Newsletter Issue No 18
June 15, 2018 
In This Issue
Farewell to a few SDFAS employees
SDFAS News Emission 2
Elementary's Show
Pre-Elementary's Show
Congratulations to the 8th Grade Graduates
Kindergarten Graduation
Fun and Compétition on Field Day
Fête de la musique
Concours de Nouvelles
The Hero's Journey
5th grade forum from 1776
6th grade Extended Studies in French
Petting Zoo at SDFAS
Summer camps 2018

Quick Links

Girard Gourmet Lunches:



School Council Minutes

The School Council met on May 7.

Minutes are now available online.


French Conservatory of Music at SDFAS

Bringing over 90 years of expertise in music education from Paris to San Diego!

Starting in September 2018

Click HERE for more informations

If you want to Pre-Register Click HERE

The San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD)

Dear Parents, Faculty and Staff,
The SDFAS Board of Trustees and I are thrilled to announce to you that SDFAS and the San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) have entered into a long term lease agreement that provides the school with   a stable home on our present campus for up to 60 years !
The Board has been working with SDUSD for over five years to make this a reality.  The Board and the school are grateful to the parent community, faculty and staff for their support over this period of time and for positioning the school financially to be able to enter into this long-term arrangement. The Board and the school are also grateful for the support received from all of our neighbors:    co-tenants, local schools, religious facilities, and residential neighbors.
This milestone is foundational for our school. It affords us the opportunity to think now about significant investment in the future of our children's education with respect to the facilities on which our students, staff and teachers depend. We can now dream about investing in an even more perfect environment for learning!
We are thrilled to share this happy news with you.
Mark Rosenblum Jennifer Silver
Head of School Chair of the Board
Natalia Bertran Serge Brachet
Etienne Chaponniere Fernanda Coehlo
Paul Guckian Nanouchka Guilhemfouert
Ian Hayden Kyndra Leach
Artun Kutchuk Chrysa Mineo
Erica Murphy Eric Otterson
Teresa Sekiguchi Francesca Torriani  
Peter Westlake

MS Chapeau Ticket Store

The store was open on May 31: gather your chapeau ticket, shop with us, and have a fabulous day! Thank you to Ms. Seidel for running the store and carefully choosing items that delighted the middle school students!

MS Math/Science Club

Mad Scientists at Work in middle school

Last Middle School Dance of the 2017 / 2018 school year

MS Dances are important social events at SDFAS. Students enjoyed their last MS Dance of the year on June 1st, 2018. The theme and the organization were in the hands of the 8th graders. See how colorful everyone was in line with the "Rainbow" theme!"

End of the Year Show available on our Vimeo account

If you wish to view again the End of the Year show (Elementary and Maternelle), please visit the school Vimeo in the next few days, the videos will be uploaded. 


For Pre-Elementary School information and updates 


For Elementary School information and updates 


   For Middle School information and updates 


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If you have any questions or comments regarding this publication, please contact our editor, Audrey Blanchard at

for the French American Chamber of Commerce website.
Kermesse 2018

June 15th was the last day of another amazing year at SDFAS. To kick off our summer, ponies and a petting zoo, bouncy house and slides, a game truck and carnival games were offered, at absolutely no cost, to our lucky families. Our community could also pay a fraction of the regular price to enjoy high-quality carnival rides and sample food prepared by our very own families. La Kermesse was well attended and many past families and alumni came back to the school to savor yet another happy moment on our sun drenched field. On behalf of all those who helped make this Kermesse yet another successful event, Happy summer! We hope these next two months are restful and filled with joyful memories. 

A special thank you to our volunteers who made La Kermesse possible: Keri and Patrick Belhon, PA Water and Ice Cream stand - Sarah Gille, PA Water stand - Izzy Thiyani, Surf Diva stand

Nahid Awad, International Food Fair Chair: Mark Becker, Oga Dimitriva, Pam Godde, Stéphanie Labbé, Kerry Riché and Hanan Shehata.

Lydia Inostroza-Babureck, PA President
Middle School: Graduation trip to Montreal
Collège : Voyage à Montréal

From June 4 to 8, our 8th grade students had the great opportunity to travel to Canada, with chaperones Ms. Seidel, Ms. Addo and Mr. Baron. They discovered the history of the Quebec province while visiting the cities of Montreal and Quebec, realizing the importance of the French language and the influence of the European culture in that part of North America. They participated in the local life, tasted the traditional "poutine," and strolled the cobblestone streets of Old Montreal and Old Quebec City. They got to enjoy a range of various activities, from real fun to culture exploration, such as biking, hiking, cultural quizzes and more. Finally, they created a TV program at the Radio Canada studios. Everyone just loved the entire trip! Thank you to Ms. Seidel for organizing the trip, and thank you to our devoted teacher chaperones!


60 years is a long time. It is also the length of time of the new lease agreement between SDFAS and the San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) that rents us the current school campus we enjoy. This milestone deal between the Board of Trustees and SDUSD is welcome news and allows the school permanency and peace of mind as it moves forward with confidence into the future. The community may now dream of facilities improvements and the building together of an even more perfect learning community for our children. A great end-of-year gift for us all!

The last Écho of the school year presents, as always, an opportunity to celebrate the many wonderful projects and events which have taken place over the course of the past several days:  the End-of-year Shows, the 8 th grade trip to Canada, the Music and Dance Presentations, the Fête de la Musique, Field Day, Graduation, in other words, the amazing participation of your children and the many ways in which our bilingual and multicultural programs at SDFAS cultivate and celebrate such a wide array of talents. You can also be proud of your children's academic achievement. Report cards were published this week and the results bear witness to the hard work and achievement of students and teachers alike.

This is also a time of year during which we say goodbye to families leaving the SDFAS community for diverse horizons and we wish them our very best. They will be missed and we thank them for all that they have contributed to this community. Some of our teachers will also leave us this year and we thank them for all of their energy and dedication to their students and to the SDFAS community.

During the summer break, stay tuned for information about the back-to-school season, and, in the meantime, enjoy the summer months and quality time with your marvelous children.

Thank you for your loyal readership of the Écho all year long and a particular thank you to Audrey Blanchard for her work as editor-in-chief of this important bimonthly SDFAS community communication.

Mark Rosenblum, Head of school

Chers parents,
Vous pensez peut être que 60 ans est une longue période. Effectivement, et c'est la durée du nouveau bail signé entre SDFAS et le School District de San Diego, propriétaire de notre bien aimé campus. Cet accord très important passé entre le conseil d'administration de SDFAS et le School District est une excellente nouvelle qui donne à l'école la tranquillité d'esprit d'envisager l'avenir en toute confiance. Notre communauté peut à présent imaginer des améliorations du campus et la construction ensemble d'un environnement d'apprentissage encore meilleur pour nos enfants. Un magnifique cadeau de fin d'année pour nous tous !

Le dernier numéro de L'Écho de l'année est une bonne occasion de célébrer les nombreux projets et événements magnifiques qui ont été présentés ces derniers jours : les spectacles de fin d'année, le voyage au Canada des élèves de 4ème, les représentations de musique et de danse, la Fête de la Musique, la Journée Sportive, la cérémonie de remise des diplômes, en d'autres termes, la participation éblouissante de vos enfants et les nombreuses façons dont les programmes bilingues et multiculturels de SDFAS cultivent et encouragent un large éventail de talents. Vous pouvez aussi être fiers de la réussite académique de vos enfants. Les bulletins de notes ont été publiés cette semaine et les résultats démontrent l'excellent travail des élèves comme de leurs professeurs.

C'est aussi la période de l'année où nous disons au revoir aux familles qui quittent la communauté de SDFAS pour d'autres horizons et nous leur souhaitons une bonne continuation. Ils nous manquerons et nous les remercions pour toutes leurs contributions à la communauté. Certains de nos enseignants nous quitterons également cette année et nous les remercions pour leur énergie et leur dévouement auprès des élèves et de la communauté de SDFAS.

Pendant les vacances d'été, nous vous tiendrons au courant du déroulement de la rentrée prochaine et en attendant, profitez des mois d'été pour partager de fabuleux moments avec vos enfants.

Merci pour votre lecture assidue de l'Écho tout au long de l'année et un remerciement tout particulier à Audrey Blanchard pour son travail d'éditrice en chef de cette communication bimensuelle très importante pour la communauté de SDFAS.

Mark Rosenblum, Chef d'établissement

Farewell to a few SDFAS employees
Au revoir aux professeurs et membres de l'administration qui nous quittent
To our teachers and assistants who are leaving us this year, we wish them the very best in their future endeavors and thank them for their contribution to the education of our students: Géraldine Portier (PK0), Tiep Nhu Tan (PK0), Mylène Stalin-Powers (PK2), Sarah Petrasko von Kornya (PK2), Sophie Nehoua (4th grade), Julien Moncelet (5th grade), François Baron (Middle School).
SDFAS News Emission 2

SDFAS News Emission N�2
SDFAS News Emission 2

The students can be proud of themselves! What they did was the result of their hard teamwork! Enjoy!
Elementary's Show
Spectacle des Elémentaires

On  Friday, June 8th , all elementary students presented their final show; a magic moment full of rhythm, voices, body percussion and poetry. The 4th graders presented their own interpretation of the famous cup song (Anna Kendrick). The 5th graders brought the audience to Africa with two traditional songs (Bonse Aba from Zambia, Simamaka from Ghana) accompanied by gestures and dances. And finally, 89 students from 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade performed   the bilingual opera "Myla and the boat-tree" (Isabelle Aboulker)  together on stage.

The performance was amazing!
Pre-Elementary's Show
Spectacle des Maternelles

The Pre-Elementary celebrated the last day of school with a fantastic show dedicated to their parents. The theme was "les mondes imaginaires" and through dances and songs we traveled from a secret land behind a door, to an  enchanted forest, a sea world. We met butterflies, strange birds, and revisited through his dreams, the day of a kindergartener.

It was a great way to start the last day of school before sharing a last potluck in the classroom and going to the kermesse!
Congratulations to the 8th Grade Graduates
Félicitations aux élèves de 4ème

We are very proud of this year's high school admission results and wish every single one of our twenty four 8th grader graduates the very best for their high school years and beyond.

Seiji's Graduation 2018 speech
Seiji's Graduation 2018 speech
Congratulations to our students who have received offers of admission at: 
The Bishop's School - Cathedral Catholic High School - Canyon Crest Academy - Francis Parker School - The Grauer School - La Jolla Country Day School - La Jolla High School - Mission Bay High School (IB Program) - La Costa Canyon (IB Program) - San Diego High School (IB Program) - Scripps Ranch High School - Torrey Pines High School - Institut de La Tour, Paris
Pre-Elementary: Kindergarten Graduation 2018

A study finds that "The average Kindergarten student has already spent 5,000 hours in front of a TV screen, nearly as much time as necessary for a university student to complete a bachelor's degree!" SDFAS students, with 25 hours of instruction per week and 35 weeks per year, from PK1 to Kindergarten, will have spent about 3,000 hours in an incredibly varied, enriching learning environment: 3,000 hours not spent in front of a TV screen but in rich interactive educational activities, immersed in languages, mixing with friends from a large variety of backgrounds.
An incredible start for elementary school, that gives them a global perspective preparing them to make positive changes in tomorrow's world.
Congratulation SDFAS Kindergarteners!
Fun and Compétition on Field Day Last Thursday
Jeux et compétition sur le terrain de sport jeudi dernier

Field Day 2018: 8th grade against 1st grade
Field Day 2018: 8th grade against 1st grade

All the Elementary and Middle School Students enjoyed an afternoon of games, team building and competition for the fun of it, under the sun. 
Thank you to the parents who volunteered to help, to the teachers who led and cheered their team and to Diesa for a great coordination of the afternoon.
Fête de la musique

The fourth edition of the music festival "la fête de la musique" took place on May 30, 2018 in the auditorium. It was a great pleasure to see how our musical community is involved. This year, we applauded no less than 24 performances including 24 students, 6 teachers/staff, 5 parents and a music teacher. For some, it was their first time performing in front of an audience.  
Once again, this event was a success thanks to several people who made it possible: Mark Rosenblum for encouraging the festival to happen; Adam and Matt, our maintenance team for setting up our lovely auditorium; Audrey Blanchard and Véronique Rahmati for the communication and logistics for the event. We also thank Claire Selva, festival coordinator, 1st grade teacher and Anne Ferton, K teacher. Congratulations to all participants for sharing their melodies and their passion for music!

Middle School: Concours de Nouvelles - 6th and 7th grades

Mme Addo, Paul - 
Mme Addo, Kaylie

On May 31, 2018, the winners of the "Concours de Nouvelles" (French Writing Contest in 6th and 7th grade) were awarded their prizes! If you want to read « les Nouvelles » Click HERE
Congratulations to:
  • 1st prize: Kaylie
  • 2nd prize: Paul
  • 3rd prize: Sofia 
These short stories were chosen as the best by students (8th Graders and 5th graders) and by adults working at school (Claire Selva, Binetou BADIANE-MAGGIO, Bénédicte Brouder and Mark Rosenblum).
The students had one hour and thirty minutes to write them. The stories are the result of hard work on both the techniques of storytelling and the meaning of the 10 words chosen by La Francophonie this year: accent, bagou, griot, jactance, truculence, ohé, voix, placoter, susurrer, volubile.
The contest was organized by Marion Addo and Aline Bunod.
Middle School: «The Hero's Journey»
Collège : Le voyage du héros

"On Monday, June 1st, 5th graders and 6th graders worked together on the theme " The Hero's Journey". The time allotted to the project was divided in two so that the students could write half their story in French, and half in English. The teachers who organized this project (Emmanuel Parello, Julien Moncelet and Aline Bunod) rewarded the group whose story was the best written."
Elementary School: 5th grade forum from 1776

On June 7th, the 5th graders re-created a 1776 town council meeting somewhere in the American colonies as the colonists debated whether or not to separate from Great Britain. The students had spent the last several weeks working on persuasive writing pieces, following a reading of excerpts from Thomas Paine's "Common Sense," which argued forcefully for independence in 1776. Some took the position of patriots seeking independence, and other took the role of loyalists faithful to the British crown. After giving opening statements, the students went back and forth, presenting their best arguments in favor or against independence.  In the fashion of a British parliamentary gathering, their arguments were often met with spirited cheers or jeers from other colonists attending the meeting. Our 5th grade "colonists" argued over the relative merits of new taxes imposed by the king and parliament, representation in the British parliament, and of the risk of getting involved in a long war with the mother country. Although the town council was divisive, without a clear victor in the debate, all of them presented powerful arguments for their positions.
Middle School: 6th grade Extended Studies in French performed for 3rd graders

Pictured: Valentina, Nathalie

Extended Studies are a weekly 2-period block, that provide students with another opportunity  for creative and hands-on fun learning experiences!
Enjoy the pictures of the 6th grade students enrolled in the extended studies in French performing their adaptations of several well-known fairy tales, in front of a delighted 3rd grade audience and their 6th grade peers from the extended studies in English!
Thank you to Ms. Bunod and Ms. Newnam, their teachers!

Pre-Elementary: Petting Zoo at SDFAS

Last Friday, we welcomed Garden of Eden petting zoo at school. Our PK0 students were very excited to meet two lamas, a giant bunny, a sheep, goats, chickens, ducks and a little black pig!
Summer camps 2018 at SDAFS 
Camps d'été 2018

The Summer camps Around the World - Le Tour du Monde 2018 is now available to you!

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions at  [email protected]

- Monday, June 18 - July 27: Summer camp, « Around the World - Le Tour du Monde »
- Wednesday, June 4:  Independence Day
- Wednesday, August 29: Orientation - Open house for ASA
- Thursday, August 30: Back to school!
- Thursday, September 13:  PA 1st Meeting at 2:30pm