Newsletter Issue No 17
June 8, 2017 
In This Issue
Fête de la Musique
Books too need a summer break!
Some PK0 created a book
A learning and teaching experience in India
8th grade Montreal Trip
Science in MS
The Kindergarteners and the solids
"Nous n'irons pas à l'Opéra"
Open music class
Famous artists
Wild Wonders at SDFAS
the Kiwanis Junior Olympics

Quick Links

Girard Gourmet Lunches:



French Conservatory of Music at SDFAS

Bringing over 90 years of expertise in music education from Paris to San Diego!

Starting in September 2017

Click HERE for more informations

If you want to see more articles Click HERE

Short Film Festival

San Diego Short Film Festival Presentation
San Diego Short Film Festival Presentation

Jean-Marc Barr was the First Parrain at First Short Film Festival in May at SDFAS!

La Troupe
We are sharing two videos for your enjoyment:

- La Troupe, video from the performance in Dallas

La Troupe presents Odysseus - La Troupe présente L'Odyssée
- Multilingual Dallas Festival video
Multilingual Theater Festival
Art Fair 2017

We had 55 student participants and 2 teacher participants, our largest group since we have an Art Fair at SDFAS!

Thank to everybody for this success.

Annual Kermesse & International Food Fair

Please Help us make this year's Int. food fair a  success!

   This year our International food fair will have a wide variety of different foods!  There will be booths from Mexico and Latin America, The Middle East and Iran, Italia, France and USA .

SDFAS Parent association will provide drinks.

This event is based on parents' donations so please help out in any way you can and in any booths you like. If you don't have time to cook, please consider helping out by providing ready food items for these booths! Here are some of the essential items ne eded:

USA:   Hamburger patties, Hot dogs, Hamburger buns, Hot dog buns, condiments, watermelons.

FRANCE: Quiches, salads, crêpes, Nutella jars, cakes...etc.

Please Contact Nanouchka or Nahid to let them know where and how you would like to donate to our booths or if you have any questions.  

PK1 last field trip to Birch Aquarium

Pictured: Zoey, Colton, Noe and Stella

All PK1 students went to the birch aquarium last Thursday. They enjoyed a new exhibit about deep sea life, the infinity cube and the Language of Light. Of course they also enjoyed the amazing seahorses, the jellyfish and the giant aquarium.
Fish have always fascinated children and this field trip is one of the most popular among our young students.

The Butterflies have arrived!

Thank you Andrea and Jacob for those beautiful butterflies our PK0 students cut out, and our PK1 students glazed. After a few hours in a kiln, they are now beautifully decorating our Preschool fence.

Our Preschool Jacaranda is now in full bloom!

Congratulations to all the Preschoolers for taking good care of their tree which gives us such a nice shade over the sandpit.

Elementary End
of the Year Show

Friday 9 at 4pm
at SDFAS Auditorium

Maternelle End 
of the Year Show
Thursday 15 at 9am
at SDFAS Auditorium


For Pre-Elementary School information and updates 


For Elementary School information and updates 


   For Middle School information and updates 


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SDFAS is sharing Videos



We are also sharing the blogs for each division:
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If you have any questions or comments regarding this publication, please contact our editor, Audrey Blanchard at

for the French American Chamber of Commerce website.
Videojournalism: SDFANews is out, watch and enjoy the video!
Regardez et profitez de la vidéo SDFANews !
SDFAN #4: La dernière Émission de l'élective
SDFAN #4: La dernière Émission de l'élective

Thank you to the video journalism elective students and their teachers for their hard work and talent bringing us news and perspective on many events and activities of this 2016-2017 school year!
Middle School Students attend the JMUN conference in San Diego
Les collégiens à la conférence annuelle des Nations Unies catégorie Junior

Pictured: JMUN group: all there except for Nha-Hai who was sick and Emil.
Mr. G., Alex, Charles, Paul, Seiji, Liam, Caius, Dylan, Yann, Ariana, Leonie, Emma, Lexine, Ellie, Maya, Patricia, Amaia, Eva, Saliha, Ms. Cardinal).

This year our Middle School students have participated for the second time to the Junior Model United Nations (JMUN) Conference in San Diego on May 24 and 25. The JMUN team had an outstanding second day. The teams negotiated resolutions to a "crisis" that was presented to them only yesterday and they continued to debate the other topics in their committees. In the afternoon, we attended the awards ceremony and were very pleased to find that four of our delegates won awards!
They are as follows:
1. Ellie Coalier - Commendation, World Health Organization
2. Charles Shaffer - Commendation, Security Council II
3. Caius Pittman - Outstanding Delegate, Third Committee
4. Seiji Ayala-Sekeguichi - Outstanding Delegate, Regional Security Council
Commendations are awarded are delegates who demonstrated deep understanding of the broader factors that affect their committee.
Outstanding Delegates are delegates who demonstrated insight and knowledge in the topics addressed by their committee.
For only our second year participating, this was simply an extraordinary achievement by these delegates. All of them showed poise, individual triumph over personal fears and challenges, and pride in their hard work and dedication. It was a privilege to watch them represent the school with sophistication and panache.
We are thankful to Michelle Cardinal who sponsored the club this year and helped facilitate the participation of our students.
Thank you to Christopher Goncalves and Emmanuel Parello who conducted the work of the club during the year and prepared the students so well!


It has been a pleasure to prepare the Écho, your favorite newsletter, during this school year and I look forward to continuing next year! I take this opportunity to thank all the people who have contributed to the Écho this year. The recent parent's survey shows that even with all the emails received from teachers during the school year, the Écho remains your preferred source of information, and the Écho and Flash Écho are in a good position and parents enjoy being updated every two weeks on the school events.

I've tried this year to make our newsletter more attractive by publishing a lot of pictures and videos from the life of our children on campus. I also made sure to provide you an easy access to important announcements which allows you to benefit fully from events coming up every month at school.

I would enjoy having your feedback and ideas on how to make Écho even more attractive for you, please email me at:

The last Écho of the school year will come out on Friday June 16, just after La Kermesse.

Wishing you a happy end of school year!

Audrey Blanchard, Communication Officer

Chers parents,

C'était un plaisir de préparer l'Écho, votre newsletter favorite, durant cette année et j'ai hâte de continuer l'année prochaine ! J'en profite pour remercier toutes les personnes qui ont contribué à la réalisation de chaque Écho. Le récent sondage des parents montre que, même si les courriels reçus des enseignants pendant l'année scolaire restent votre source d'information préférée, ce qui est parfaitement compréhensible, l'Écho et Flash Écho sont bien positionnés et vous appréciez d'être informés toutes les deux semaines sur les évènements à l'école.

J'ai essayé cette année de rendre notre newsletter très attrayante en publiant beaucoup de photos et vidéos de la vie de nos enfants sur le campus, et je me suis également efforcée de vous donner un accès facile aux informations importantes afin que vous profitiez pleinement des évènements annoncés chaque mois.

J'aimerais avoir vos commentaires et vos idées sur la façon de rendre l'Écho encore plus attractif pour vous, merci de m'envoyer vos conseils par courriel à:

Le dernier Écho de l'année scolaire sortira le vendredi 16 juin, juste après La Kermesse.

En vous souhaitant une heureuse fin d'année scolaire !

Audrey Blanchard, Responsable de Communication

Questions?  Ask Ms. Claire Selva:

We still need dishes and items for the International Food Fair, please contact Nanouchka and Nahid at or

Friends and family are welcome!

If you have any questions or wish to volunteer for the Kermesse, please contact Lydia at
Camps d'été

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions at
Books too need a summer break! 
Les livres aussi ont besoin de vacances !

The end of the year is approaching fast and we need to make sure all the books, textbooks, magazines and DVDs are returned to their proper slot in the library. Please note that no books will be checked out after June 6 th and ALL ITEMS should be returned by June 12th.  Your help locating all library items and returning them in a timely fashion is greatly appreciated.
Note: All SDFAS library items have a sticker with the name of the school and a barcode starting with 300.

Anne, Librarian
Some PK0 created a book
La création d'un livre en Petite Section

Pictured: Lison and Stacy.

Our PK0 students have created a lovely book with their teacher, Sophie, and their assistant, Martha.
As part of their study on fish and all kind of sea animals, they first used different art techniques to create background pages. Then they cut out pieces of paper and pasted them on each page of the book. They studied the story previously and should be able now to retell it to their parents at home while using their book.
A learning and teaching experience in India
Une expérience éducative en Inde

Mr Parello in India and students who benefit from the Shaishav program.

During the April break Mr. Parello, the 5th grade English teacher, travelled to the town of Bhavnagar in the state of Gujarat, India. He went to visit the Shaishav program, a child rights program that runs community schools in the town and aims to fight child labor by improving access to education. Shaishav facilitates child directed meetings where the children discuss such issues as gender equality and understanding between the local Hindu and Muslim communities. In early April, the 5th grade students took photos of themselves to show their lives at SDFAS. Mr. Parello brought the photos to Bhavnagar and showed them to the students in the Shaishav program. He then distributed cameras so that the children could take photos of their daily lives and send them to the students at SDFAS. Both before and after the voyage, the 5th grade students have used the exchange project with the Shaishav program to discuss a variety of issues, particularly the common interests enjoyed by children everywhere in the world. The 5th grade class adapted a lesson used in the Shaishav program to promote unity between members of different religions, and used it as a starting point for discussing the treatment of differences in our own society. Students will continue using the photos as a starting point for writing and discussion during this period.
8th grade Montreal Trip is on
Les élèves de 4ème sont en voyage au Canada

the 24 8th grade students and director Bénédicte Brouder.

From June 4 to June 9, the entire 8th grade is travelling to Canada, and is experiencing the excitement of French Canadian and the cultural wonders of Montreal and Quebec City. Thanks to the carefully designed schedule crafted by Anne-Laure Denis, the 24 students are having the opportunity to visit Radio Canada and attend a TV workshop, visiting the Old Montreal, canoeing in the Laurentides, visiting museums in Montreal, Quebec and much more! A lot of memories and friendships to cherish and take with them on their journey to High School for next year.
Science in MS: Newton's 3 Laws of Physics or the concept of waves

Newton's First Law by Angeline Arambulo, 8th grade
Newton's First Law by Angeline Arambulo, 8th grade
Congratulations to Angeline who made a remarkable video for a 8th grade project in which the students were assigned one of Newton's 3 Laws of Physics or the concept of waves. 
They had to be the teacher of the lesson in providing their peers with a reading and a presentation that included a demonstration of sorts as well as an activity that allowed students to experience the concept. 
Angeline's group put this activity together after doing the research, and she created herself all the art for the video and finally put it all together.
There were also funny videos of the kids doing the egg drop. Students had great fun while learning!
AstroCamp for the 5th Graders


AstroCamp is a "hands-on" physical science program with an emphasis on Astronomy and space exploration. The first day, after lunch, the activities started: Giant Fuzzball and Micro-gravity. The second day, the students have been engaged in various science activities in class and new challenges outside.
The Kindergarteners and the solids
Étude des formes en 3D pour Les Grandes Sections de Maternelle

Pictured: Charlotte and Tabatha .

After the discovery of different solids while using wooden solids, they had to study its names: sphere, cube, pyramid... Then they built some of them with paper. This phase allowed the students to count the number of faces, edges and peaks for each of them. For the last phase of the study, they had to mount some solids in 3D using only wood chopsticks and play dough.
A good preparation that should makes the learning of solids a lot easier when they are in Elementary.
"Nous n'irons pas à l'Opéra" by the 4th graders!

Last Wednesday, the 4th graders presented a very personal interpretation of an opera. The audience heard songs inspired by classical themes from Mozart, Wagner, Debussy and others.
A shorter version of this Opera performance will be presented during the End of the Year Show on Friday, June 9th.
Open music class: playing Son Jarocho instruments in 8th grade

Tanguy, Kimy Lou, Nha-Ai, Dylan and Adriana.
Today was an opportunity for parents to visit their student's music class. Under the lead of Eduardo Garcia from the Center for World Music, the 8th graders performed two traditional songs with the Son Jarocho instruments and the traditional foot stamping and singing. We learnt also a lot about the tradition of Fandango from the Vera Cruz State of Mexico.
Famous artists inspire our students to create art
Les élèves s'inspirent de Grands Artistes

If you walk in the different classes, you would be amazed to see the beautiful and artistic pieces your children accomplish with their teachers:
Gustav Klimt inspired the PK2A, Julie's class. Claude Monet inspired the PK2B, Mylène's class. Seurat and Calder inspired the Kindergarteners A. Sol Lewitt inspired our PK0A students.
Being inspired by such artists give the students the opportunity to discover art through an artist eye. They get to know different styles of art, and thus develop their sensitivity and creativity.

Congratulations to our young artists!
Wild Wonders at SDFAS
Émerveillement au sein de SDFAS

Pictured: Bastien, Leo, Lison and Nathan.

Last Thursday, a cane toad, a Benett wallaby, a Virginia opossum, an African pygmy hedgehog and an Australian sugar glider came to the auditorium to meet our PK0 students. All students were silently amazed when the wallaby took a tour outside its cage as this animal can be easily scared by a little too noisy environment.
Congratulations to our students who were brave enough to cuddle the hedgehog by rubbing his peaks in the good direction. This is a unique opportunity for our students to discover such exotic animals.

Pictures: On the highest place of the podium John Guckian, fastest runner for the second consecutive year - The boys relay team receiving the first place medal.

On Sunday, May 21, the 26th Kiwanis Junior Olympics took place at La Jolla High School. 1000 students from: Bird Rock Elementary, Torrey Pines Elementary, La Jolla Elementary, The Gillispie School, The Evans School, Stella Maris Academy, The Children's School, All Hallows Academy and SDFAS competed in this annual track & field event.
The all-day event started at 8:00 am, as students ages 5 to 12 competed in the 50 m, 100 m, 200 m, Long Jump, Softball Throw, and Obstacle Course.
At 11:30 am each school's 4 x 100 m relay team took the track to see who would take home the Gold. Each relay team (girls and boys) are made up of one 8 year old, 9 year old, 10 year old, and 11 year old.
Representing SDFAS for the girls was Norah Zadeyan, Mimi Rebeiz, Victoria DuRoure, and Tahlia Zadeyan. The girls team ran a strong race, finishing in 4th place overall.
For the boys, Andre Guizar, Gustav Westlake, Dorian Pauillac, and Nicola Redon made SDFAS History by becoming the first relay team to finish in FIRST PLACE. It was an outstanding performance with supersonic speeds and flawless baton handoffs. The team also made Kiwanis Junior Olympics history to be the first team in 26 years to beat BOTH Bird Rock Elementary and Torrey Pines Elementary, the reigning champions. Congratulations!
At the conclusion of the Junior Olympics, each school sent their chosen runner to race in the 400 m "Fastest Girl" and "Fastest Boy" race. For her 2nd consecutive year, the multi-talented Tahlia Zadeyan represented SDFAS, and finished the race as the 4th fastest girl in all of La Jolla.
On the boy's side, John Guckian, the returning 2016 "Fastest Boy" champion, defended his title for the 2nd consecutive year. John's hard work, composure, and confidence made him the ONLY boy in Kiwanis Junior Olympic history to win this prestigious title 2 years in a row.  Amazing!
New Video in our "MEET OUR ALUMNI" serie
Nouvelle video dans la série "Rencontrez nos anciens élèves"

Meet our Alumni Episode 3
Meet our Alumni Episode 3

Chloé, SDFAS class of 2013, graduates from Mission Bay High School and talks about her new projects.

- Juin 5: SAT Testing stars in 4th and 5th Grade
- Juin 9:  Elementary End of the Year Show at 4pm - 8th Graders return from Canada

- Juin 12: Fête de la MusiqueReport Cards published for All School 
- Juin 14:  8th Grade Graduation (5-7pm) - Field Day for Elementary and Middle School
- Juin 15:  Maternelle End of the Year Show at 9am  - La Kermesse - Last Day of School.