Newsletter Issue No 2
September 13, 2018 
In This Issue
Innovation Lab - Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
2019 GALA, "Nuit Blanche"
Yearbook 2018-2019
Library at SDFAS
Our Kindergarten received their first coding lesson
Chromebooks Program Roll-Out
The 5th grade Knowledge Market
Need to review your 7th grade Science knowledge?
Theater Fun!
Back-To-School Nights

Quick Links

Girard Gourmet Lunches:



Today at 2:30 pm
Don't Miss the Parents Association Meeting#1!
Parents are welcome to volunteer - Contact: 

Minimum Day September 14

Our first minimum day is tomorrow.

Dismissal is at 11:45 am for PK0-5, and at 12 noon for middle school.

Extended care is available from 12 noon until 6 pm.

Parents must register their children for extended care on minimum days before September 13, by sending an email to EXTENDED CARE if you cannot pick up your child by 12 noon.

There is no Girard Gourmet school lunch service, so if your child is staying in extended care, please provide a lunch. Children who are not picked up by noon will go to the lunch area. Please pick up your children in the lunch area for K-8 and from the playground in preschool.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions:

Cine Club - September 21

LES SOUVENIRS Bande-annonce
LES SOUVENIRS Bande-annonce


High School Information Night September 25

Save the Date! 
Tuesday, September 25, from 6:00 - 7:30 pm
In the Auditorium

Part 1 - Overview of high school application process / various programs (public, private, IB/AP)

Part 2 - Alumni Panel

Part 3 - Question/Answer Time

The presentation is especially important for 8th Grade parents and students, but all SDFAS families interested in learning more about the high school process are very welcome to attend.

For questions, please contact Erin Stoller, High School Placement Counselor at
858-456-2807 ext. 312
Other ways to contribute
When you shop at, you'll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and  convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to SDFAS. On your first visit to AmazonSmile, you need
to select San Diego French-American School to receive donations from eligible purchases
before you begin shopping.

Mabel's Labels offers sticky and clothing labels that are dishwasher, microwave and laundry  safe, and customized with a child's name. Purchase from Here , select our school and part of the proceeds will go to SDFAS.

Sign In-Out Kiosk

The pre-elementary replaced its traditional paper sign in-out sheets with mobile
tablets. No more stacks of sign out sheets filling our back office. We digitize our sign
in-out process with a one-touch mobile solution. Now each person authorized to
pick up or drop off has his/her own code. Families can go online to Kinderlime to add or remove a
person. Kinderlime creates a code for the person authorized too. This initiative will reduce paper waste AND enhance our security. We hope
everyone likes the simplicity and efficiency of this new system.
Healthy Start at School
As school is just beginning we would like to remind you of a few healthy habits to keep throughout the school year.

1. Check your children's hair regulary to ensure that hair is free of lice.
2. Do not send your children at school if they have a fever of 100+ 
3. Please keep us posted by email if there is any updates in your contact information.

Thank you and to a healthy 2018-19 school year.
Healthy Families at SDFAS
Wednesday, October 3
2 Sessions: 8:45 am or 6:00 pm in Auditorium

Conference on Parenting at SDFAS
Thursday, October 11th
from 6:30 am to 8:00 pm in Auditorium
Read the Last Écho
If you would like to read the last Newsletters "L'Écho". 
It's possible to the Website!


For Pre-Elementary School information and updates 


For Elementary School information and updates 


   For Middle School information and updates 


  Follow us to receive our pictures, update and stories from our instructors and your children.



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Thank you for your support.


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SDFAS is sharing pictures


SDFAS is sharing Videos



We are also sharing the blogs for each division:
It takes only a few clicks to subscribe!
Access the blogs from our homepage:


If you have any questions or comments regarding this publication, please contact our editor, Audrey Blanchard at

for the French American Chamber of Commerce website.
Back-to-School Picnic: Sharing of joy for young and old!
Le pique nique de la rentrée : De la joie, du partage pour les petits et les grands !

"The picnic last weekend was such a blast! Thanks so much to the staff, teachers and volunteers who made it possible!! Between fun activities on the field, ASA demos, our selfie station, the balloon artist and face painting, the kids had an amazing time!! It was a wonderful way to kick off the new school year. Even though I was working the face painting table all day, lots of parents that I know came by to say hi and catch up. Our SDFAS community rocks! "

Vanessa Hamilton
Back-to-School is fun!
C'est la rentrée c'est super !

Preschool: Promising beginning

Selma - Eleonore and Anastasia - Victor, Jhenna, Neva, Evangeline, Lyra and 

We are starting our second full week of school and already our young students are discovering, experimenting, learning to know each other and having fun!

Welcome all to SDFAS!

Elementary: A lot of supplies

Pictured: 2nd Grade Ms Loomis

"C'est la rentrée !" And we received a lot of supplies! So, why not play with them before putting them away! On the very first day of school, two students from Second grade built a tower with boxes of Kleenex and they named it "The Empire State Building."


In this 2nd edition of   L' Écho   I am very happy to share with you some of the events that have taken place on campus so far this year, such as last Saturday's back-to-school welcome picnic. I hope   L' Écho   is a way for you to be aware of and enjoy the educational experiences offered here at SDFAS. 

My name is Audrey Blanchard and I am responsible for the school's bi-weekly newsletter   l'Écho   and posters promoting school events. Previously, I was the artistic director in an advertising firm. I am passionate about graphic arts and I dabble in painting. I have two children here at SDFAS, Mark in 2nd grade and Clara in PK1.

My mission is to give you an overview of what SDFAS offers to the students across subject areas and grade levels, using different mediums: photos, articles, posters videos, and links.

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have questions or comments. 

Thank you. I look forward to a wonderful year with all of you!

Enjoy reading L'Écho!

Audrey Blanchard, Communications Officer

Chers parents,

Dans cette 2ème édition de l'Écho, je suis heureuse de vous faire découvrir les événements passés (comme le pique-nique de samedi dernier) et ceux à venir, et de partager les informations qui vous permettront de mieux profiter avec vos enfants de l'expérience éducative de SDFAS !

Je m'appelle Audrey Blanchard. Je me charge du bulletin bimensuel de l'école « L'Écho », et également du design de certaines affiches de l'école. En France, j'étais Directrice Artistique en agence de publicité. Je suis passionnée par les arts graphiques et je fais un peu de peinture. J'ai deux enfants : Mark, 7 ans, en CE1 et Clara, 3 ans, en petite section de maternelle.

Ma mission est de vous permettre d'avoir une vision plus globale de ce que l'école offre à nos enfants dans différents domaines et sur les différents niveaux par le biais de différents supports : photos, articles, affiches, vidéos, liens...

N'hésitez pas à me contacter si vous avez des questions ou des remarques.

Bonne lecture et bonne année scolaire à tous !

Audrey Blanchard, Responsable de Communication

Innovation Lab - Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on Wednesday, September 19th at 8:45 am
Innovation Lab - Cérémonie d'inauguration avec coupé de ruban le Mercredi 19 Septembre à 8h45

Pictured: Middle School - 
1st Robotics class: standing up, sitting down, on the floor, on a table, outside, inside: all different ways of working and all efficient! It took students  about 10 seconds to "conquer" the new flexible space.

We are proud to invite the community to a ribbon cutting ceremony to inaugurate the Innovation Lab
Wednesday, September 19th at 8:45 am.

Thanks to the school's fundraising effort during the 2017-2018 school year, a sleek new Innovation Lab hosting the school's coding and robotics program opened last week.
Over the summer, the school's facilities team coordinated the extensive scope of this work.
François Trégouët, the school's STEAM coordinator, now has adequate facilities to engage each student, cultivating creativity, reasoning, problem solving, and other skill sets associated with these types of tech-based activities.
Merci à tous! Your generosity has truly made a difference!

If you would like to read the press coverage of the Innovation Lab: San Diego News - La Jolla Light .
2019 GALA, " Nuit Blanche", on March 30, 2019 at the Hotel Pendry

Pictured: Hotel Pendry

Save the Date! Nuit Blanche is an elegant evening inspired by Paris, La Ville des Lumières' celebration of art in all its forms.

1st GALA COMMITTEE MEETING -Tuesday September 18 at 08:45, Sunroom.  Coffee will be served

We need your help planning an awesome party with a great goal- improving our beloved school. Please consider joining the Gala Committee. New and returning parents are welcome. If you cannot attend but would like to participate, please send an email to our gala co-chairs Scott Crosby at and Amparo Young at or to Véronique Rahmati in the development office at 
Yearbook 2018-2019
Le livre de l'année 2018-2019

Pictured: Isabelle Senecal.

Dear Parents,
My name is Isabelle Senecal, I work with the amazing preschool team and I am also in charge of the yearbook.

What is a Yearbook? It is a book published at the end of the school year that records, among other things, school events, student achievements and activities, and friendships. It is a wonderful memory book that parents and students will treasure for a long time.

This week you may have seen our 2017-2018 Yearbook on display on the preschool side and by the main entrance. Feel free to look at it and discover its pages if you haven't yet done so.

We are happy to announce that we will be holding a Yearbook cover contest again this year that will be open to all SDFAS students and that will end on November 2nd, 2018. It is a fantastic way for students to get involved in this memorable project.

Also we are very excited to offer to students (1st grade to 8th grade) who would be interested, a workshop to help them produce their best design by encouraging collaboration, fostering understanding of the theme and stimulating creativity. Register here.

The 2018-2019 Yearbook can already be purchased through using the Yearbook ID Code: 12766719.

Let me know if you have any questions,

Library at SDFAS
La bibliothèque à SDFAS

Parents are welcome to check out more resources for their children (magazines, audiobooks, DVDs and more in French, English, and Spanish) during the following time slots:

Mondays 2:45 - 3:00 and 
Wednesdays 8:30 - 9:30

For any question, contact Anne Ricart:

Pictured: Noémie - Anne with the PK1

« Today we have library! »

Every week, your children come to the library. For the little ones, it's quite the expedition since they have to cross the entire campus; bigger kids are more familiar with the path to the library since they can also come during recess to read or exchange a book.

The library period in the students' schedule is divided into three activities. First I read to the children: one book in French and one in English; we explain new vocabulary words, I invite them to retell the stories and imagine what happens next. Then students are free to explore the library and pick their favorite books. Many love reading picture books, by themselves or to each other ("I'll be the teacher now"); others prefer nonfiction books to exchange and learn about their favorite topics, from planets and ancient Egypt to dog breeds. Finally, students pick the books they'd like to check out and share with you at home.

You now see why your children are so excited about this special period of the week when, surrounded
by books, they are free to dream and discover.

« Aujourd'hui, on a bibliothèque ! »

Chaque semaine, vos enfants se rendent à la bibliothèque. Pour les plus petits, c'est une véritable expédition, car il leur faut traverser tout le campus ; les plus grands, eux, connaissent bien le chemin, car ils peuvent aussi s'y rendre pendant la récréation pour lire ou échanger un livre.

La période de bibliothèque, inscrite dans l'emploi du temps des élèves, se déroule en trois temps. D'abord je lis deux livres aux enfants, un en français et un en anglais ; nous élucidons les mots difficiles, j'incite les enfants à reformuler les grandes lignes de l'histoire et je les invite à imaginer la suite. Dans un deuxième temps, les enfants peuvent circuler librement dans la bibliothèque et choisir les livres ou magazines qui les intéressent. Beaucoup aiment lire des albums, ou les lire les uns aux autres (« c'est moi qui fais la maitresse »); d'autres préfèrent les documentaires pour échanger et vérifier leurs connaissances concernant, les planètes, l'Egypte ancienne ou encore les races de chiens. Enfin, les enfants choisissent le ou les livres qu'ils peuvent emprunter et partager avec vous à la maison.

Vous comprenez à présent l'enthousiasme de vos enfants pour cette période particulière de la semaine où, entourés de livres, ils sont libres de rêver et de découvrir.



The school offers different resources for parents to acquire French reading material for their children. Here is an overview with detailed subscription information for each.

This publisher of children's books offers a subscription to 10 high quality French books delivered to the school in the child's name, from November to June. A catalog is distributed at the beginning of the school year. To learn more about the L'école des loisirs collection of books, visit their website: 

To subscribe: fill out the Group Subscription form (don't forget to sign and date), and return it with a check to l'école des loisirs.  Deadline this year is September 28th

These two publishing houses offer a wide variety of French magazines for all tastes and reading levels. The magazines will be delivered at home. A catalog is distributed at the beginning of the school year. The catalog is also available  online

To subscribe: Fill out the form and write a check to Coralie Bollier (no credit card). You can return the form and check to the school or mail directly to Coralie Bollier.

Each month, students can pick up a Scholastic Canada flyer with books in French at the library. The books are delivered at school. To order fill out the form at the back of the flyer and write a check for the amount in US dollars (prices in the last column).  ORDER BY THE 15th OF THE MONTH. No cash please. 
For books in English, visit the Scholastic USA website and order directly online:  sign up, and enter the one-time Class Activation Code GRR7D. Once you are registered, you can sign in every month to place your orders. I usually place several orders every month.

Every order benefits children twice: they will enjoy receiving books or magazines of their own, and the school will get free books and magazines to be enjoyed in the library.

Thank you and Happy Reading!

Anne Ricart
Our Kindergarten received their first coding lesson

Maternelle : Première leçon de codage

Pictured: Anne-Sophie, Zoe and Mia - Jace and Killian

SDFAS kindergartners met Bee-Bot, an exciting little robot especially designed for a first approach to coding. It is the "perfect tool for teaching directionality, sequencing, estimation, problem solving, and just having fun".
Francois Tregouet, SDFAS STEAM coordinator, started by giving a tour of the new
Innovation Lab. The visit was followed by a lesson on how to use the arrow keys to code Bee-Bot to move and turn, and how to send the robot on its way by pressing GO. A lot of excitement with many suspenseful trials and errors!!! 

Great job!
Middle School: Chromebooks Program Roll-Out
Collège : Déploiement du programme Chromebooks

The highlight of the first day of school was the 1:1 Chromebooks Program roll-out this year! Students benefited from several short clinics in order to get to know their device and how to use it, and also discuss with their teachers the ins and outs of the Google Classroom organization for each subject area.
Fast-paced and fun, the back to school was filled with a vibrant level of positive, focused energy! 

Well done!
Elementary School: The 5th grade Knowledge Market
Elémentaire : Le marché du savoir avec les CM2

Pictured: Dennis and Anouk - Yehia and Gustav - Harmony and Zayden

With the start of the school year, each child faces doubts about their ability to learn, to interact with his/her classmates or with his/her teacher.
The objective of the Knowledge Market is to place each student in the context of teacher and learner. They evaluate each situation by becoming familiar with the requirements of each situation and more specifically, what is expected of them at school. Finally, every child understands that no one is ignorant, and that everyone can teach someone something.
Middle School: Need to review your 7th grade Science knowledge? Play "Inside Game" with Ms. Denis!
Collège : Besoin de revoir vos connaissances scientifiques ? Jeu extérieur avec Mme Denis !

Pictured: Gaspard, Jean-Baptiste, Regina and Natasha

What is better than a fun and engaging activity to review knowledge? Ms. Denis created a challenging "Inside Game" for 8th graders to play around the middle school campus. The scavenger hunt brought small groups of students from one riddle to the next, as they were reviewing their acquired knowledge in chemistry and physics. The ultimate award was to find out to the lock combination to enter the "Grall": the Science Lab! 

Thank you, Ms. Denis!
ASA: Theater Fun!
Activité extra-scolaire : On s'amuse au théâtre !

Pictured: Lara, Mila, Adeline, Anastasia, Zoey and Zoë

Today was first day of Theatre class! Woo Hoo!  The students enjoyed learning about the different directions on the stage and how to exaggerate movement so it's bigger than life by  blowing imaginary gigantic bubbles  in different directions and "watching" them float to the sky!

See attached pictures, we can get more children to learn the basics of theater, activity open to PK1-K on Monday from 3:15 - 4:15 pm with Susan Hall.
Back-To-School Nights from 5:30 to 6:30 pm
Rencontre avec les professeurs de 17h30 à 18h30

Back to School Night Extended Care:  Registration is mandatory for Extended Care during Back to School Nights. 
Please register at least two days before the event. One hour of Extended Care will be charged per family per day.


- September 13:  Parents Association Plenary Meeting #1 at 2:30 pm Sunroom
- September 13:  Back-to-school Night 5:30 - 6:30 pm for PK0 & Middle School
- September 14: Minimum Day
- September 15: HS Level and CNED French classes start
- September 17:  Back-to-school Night 5:30 - 6:30 pm for 1st grade
- September 18: The first Gala meeting at 8:45 am in the Sunroom
- September 18:  Back-to-school Night 5:30 - 6:30 pm for 2nd and 3rd grades
- September 21:  CinéClub #1
- September 24:  Room Parent Meeting - All Divisions at 9 am
- September 24 & 25: Picture days K-8
- September 25 : High School Information Night (from 6 - 7:30 pm in Auditorium)
- September 27: New Family Cocktail
- October 3: Healthy Families 2 Sessions: 8:45 am or 6:00 pm 
in Auditorium
- October 11: Conference on Parenting from 6:30 to 8:00 pm  in Auditorium