Sleepy Hollow Presbyterian Church Newsletter
Weekly Happenings at SHPC
February 8, 2018
Fat Sunday!
Last Sunday Before Lent
Make a Joyful Noise!
This Sunday, February 11, at 9:30 a.m., we celebrate the last Sunday before the Season of Lent with our annual FAT SUNDAY musical extravaganza! First up, we are welcoming a special guest chorale group, brought to us by our intern Andrew Quick: The Vista Hills Praise Ensemble, directed by Carolyn Anderson. Carolyn is a three-time Grammie nominee, skilled vocalist, and musician, and she directs the Seminary Singers at the San Francisco Theological Seminary, where she currently studies with Andrew. Then our own Stephen Iverson and the SHPC Singers will bring us their special sound. Let's make a joyful noise together!
A Note from Pastor Bev
I'm in Louisville, KY at our PC(USA) national
board meeting, and will miss you this Sunday for our FAT SUNDAY celebration.
In New Orleans, the Tuesday before Lent begins is Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday), and here at SHPC, we have Fat Sunday. We're not over-indulging in anything but music! Please warmly welcome Carolyn Anderson and the Vista Hills Praise Ensemble, with their Pastor, Adrian Lacy, and also please hoot and holler for our own terrific Stephen Iverson and the SHPC Singers! This will be a Sunday to remember!
Andrew is available for pastoral care emergencies while I am away, and his cell phone number is 831-207-7356. He is backed up by the Rev. Scott Clark, SFTS Chaplain.
This is an exciting time in the life of our church, with an opportunity to begin to update our building in the foreseeable future, Mexico Mission and the Justice Garden kicking into gear, a growing youth program meeting weekly, (scroll down for some great new pictures), more new members coming in soon, visitors each week, so much life! God is good!
With blessings of peace,
Pastor Bev away for PC(USA) National Board Meeting; returning 2/12 - Please call Andrew Quick for pastoral care emergencies @ 831-207-7356
Friday, February 8
Bible Study - with Andrew
Sunday, February 11
Fat Sunday/MUSICAL CELEBRATION! Make a Joyful Noise with Special Musical Guests! Coffee and Fellowship - All Welcome!
Tuesday, February 13
5:30 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
Newsletter Items Due Women's Rest @ Marin Health & Wellness Campus, San Rafael Yoga AA- Men's meeting
Wednesday, February 14
Service of Music, Scripture, Prayer, Anointment
Friday, February 16
Bible Study
Sunday, February 18
9:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
First Sunday in Lent
Sacred Circle - Awakening to Holy Moments Means Letting Go of Regret Coffee and Fellowship - All Welcome!
Sunday, March 4
5:00 p.m.
Save the date! Mexico Mission Kick-off Barbecue |
Annual Meeting of the Congregation
Sunday, Feb. 4, 2018 - Motion Passed 45-17
The Session thanks all who attended the Annual Meeting of the Congregation on Sunday, Feb. 4. The meeting was a model of democracy and Presbyterian process, very well attended and ably moderated by CRE Ariel Mink of Presbyterian Church of Novato after an opening statement by the Rev. Dr. Robert Conover, Mission Presbyter/ Stated Clerk of the Presbytery of the Redwoods.
The Session brought a motion to sell the church property at 110 Tarry, and after serious discussion, the motion passed 45-17 without amendment:
MOVED, that SHPC sell the church property at 110 Tarry, with proceeds directed to pay off interest-bearing debt, establish a capital improvement fund for the good of the church, and provide for pastor housing assistance as needed, either by purchase of affordable real estate or establishment of an investment fund. Income from rental property and capital/investment funds are not restricted, and can support the operating budget of the church.
For the Session's FAQs, which include the Sustainability Criteria, the rationale for the motion, and a summary of the two year discernment process
click here.
For next steps, see the Sale and Investment Fact Sheet from Session and Presbytery -
click here.
The Session intends to move forward without delay to discern the consensus of the congregation with respect to re-investing in real property. Purchase of real property is by vote of the congregation pursuant to Book of Order G-1.0503 (d). The Session will also be engaging the congregation in discussion about building and grounds priorities as we move forward to make our church facility welcoming, accessible, safe, and updated.
The Session acknowledges with deep gratitude the many generous contributions to the manse project by dedicated SHPC members.
Newly elected elders Koren Grubb (Worship) and Scott Hamilton (Finance) will be ordained and installed Feb. 25, and join the Session at that time. Compassionate ministry deacons Lisa Bane, Sharon Hamilton, and Robin Holway AbuAly were elected for an initial one-year term, and will also be ordained/installed. The Nominating committee for 2018-2019 will be Elder representative Dennis Latta, who was re-elected for an additional year as Clerk, a Deacon representative, and at-large members Steve Derr, Patti Eisinger, and Kristen Rivers (one year terms). Blessings to our new and continuing officers and leaders!
Our outgoing officers were recognized and thanked for their dedication and outstanding contributions to the church: Jody Brockett, Worship, Doug Eisinger, Finance, Kit Argilla, Deacon Moderator, Nancy Rosencranz, Marie Ongaro, and Peg Maclise, Deacons. THANK YOU, dear officers!
The Budget which had been approved by Session January 3 was reviewed and the Pastor's Terms of Call were approved by the congregation.
From the Session of SHPC: Dennis Latta, Clerk, Jody Brockett, Worship Elder, Doug Eisinger, Finance Elder, Patti Vance, Mission Elder, Janel Stewart, Family Ministries Elder, Merle Ongaro, Membership Elder, Ahmed AbuAly, Building and Grounds Elder, Kit Argilla, Deacon Moderator, and Rev. Bev Brewster, Pastor
Bible Study this Friday- February 9, Noon
with Andrew
Psalm 98:4-9 and Luke 20:37-40
Please Remember in Your Prayers
Marie Ongaro,
for successful surgery and full and speedy recovery for her injured right knee, and for God's peace to comfort and uplift her;
Ellarie Bane, for successful recovery from surgery;
Justine, and all asylum seekers and those living in the shadows and fearing deportation, for security, a path to citizenship, and sanctuary; for a humane solution to the DACA crisis;
Dennis Latta and Diane, Juliet, and the extended family as they mourn the loss of Dennis' father Leroy, for God's accompaniment, comfort, and peace as they grieve;
Nance Rosencranz,
recovering from a stroke, for full and complete recovery, for God's healing presence;
Carolyn Goodman's sister Wendy, who lost her home to a house fire, for God's loving and constant presence, and for the loving support of all around her to be with her as she rebuilds;
Peg Maclise's sister Kim, for God's healing presence, and for Peg, God's strength, love, and peace;
Kelsey Lopin,
for total healing, renewed strength, continued flourishing, creativity, and energy to share her God-given gifts;
Andrea Proster, sister of Nancy Elberg, for complete healing, and for Nancy to continue to feel God's abiding presence in companioning her;
Our Muslim neighbors, subject to Islamophobia and hate crimes;
The incarcerated, and their loved ones, for a justice system and prison system that uphold our highest values;
Our country, for a way forward where we live our values of justice and equality for all people;
The people of Puerto Rico, still suffering from Hurricane Maria, and the refugees and displaced
, almost 1 out of 100 people in the world today, for safety, homes, the basics of life, and dignity;
Our planet, the world's poor, all who suffer from disruptive climate change, may God energize us to continue our work to keep the planet livable for all people;
The PC(USA), for courage and energy to continue our world-wide mission of love and justice for all people;
Dr. Doug Tilton, our PC(USA) mission co-worker in Southern Africa;
Our church, for Spirit to continue to guide us and fill us with energy for mission and love for all our neighbors!
Please take time this week to pray for those on our list.
Lent Begins with Ash Wednesday, Feb. 14
7 p.m. Service of Song and Scripture
Sacred Circle
Awakening to Holy Moments
Sunday, Feb. 18
Our Beautiful Flower Guild on Easter |
REST Sign-ups!
Our Life-Giving Ministry to the Unhoused Community
Our faithful REST team in the kitchen at St. Rita's 2/5 |
FEBRUARY REPORT from MEN'S REST: We served 21 men delicious chicken and sausage with plenty of mashed potatoes and gravy. Our youth supplied a great veggie side, and we rounded off the meal with salad, fruit and dessert. The conversation was lively and we certainly felt deeply appreciated. Joining us were volunteer visitors Jan O'Connor and Julie Kastrup.
Please sign up to help bring friendship, food, and dignity to the unhoused community through the REST program -- the men on the first Monday of the month at St. Rita's in Fairfax, and the women on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at the Wellness Center in San Rafael. We need YOUR help!
Please volunteer to make food, set up, serve, share the meal, and clean up:
To volunteer to be a part of the women's program,
sign up here
To volunteer to be a part of the men's program,
sign up here
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our REST coordinator, Carolyn Goodman,
carolyn@goodmanmarketing.com or 415.250.6264.
Game Night was a blast!
Thanks for joining us!
To Middle and High School YOUTH and their PARENTS from Charles
Food 4 Good - Andrew, Jordan, and Rowan cook for REST |
Hi everyone,
As usual, lots of things going on! We had a blast last Friday at Family Game night (see photos in item above).
And we made yummy jambalaya for the REST program on Saturday.
Lastly, we'll be filming for the next Collective Voices Initiative Video this week. The topic will be immigrant incarceration in the United States. This topic is a new one for me, and for most of our kids. In the next few weeks, we are going to delve deeper into it, trying to raise public awareness through our video and with a letter writing and post card campaign. Innocent people are being imprisoned right here in our own country, and the youth group has decided to take the problem head on. We ask that you join us in our efforts to bring an end to this terrible injustice. (See the next item for info and resources.)
Thank you, and God bless,
Charles Wei
Youth Director
Always feel free to contact me with any questions or feedback by clicking
SHPC Immigrant Visitation Team and Friends at the Home of the Argillas
An Area of Great Need
Solidarity with Immigrants and Asylum Seekers
Visitation, Support, and Advocacy for those in Detention
In January, our hearts were moved in worship by the life story of an asylum seeker from Nigeria, brought to us by our own Kit Argilla. He entered the US legally on a tourist visa, seeking asylum. He cannot safely return to his home country, Nigeria, where his Christian family and villagers are being massacred by Fulani herdsmen from the North, apparently with government support. He had no criminal record and no indication of being a security threat, but was shackled and incarcerated in the West End County Detention Center in Richmond, denied a phone call, and subjected to worse treatment than the criminal population of the facility. Thanks to CIVIC - Community Initiatives for Visiting Immigrants in Confinement, he connected with our Kit Argilla of the SHPC visitation ministry team. Church volunteers from several faith communities provided money for his bond and attended his bond hearing in solidarity. He is out on bond now, awaiting hearing on his refugee status.
God calls us to welcome the stranger and to visit the prisoner; we are called to work to end the cruel and inhumane treatment of immigrants and asylum seekers.
The PC(USA) has asked Presbyterians to visit those in immigrant detention. See PDA's award winning documentary,
Locked in a Box:
Please consider joining the SHPC visitation ministry! CIVIC's visitation hours, at this time, are Fridays from 12:45-2:45 at the West County Detention Facility in Richmond. For further info or to start the process of joining the team, please contact:
Rebecca Merton
Program Coordinator, National Visitation Network
Community Initiatives for Visiting Immigrants in Confinement (CIVIC)
If you can't visit at this time, you are invited to PRAY, DONATE to the commissary or the bond fund, ADVOCATE, AND EDUCATE. Watch for our letter-writing campaign, led by our Youth Group!
Mexico Mission Kick Off BBQ - Info Night!
Sunday, March 4 at 5 p.m. at the Church
9th graders and up invited with parents
This year's trip departs Sat. June 16
Returns Sat. June 23
Spread the word!
here for Katie in the church office
Great News for SHPC Mission!
Presbytery of the Redwoods awards Anne
Penke Fund Grant to SHPC
for Our Ongoing Ministries to Relieve Human Suffering
Last week, SHPC received a grant from the Presbytery for $1,966.67 from the Anne Penke Fund for relief of human suffering.
Our Mission Elder Patti Vance applied for the grant, describing SHPC's ongoing ministries to relieve human suffering: Justice
Garden, REST, Mexico Mission, and our mission partnership with the Short School to address social inequalities for low-income children.
Thank you, Patti, and thank you, Presbytery of the Redwoods for your support!
If you would like to find out more about how you can help with SHPC mission, including advocacy for and visitation of immigrants in detention, and our upcoming
education for the elderly to prevent fraud/scams, please contact Patti
Pastor Bev
Monthly Report from Building and Grounds
from Ahmed, your B and G Elder
The Session would like to thank Bob and Bobby Steiner for their generous gift to the church building and grounds! We are delighted to put your gift to work!
If you feel called to work on repairing and updating our building and grounds, please contact Ahmed by
clicking here.
We are still in the process of getting our plumbing and irrigation lines repaired and upgraded. And getting our MMWD bill reduced!
The Fellowship Hall closet doors continue to be a problem despite great efforts by the B and G team. The Fellowship Hall needs a fresh coat of paint, at least on the high impact spots!
Upcoming Projects:
A big chunk of concrete outside the main double doors downstairs broke off and almost tripped our Pastor on Sunday, so we need to work on that entry for safety and accessibility.
Our outdoor lighting needs to keep the building illuminated enough for safety and be earth-friendly.
We are evaluating what to do about the sanctuary windows, which may not be repairable.
We are in the process of planning and design for wheelchair access from upstairs to downstairs. This Sunday we are welcoming a visitor on crutches and again face the dilemma of no access between sanctuary and restrooms for the disabled.
Most exterior doors need repair or replacement. Wheelchair access needs work!
Our sidewalk around the church is uneven and needs leveling so it's not a tripping hazard.
The kitchen is not adequate for our youth REST cooking program and needs immediate attention for stove/oven safety.
Previous surveys have shown a great interest in updating the kitchen and bringing beauty to the grounds next to the patio.
Yoga with Karen
Hello & Namaste!
It seems amazing to find ourselves already a month into the year. Our world moves so fast, that to stop and be fully present in our lives, is more important now, than ever before.
This week sits as the balance point between the winter and spring solstices - a moment of pause, poise and celebration in many traditions. The ancient (and modern day) celts celebrate Imbolc and the welcoming of spring, in Nigeria and Brazil, Yomoja and Yemnaja is celebrated for all the fertility and abundance that she holds, and in the Christian tradition candles are lit to mark the end of the Christmas season (Candlemass). Take the time in the next few days, to wake before dawn, light candles and take in the quiet darkness, that is warmed by candlelight. Be fully present in this moment, before one season shifts in to the next.
I am teaching all my regular classes, my Friday class at POM yoga is now a "Mindful Flow" with time our mindfulness throughout and a seated mediation at the close of class. See below for times and info.
Karen x
Community Yoga at Sleepy Hollow Presbyterian Upstairs at 100 Tarry Rd, san Anselmo Every Tuesday 5:30-6:30pm $10 donation, with 10% donated to hunger programs We have mats if you don't. Wear clothes you can move in. This is community class where we are moving through the basics of yoga whilst building strength and flexibility. NOTE: NO COMMUNITY YOGA TUESDAY FEB 20TH
POM Yoga 25 Tamalpais Ave San Anselmo:
The studio has mats and props. Prices range depending on drop in/class passes or membership options. If you would like to try out a class, let me know and I will give you a pass for a discounted drop in fee. http://pomcenter.com Friday 12:30-1:45pm Mindful Flow All levels class, with time for mindfulness as we move through asana and seated meditation at the end. Saturday 8-9:15am Yoga For your Core Strong, vinyasa style class with an emphasis on core and pelvic floor strengthening
NEW FOLKS - We will match you with a veteran so that you can be trained on our highly complex coffeemaker and have FUN!
Fellowship time is organized by your Deacons. We need everyone to sign-up about 3-4 times a year.
Click below to sign up:
Sign up now and keep the hospitality
Watch for a new way to host fellowship coming very soon, starting up in March - Hospitality Hosts for each month, with sign-ups on the bulletin board!
Don't be shy, Greeting is a Treat!
We've updated the signups for the new year!
Help with our ministry of hospitality by signing up to be a greeter! All you have to do is get to church by 9:15, light the candles, and hand out bulletins with a smile. Thank you to all who have signed up so far!
Thank you all for your continued support,
Jody Brockett,
Worship Elder
As we get ready to gather April 20-23 of this year, we do so at a critical moment in our nation's history. By March, if not sooner, a policy decision may be made about Dreamers, who were brought to this country by family members, most by the age of six years old or younger. They grew up as Americans but now are being threatened with deportation to countries they have never known. Migrants, refugees and other displaced people have all been hard hit by the push factors of corruption, climate change and violent conflict - and as people of faith, we must respond. In addition, just a few weeks prior to our gathering, we will mark the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination on April 4th. And in November, we will have midterm elections.
The 2018 theme, "A World Uprooted: Responding to Migrants, Refugees and Displaced People," reflects how important this moment and our gathering is. We have tremendous impact when we go to Capitol Hill to speak with one voice and advocate on behalf of the most vulnerable. Our witness is even more powerful as we push for policies and practices that help the least of these in our nation. Indeed, something special happens when we come together.
We have the potential to have a positive impact on our nation's policy agenda again this year as we stand as Christian witnesses for global peace with justice in our nation and around the world. Please plan to attend this year's Ecumenical Advocacy Days and invite others to join us as well. It is our time to stand up, to speak out and to represent a unified Christian voice in a world uprooted!
See you in April!
Blessings, Rev. Dr. Leslie Copeland-Tune Director, Ecumenical Advocacy Days
Click here to find out more on their website.
Love Includes Everyone: A Musical Rally
Love Lives in Marin & the Mill Valley Community Action Network Present:
Love Includes Everyone: A Musical Rally
Wednesday, February 14th
Depot Square, Mill Valley
4:00-5:00 pm
Join us as we celebrate the importance of inclusion and welcoming everyone in our community. Come enjoy dynamic speakers and music.
For more information on the event click
Sleepy Hollow Presbyterian Church
100 Tarry Road
San Anselmo, CA 94960
Katie Brendler,
E-mail us at shpchurch@comcast.net or call us at 415-453-8221