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The Centerline
The newsletter of San Carlos Flight Center
In This Issue
Member News 
Welcome New Members

Tim Duong
Harris Hilbert
Michael Mastrangelo
Jason Smathers
Nick Williams
Oswald Tiong
Member Achievements

Henry Chen

Private Pilot Checkride
CFI Sid Basu

Marcel Larrarte
Private Pilot Checkride
CFI Kevin Hyberger

Thomson Nguyen
Solo Flight
CFI Sid Basu

Daniel Levin
Solo Flight
CFI Kyle Smathers

Ace Lewis
CFI Thomas Daniel

Aditya Munshi
Solo Flight
CFI Eric Blatner

Alessandro Franco
Solo Flight
CFI Drew Shevelow

Nello Franco
Commercial Checkride
CFI Kevin Petrie

Marc Georgiou
Solo Flight
CFI Eric Blatner

Marc Lecerf
Solo Flight
CFI  Drew Shevelow

Dave Kramer
Commercial Checkride
CFI Herb Patten

Pop Quiz
A fun monthly
knowledge test.
Beth Kirkpatrick

1. If weather conditions worsen after takeoff, your best action is to:
a. Keep flying and hope it clears up
b. Fly above or below the clouds in VFR
c. Divert and land as soon as practicable

2. True or False: Knowing the temperature and dew point can help identify foggy conditions.

3: True or False: The best exit strategy when a Pilot inadvertently enters IMC is to make a standard rate 180 degree turn
(answers are at the bottom)
SCFC Events and Safety Seminars
Aug 1 (Wed) 6:30pm
Fly Like a Girl Meeting: West with the Night

Aug 4 (Sat) 12:00pm
Cessna 172N, 172S, 172R - What's the Difference? 

Aug 8 (Wed) 7:00pm
Void If Not Off By - IFR from Non-Towered Airports

Aug 11 (Sat) 12:00pm
How an Aerospace Engineer Sees the World of Flight

Aug 15 (Wed) 7:00pm
How Drones Integrate into the National Airspace System

SCFC FOG Colorado Mountain Trip Recap

Oct 27 (Sat) 8:00am
Events & Trips
Aug 10 (Fri) 12:00pm
FOG Lunch
@Half Moon Bay

Aug 24 (Fri) 7:00pm
Full Moon Flyers
@Santa Rose

Sept 2 (Sun) 12:00pm
FOG Lunch
@Castle Air Museum

Oct 27 (Sat) 8:00am

The Fleet
C182 - G1000
N1483L - $238/hr
N123TZ - $228/hr

N182EE - $205/hr
N9894E - $195/hr

Piper Arrow
N200KR- $195/hr

C172S - G1000
N63251 - $180/hr
N6198N - $180/hr
N646DW - $172/hr

C172S - 6-pack
N410BS - $163/hr
N236SP - $163/hr
N458SP - $163/hr 
N652SP - $163/hr
N106RA - $163/hr
N21591 - $163/hr

N996RA - $154/hr
N2370F - $154/hr

N734WZ - $140/hr

Piper Archer
N6848J - $160/hr

Super Decathlon
N66405 - $140/hr

N59WD - $135/hr

Piper Warrior
N91338 - $125/hr

N714SW- $122/hr
N111RK - $115/hr
N5369H - $110/hr

BATD GNS-430W - $30/hr
 (member prices shown) 
Contact Us 
Front Desk
(650) 946-1700

Reddit Group

655 Skyway Rd
Suite 215
San Carlos, CA 94070 
Pop Quiz Answers
1. c
2. true
3. true

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June 2018

SFO Bravo Change Takes Effect August 16
In August, the substantial FAA changes to the Class B airspace around SFO will take effect.  This will have sweeping changes for every pilot in the San Francisco Bay Area.  If your plane does not currently have an installed moving map GPS system, you should strongly consider an iPad-based application like ForeFlight or Garmin Pilot.  Many of the new intersections have no easily identifiable visual reference, which means you'll need a big moving map to navigate successfully.

The Flight Center will continue to host safety seminars on the changes to Class B airspace for the foreseeable future.  Check the upcoming schedule or the weekly "This Week at the Flight Center" to stay informed.

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BAY FLIGHT 2018 Speaker Announcement
BAY FLIGHT 2018 is rapidly approaching, and we have added two dynamic speakers for the event!

Ryan McBride is the Lead Product Designer of Foreflight, and will speak on the recent updates and changes to the app.  With many pilots utilizing ForeFlight as their electronic flight bag solution, this subject is more important than ever.  Ryan will walk attendees through the latest changes in ForeFlight, while explaining why they are essential to know and how you can apply them in the cockpit.  Whether you are an avid user of ForeFlight, or are considering an electronic flight bag, you won't want to miss Ryan's seminar!

Ashley Helmetag is a former National Weather Service meteorologist for Oakland Center, who will describe the various weather patterns across the state.  As we live in an area that is famous for microclimates and rapidly changing weather, it is paramount that us pilots understand the conditions that are occuring in our area.  This seminar affords us the chance to speak with a meteorologist, and get all your clarifications covered.

For more information on BAY FLIGHT 2018, please visit
https://bayflight18.com/.  We hope to see you there! .  We hope to see you there!

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Know Your Bay Flight Number 
As most of you are aware of, San Carlos Flight Center uses the ICAO-issued call sign "Bay Flight" for our fleet.  Each plane has a Bay Flight number on the keybook and inside the cockpit for pilots to use at their discretion.  Please note: we periodically make changes to these numbers as planes join the fleet.  

The most recent change was to the six-pack 172 aircraft.  As a courtesy to the control tower, we grouped the N and R models together and adjusted the S models back one number.  This allows our new addition, N21591, to be "Bay Flight 21".  Bay Flight 21, N21591, makes sense right?

"Do we use the Flight ID displayed on the transponder if the Bay Flight number isn't displayed when making radio calls?" This question has come up a few times. The answer is that SCFC does our best to program the transponders so that their Flight ID displays the Bay Flight number. If you notice that these do not match, bring it to our attention in the form of a squawk. For that flight, use the Flight ID displayed when making radio calls until we can make the correction.

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After Hour Flight? Don't Get Locked Out!
This month the Flight Center is changing the code to the after hour lockbox. These codes are changed periodically to ensure that access remains only with SCFC members.

Please ask at the Front Desk for the new access codes and help us keep San Carlos safe by never giving out access codes. When flying after hours, be sure to never allow entry to secure airport areas to people who aren't with your group.

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Why Rudder Coordination is so Important
On the short list of oft-undertaught pilot skills, rudder coordination is an important one. Pilots should use the appropriate amount of rudder pressure to offset yaw moments imparted by applying power, pitch, or roll.

It's important because unintended yaw moments can create drag and prevent you from reaching a safe altitude quickly.  Uncoordinated turns can be hard on passengers and can contribute to pilot spatial disorientation.  Worse, uncorrected yaw motion in a turn can create a skid, which raises the risk of a spin.

It's easy to fix. Keep your eyes outside and straight ahead whenever you make a power or pitch change, or when applying aileron. With eyes outside, it is easy to notice when a left- or right-turning tendency begins to yaw the nose to the side, and then correct it with rudder pressures.  Challenge yourself to be coordinated at all times by keeping your eyes outside watching nose movements whenever you can.

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Share the Sky: Avoiding Bird Strikes
While birds and airplanes share the air, they do not mix well. Hitting a two-
pound seagull at a speed of 120 mph results in an impact force of 4,800 pounds. With jets, an impact at 600 mph results in a force of more than 35 tons. Frequently, jet engines will be severely damaged or fail. 

The engine of a propeller-driven aircraft is seldom
 harmed. The danger comes from broken windshields or structural damage to wings or empennage and should not be underestimated. The altered aerodynamics can cause increased drag and loss of airspeed and altitude.

One of the most likely places to encounter birds is the airspace around airports. Airports are occasionally located adjacent to dumps or water  Remember the dump near KPAO -  which is an airport by the bay?
For pilots, the Air Force Bird Aircraft Strike Hazard Team and FAA's  Aviation News from January 1996 offer this guidance for avoiding bird strikes:
  • Avoid low altitude flight as much as feasible to reduce the risk of a strike.
  • Strikes are most likely in August, September, and October - particularly in migratory flyways. These tend to be the larger birds. Keep a lookout, just as you would for other flying objects.
  • Dawn and dusk are the times with the highest probability of a bird encounter.
  • Turn on landing or recognition lights. This helps birds see oncoming aircraft.
  • Plan to climb. Birds almost invariably dive away, but there are exceptions.
  • Slow down. This will allow birds more time to get out of your way and will lessen the impact force if you do hit one.
  • If a collision seems likely, duck below the glareshield to avoid being hit by the bird and flying plexiglass. Advise passengers to do the same. Protect your eyes and head.
  • If a collision occurs, fly the aircraft first. Assess the damage and decide whether you can make it to an airport or you should make an off-airport landing. Declare an emergency - it doesn't cost anything. Even if no damage is visible, divert to the nearest airport and have a mechanic look at the airplane. There are likely to be some aerodynamic modifications that do not have FAA approval.
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Radio Communication: Keep It Simple
The goal of good radio communication is understanding. We need to make sure that the message is transmitted and received. In some situations, controllers include informative content which they do not expect a verbatim readback. You may receive a takeoff or landing clearance that includes a phrase such as "Caution personnel working near the approach end of the infield" or "... runway 30 cleared for takeoff, traffic on 1 mile final a SkyLane". There is no need to include this in your readback or if you feel it deserves a response a simple "Roger" followed by your tail number is the most efficient response.

For more radio communication tips, attend the next session of the Radio Communications Workshop Series. The next session is Saturday, August 18th and the first topic in the series is "Radio Communication Phraseology, Professionalism and Class D Operations"

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Member Profile: Nello & Alessandro Franco
(Father & Son)
SCFC: How did you both get involved in aviation?
NF:  I always wanted to get my pilot's license. I went for my first ride in a Cessna 120 with a neighbor when I was in my teens, but didn't get to fly again until I went on a trip up the California coast in 1994 with a with my wife's business school classmate who was a CFI. He was looking to build time as a CFI and made me an offer I couldn't refuse. 

AF: I've been "involved" in aviation since I was a little kid going to the Hiller Museum, and I've always had a passion for it. More recently, my dad got recurrent. Flying with him sparked my interest in the technical aspects, which led me to pursue my certificate.

SCFC: How does it feel to be on this journey together?
What has been your favorite part of going through this process as a family?
NF: It's been a great way for us to spend time together - we flew together on a father/son trip to Southern California at the end of last year. We've had to deal with abnormalities, planning, and decision making, all in the context of flying. I think it has taught Alessandro quite a bit about decision making, responsibility, and risk management while it has taught me how to communicate with him better.

AF: It is great being able to go on this journey together because I have someone who understands the whole process. The rest of my family supports this as well, which is really great.

SCFC: How has Alessandro's training differed from your own private pilot training?
NF: Alessandro had a head start flying with me in the right seat for almost a year prior to his training. Between 1994 and 2000, I got my PPL, Instrument Rating, and Commercial MEL, but had 15 years off between 2002 and 2017. Last summer, I did a long overdue BFR at SCFC and have been flying with him regularly since then. Alessandro has had the opportunity to be highly involved in flight planning, weather briefing, and especially in radio communications - which he has done most of when we've flown together for at least the past 6 months. I hope he takes the same perspective that I have in that every single flight is a flight lesson.

SCFC:  What's it like having your dad as a pilot?
AF:  It is great being able to have someone so close to talk about aviation with, and explain areas where I have questions. I am glad that I was able to start the training process with a strong knowledge base.

SCFC:  What are your aviation goals?
NF: I want to continue to have aviation be a way for us to stay connected. Maybe once he gets his PPL I'll be able to talk on the radios while he flies. I've also considered eventually becoming a CFI part time, but I have to manage a number of priorities competing for my time first. 

AF: I am not fully decided yet, but I have given it some thought and I might want to become an airline pilot at some point.

SCFC: After Upwind, who gets to be PIC when you fly together?
NF: Ha... good question! One of the easy decisions will be that I'll be PIC when IMC. He may also fly safety pilot when I'm under the hood maintaining IFR proficiency, so that'll be a win/win, giving him a head start on his instrument rating. Other than that it'll be a case by case basis. Hopefully we'll be flying enough together that there'll be plenty of time for both of us.

AF:  That's a good question. I haven't really thought about it. My first answer would be me, and I'm sure his will be him. Maybe we can call "PIC" kind of like calling "shotgun" to sit in the front seat of a car.

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Fly Like a Girl is Back!
All women and girls interested in aviation are welcome to attend the Fly Like a Girl Welcome Meeting on August 1st from 6:30 PM to 8 PM at the San Carlos Flight Center. Food and drink will be provided, and we will discuss the book West with the Night by Beryl Markham. Even if you have not read the book, you are welcome to attend and get to know you fellow female aviators. For more information visit: flylikeagirl.club

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Full Moon Flyout Stockton: Recap
Our trip to Stockton for the Full-Moon Flyers Dinner with Upwind was a great success this year. We knew turnout was higher than usual when NorCal controller called out "Hey, what's with all the Bay Flights going to Stockton tonight?" We even had enough planes to completely fill Stockton's transient parking!

Several generations of Upwind kids came back to meet the newest class, along with their families, and the staff and friends of the Flight Center. Over dinner we all caught up with friends and met new ones. The atmosphere was warm and welcome as everyone enjoyed their meals, swapped stories and jokes, and let a couple of the kids try to figure out how to play pool on the table upstairs.

As we returned to San Carlos we were treated  the a spectacular sunset. And of coures, most importantly, we all landed safely, marking yet another successful FOG event!

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FlyOutGroup Santa Maria Wine Tasting Weekend
Oct 19 - 21 (Fri - Sun)
This fall FOG is going wine tasting! Time to head south to Santa Maria and taste some of the best wines California has to offer. On Oct 19th we will embark on our annual journey, visiting the Costa Del Oro winery and other fine vineyards while enjoying the company of our fellow FOG members. 

This is a perfect trip for pilots to introduce their spouses to flying. The short flight combined with the beautiful scenery and fantastic wine makes it a great way to introduce those close to you to your favorite hobby. Reservations have just opened, but space is very limited. Sign up now or risk missing out on the most popular FOG trip of the year.

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Full Moon Flyers at Santa Rosa
Aug 24 (Friday) 7:00pm
This month we fly to Charles M. Schulz - Sonoma County Airport (STS) in Santa Rosa for dinner at the  Sky Lounge Steakhouse and Sushi Bar . Meet in the transient parking area at 7:00pm. Do 3 full stop landings along the way home to reset your night currency.

Please sign up so we can get an accurate headcount and keep you in the loop with updates. Ridesharing is encouraged, so be sure to list any open seats, or contact someone you'd like to ride along with.

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We keep our online calendar updated, so bookmark this page: 
http://www.sancarlosflight.com/activities/calendar. Better yet, follow the instructions at the top of the page to add this calendar to your iPhone.

First Glass Free - UpWind Closing Party
Join us at the Upwind Celebration party on Friday, August 31. It's our time to share in the accomplishments of another year of high-school pilots, and the continued success of the Upwind Summer Scholarship Program.  Bring this coupon and you and your guest will receive the first glass of wine free!