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Kirtan Schedule
Highlights from India
Srutiram & Ishwari in Gokul
Sruti Ram & Ishwari in Gokul India
Dear Friends, 

Radhe Radhe!  Happy Spring!  
You have to admit 2012 is proving to be a very extraordinary year, any way you slice it, change is the new normal.
Those of us in the Northeast have had an unusually warm winter.
We are seeing the growth of spring about 2 months ahead of time.
Sruti Ram & I visited India  about a month ago, and we are happy to share a bit of our journey with you. There will be more to come in our next newsletter. 

We have lots of plans in the works, including a music video of "Live Your Love".  We are in the middle of planning several tours, so we can continue to  share the joy of chanting the Divine Names. Please let us hear from you.  Hoping to see you soon.


with Love,


SRI Kirtan


SRI Kirtan
Kirtan Events (check our website for updates)
Parikrama Vrindavan    photo: Ishwari

Sat Mar 31st @7:30
99 Tinker St
Woodstock, NY


Sat Apr. 22nd @1:00-2:30p


335 Meads Mountain Road
Woodstock, NY 

 May 4-6 Weekend retreat


Rhinebeck NY


Sun May 19th 3p


Hudson River

to reserve your spot:


Tue. Jun 5th


Bearsville Theater

Woodstock, NY


Sat. Jun 16th

24 HR Kirtan

New Vrindaban, WV



Wed Jun 20th@7:30P


Lenox, MA


India 2012- Welcome in the Spring
Pushiya Abhishek
Photo by Gangaram (Patrick Finn)

From the end of January to mid February, SRI Kirtan visited India.  We started our the journey in Mumbai at Radhanath Swami's Radhagopinath temple. He was hosting the annual flower festival, which celebrates the coming of Spring.  We shared this beautiful experience with Gaura Vani, Arundhati & Ragunath who were also on journeys through India.


Flowers, flowers,and more flowers.

It was amazing to be part of the joyful daylong preparation.   About 200 devotees gathered in the temple to pluck the petals from 2000 lbs. of flowers.  The bhava or spiritual mood, grew in power throughout the day as we all chanted Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna , Krishna , Hare Hare. Hare Ram,

Hare Ram, Ram Ram Hare, Hare. 

By the evening, thousands of devotees gathered, and SRI Kirtan was asked to begin the evening chanting. Slowly the energy built up, and as we poured our hearts forth in devotion, the curtains opened and the festooned diorama of Krishna Gopinath and Radha was revealed to the gathering.  A roar of devotional fervor rose up from the crowd and we continued to chant in ecstasy

Flowers showered on Deities
Radha & Krishna showered with flowers photo: Dylan Hawley

What followed was and indescribable shower of flowers over the Deities, an Abhishek .  First yellow petals, then red, then white, pink, magenta, orange ; again and again until the images which almost life size, were completely covered and invisible to the eye..  Just flowers, and more flowers kept coming .

Arundhati, Raghunath & Gaura Vani kept the kirtan going as the flowers moved beyond the deities and began to rain down on the entire congregation.  It seemed as though it was a torrential rain of colored flower petals and it continued for hours as we sang to our hearts content. 


Mahamantra in Mumbai
SRI Kirtan chant as Darshan begins
photo:Dylan Hawley


The joy of the moment was unprecedented. I had never experienced a festival like this before.  I will remember and treasure this forever.

Flowers showered on crowd
Crowd showered by flowers photo: Dylan Hawley





















                                                              What an amazing opportunity to be part of a culture that is supported by devotional love.  This devotional energy is the main thread in the fabric of India. 


Ishwari's birthday at Govardhan hill with Radhanath Swami & Shyamdas photo:SrutiRam
Our journey took us on to Vrindaban, Ujjain and When we came back to the States,  Ishwari asked, "Do you ever return from India?"  India leaves an indelible mark on our hearts.    All the visuals and the joy of those moments in India bolstered our bhava and energized our minds to remember that our hearts are always One.
SrutiRam in Gokul




Govardhan Hill













Like the spring, may we  all regenerate and allow the blossoming of Divine Love to take residence in our Cosmic Heart.  That place where we are at Home all the time.



Sruti Ram


SRI Kirtan
P.O. BOX 63
Woodstock, New York 12498
SRI Kirtan