E-NEWSLETTER                                                                               August 2, 2015


   Sisters of St. Joseph of Baden, PA 

     Serving God and the Dear Neighbor Without Distinction

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Praying for You
Sister Coletta Adelsberg, a volunteer at Villa St. Joseph, shares the following prayer:

This is a time of profound gratitude, dear Jesus.

Your sun is much warmer and brighter these mornings
in August. I am aware, sometimes unaware as I pray, that the heat of your sun penetrates my whole being. It is your breath 

in me that awakens these moments of praise and feeling your magnificent Glory. It is you, Jesus, 

who places these moments close to our hearts. I beg for the grace  to own them

so the gifts of Your sunshine and warmth these days

can be shared with those who need them. Your intense love, Jesus, embraces all your creatures in warmth these last few weeks  of summer.

Let us still feel  the Sonshine when  this season changes.

Amen, Alleluia


In celebration of the Year of Consecrated Life, we invite you to attend an afternoon of Song and Reflection with Composer Dan Schutte. The prayerful celebration will take place on Sunday, September 13, at 2:30 p.m. in the Motherhouse Chapel in Baden. 


Register online or contact Sister Norma Zanieski at 724-869-6526 or nzanieski@stjoseph-baden.org. Please register by September 4, 2015. There is no fee to attend.

Summer Slideshows
This summer was filled with joyous events. We invite you to take a look at photos from the annual Golf Outing, our first historic walking tour and the Silver Jubilee Celebration featured below.
Silver Jubilee 2015

In the News. . . 
. . . Sister Lyn Szymkiewicz was featured in a Tribute Review article about how  members of the Village Garden Club of Sewickley tend to one of our community garden plots to provide fresh produce to those in need. Read the story.

St. Joseph Spirituality Center

September 2: Taize Prayer

September 17: Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola

September 21: Grieving the Loss of a Beloved Pet


Barbara Hecht

Director of Communications  
Sisters of St. Joseph
