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News For Your Practice 
San Bernardino County Medical SocietyJune 23, 2011
In This Issue
Welcome New Applicant
Installation of Officers 2011
Oppose Elimination of Healthy Families Program
California Physician's Legal Handbook
The IE EHR Resource Center
New Applicant
The Medical Society is pleased to welcome the following applicant for membership:
Prashanth Kumar, MD 
Save These Dates
June 29, 2011
CMA Webinar:
Selecting the Right EHR for Your Practice
12:15 pm and 6:15 pm
September 17-18, 2011
CMA Foundation's Ethnic Physician Leadership Summit, San Jose CA
Member Benefits
Enjoy the many outstanding benefits you have as a member of the San Bernardino County Medical Society
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It is sometimes as dangerous to be run into by a microbe as by a trolley car.  ~ J.J. Walsh

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SBCMS Installs 2011-12 Officers & Presents Awards; Dr. Mallam Assumes Presidency on July 1 
Dr. Mallam

Mohan Mallam, MD begins his term as 2011-12 president July 1st


The San Bernardino County Medical Society's 119th Installation of Officers took place on June 15th at the San Bernardino Hilton. More than 200 people were in attendance to pay tribute to a number of physicians being recognized and honored at the annual event.  


Outgoing SBCMS President Rick Murray, MD, introduced the new board members including Mohan Mallam, MD, who will serve as the society's president during 2011-12, beginning July 1. Medical Students Jonathan Heldt and Manpreet Singh each received the Bangasser Medical Student Scholarship, and physician members retiring from their practice were recognized for their years of service. Congratulations to the recipients of the 2011 Outstanding Physician and Citizen Awards. Read the full story . . .
Call Your Legislators to Oppose Elimination of Healthy Families Program

As part of the May budget revise, Gov. Jerry Brown has proposed to eliminate the Healthy Families program and shift all of the children into the Medi-Cal program. This proposal would put at risk access to care for approximately 900,000 children currently enrolled in Healthy Families. SBCMS/CMA is asking all physicians to call their legislators and oppose this shift. Read more about the governor's proposal - scroll up to item 2 . . . 

Order the 2011 California Physician's Legal Handbook  

Don't forget to place your order for the 2011 California Physician's Legal Handbook (CPLH). This indispensable manual is published annually by CMA's Center for Legal Affairs and answers the legal questions most frequently asked by physicians. It can be purchased as a seven-volume, 4,500-page print edition or an interactive CD-ROM. For more information, or to place an order, click here or call CMA's publications department at (800) 882-1262. Members can also access most of the CPLH content for free through CMA's online medical-legal library

Inland Empire EHR Resource Center


Ready to Serve You


The Inland Empire EHR Resource Center (IEEHRC) assists health care providers in the Inland Empire navigate through the complicated world of implementing an EHR, helps those with an EHR to progress to demonstrating meaningful use, and to receive the Federal Recovery and Reinvestment Act incentive payments. Read more here; contact Kathy Thunholm, Project Director, 951.686.1825 or  


Featured Member Benefit: NORCAL Mutual Insurance

SBCMS endorses NORCAL as the professional liability insurer of choice for our members. NORCAL was founded in 1975 through the efforts of the California county medical societies and to this day the company remains true to its physician-focused values: support organized medicine, underwrite to the standard of care, and provide physicians with clinically driven risk management services and aggressive defense of nonmeritorious claims. NORCAL offers a 5% Loss Prevention discount to solo practice and physicians practicing in small groups of two to four. Contact NORCAL for a premium indication: (877) 443-7232 or click here for the website.


San Bernardino County Medical Society


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