American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) Section on Transportation Policy and Administration
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May 2015
Article Directories
Events of Interest

Southeast Conference of Public Administration (SECoPA) September 30 to October 3, 2015 in Charleston, SC. LEARN MORE

Northeast Conference of Public Administration (NECoPA) November 5-6, 2015 at George Mason University. LEARN MORE

Transportation Research Board (TRB) 95th Annual Meeting January 10-14, 2016 in Washington, DC. LEARN MORE
Job Openings

Nelson NYGAARD Hiring for multiple positions.  View Posting

Economist, Department of Transportation, Office of Secretary of Transportation. View Posting
Nominations Sought for Truitt-Felbinger Award  
The award was established in memory of Lawrence J. Truitt and Claire Felbinger, former STPA Chairs, valued colleagues, scholars, practitioners, and teachers and is presented annually to an individual who has made significant contributions to the field of transportation policy and administration. Some of the previous recipients were: Neilson A. "Dutch" Berthof, Aviation Director for the City of Phoenix; Former Deputy Secretary of Transportation, Mortimer L. Downey; James R. Mills, Chairman Emeritus of the San Diego Metropolitan Transportation Board; and, Dr. Brent Bowen, University of Nebraska Foundation Distinguished Professor in Aviation. Send your nominations to STPA Awards Committee Chair
New STPA Website Launched

A new STPA website is being developed.  The URL is  This time the website is being hosted by ASPA.  We welcome comments on how to improve and use the website. 

Switch to Electronic Version of Public Works and Management Policy (PWMP)

For budgetary reasons, STPA will need to be moving from a hard copy print version of PWMP as part of the membership to an electronic copy. If any member disagrees with this decision, please let the STPA officers know.  In discussions with SAGE, it will be difficult to offer a hard copy print option.

Social Networking Event at ASPA

STPA held a social networking event at Howell's and Hood after the annual meeting.  Fun was had by all who attended.  STPA is seeking venues and sponsorships for next year's social networking event in Seattle.

STPA Annual Meeting Notes

The Annual meeting was held on March 7th at ASPA's 2015 Annual Conference in Chicago.



(1) STPA finances: Our expenditures, which includes membership subscription to Public Works and Management Policy (PWMP), student paper award, and bank fees exceed our revenues.

a.  Some suggestions were to consider merging with another section. Potential sponsorships. Promoting the value added of the newsletter. Work closer with TRB to get a committee on Public Administration.

b.  By far the largest cost for STPA is the payment to SAGE for hard-copy membership subscription to Public Works and Management Policy (PWMP) so at the meeting it was agreed that we need to switch to an electronic copy of PWMP.


(2)  Need to review officers and hold elections

a. Eunice Akoto of North Carolina Central University was appointed as an officer

b. John Bartle nominated Rebecca Lutte of University of Nebraska at Omaha


(3) Discussed changing the section name, but this was tabled


(4) Truitt-Felbinger Award: Need to use connections in the Northwest to identify nominations and put together a nominating panel

(5) Student Paper Award: Need to post announcement this fall


(6) By-law changes: Need a STPA Calendar with due dates for awards and election nominations. The most recent by-laws that ASPA has are the 2000 version and this is the latest version on file, but several members think that there are updated by-laws.  If anyone knows of post-200 by-laws please let STPA know.


(7) Established a working group for increased membership.

Sponsored by

This newsletter is sponsored by the University of Southern Mississippi Trent Lott National Center for Excellence in Economic Development and the Center for Logistics, Trade, and Transportation