
3 Bedroom Custom Design
$600,000 - New More  Aggressive  Price!


Stop by to check out this fantastic listing at the Sonoran Sun Resort. This condo has been completely remodeled and uniquely upgraded from the ground up and it is absolutely beautiful. There is no other condo like it and you are sure to be impressed by the beauty of the condo as well as the breathtaking beachfront views. The owner spared no expense to make this condo fabulous. Come see this one before it's too late. You will be glad that you did. 
Fully furnished and turn-key ready to go. This condo has not been used as a rental but would make a terrific rental investment - or simply keep it all to yourselves. Call or visit to receive more information and to tour this beautiful condo.

CALL TODAY: 602-476-7511
Sonoran Sky 1109
3 Bedroom, 3 Bath Luxury Condo


Beautifully furnished luxury 3 bedroom beachfront condo at the Sonoran Sky Resort. Fully furnished and turnkey ready to go. Assumable developer financing available. Never used as a rental. This one is  getting alot of attention so act quickly and don't miss out on this fantastic bargain.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sun W801  
3BR End Unit   

This condo must be seen to be appriciated. Beachfront views are spectacular. Very nicely furnished, turnkey ready to go. This end unit condo has the wrap around terrace, giving much more room to enjoy and adding to the views.
Energy saving window tinting, upgraded window coverings, stainless appliances, and more. Too many upgrades to list. Lots of interest in this condo already so don't wait too long. Give us a call or stop by the on-site sales office today! 

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sun E514  
1 Bedroom with Wrap Arount Patio
1/4 Fractional Ownership


How often do you visit Rocky Point? Once per month? Once every two months? This fractional ownership gives you one rotating week every month along with true ownership rights - this is NOT a timeshare. Use your time as you wish or put it in the rental pool for some income if you or your friends/family can't come that month. This is your perfect opportunity to obtain 25% ownership of a fantastic 1 bedroom end unit condo at the beautiful Sonoran Sun Resort for an unbelievable price. This condo  has updated stainless appliances, stackable sliding doors leading to the beachfront terrace, a tastefully upgraded and
 decorated interior, and it has a GREAT outdoor space with a wrap around patio. 
Partnership agreement is in place and bank trust is already in AZ LLC. 

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sky 609 
3 Bedroom 3 Bath Luxury 

 This condo is beautifully furnished and total luxury combined with a great price makes this one a must-see condo. Ready to go for your family or for a great rental income. An aggressive price and motivated Sellers make this one a sure bet. Contact one of our Agents for more details. Come see this one today! 

 Call Today for Information or to Schedule a Tour


Sonoran Sun W410  
1 Bedroom West Building   

Fantastic beachfront views are just the beginning for this fabulous condo. Unbelievable rental income and luxury, beautiful furnishings make it a sure win. This condo is ready to go and owners have even decided to offer seller financing. Keep it as a rental for income or just keep it for yourself and your family. Either way, you can't go wrong with this beauty. 

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sun E304 
2 Bedroom, 2 Bath 

This is a very special two bedroom condo at the Sonoran Sun and won't last long. If you're looking for great rental income, this is a must-see condo for you. And, the owners keep it in top shape, earning loyalty and many return visits from renters. Positioned perfectly for fantastic beach front views right at palm tree height. If you are looking for a truly turn-key beauty, this is it.  Great price. Great views. Seller financing available. Ready to go. This condo is a home run. Come take a look!

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sea E904  
2 Bedroom, 2 Bath, East Building


Views, Views, Views. Fantastic price for this 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo at the Sea. Fully furnished and ready to go. Seller will offer attractive financing with a price of $319,900. Don't let this one pass you by. Call today.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Spa N701  
1 Bedroom End Unit 

Not many condos like this one come available these days, especially at this price. Being an end unit means an extra side door with double the fantastic views. This condo is super nice and is very nicely decorated and turn-key ready to go. You can't go wrong with this one. Don't wait. See this one today. 
Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sky 103 
2 Bedroom Ground Floor  
This is an opportunity that just doesn't come around very often. A fantastic, ground-floor two bedroom at the Sonoran Sky Resort for $469,000. Really? What's the catch? No catch, just hurry on over to take a look. This condo rents as well as any that we have seen and it is a money making rental machine. Also, fully furnished luxury and priced to sell quickly. 
What are you waiting for?

You need to check this one out soon. Call or visit for more details.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Spa E210 
3 Bedroom East Building 


  This condo truly has it all. Great beachfront views, beautifully furnished, upgrades throughout, turn-key ready to move in. This would make an excellent rental, with people requesting it again and again. Or, keep it as a non-rental and enjoy the beautiful condo all to yourselves. The choice is yours but you'll need to act quickly. It has already been very popular with our salespeople.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sky 1403
2 Bedroom Beachfront Luxury


If you're looking for a model-perfect, beach-front, turn-key, total luxury condo at the Sonoran Sky for a great price, look no further. This condo is absolutely amazing and you really need to come and take a look for yourself if you're considering investing in a wonderful vacation/investment property. Views go on forever and this would make an excellent rental as well. Don't wait.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sea E207
2 Bedroom, 2 Bath 


This is a super nice, beachfront condo offered for sale at a competitive price. Take time to appreciate many upgrades, and absolutely unbelievable views from the terrace. This fantastic 2 bedroom at the Sonoran Sea offers everything that you will need to enjoy your time in paradise. The Sea is conveniently located within short walking distance to several popular bars, restaurants, and also boasts Cocina Ramon, one of Penasco's most popular restaurants, right no site. You need to see this one for yourself. Call for details or to schedule a tour. You need to act fast on this special deal.

Come see for yourself.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sea E710  
1 Bedroom Top Floor  


Great top-floor beauty with possible financing available. Panoramic views down the beach in both directions. Fully furnished and ready to enjoy. This could be a great rental - perfect for your family.  Call our office for more details. This condo can be your dream come true. Come take a look for yourself.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sea E410
1 Bedroom, East Building


This is a great price on a fantastic condo at the Sea. The views from this condo are nothing short of spectacular. Completely furnished and turn-key ready to go. Nicely decorated and shows very well. Great rental income potential and priced to sell quickly. 
Come and see this one today before it's too late.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Spa W708
2 Bedroom, 2 Bath, Huge Terrace 

This is one of those condos that just don't come on the market very often. There are only two at the resort with this floorplan and this one has been renovated and upgraded to look like new. Just imagine what you could do with the huge terrace, overlooking the beach and the Sea of Cortez. There is also an outside BBQ area, which is a treat in itself as very few condos are allowed to have them. Click the link to see more photos and then come on down to see this one. Once it's gone, it's gone, and there is no telling when or even if another like it will come up for sale. 

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sky 806
1 B R Luxury Condo



Absolute luxury at the prestigious Sonoran Sky Resort. the Nautical theme in this condo is as unique as it is beautiful and it is an absolute one of a kind original. This is the ONLY one bedroom condo for sale at the Sky and it will make a great rental, or keep it all for yourselves. Really is a must see to appreciate beauty.This condo is ready to go and it can be yours. Contact one of our Agents for more information.

Call Today: 602-476-7511

Sonoran Sea E302
2 Bedroom, 2 Bath


Beautiful fully furnished condo for sale with very good terms available. This condo has been a good rental property and it is turn-key ready to go. The beachfront views are exceptional and it is priced to sell. Come see this great condo today! 

Call Today: 602-476-7511 

Sonoran Sales Group - The OFFICIAL sales team for Sonoran Resorts! 

We are Rocky Point's one and only exclusive and dedicated team who have always, and will always, sell Sonoran Resorts and ONLY Sonoran Resorts!
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Whether Buying or Selling, no one can serve you better when it comes to the Sonoran Resorts. We have been here since the beginning, and we will be here for you when you need us.

Our In-House closing team will make things happen quickly and professionally and we will save you money. Our attorneys are on salary and no additional attorney fees are charged to our clients. Loyalty to the Sonoran Resorts Sales Team is both appreciated and rewarded! 

We don't just sell the Sonoran Resorts, we ARE the Sonoran Resorts. We work directly with the Developers, the HOAs, and the Rental companies.

We really can help you in ways that no one else can.






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Jim Ringquist
Sonoran Sales Group