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The Centerline
The newsletter of San Carlos Flight Center
In This Issue
Member News 
Welcome New Members

Mustafa Abdelrahman
Shreyas Chand
Marc Georgiou
Kristen Gregory
Hiro Iwanaga
Philippe Kemula
Miki Kinoshita
Casey MacIntyre
Erick Mendoza
Gene Vinita

Member Achievements

Scott Brier
Private Pilot Checkride
CFI Kumar Gopal

Michael Neumeyer
Solo Flight
CFI Kevin Petrie

Scott Berrevoets
Private Pilot Checkride
CFI Miguel Mundo

Eric Blatner
CFI Checkride

Pop Quiz
A fun monthly
knowledge test.
Beth Kirkpatrick

1. Afternoon winds typically gain strength in the summer. This is caused by: 
a. the northern hemisphere being closer to the sun in the summer months
b. longer days with bigger temperature variances
c. the coriolis effect

2. What type of fog are we most likely to experience in the bay area?
a. radiation fog
b. advection fog
c. steam fog

3: If outside air pressure at a given altitude is warmer than standard, the density altitude is:
a. equal to pressure altitude
b. lower than pressure altitude
c. higher than pressure altitude
(answers are at the bottom)
SCFC Events and Safety Seminars
May 2 (Wed) 7:00pm
Aeromedical Factors

May 5 (Sat) 12:00pm
Flying the Grand Canyon

May 5 (Sat) 1:00pm

 May 9 (Wed)  7:00pm 
A Pilot's AIM for Success

May 10 (Thur) 7:00pm
Special Ops Meeting

May 12 (Sat) 12:00pm
So You Had to Make an Off Airport Landing

May 30 (Wed) 7:00pm
DME Arc Approach Plate Seminar
Events & Trips

May 25 - 27 (Fri-Sun)
Grand Canyon

May 29 (Tues) 7:00pm
Full Moon Flyers at Napa

Jun 14 - 17 (Thurs - Sun)

Jun 27 - Jul 1 (Wed - Sun)

The Fleet
C182 - G1000
N1483L - $238/hr
N123TZ - $228/hr

N182EE - $205/hr
N9894E - $195/hr

Piper Arrow
N200KR- $195/hr

C172S - G1000
N63251 - $180/hr
N6198N - $180/hr
N646DW - $172/hr

C172S - 6-pack
N410BS - $163/hr
N236SP - $163/hr
N458SP - $163/hr 
N652SP - $163/hr
N106RA - $163/hr

N996RA - $154/hr
N2370F - $154/hr

N734WZ - $140/hr

Piper Archer
N6848J - $160/hr

Super Decathlon
N66405 - $140/hr

N59WD - $135/hr

Piper Warrior
N91338 - $125/hr

N714SW- $122/hr
N111RK - $115/hr
N5369H - $110/hr

BATD GNS-430W - $30/hr
 (member prices shown) 
Contact Us 
Front Desk
(650) 946-1700

Reddit Group

655 Skyway Rd
Suite 215
San Carlos, CA 94070 
Pop Quiz Answers
1. b
2. b
3. c

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May 2018

Welcome Bay Flight 33!
SCFC is proud to announce the addition of Bay Flight 33, our newest c172 G1000. Bay Flight 33 is equipped with a GFC 700 autopilot and is ADS-B compliant through the GTX 345R transponder. These aircraft are extremely popular for those pursuing their instrument ratings, so we acquired a fourth c172 G1000 in order to best serve our piloting community. With the addition of N5043J, we are able to open more availability of G1000s on the schedule in time for summer. Look for N5043J on the flight line this month!
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BAY FLIGHT Conference Registration Opens May 4th
BAY FLIGHT 2018 is taking off.  The conference website has gone live and registration opens on May 4th.  If you are a Bay Area pilot, you will want to be a part of this great event.  Go to   BAYFLIGHT18.com to view the program, get answers to frequently asked questions, and register to save your seat.

SCFC is particularly excited to welcome Rod Machado to be our kick-off presenter, famous for his ability to simplify difficult 
topics while making them memorable with rapid-fire humor.  We hope you will join us for his lively and upbeat take on the latest topics in general aviation.  San Carlos Flight Center could not be more proud to have Rod's help in inaugurating our BAY FLIGHT conference. 

Look for announcements each month as we continue to add exciting speakers and sponsors to BAY FLIGHT 2018.  See you on Saturday, October 27th!

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The Return of Warm Weather Brings Back the SCFC Monthly BBQ!
Saturday May 5, 1:00pm
Kick-off BBQ season with us! The SCFC Maintenance Team has volunteered to host an awesome BBQ with some spectacular food and some fun activities! Octavio Valdiosera Sr., whom you might remember from his year of working for us as Flight Line, and his son Octavio Valdiosera, the A&P who runs our Maintenance Department, have offered to oversee the grill.

 Make sure you bring your appetite, as the SCFC MX staff will be dishing up some tasty grub! 
To kick off BBQ season right, we'll also be jamming out to some  live music  from Ezmotion, a local band that includes CFI Kevin Petrie's father, Gordon Petrie. We've been waiting months to see them!   

More fun activities have been planned to kick-off our monthly BBQs, including ajump house for kids and for pilots a fun game the Maintenance Department has devised to test your knowledge on what makes an aircraft unairworthy! So grab your family and friends and fly on by for a fun afternoon of great food, sweet music, and exciting games with your fellow pilots.  

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Aviate, Navigate, Communicate. 
In That Order!
You likely heard this phrase in training. It can roughly translated to mean "Don't stall. Don't hit anything. Coordinate with others." Most pilots know that all three are important to
safe flying, but it's worth focusing on the
order of the words, because the order can
save your life.

Above all else, maintain control of the aircraft. If you're not in control of the aircraft, fixing that is your first priority. Don't talk, don't fiddle with the VOR, get control of the aircraft. Don't stall. Don't spin. Keep control while taxiing. Those are the first tasks that must be focused on.

If you are safely in control of the aircraft, make sure you don't hit the ground, obstructions, or other aircraft. Keep eyes outside and don't place yourself in proximity to hazards. Clear every turn. Fly the heading and altitude you need need for safety.

Lastly, coordinate with others on the radio. Radio is a critical safety tool, but it is far less important that flying the plane, and avoiding a crash. If aviate or navigate are at risk, stop talking immediately and attend to these higher priorities.

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Tips for Long Cross Country Flight
Flying a long XC is often times the reason why many of us got our pilot certificate. Taking our family or friends to a far-off destination is thrilling but it can also be an opportunity to brush up on some skills. Make the most of those long hours in cruise by trying some of these practice drills:
  • Run through all the emergency procedures listed in the AFM and double check that you haven't forgotten a key step or key order of tasks. 
  • Call up Flight Service Station enroute and get an updated WX briefing or check NOTAMs for your destination. 
  • Practice planning to divert to another airport and make sure you know how to quickly find the key airport information such as frequencies, traffic pattern, traffic pattern altitude. 
  • Use some of the cruise time to really understand the features of the GPS in your plane. You might find unique features like the ability to calculate density altitude, check GPS status or calculate time, distance and fuel burn to an alternate airport. 
And of course, make sure you do this while also performing the number one task: Aviate!

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Safety at Slower Airspeeds
Airplanes usually spend most of their time in normal operations at cruise speeds. However during the takeoff, approach and landing phases of flight, airspeed is slower and the airplane is flown at higher angles of attack close to the ground. A pilot therefore must have a complete understanding of an airplane's flight characteristics, control feel, visual and aural cues at this end of the flight envelope.  Traditionally this is gained by practicing slow flight at higher altitudes.

The slow flight maneuver helps the pilot to recognize imminent stall indications, the mushiness of the controls and the appropriate control responses to maintain heading, altitude and airspeed. The key to staying safe, however, is to apply the lessons learned from the maneuver to slower airspeed operations at lower altitudes. The next time you're on final approach, remember it's a regime of flight where you'll need a higher pitch attitude to fly slower combined with more power to increase glide distance. This control pairing can seem counter-intuitive when approaching to land, which is whygaining proficiency in slow flight is a must for any pilot!

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Member Profile: Scott Brier
SCFC: Who or what inspired you to learn to fly?
SB:  My dad loved World War 2 fighters, especially the P-38 Lightning and P-51 Mustang. As a result, I grew up loving airplanes. When we found out my vision would never be good enough to fly for the US Air Force, I went to business school and vowed to return to aviation. After a flight in a Cessna 140 with a pilot-friend to a shop where Hawker Sea Furies are restored, I decided it was time to start flying.

SCFC: You just got your PPL! Congrats! How did it feel to become a Private Pilot?
SB:  After wrapping up my check ride with a
forward slip to a no-flap landing, I felt a combination of relief, excitement, pride, and pure joy. Even as I respond to this question a full week later, I still have a huge grin on my face and those same feelings. I'm so thankful to have a job with a flexible schedule, for my instructor Kumar who provided excellent training, and the supportive staff at SCFC (front desk, other instructors, maintenance crew) who all helped make this lifelong dream come true.

SCFC: Who was (or will be) your lucky first passenger?
SB: After my very first demo flight on my 30th birthday last year, I met a few friends at Izzy's steakhouse for dinner. One of those friends bought me a congratulatory drink - as a result, he'll be my first passenger this coming week.

SCFC:  What are your next aviation goals?
SB:  In continuing to prepare for emergency situations, spin training is my next short-term goal. I've never been in a spin, and I've repeatedly heard that spin training can make a real difference should I encounter a spin unintentionally. The next major milestone after that will likely be pursuing an instrument rating. I was lucky enough to train in some actual IMC during my private training, and it was an awesome experience.

SCFC:  What aviation adventure have you accomplished or wish to in the future?
SB: I'd like to fly back to and land at that same aircraft restoration shop as a thank you to the group that finally motivated me to start training. I think that would be one of the coolest things ever. After that, I'd like to get checked out at a flying club near my hometown in Indiana and take my Dad flying for the first time in a small airplane.

SCFC: What are your interests outside of aviation?
SB: I grew up in rural Indiana on a family-owned farm, so I really enjoy being outdoors, hiking, and fishing. In the winter months, I also try to get in a few ski trips to either Tahoe or Colorado. Finally, I enjoy playing with new technology - from the advanced analytics systems I use at work, to smart home gadgets. Some of you may be thinking, "but Scott, you don't love new technology. You trained in a C152," possibly while lugging around a heavy G1000 manual. Yes, I love old technology too!

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Meet our Newest CFIs
Kyle Smathers, CFI

Kyle Smathers started flying in 2011 and is passionate about aviation. He is dedicated to the mindset that there is always more to be learned about flying and instructing. Making himself a better pilot and instructor is something he focuses on. 

His first introduction to teaching was tutoring mathematics and physics, where he found joy in helping people understand new topics. Following that, he obtained his FAA advanced ground instructor certificate so that he could help people with their aviation knowledge. He thinks that flying is one of the most interesting things in the world and looks forward to exposing new pilots to aviation and to assist existing pilots improve their flying skills. Kyle is currently a student at San Jose State where he studies Aerospace Engineering.

Eric Blatner, CFI

Born and raised in Redwood City, Eric became enthralled in aviation when his parents took him to Hiller Aviation Museum as a young child. After many years and visits to different aviation museums, Eric started his initial pilot training in high school. After graduation, he went to Montana State University on a whim to finish his Private Pilot License. Eric then chose to come back to the Bay Area to finish up Instrument, Commercial, and Instructor ratings. 
He has always held himself and his students to the highest standards. Almost anyone can be a decent pilot, but Eric prides himself in shaping amazing pilots.

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Big Brothers, Big Sisters, Big Pilots
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bay Area is embarking upon its 60th year serving local children facing adversity with strong and enduring, one-to-one mentoring relationships that change their lives for the better. They currently have over 800 children waiting to be matched with a positive role model.

San Carlos Flight Center is proud to support the Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bay Area through the donation of a Scenic San Francisco Tour for their upcoming silent auction!  As an active participant, SCFC makes it a priority to help support the local charitable endeavors of our members. If you work closely with a local charity and feel that we could be of assistance, please contact us to let us know your idea. If we are able, we will happily lend a helping wing!

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Fly the Grand Canyon!
May 25 - 27 (Fri - Sun)
Join FOG as we head to one of the seven wonders of the natural world: The Grand Canyon!

We'll be taking advantage of the last bit of spring with its colorful scenery and smooth air. With unique combinations of geologic color and a canyon that's 277 river miles long' the Grand Canyon is a scenic wonder that can only be truly appreciated from above.

We'll be flying into Grand Canyon National Airport (KGCN) on Friday, May 25th and returning home on Sunday, May 27th. Book your plane and  register today. Spots are still available for this exciting trip. Contact the front desk if you have any questions. 

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5-Day Colorado Mountain Flying Journey
June 27 - July 1 (Wed - Sun)
Each year an armada of FlyOutGroup airplanes departs the Bay Area bound for a fun and amazing mountain flying adventure!

This year we head back to Colorado for some awesome Rocky Mountain flying. We will take the northern route through Utah, landing at the Class B KSLC for an overnight stay in Salt Lake City. Day two we journey into the heart of the Rockies for a two-night stay in Glenwood Springs, Colorado, our home base for mountain flying. Salida is situated among the best mountain passes and a few minutes south of the famous Leadville Airport, North America's highest airport at 9927'. Day Four we overfly the Grand Canyon en route to Las Vegas.

The trip is a great opportunity to complete your G1000 avionics or airplane-specific checkout and earn your high performance endorsement. Each plane will have 1 CFI and 2 pilots on board. Your registration fee is a $200 deposit and event fee is your CFI daily rate and aircraft flight hours. With two pilots per CFI and aircraft, the daily rate is halved between you and whomever you fly with to get mountain flying experience.

It promises to be an unforgettable flying adventure with plenty of room for ground-based fun as well. Visit the SCFC website for hotel information or to register for the event. 

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Full Moon Flyers to Napa
May 29 (Tues), 7:00pm
Summer is just around the corner and the Full Moon Flyers group is excited to final be able to fly into Napa with good weather! Join us Tuesday night, May 29th at 7:00pm as we enjoy dinner at  The Runway at Napa County Airport (KAPC).

Each month, several FOG pilots take part in the Full Moon Flyers dinner flight. Some are out of night currency, so they fly alone or bring along a CFI. Some are night current and bring along a friend. Some are student pilots with their CFI, fulfilling the night cross country requirement in a more fun and social way.  So come along and join us for a social group dinner, followed by a beautifully moonlit flight back home.

Please sign up at the SCFC website so we can get an accurate headcount and keep you in the loop with updates. Ridesharing is encouraged, so be sure to list any open seats, or contact someone you'd like to ride along with.

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We keep our online calendar updated, so bookmark this page: 
http://www.sancarlosflight.com/activities/calendar. Better yet, follow the instructions at the top of the page to add this calendar to your iPhone.

Register early for BAY FLIGHT 2018
to receive the Early Bird Special!
Registration opens on May 4th!

To save $20 on your Bay Flight 2018 registration fee, go to BAYFLIGHT18.com and register before July 31, 2018. SCFC Members will save an additional $30.

Your BAY FLIGHT registration includes:
  • Entrance to BAY FLIGHT 2018
  • Participation in all plenary sessions and breakouts
  • FAA WINGS credit for appropriate seminars
  • Lunch
  • Breakfast and afternoon snacks
  • Opportunity to meet other Bay Area pilots
  • Invitation to afternoon cocktail reception following conference
  • Video copy of all BAY FLIGHT 2018 breakout seminars