A note from our General Manager
The Harbor District has been flying Double Gale Pennants (Gale force winds 39 - 54 mph), and was impacted by eight storms this winter season thus far. Pillar Point Harbor and Oyster Point Marina weathered each of the storms extremely well. Both the Harbor and Marina had cleats pulled from docks, and a few floats under the docks were dislodged. Pillar Point Harbor also had silting issues associated with the heavy stormwater runoff, and the sewage lift station exceeded its capacity. The Harbor District, with the use of pump trucks, avoided any sewage spill.
Oyster Point Marina’s sewage vac station also flooded several times, but the Harbor District, working with the City of South San Francisco, implemented a plan to prevent any further flooding. Again, there was no sewage spill.
The limited storm damage at both facilities was due to the great work of both Harbormasters and Deputy Harbormasters. Without their proactive preparedness, the damage could have been much worse.
The Harbor District has had several permitting and construction updates this winter. With the guidance from the Harbor Board of Commissioners, several projects have been permitted and construction has or will begin shortly. The R/V Restroom and Green Space Project received all permits and is now under construction. The Ketch Joanne ADA Restroom Project is well underway, with completion expected this Spring. The Surfers Beach Replenishment Project, which also include the dredging of the outer harbor and the establishment of new eelgrass beds, is in the final staging of permitting with an estimated start date of Spring 2023. The District has also issued the construction contract to repave/repair all three C parking lots, and Pillar Point Blvd from the intersection of Johnson Pier Rd and Pillar Point Blvd to the launch ramp.
It is exciting times here at the Harbor District!
Jim Pruett